Catálogo de libros: Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

1955 Catálogo de libros: Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Counting Down the Yardstick
    Michael A. Horvich / Michael AHorvich
    In Counting Down the Yardstick, a Creative Non-Fiction Memoir, Michael takes you on an adventure that begins in the 1600s and continues to the present. With the help of David Smith, a Past Life Regressionist, Michael visits five past lives which include an Italian Baker, a Carmelite Nun, a Midway Carny, a Towheaded Boy, and a Midwestern Farmer’s Wife. The adventure continues wi...

    17,74 €

    Gareth Knight
    Margaret Lumley Brown was a leading member ofDion Fortune’s Society of the Inner Light, taking over many of DionFortune’s functions after the latter’s death in 1946. She raised the artsof seership to an entirely new level and has been hailed with somejustification as the finest medium and psychic of the twentieth century.Although she generally sought anonymity in her lifetime h...

    23,09 €

    Gareth Knight
    Margaret Lumley Brown was a leading member ofDion Fortune’s Society of the Inner Light, taking over many of DionFortune’s functions after the latter’s death in 1946. She raised the artsof seership to an entirely new level and has been hailed with somejustification as the finest medium and psychic of the twentieth century.Although she generally sought anonymity in her lifetime h...

    39,04 €

  • The Infinite Hope
    Anne-Hélène Gramignano
    Anne-Helene has the gift, like her grandmother before her. This gift, at times, can be heavy and ridiculed by skeptics, but Anne-Hélène never complains. Thanks to it, she sees the light, hears the voices of the angels and soothes the souls of her peers, living or dead. From this gift, Anne-Helene draws infinite hope that she chooses to share today...In this heartfelt and sincer...

    17,25 €

  • Mind Meals
    Demetria Jones / Felisha Sams
    This book is about mind meals. We have learned through our lives that we are what we think. Mind Meals Book has inspirational, spiritual, and motivational messags to feed ones mind. I truly believe the readers of Mind Meals will gain a true sense of self and will help one to live a less stressful and more meaningful life. ...

    43,93 €

  • Beautiful You Within Me
    Tanya Turton
    When I look at me is it me that I really see?These writings from source in all their knowing to be true are channelled for all of you in words we have witnessed the many of you to say. 'I am looking to find the real me'. Is it this real version of you that you are to seek?Or is it to improve the outer exterior version that you see. For let it be said that they are of two greate...

    23,94 €

  • Journey of the Yellow Feather
    Tanya Turton
    In the becoming of all that I Am to be, I received through many spirited conversations and guided intuitive changelings a knowing of All this that I was to be. In our searching to find the answers that we are in a position to crave of what it is that we are to be. Often leads us into a lifetime of searching to ask one of the most popular questions that I believe is always asked...

    24,14 €

  • The Sixth Sense
    Charles Henry Brent
    ' The only real valuable thing is intuition.' - Albert EinsteinYour sixth sense is the world inside your head - the world of intuition or psychic power. It is a super sense, the cumulative power of all your other senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell and hearing. It’s also an amazing source of creative power, understanding and insight. Everyone can tune into their sixth sense, b...

    15,31 €

  • My Soul, My Life II
    Hasan Selim / Lorraine Branson
    Rifatin Lorraine Wachjo is a graduate of Psychological Science with Swinburne University of Technology Melbourne. She has majored in Psychology, took advanced minors in Psychology and a minor in Public Relations. She writes as Lorraine Branson, her birth name. She started writing in 2007 onwards and decided that the best time to launch this first part of poetry would be after l...

    12,06 €

  • When Souls Awaken; Real-life accounts of past-life and life-between-lives regressions
    Pieter J Elsen
    When Souls AwakenReal-life accounts of past life and life between lives Regressions, discover your true purpose on earth and beyondHave you ever asked yourself, why do we reincarnate?What better answers to these questions could we possibly get than from the accounts of those who have gone there themselves. By traveling back in time during past life regressions, clients share th...

    12,83 €

  • My Soul, My Life
    Lorraine Branson
    My Soul, My Life is the first part of a collection of poetry depicting life challenges. It flows with spirit writing. The author explores the guided gift and expresses life events through poetry. ...

    12,07 €

  • The Evidential Medium
    Kay Reynolds
    Kay Reynolds is a medium, public speaker, and author of the new book, The Evidential Medium: A Practical Guide for Developing Mediumship. In The Evidential Medium, she shares her journey of training to be a medium, along with practical exercises to help you unlock the ancient tools of mediumship you hold deep within your soul.Kay trained as a medium at the prestigious Arthur Fi...

    12,54 €

  • Your Mind and How to Use It - A Manual of Practical Psychology
    William Parker Atkinson
    'It is not enough merely to have a sound mind-one must also learn how to use it, if he would become mentally efficient.' -ATKINSONWilliam Walker Atkinson was an merchant, publisher, and author, as well as an occultist and an American pioneer of the New Thought movement. This book (Your Mind and How to Use It) is a series of lessons in psychic influence, thought-force, concentra...

    17,69 €

  • The Secret Second Coming
    Patricia Doyle
    What if we had writings directly from Jesus?The Secret Second Coming is a journey into the discovery of one of the most incredible events of our time. A little-known event that, according to Jesus himself, represents his second coming. In the early part of the twentieth century, writings claiming to be by Jesus were received through psicografica (Brazilian for spirit-to-mortal ...

