Catálogo de libros: Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

2273 Catálogo de libros: Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Bible Bluff
    Mariana Stjerna
    The Da Vinci Code tells us that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple and had children together. Is that really correct? Did Jesus die on the cross or did he not? What about the Immaculate Conception? Why was Reincarnation removed at the meeting in Constantinople in the year 553? What function did the Grail have and is it true that Joseph of Arimathea collected the blood of th...

    22,83 €

  • The Bible Bluff
    Mariana Stjerna
    The Da Vinci Code tells us that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple and had children together. Is that really correct? Did Jesus die on the cross or did he not? What about the Immaculate Conception? Why was Reincarnation removed at the meeting in Constantinople in the year 553? What function did the Grail have and is it true that Joseph of Arimathea collected the blood of th...

    15,72 €

  • On Angels’ Wings
    Mariana Stjerna
    Are you afraid of dying? Do you believe that life ends with your last breath? This book is the story about what happened to the famous Swedish author Jan Fridegård after his passing. Through his spokesperson, Mariana Stjerna, he tells vividly with both humor and seriousness his experiences on “the other side.”The reader is invited to join Jan on an amazing journey On Angels’ Wi...

    15,87 €

  • Ally's Spiritual Journey
    Mary Carol Ross
    Mary Carol Ross ultimately guides the reader to the questions all animal lovers have: why animals are here, what happens when they die, and how they are here to help us. Ally’s Spiritual Journey will give you the tools you need to make sure that your animal will be in safe hands should they fall ill, including a chapter devoted to Helpful Tips for Better Pet Ownership. Mary Car...

    18,83 €

  • The Return of the Elephant
    What is health?Is it being in one piece without pain, and eating, sleeping, walking? Or is there more that doesn’t meet the eye?The Return of the Elephant is a novel that chronicles a woman’s pursuit of health in a society dominated by conventional medicine. The heroine Eunice explores several alternative healing modalities whose emergence is an indication of the inadequacy of ...

    27,57 €

  • The Return of the Elephant
    What is health?Is it being in one piece without pain, and eating, sleeping, walking? Or is there more that doesn’t meet the eye?The Return of the Elephant is a novel that chronicles a woman’s pursuit of health in a society dominated by conventional medicine. The heroine Eunice explores several alternative healing modalities whose emergence is an indication of the inadequacy of ...

    16,84 €

  • Un étrange être-ange
    Ghislain Bourbon
    Le sujet de ce livre, c'est la rencontre avec soi-même. On a tous des petites voix qui connaissent le chemin et qui nous guident (certains les appellent des anges gardiens). Mais encore faut-il nous débarrasser de nos peurs, de nos frustrations qui nous entravent et nous empêchent de les entendre. Parfois il nous faut un gros choc pour réussir à réaliser que des petites voi...

    17,13 €

  • God Is In The Little Things
    Patricia Brooks
    God is in the Little Things: Messages from the Golden Angels is a riveting true story that reveals Patricia's struggles to reclaim her connection to her Higher Self and discover the meaning of her life. Travel with Patricia through her past lives from ancient Rome to the cobblestoned streets of colonial Boston.Cry with Patricia as she shares the intimate details of her stru...

    19,01 €

  • Nikola Tesla
    Francesca Thoman
    Part One: Healing, in Volume Two, represents an extended “correspondence” between the spirit of Nikola Tesla and Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, as channeled through Francesca Thoman. With Dr. Todd’s permission, all questions in Part One, Healing, are from their exchange, unless otherwise noted.Part Two: Manifestation Magic covers numerous articles that Nikola Tesla wished to present conce...

    17,53 €

    George Noory

    19,08 €

  • Exploring the Eternal Soul - Insights from the Life Between Lives
    Andy Tomlinson
    What happens after death? Follow the fascinating journey of a group of ordinary people who have been regressed though a past life and into the afterlife. Using very deep hypnosis the most amazing soul memories surface of a spirit world that waits us all. Piece by piece the book uncovers each step of the journey and is full of illuminating case study extracts.It allows us to tap...

    16,78 €

  • Ally's Spiritual Journey
    Mary Carol Ross
    Mary Carol Ross ultimately guides the reader to the questions all animal lovers have: why animals are here, what happens when they die, and how they are here to help us. Ally’s Spiritual Journey will give you the tools you need to make sure that your animal will be in safe hands should they fall ill, including a chapter devoted to Helpful Tips for Better Pet Ownership. Mary Car...

