Catálogo de libros: Cocina sana y con alimentos integrales

1806 Catálogo de libros: Cocina sana y con alimentos integrales

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  • 47 Recetas de Jugos Orgánicos Para la Madre Embarazada
    Joe Correa
    47 Recetas de Jugos Orgánicos Para la Madre Embarazada: Absorba Rápida y Fácilmente Ingredientes de Calidad Que su Cuerpo Necesita Durante el EmbarazoPor Joe Correa CSN El período en el que la familia espera un bebé debería estar repleto de energía positiva y alegría. Sin embargo, este también es el momento para pensar acerca de sus hábitos de estilo de vida y, sobre todo, su d...

    20,69 €

  • 47 Organic Juice Recipes for the Pregnant Mother
    Joe Correa
    47 Organic Juice Recipes for the Pregnant Mother: Quickly and Easily Absorb High Quality Ingredients Your Body Needs During PregnancyBy Joe Correa CSNThe period in which a family is expecting a baby should be filled with lots of positive energy and excitement. However, this is also the time to think about your lifestyle habits and most of all, your diet. Every woman faces the s...

    20,51 €

  • 97 Organic Juice and Meal Recipes For People Who Suffer From Heart Disease
    Joe Correa
    97 Organic Juice and Meal Recipes For People Who Suffer From Heart Disease: Give Your Heart the Tools It Needs to Get Stronger!By Joe Correa CSN Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the world. A wide range of conditions that affect the heart can become a serious problem for middle-aged as well as older people. Once the disease is diagnosed, it lasts for life which ...

    20,38 €

  • 47 Alzheimer's Preventing Juice Recipes
    Joe Correa
    47 Alzheimer’s Preventing Juice Recipes: Naturally Lower the Risk of Alzheimer’s disease without the use of PillsBy Joe Correa CSN Alzheimer's disease is a disease that gradually destroys nerve cells and links between them. The greatest risk factor for this disease comes with age, the majority of people with Alzheimer’s are 65 and older. However, I have to point out that it...

    20,77 €

  • 87 Recetas de Jugos y Comidas Post Quimioterapia
    Joe Correa
    87 Recetas de Jugos y Comidas Post Quimioterapia: Fortalézcase y Siéntase Con Más Vitalidad Con Estos Ingredientes Ricos En NutrientesPor Joe Correa CSN Cada individuo tiene síntomas diferentes luego del tratamiento, pero todos tienen una cosa en común: un organismo delicado que necesita recuperarse rápidamente.Cuando termina con la quimioterapia, tiene que mejorar su salud en ...

    20,48 €

  • 104 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos Para la Diabetes
    Joe Correa
    104 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos Para la Diabetes: Controle Su Condición Naturalmente Usando Ingredientes Ricos En NutrientesPor Joe Correa CSN En este libro, encontrará recetas deliciosas y consejos que puede seguir al cocinar alimentos beneficiosos para los diabéticos. Para ayudarlo a iniciar en este estilo de cocina, una lista de recetas de jugos y comidas le será brindada.Bás...

    20,60 €

  • 39 Recetas Orgánicas de Jugos Para Limpiar el Mal Aliento
    Joe Correa
    39 Recetas Orgánicas de Jugos Para Limpiar el Mal Aliento: Elimine el Mal Aliento y la Boca Seca En Cuestión de DíasPor Joe Correa CSN A veces, incluso con la mejor higiene oral posible, no podemos prevenir el mal aliento. Esto puede volverse extremadamente frustrante, y afectar nuestra confianza de muchas formas diferentes. Desafortunadamente, el mal aliento no siempre es un r...

    22,37 €

  • 92 Homeopathic Juice and Meal Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure
    Joe Correa
    92 Homeopathic Juice and Meal Recipes to Lower High Blood Pressure: The Solution to Hypertension Problems without Recurring to Pills or MedicineBy Joe Correa CSN Having high blood pressure is becoming more common due to unhealthy eating habits and undue stress. Reducing stress and learning to eat healthier will dramatically reduce your blood pressure.These juice and meal recipe...

    20,73 €

  • Gluten Free
    Ace McCloud
    Are you tired of having low energy? Do you suffer every time you eat bread, pizza, or pasta? Do you wish you could feel good more often?Whether you want to (1) eliminate gluten from your diet entirely, (2) feel better and have more energy, or (3) explore a variety of healthy gluten-free recipes, then this is the book for you!Your discomfort and low energy may be caused by the g...

