Catálogo de libros: Proyección astral y experiencias extracorporales

51 Catálogo de libros: Proyección astral y experiencias extracorporales

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos Eliminar filtro Proyección astral y experiencias extracorporales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Why Am I Here?
    Sarazen Brooks
    Sarazen Brooks’ first volume in The Blue Books series is a spellbinding recapitulation of an experience she had in 2009 that shook her whole concept of reality to the core. It involved the first of two near-death experiences to come within the next eight years. Her journey beyond the boundaries of time and space began with an encounter with her spirit guide, who provided an ins...

    12,97 €

  • The Duality of Being
    Susan Nicholas
    The Duality of Being details my life and the convoluted journey I made into higher realms of consciousness through my out-of-body travels. In this book, I will share with you the perspectives I’ve gained that have improved my quality of life, decisions, and relationships. Each of us has the innate ability to separate our life energy from our physical body and travel into farawa...

    13,42 €

  • Foundations of Near-Death Research
    Alexander Batthyany
    Landmark Articles in Near-Death ResearchThis volume is the first of a new book series that draws on landmark articles published in the Journal of Near-Death Studies (JNDS) to provide an overview of the past four decades of basic research within the field of near-death studies.The anthology of which this volume is part covers the broad spectrum of scientific and academic work pu...

    27,90 €

  • Deadly Departed
    Jock Brocas

    22,54 €

  • Dying On Purpose
    H. Richard Steinhoff
     Richard Steinhoff had it all—a beautiful home, a loving wife, a successful career in real estate, and a best-selling book.  Then a diseased gallbladder landed him in the hospital, and a series of complications nearly killed him. While he was there, he had an out-of-body, Near-Death Experience and encountered a Heavenly being who told him to return to his body because he had no...

    8,29 €

  • The Will of a Wildflower
    Pegi Robinson
    Children change after a near-death experience, even though they can’t process any of it. We return with gifts we don’t even know we have—until we use them.The Will of a Wildflower is my spiritual journey through this life. Everyone has a unique story. This one is mine. What I learned—once I stopped avoiding the past and bravely turned around and faced it—amazes me every single ...

    31,89 €

  • Animals in the Spirit World
    Harold Sharp
    Animals in the Spirit World is a validation of animal soul survival. The author’s respect and love of animals is felt throughout, as he recounts from first-hand experience moving tales of reunions between animal spirits and their human friends. A lovely book, a treasure of sensitivity and understanding of life’s ways, written in uncomplicated language. Although most religions r...

    8,56 €

  • One Hundred Cases for Survival After Death
    A. T. Baird / ATBaird
    During the first half of the twentieth century A. T. Baird edited One Hundred Cases for Survival After Death. At the time he wrote, “A thousand equally good cases could be produced as easily; in fact, at times I was embarrassed with the wealth of material at my disposal. … Perhaps later, someone more energetic and enthusiastic, with more time and patience than I have, may publi...

    12,10 €

  • The Wonderful Wideness of Being
    Jantine Brinkman
    Jantine Brinkman, author of Free Will after Life and investigator into a wide range of consciousness phenomena, has explored the wideness of our being in a journey through the channeled Elias material. The personal aspect of the tour, that also contains excerpts from her dreams and mind travels, helps in facilitating an understanding of the theoretical concepts in the book.Her ...

    8,06 €

  • The Will of a Wildflower
    Pegi Robinson
    Children change after a near-death experience, even though they can’t process any of it. We return with gifts we don’t even know we have—until we use them.The Will of a Wildflower is my spiritual journey through this life. Everyone has a unique story. This one is mine. What I learned—once I stopped avoiding the past and bravely turned around and faced it—amazes me every single ...

