Catálogo de libros: Ovnis y seres extraterrestres

398 Catálogo de libros: Ovnis y seres extraterrestres

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  • Lessons From The Other Side
    Michael T Vara
    In this book, Michael T. Vara tells his true accounts of his experience of the paranormal realm. Michael vividly retells his own personal heartfelt encounters in having an Out of Body Experience, but also his close exposure to spirits from the other side and his short connection to the unknown dimensional universe through the psychedelic drug LSD. All separate, but many inciden...

    8,30 €

  • Alien Threat From the Moon
    Dylan Clearfield
    We may be in danger from our own moon. Hostile aliens have established numerous bases there and exercise complete control of this nearby neighbor. Using information found in secret alien files and never before seen photographs, hot spots of extraterrestrial activity on the moon are revealed in this book and close ups of extraterrestrial complexes, UFOs, and ancient cities are s...

    17,34 €

  • Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States
    Samuel FB Morse
    The Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, employed the Vatican, Austrian Prince Metternich and his St. Leopold Foundation to infiltrate the United States of America.  Samuel F.B. Morse spent several years in Europe, mostly near Rome, studying the actions and behaviors of the Jesuits, and conferring with dignitaries and others who had intimate knowledge of the Jesuits and their intri...

    25,55 €

  • Monkeys Don't Wear Silver Suits
    Rob Dollar / Tim Ghianni
    Two of America's most highly-regarded independent journalists - Rob Dollar and Tim Ghianni, also known as 'The News Brothers' - look into their crystal ball while exploring the legendary UFO case that helped shape the narrative for sightings of Little Green Men. It was a hot, clear summer night - Sunday, August 21, 1955 - when a flying saucer supposedly landed in Kelly, Kentuck...

    29,97 €

  • Cosmic Connection
    J L Martins
    A TRUE HISTORY OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONTACTS.From the sighting of a possible UFO on a road in the Brazilian central plateau, in the early 70s, the author had no idea that this apparently unimportant event was the beginning of a personal transformation that took him to several sacred places on the planet in search for who we are and what we are doing here in this moment of great ...

    12,65 €

  • The Seven
    Fred Ellis Brock
    Bill Sanders is a stolid reporter who is also a best-selling author and widower. He teams up with Morgen Remley, an elusive MUFON UFO investigator and together they aim to get at the truth.Shoe-leather and passport stamps sweep the pair along a meteoric arc…along the course exposing a durable global UFO cover-up spanning eight decades, the Justice Department, White House, intel...

    17,59 €

  • Mission Space
    Mariana Stjerna
    Mariana’s well-received book, Agartha - The Earth’s Inner World, had just been released (2010) when she had a visitation from her cosmic friend and source of inspiration, Jan Fridegård, who told her that he, too, had been to Agartha. He gave an account of his experiences there in the company of his dear friend and companion Lydia, whom we’ve met in a couple of previous books. T...

    15,93 €

  • God’s Holy UFO
    William Harding Bickers
    THE 11-22-1964 APPEARANCE OF THE 'MOON OF MEMPHIS UFO' MARKED GOD’S HOLY LIGHT TO HONOR THE WORLD’S RELIGIONS.A World Message from UFO Angels was obtained from an analysis of the UFO event and communications from UFO Angels. This event marks the end of Spiritual Hell and the Salvation of all Life. Both the Good and the Bad or Mentally ill spirits will be saved by the God called...

    17,98 €

  • More Star People, Sky Gods And Other Paranormal Tales Of The Native American Indians
    G.W. Mullins / G.WMullins
    In Native American history, there are many legends about UFOs, gods, the paranormal and aliens. There has always been a connection between Native Americans and beings from other parts of the universe, referred to as Star People. Perhaps due to familiarity with celestial fixtures, it has been easier for Native Americans to relate events they have experienced on earth with things...

    27,16 €

  • They are Here
    Christopher Lock HonFSAI / Francisco Villate
    The result of over seven years in-depth investigation into the unparalleled Billy Meier ET contact case, They Are Here reveals long-hidden findings and the most compelling visual evidence of extraterrestrial UFOs present on Earth. Written in layman’s terms with more than 150 full-colour illustrations and photographs, it verifies the undeniable authenticity of Billy Meier’s evid...