    9,69 €

  • 43 Rezepte um Nierenstein vorzubeugen
    Joe Correa
    43 Rezepte um Nierenstein vorzubeugen: Iss smart und schütze dich vor den Schmerzen bei NierensteinenVon Joe Correa CSN Diese Rezepte sind nicht nur lecker sondern auch voll von essentiellen Nährstoffen, die unser Körper braucht um die Bildung von Nierensteinen zu verhindern und auch um sie zu zerstören.Die meisten Nierensteinen entstehen, wenn sich kristallbildende Substanzen ...

    22,47 €

  • Recetas para Construir Músculo para Fisicoculturismo, para Pre y Post Competencia
    Joseph Correa
    Recetas para Construir Músculo para Fisicoculturismo, para Pre y Post Competencia: Recupérese más rápido y mejore su desempeño, alimentando su cuerpo con poderosas comidas para construir músculo y destruir la grasa Este libro le ayudará a incrementar la cantidad de proteínas que usted consume al día, para facilitar el aumento de masa muscular. Estas recetas le ayudarán a aumen...

    23,05 €

  • Essential Kidney Disease Cookbook
    Lasselle Press
    Manage Your Kidney Disease With Over 130 Delicious, Kidney Friendly Recipes!   Making the decision to change your diet and lifestyle after a diagnosis of kidney disease is a huge step. By making the best choices, you can make a difference to how you feel along with the symptoms you experience.   The Essential Kidney Disease Cookbook provides over 130 delicious, kidney-frien...

    40,76 €

  • Ketogenic Homemade Ice cream
    Elizabeth Jane
    Are you enjoying the fat-burning benefits of following a low carb diet but missing having a scoop or two of your favorite ice cream as one of your keto snacks or desserts? If you would like to easily whip up a soft, creamy and carb free version of your favorite ice cream or tease your taste buds with an amazing range of low carb flavors, this book is for you!This book will leav...

    12,17 €

  • 85 Meal and Juice Recipes to Lower Your High Blood Pressure
    Joseph Correa
    85 Meal and Juice Recipes to Lower Your High Blood Pressure will help you to control your blood pressure better naturally and fast. Hypertension is a serious health problem that should be addressed with exercise and proper nutrition.  Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that’s why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the...

    26,63 €

  • Primal Paleo Cookbook
    Dylanna Press
    Whether you’re just starting out on the Paleo diet or have been eating Paleo for years, the Primal Paleo Cookbook: Quick and Easy Paleo Recipes is going to help you make delicious, healthy meals without spending a lot of time in the kitchen.This book was designed for people who want to be able to get their meals on the table fast, without the need for a lot of special ingredien...

    45,86 €

  • The Kama Sutra Kitchen
    Ashley Apple
    The secret to successful aphrodisiacs is in the alchemy of creating, and this book is designed to increase sensuality to support the proper mood while concocting aphrodisiac recipes. Each section of the book is short and sweet, designed to introduce you to the basic concepts of alchemy and herbal medicine.This is a recipe book for creating aphrodisiac treats that increase sexua...

    21,25 €

  • Eating Well to Stay Well- If It Ain’t in YA, It Ain’t on YA
    Jean Gaffney
    How many times have you been into the market, made food purchases from the vast selections among canned, frozen, and sometimes fresh foods and wondered, 'How healthy is this food?' or 'What in the world does this food label mean?' Even more important, 'How can I be certain that my little picky-eaters get healthy foods to select from?' To take that thought to another level, ho...

    11,35 €

  • Food as Medicine
    Todd Caldecott
    The concept of ’food as medicine’ is rooted in our most ancient of traditions, including Greek, Indian and Chinese medicine. If we consider the anthropological evidence it is very likely that our hunter-gatherer ancestors learned about medicinal herbs by observing wild animals deliberately eating certain plants in their diet as a way to treat different health issues. For all ...

    20,30 €

  • Paleo Slow Cooker Cookbook
    Julia Grady
    Paleo Slow Cooker Cookbook offers fresh, healthy, and creative Paleo meals that can all be cooked to perfection in the convenience of a slow cooker. With simple preparation you will be able to create easy Paleo meals that you and your family and friends will love. Each recipe in this Paleo cookbook features fresh ingredients that take very little time to prepare but will yield ...

    21,93 €

  • How to Eat Paleo
    Cynthia Flick Spivey
    This unique illustrated guide is the first book of its kind, covering all you need to know about Paleo in clear, digestible language with whimsical graphics. Over 50 pertinent questions such as “Why shouldn’t I eat legumes?” and, “Can I eat cake?” are answered in a concise and friendly format, outlining the basic concepts of the Paleo lifestyle - including a tiny bit of the sci...