    24,95 €

  • Christianity from a Different Perspective
    Mark Hunter Brooks
    A SCIENCE-ORIENTED JUSTIFICATION FOR A BELIEF IN CHRISTIANITY. For decades, Christians have had difficulties providing factual evidence that supports what they believe in faith. This situation could soon change, however, as a result of developments in science instead of theology. This book shows how, by changing a single premise undergirding science's understanding of reali...

    46,49 €

  • Orbs and the Afterlife
    Virginia Hummel
    Discover the link between the orb phenomenon and our true identities as eternal souls Read firsthand accounts of orb encounters. Learn the secrets of great orb photography. Learn to identify the difference between lens flare and real orbs. Discover how orbs are connected to near-death experiences and the human soul.  View photographs of deceased loved ones requested to ap...

    17,23 €

  • Revelations from the Light
    Nancy Clark
    This true story could change the way you look at life, death, and love. In Revelations from the Light: What I Learned about Life’s Purposes, Nancy Clark bares her soul as she describes her four encounters with the Light-God during her life. She describes her very touching childhood mystical experience with God, her near-death experience when she died during childbirth and woke...

    23,28 €

  • Wherever God Takes Me
    Senol Kiane
    Granted with an extraordinary gift from a young age, Senol Kiane shares the story of his life and out-of-body experiences which have spanned his entire life. Despite not embracing his gift fully until the age of forty-one, Senol has now fully devoted himself to helping and healing those in need. Join him on his visits to and from heaven, hear his conversations with angels, and ...

    14,63 €

  • Embodying the Divine Masculine of All Truth through The High Priest
    Carmel Glenane
    Embodying The Divine Masculine of All Truth through The High Priest will facilitate you to become a modern spiritual warrior seeking truth and creating a powerful new reality in your life! This book helps you to unlock your power by these important questions and processes: Are you ready to be a force of truth in our world? Why would your human journey not want a truth filled ex...

    13,33 €

    Mary L. Starks
    I grew up in a small town in Georgia. Sylvania, Ga. It's a town that no one ever really heard of unless you were from Savannah or any of the other neighboring cities. I was the only girl of 4 boys. My mother and I took care of the house chores while my brothers did some of the field work. Every night my mom would have all kinds of people come over to fry fish and listen to musi...

    9,24 €

  • CENTRE The Truth about Everything
    Brian F. Taylor / Brian FTaylor
    CENTRE is a book about investigation which offers a new discovery in touch with the Source of being, the Oneness of all life. As a result of a spiritual awakening, the author came to see that all beings have this luminous Centre at the centre of their beings and are, for the most part, unaware of its significance or even its existence. The truth is revealed about what is inside...

    11,74 €

  • Of Endings and Beginnings
    Robert B Speigel
    Of Endings and Beginnings: A memoir of Discovery and Transformation, by Robert Speigel, is a ground breaking journey from pain to health, from places of darkness to places of light. Using his life’s story…and the story of his family…Speigel in a very personal and intimate way takes us with him as he works and grows toward a better self. The readers of this book will certainly f...

    12,60 €

  • Rice and Peas For The Soul 4
    Delroy Constantine-Simms
    Rice and Peas for the Soul 4 is an excellent continuation of the highly successful series of Rice and Peas for the Soul books, published by Think Doctor Publications. This edition of Rice Peas for the Soul is a compilation of more than 45 excellent short stories that are intended to stimulate, stir and confound. The short stories will certainly stir, arouse, and invoke reade...

    13,03 €

  • In the Light of Death
    Ineke Koedam
    Death appears to be a process rather than a single event in time and may be heralded by deathbed phenomena such as visions that comfort the dying and help to prepare them for death. On behalf of prominent neuropsychiatric Peter Fenwick, Ineke Koedam, an experienced hospice worker, researched these ’end-of-life- experiences’. She interviewed fellow hospice workers in various hos...