    69,01 €

  • Contact Down Under
    Moira McGhee
    Australia and New Zealand are no different to other parts of the world. Something is going on in our skies, and has been for many years. Contact Down Under details just a small sample of the thousands of sightings reported over the last seventy years and earlier.Will this book give you any answers to the vast controversy and mystery of the UFO phenomena? Probably not! Most rese...

    29,53 €

  • The Alien Gene
    Moira McGhee
    The Alien Gene provides a comprehensive review of humanoid type visitors to Earth, and the genetic manipulation of particular families, from United States, Britain, Australia and other countries over the last century.   ...

    24,30 €

  • UFOs Now and Then
    Moira McGhee
    Why, in the early twentieth century, and even today, was the subject of UFOs always considered ‘Above Top Secret’? Their technology often surpassed anything the major powers possessed, and there was a massive effort to study the hardware in order to adapt it for our own benefit.The first country to develop a craft with the speed and manoeuvrability of a ‘flying saucer’ would ha...

    23,96 €

  • Our Forbidden Moon
    David Bryant
    Now completely revised and updated, David Bryant's insightful book 'Our Forbidden Moon' has taken twenty years of meticulous planning and research to write. During meetings with over thirty astronauts and cosmonauts, including seven of the twelve alleged Moonwalkers, the author gradually became aware of a number of major inconsistencies in their recollections of the...

    30,72 €

  • The Real Cowboys & Aliens
    Noe Torres / John LeMay / TBD
    During the turbulent times of the 'Wild West,' America’s farmers, ranchers, and cowboys looked up into the sky and beheld 'signs and wonders' that rival any UFO sighting of the modern era. In addition to the airships above them, on the ground below they encountered strange humanoids in possession of futuristic technology, glimpsed unidentified submersible objects in the water, ...

    23,13 €

  • The Real Cowboys & Aliens
    Noe Torres / John LeMay / TBD
    During the turbulent times of the 'Wild West,' America’s farmers, ranchers, and cowboys looked up into the sky and beheld 'signs and wonders' that rival any UFO sighting of the modern era. In addition to the airships above them, on the ground below they encountered strange humanoids in possession of futuristic technology, glimpsed unidentified submersible objects in the water, ...

    13,76 €

  • The Real Cowboys & Aliens
    John LeMay / Noe Torres
    Long before the first airplane took flight, when nothing but birds should have been in the skies, the early residents of the United States witnessed bizarre unidentified flying objects of all sizes, shapes, and descriptions. They encountered strange beings that clearly were not human, including 'Men in Black' and possibly time travelers. They saw huge motherships, underwater UF...

    12,29 €

  • Moving The Walls
    Valeria Ferriera
    Moving The Walls represents a devotional and artistic story where the author reveals her distinctive awakening journey and events thought out in a unique creative spiritual framework.The volume is based on the author’s own life experience. It reflects down into a sphere, with unique patterns resulting in a set of memories of a soul revealed in perceptions between reality and al...

    46,85 €

  • Overwhelming Methodology of Deception
    Max Adam Duncan
    There was a dilemma with writing this book. In order to understand the tip of the iceberg, it’s necessary to understand the iceberg. Unfortunately, if you don’t believe the tip of the iceberg, you’re certainly not going to believe the iceberg. Jesus said, 'If I tell you earthly things and you don’t believe me, how can I tell you heavenly things?' It took me about ten years, but...

    15,03 €

  • The Guardians, Earth Humans, and Ascension
    Kwame Adapa
    Who are the Guardians that monitor and guide all sentient beings and civilizations in this galaxy? Why was planet Earth selected as a special zone of experience for souls that had incarnated elsewhere in our galaxy? What is the Earth experiment, and why are there so many different human races on planet Earth? What is the ultimate purpose of incarnation on Earth? These and many ...