    23,74 €

  • Help Yourself To Seconds
    Michelle Vodrazka
    Help Yourself to Seconds is so much more than just a cookbook. It’s a guide to help you fuel your body in the most tangible, healthful, and effective way possible. Learn how easy it can be to cook with healthy, nutrient-dense foods without sacrificing any of the flavour. With over 120 gluten-free, dairy-free and refined sugar-free recipes and beautiful colour photographs you wi...

    36,29 €

  • 30-Day Ketogenic Vegan Meal Plan
    Eva Hammond
    Lose Weight Fast with this customizable 30-Day Ketogenic Vegan Meal PlanThis book contains the 30-day meal plan including its recipes found in ‘The Low Carb Vegan Cookbook Bundle’.This ketogenic vegan meal plan programs your body to burn fat, and makes it simple to get in shape. Increase your energy levels and inspire your friends to do the same.Become the best version of yours...

    22,40 €

  • 44 Testicular Cancer Juice Recipes
    Joe Correa
    44 Testicular Cancer Juice Recipes: Naturally Prevent and Treat Testicular Cancer without Recurring to Medical Treatments or PillsBy Joe Correa CSN The testicular cancer is the most common cancer in the male reproductive system. It is usually detected by a person discovering some form of abnormality in their testicles.Your diet, lifestyle, and overall health condition are extre...

    20,61 €

  • 58 Recetas De Comidas Para Prevenir Infartos
    Joe Correa
    58 Recetas De Comidas Para Prevenir Infartos: La Solución a Sobrevivientes De Infartos Para Una Dieta Saludable y Una Vida LargaPor Joe Correa CSN Los infartos son una de las causas principales de muerte en el mundo. Los estilos de vida modernos, dietas pobres y empleos sedentarios son la principal causa de estadísticas sorprendentes: en Estados Unidos, cerca de 800,000 persona...

    22,58 €

  • Balance for Busy Moms - Cook Your Way to Health
    Heather Eden
    ’Balance for Busy Moms - Cook Your Way to Health’ is the sequel to ’Balance for Busy Moms - A Stress-free Guide to Tranquility’. Once mom reads the first book, which is jammed packed full of loving advice to help her find her bliss, she will naturally want to learn the ins and outs of how to prepare healthy foods, and become a kitchen goddess. Read through stories of transforma...

    26,25 €

  • Kidney Health Gourmet Diet Guide & Cookbook
    Nina Kolbe
    Kidney Health Gourmet Diet Guide and Cookbook is a guide for patients diagnosed with chronic Kidney disease but are not on dialysis. With proper diet chronic kidney disease can be slowed and progression to end stage kidney disease and dialysis can be delayed and even prevented. This diet guide and cookbook is written by a Board Certified Renal Dietitian who has worked with ki...

    17,41 €

  • A Nova Culinária Marajoara
    Otto Vanetta
    A culinária amazônica, especialmente a marajoara, dos descendentes dos antigos habitantes da região das ilhas no norte do Estado do Pará, tem como uma das principais características a autenticidade, permanecendo praticamente inalterada no que diz respeito aos ingredientes e métodos de preparo. Contudo, esses mesmos ingredientes, não raramente considerados exóticos, têm invadido...

    12,26 €

  • Recetario de innovación gastronómica de la provincia de Napo, Ecuador
    Luis Haro Manitio
    La globalización y el ritmo acelerado de vida ha propiciado la pérdida y desuso de varios productos propios de la amazonía ecuatoriana. El libro Recetario de innovación gastronómica de la provincia de Napo, Ecuador, es una recopilación de recetas creadas a partir de ingredientes propios de la comunidad kichwa de Rukullakta, ubicada en el cantón Archidona de la provincia de Napo...

    24,95 €

  • Dile adiós a la diabetes tipo 2 con una alimentación saludable
    Silvia Rodríguez Pacheco
    En Dile adiós a la diabetes tipo 2 con una alimentación saludable podrás descubrir las causas de esta enfermedad y cuáles son sus síntomas. Además, aprenderás a revertirla con una dieta saludable y un estilo de vida equilibrado.Rompe las restricciones alimenticias y el miedo. Disfruta una vida plena con esta propuesta desarrollada por la Dra. Rodríguez Pacheco. Recupera el cont...

    17,67 €

  • Festa, Fé & Arte
    Paula Rubens
    Sobre a cultura... que já vem de tempos antigos... a gente numpode deixar ir a baixo. Meu pai era tocador ...por causa dele eutenho esse dom que Deus me deu de ficar no lugar pensamento dele. Porque ele tinha esse dom dessa cultura e é uma cultura do tempo antigo, ninguém pode deixar ir a baixo.(Zé do Pife, 70 anos)Danças, ritos, orações, penitências, cantorias, sabor...

    13,35 €