    16,32 €

  • Guild of PSI
    Eric Pepin
    The Ultimate Reality Many Contemplate, Some Know Truly Exists but Only the Precious Few Ever See... This book leads you down a seldom-tread spiritual path: the spoken language of the Universe called Feels-Like, the hidden potential of spiritual polarities, and how to pass through layers of reality... or influence it with a method called Dimensional Jumping. That, by itself, ...

    28,18 €

  • An Amazing Human Journey
    M.D. Shakuntala Shakuntala Modi / M.DShakuntala Modi / M.DShakuntala Shakuntala Modi
    In Volume Two of An Amazing Human Journey, read what happened after the dispersion from Atlantis and how things went downhill rapidly. Humans underwent a complete revulsion and avoidance of technology, so within three to four generations mankind completely forgot that technology ever existed. Once the technological descent began around the globe, people abandoned the cities and...

    19,38 €

  • An Amazing Human Journey
    M.D. Shakuntala Shakuntala Modi / M.DShakuntala Shakuntala Modi / MDShakuntala Modi
    When did the first humans begin to inhabit the Earth? How did they get here? Why and for what purpose were they put here? How did they evolve from the first humans who looked like a Botticelli painting, to 'ape-like' humans, to modern day humans? You will also read about Lemuria and Atlantis, and without spirituality how Atlanteans destroyed themselves and their continent. Dr. ...

    20,09 €

  • Three Snapshots of Reality
    Don E. Stevens / Don EStevens
    This book was dictated by Don E. Stevens, based on a series of spiritual experiences he had, to Wayne Smith between December 19, 2009 through September 25, 2010. It was Don’s last wish, before he passed away, that we publish this book with the title he gave to the first three experiences, which he called Three Snapshots of Reality. Added to this are the topics covered respectiv...

    13,26 €

    Margo Bowblis
    Have you ever lost a pet and been shocked and devastated by that loss? Have you been asking difficult questions—do animals have souls, do they live on in any way after death, and will I ever see my pet again? Walking with the Shadow of Love is a book that delves deeply into these questions and mysteries, and provides convincing evidence that the answers to the above questions a...

    34,93 €

    Margo Bowblis
    Have you ever lost a pet and been shocked and devastated by that loss? Have you been asking difficult questions—do animals have souls, do they live on in any way after death, and will I ever see my pet again? Walking with the Shadow of Love is a book that delves deeply into these questions and mysteries, and provides convincing evidence that the answers to the above questions a...

    21,68 €

  • The Secret of the Golden Flower
    Wang Chongyang
    A Chinese Taoist book about meditation, this book was first translated by Richard Wilhelm (also translator, in the 1920s, of the Chinese philosophical classic the I Ching). Wilhelm, was German, and his translations from Chinese to German were later translated to English by Cary F. Baynes. According to Wilhelm, LuDongbin was the main originator of the material presented in the ...

    17,73 €

  • Science and Spirit
    Charles F. Emmons / Penelope Emmons
    Are you out of your body? At least part of you may be, if consciousness can extend beyond the brain in your skull. In Science and Spirit, authors Charles F. Emmons and Penelope Emmons explore some intriguing questions: What evidence is there for consciousness apart from the body, and what evidence is there for survival of consciousness after bodily death?Through ethnographic in...

    31,80 €

  • Science and Spirit
    Charles F. Emmons / Penelope Emmons
    Are you out of your body? At least part of you may be, if consciousness can extend beyond the brain in your skull. In Science and Spirit, authors Charles F. Emmons and Penelope Emmons explore some intriguing questions: What evidence is there for consciousness apart from the body, and what evidence is there for survival of consciousness after bodily death?Through ethnographic in...

    21,02 €

  • Explorations in Consciousness
    Frederick Aardema
    In Explorations in Consciousness, Frederick Aardema, a clinical researcher, provides a profound, in-depth account of the out-of-body experience, during which the explorer of consciousness is able to transcend the boundaries of time and space. In his quest for knowledge, the author seamlessly weaves in his own travels into different fields of consciousness. These include exper...

    14,22 €

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