    14,87 €

  • Love Never Dies - A Psychic Artist Illustrates True Stories of the Afterlife
    Jane de Forest
    Psychic artist and medium Jane de Forest draws on the invisible world behind our five senses in this entertaining first-hand account of people reunited with loved ones and animals in the afterlife. She investigates how the connections and bonds shared in earthly relationships are unbroken by death in this richly illustrated book filled with beautiful art and gentle insights. Ba...

    13,26 €

  • Captured by the Holy Spirit
    Lisa Leikam
    A powerful testament to the strange workings of grace...  ~ Readers' Favorite ~Seriously, I know what I am seeing.  Other’s see what I am seeing.  So why is my mind so questionable?  Its’ all right here, but it’s all so crazy!Lisa's brother Lenny left their hometown after graduation, never to return to the slower life of the Midwest.  Living in Las Vegas, distance kept ...

    16,29 €

  • The Power Formula
    Beverly A Zeimet
    What really drives the human spirit? What is the heart, mind, body, spirit connection all about? The mind is more than the human brain. The human body is a highly technical piece of equipment that is far more complicated and advanced than any computer man has designed to date.Just like the hard drive of your computer that is programmed a certain way to perform specific actions ...

    21,72 €

  • Ashen Plains
    Lilith A. Bennett
    From a young age, 16-year-old Wendy Warland has maintained an unusual friendship with the spirit of a young woman named Sybil. With the help of her ghostly companion, Wendy makes regular visits to the Ashen Plains; a world teeming with spirits. For much of her life, Wendy's repeated visits to this world were nothing more than an escape from a mundane life, but now things ar...

    12,34 €

  • Listen Up!
    Kelle Sutliff
    Kelle Sutliff is a gifted Psychic Medium who has worked in her industry for over fourteen years. She uses her expertise to show people that the psychic world is very real and offers inspiration and comfort to those dealing with grief. She also works as a Psychic Investigator consulting on current missing person cases and cold cases nationally and internationally. In her career ...

    16,67 €

  • Healing the Eternal Soul - Insights from Past Life and Spiritual Regression
    Andy Tomlinson
    Within each of us reside the events and memories of past lives. As the soul returns to life over and over, these traumatic memories are often re-created making little sense in the context of our present life and brought to conscious awareness by obsessions, recurring relationship problems, nightmares, destructive emotional patterns and chronic unexplainable pain. This practical...

    21,65 €

  • The Universe Speaks
    Kimberly Klein
    On December 23, 2007, a small private plane carrying author Kim Klein’s thirteen- year-old daughter, Talia, Talia’s father and her best friend crashed into the side of a volcano in Panama, killing all on board except the friend. A month after Talia’s death, while on his way to her memorial service, Klein’s friend G. received the following message:Tell my mom I’m OK. Talia?Yes, ...

    23,29 €

  • Sexo Sublime Tesoro
    Eurípedes Kühl / J.Thomas Saldias MSc.
    Sexo es una de esas pocas palabras que, cuando llega al cerebro, abre el archivo de la memoria y extrae recuerdos, provocando casi siempre una agitación mental: cariño, caricias, locura, lujuria, placer, adopción, aborto, hijos, pasión, amante, amor, prohibición, pecado, tabú...¿Cómo se posiciona el Espiritismo frente a todos estos hechos?Sexo Sublime Tesoro presenta un tema mu...

    17,16 €

  • Siempre hay una esperanza
    Eurípedes Kühl / J.Thomas Saldias MSc. / Por el Espíritu Roboels
    El libro 'Siempre hay una esperanza' de Eurípedes Kühl trata sobre la vida y las enseñanzas del Espíritu Roboel, transmitidas a través de psicografías. Estas psicografías ofrecen mensajes de esperanza, consuelo y orientación espiritual, abordando temas como la vida después de la muerte, la evolución del alma, la importancia del amor y la caridad, entre otros aspectos relacionad...