    9,66 €

  • The Real Cowboys & Aliens
    John LeMay / Noe Torres
    Long before the first airplane took flight, when nothing but birds should have been in the skies, the early residents of the United States witnessed bizarre unidentified flying objects of all sizes, shapes, and descriptions. They encountered strange beings that clearly were not human, including “Men in Black” and possibly time travelers. They saw huge motherships, underwater UF...

    19,13 €

  • Other Worlds, Other Universes
    Brad Steiger / John White
    Other Worlds, Other Universes: Playing The Reality Game is a stimulating selection of consciousness expanding topics which include The Search For Extraterrestrial Life; Other Civilizations: The Prehistory Of Earth; Other Lifeforms: A Look At UFOs; Other Dimensions: The Astral Plane and Beyond; and Other Universes and Return to Godhead.The introduction begins: “This book is an a...

    17,95 €

  • A Walk In The Shadows
    Mike Ricksecker
    Shadow people are some of the most mysterious entities in the known universe, and Mike Ricksecker has experienced many, starting with a tall, dark humanoid figure that appeared in his room as a child. While examining who or what these dark beings may actually be and sharing the ominous experiences of several others, Ricksecker recounts his interactions with shadows, which also ...

    14,61 €

  • Alien Information Theory
    Andrew R Gallimore
    Since prehistory, humans have used a range of psychedelic drugs for communion with the gods, connection with nature, or for the pure pleasure and wonder they generate as they transform the mind and the world. But one natural psychedelic in particular towers above the rest in its astonishing power to replace the normal waking world with a bizarre alternate reality replete with a...

    27,02 €

  • The Mesopotamian Tale
    Mike Brenner
    THE MESOPOTAMIAN TALE, compact companion to EVOLUTION DIVERTED, contains the story at the heart of that book. The story, woven from texts and images unearthed from the ruins of ancient Mesopotamian cities (in present day Iraq), covers the age that began with events leading to the extraordinary birth of our kind...the age that ended as the religion of the olden gods began to fad...

    6,36 €

  • UFOs, Teleportation, and the Mysterious Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight #370
    Robert Iturralde
    This book traces and explains the mysterious disappearance of Flight #370, from the departure from Kuala Lumpur airport to the sudden vanishing in the Indian Ocean. Also analyzes the different theories about the disappearance of Flight #370. Further, I mention different cases of planes, ships, and people that had been teleported throughout history. ...

    11,22 €

  • Evolution Diverted
    Mike Brenner
            Inspired by a fresh reading of humanity’s oldest tales, in this book we’ve journeyed to a place from which we’ve glimpsed a route of escape from the tragic condition of humankind. We began with a question. Looking first at civilization’s horrors, then directing our gaze to the splendor of the natural world, we wondered: how could it be that the most evolved species on E...

    13,77 €

  • More Star People, Sky Gods And Other Paranormal Tales Of The Native American Indians
    G.W. Mullins / G.WMullins
    In Native American history, there are many legends about UFOs, gods, the paranormal and aliens. There has always been a connection between Native Americans and beings from other parts of the universe, referred to as Star People. Perhaps due to familiarity with celestial fixtures, it has been easier for Native Americans to relate events they have experienced on earth with things...

    15,39 €

  • Mysteries of Portsmouth
    Matt Wingett / Matthew Wingett
    Available post-free in the UK from the publisher's website: UFOs - King Arthur - Haunted Houses - Sea-serpents - The Holy Grail - Spirit Voices - Fortune Telling - Lost Lands - Ghost Ships - Mermaids - Tutankhamun’s Curse - Witchcraft...GOSPEL TRUTH OR FAKE NEWS?Join author Matt Wingett as he uncovers strange, bizarre and uncanny Portsmouth stories ...

    23,34 €

  • Testament to a New Dawn
    Michael Champion
    This collection of transcribed communications through ‘mind transference’ from spirit guides, teachers and Beings of Light offers profound guidance and sometimes warnings to the whole of humankind. Specifically, the authors connection with these beings came as a complete surprise while meditating when one of these beings appeared to him. Since then they have been constant compa...

    25,93 €