    17,16 €

  • O Fim Do Karma
    Meire Yamaguchi
    Uma história de viagens pelos confins do Himalaia, a charmosa Paris, a agitada São Paulo. No entanto, as jornadas mais surpreendentes são as dos mundos interiores de Antonella, pesquisadora do maior mistério do mundo, o Santo Sudário, da artista Cristina e do lama tibetano, Gangchen. Nesse romance, Meire não somente conta uma história emocionante, como também surpreende com a e...

    19,03 €

  • Luz E Sombras
    Edomberto Freitas Alves Rodrigues
    Na interseção entre passado e presente, esta obra desdobra as narrativas intemporais de figuras históricas como Nero e seu conselheiro Sêneca, explorando as complexas dinâmicas de poder, ética e transformação pessoal. Através de relatos emocionantes e lições extraídas de vidas passadas, o leitor é convidado a refletir sobre a luta eterna entre luz e sombra, bem e mal, que habit...

    15,78 €

  • A Caminho Da Redenção
    Edomberto Freitas Alves Rodrigues
    Essa é uma obra extraordinária que o transportará através do tempo e do espaço, revelando uma narrativa profunda e Emocionante. Esta história, narrada por Eliakim, oferece uma perspectiva única sobre a redenção, a espiritualidade e a busca universal por amor e compaixão. Eliakim, um espírito que transcende gerações e civilizações, compartilha sua jornada em busca de perdão e re...

    13,41 €

  • Artigos Místicos De Saint Germain: Primeiro Livro
    Jp Santsil
    Este é o Primeiro volume com Os Regulamentos Divinos de Saint Germain que oferecem um portal de entrada para a Era de Ouro, conforme delineado pelo Mestre Saint Germain, que constitui o Quarto Ciclo de Ensinamentos da Irmandade de Saint Germain. Nesta Série de livros, o leitor é convidado a explorar os princípios sagrados que conduzem à realização doEu Sou . A cada página, desv...

    34,10 €

  • Já Sei Receitar Meus Florais De Bach
    Karina Cerqueira
    No e-book Já Sei Recitar Meus Florais de Bach, a enfermeira Karina Cerqueira compilou, de forma direta e objetiva, as informações necessárias para que você prescreva os florais para si mesmo ou em consultas remuneradas.Florais de Bach é uma terapia livre para todas as idades, sem contra indicações e sem efeitos colaterais, conforme previsto pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OM...

    11,75 €

  • Geometria Sagrada Angelical
    Paula Bissoli
    DESCUBRA OS SEGREDOS DA GEOMETRIA SAGRADA ANGELICAL!Prepare-se para uma revelação extraordinária: um sistema tecnológico Divino oculto na Tabela com os 72 Nomes Sagrados de Deus, conhecido como Geometria Sagrada Angelical!Este sistema revolucionário combina números, formas geométricas e notas musicais em códigos secretos Divinos, comprovando a Supremacia Divina presente na Tabe...

    57,03 €

  • Los Carneros de Panúrgia
    Aldolfo Bezerra de Menezes / J.Thomas Saldias MSc.
    El título de este planteamiento es también el título de un libro publicado en 1890 y escrito por el Dr. Bezerra de Menezes. Es una novela filosófica-política, y retrata en esencia al comportamiento de personas que siguen otros comportamientos ciegamente, sin reflexión. Como ovejas que no cuestionan ni se someten.Entre los diálogos de los personajes destacan los preciosos coment...

    16,12 €

  • El Secuestro
    Isolina Bresolin Vianna / J.Thomas Saldias MSc.
    El Secuestro es una obra interesante, sencilla, clara, perfectamente clara y sencilla, como debe serlo todo buen texto que transmita un mensaje de orientación espiritual e inmortalista, especialmente a la luz de los postulados espíritas. Y en el lenguaje mágico de la novela que enseña, envolviendo al lector en el dulce placer de disfrutar de la obra de un artista creativo e ins...

    15,60 €

  • A Lei De Amor
    Marcus De Mario
    O que fazemos nesta obra é destacar as mensagens dos Espíritos sobre a Lei de Amor, aprofundando o entendimento espírita sobre esse que é o mais sublime dos sentimentos, e tão necessário de compreendermos e praticarmos.Somente o amor pode destruir o egoísmo, e para isso é necessário aplicá-lo através do processo de educação moral, como muito bem está explicado nas obras da Codi...

    13,32 €