    11,65 €

  • Mission Space
    Mariana Stjerna
    Mariana’s well-received book, Agartha - The Earth’s Inner World, had just been released (2010) when she had a visitation from her cosmic friend and source of inspiration, Jan Fridegård, who told her that he, too, had been to Agartha. He gave an account of his experiences there in the company of his dear friend and companion Lydia, whom we’ve met in a couple of previous books. T...

    15,93 €

  • The Invisible People
    Mariana Stjerna
    In this fascinating novel you find that invisible beings, Nature spirits, of the most various kinds exist in Nature, and that every one of them has a special task. Unfortunately, most of us don’t know this, and moreover, we only believe in things which we can see with our physical eyes. Fortunately, there are those who are able to see behind the veils we generally have in front...

    16,55 €

  • The Sunshine of my Life
    Denzil Fairbairn
    An extended reprint of a popular book of Spirit Teachings by Sunshine, a guide and teacher of deep-trance medium George Fairbairn. These describe what he knows of the world beyond death, the life there and the pattern for our life here. The medium could recall nothing of what was said when in trance so many of the sessions were recorded. Now, after 40-50 years, only a few of th...

    9,46 €

  • Blue Star Prophecy
    Craig R Lefebvre
    During this time of great change and uncertainty, many have been signaled to start their journey and have begun to question things. Are you looking for a sign? The sign that signifies the coming of a great new age, is the Blue Star. Many religions and cultures from around the world have foretold of great changes coming for humanity. Starting now with A 'Blue Star Prophecy,' you...

    10,57 €

    Craig Weiler
    When TED, the global media platform, took down scientist Rupert Sheldrake’s lecture, “The Science Delusion,” deeming it not scientific, it ignited a fierce discussion around the globe. Bloggers, commenters, distinguished scientists, Internet trolls and even a Nobel Prize winning physicist all contributed to this once-in-a-lifetime debate. The subject? The most controversial que...

    17,92 €

  • The Windy Song
    Ingo Swann / TBD
    There are truths for which today scientific proof is not yet possible, or even feasible.  Yet hints of them lie practically on all sides and these can be, and often are, perceived by many, even examined deeply and with conviction, truths which reveal themselves by other than the exact methods required by science. ...

    13,82 €

  • Soul Companion
    Judy Hilyard / R.N. Judy Hilyard / RN Judy Hilyard / RN MN Hilyard
    Soul Companion: A Memoir is the true adventures of Judy Hilyard, as she travels to the Afterlife in joyful service to others and education of self. Judy recounts her experiences of living life as an Anam Aira, a soul companion, for those who have died or are in the final stages of dying.Judy was awakened to this great service for humans and our animal companions as she was fini...

    15,88 €

  • Soul Companion
    Judy Hilyard
    Soul Companion: A Memoir is the true adventures of Judy Hilyard, as she travels to the Afterlife in joyful service to others and education of self. Judy recounts her experiences of living life as an Anam Aira, a soul companion, for those who have died or are in the final stages of dying.Judy was awakened to this great service for humans and our animal companions as she was fini...

    18,75 €

  • When My Mother and Father Forsake Me, the Lord will take care of me
    Doc Mas
    My life started when my parents left me in an abandoned house to die, and I found out years later that I nearly starved to death, losing my adopting father to the Korean War at three years old, then a sickly childhood, a life of risk taking acting like I had a death wish (including Russian Roulette after Vietnam), a life of hating God which I denied there was one, survival guil...

    9,96 €

  • Meant To Be
    Margaret J. McLaren / Margaret JMcLaren
    From ivory towers to fields of flowers, Meant To Be is the remarkable true story of a professional scientist who overcomes the difficulties in her life with the help of faith, and the benevolent Creator God.This is the twelve-year spiritual awakening of a disheartened scientist who renounces the world of left-brain logic to find truth that is stranger than fiction: coincidences...

    38,69 €

  • Meant To Be
    Margaret J. McLaren / Margaret JMcLaren
    From ivory towers to fields of flowers, Meant To Be is the remarkable true story of a professional scientist who overcomes the difficulties in her life with the help of faith, and the benevolent Creator God.This is the twelve-year spiritual awakening of a disheartened scientist who renounces the world of left-brain logic to find truth that is stranger than fiction: coincidences...

    22,25 €

  • Mystical
    Ronda Robertson
    Ronda is a spirit medium and psychic who runs workshops and teaches privately. She demonstrates platform mediumship at some of the Spiritualist Churches in Melbourne. This is the story of how her mediumship unfolded.From growing up in a Funeral Parlour as a child to singing, nursing and training as a Pastoral Practitioner the spiritual has been a focus in her life, as part of h...

    16,00 €

  • Psychological Spirituality
    Keith Hill
    The greatest personal difficulties we face, along with the psychological strengths and weaknesses that loom largest in our life, have their roots in previous life experience. This makes our personal psychology the tip of an iceberg that has been profoundly shaped by our past life undertakings, reactions and choices. Only by adopting a multi-life perspective can we get to the he...

    14,38 €

  • Spiritual Life, a Journey to Freedom
    Laura Payne
    Laura’s message is of true inspiration, magic and hope. Anything can be overcome when the universe is the limit!Spiritual Life, a Journey to Freedom is a handy, short but powerful, personal development book with a difference, in that all Laura’s messages are of her own spiritual experiences. It is a true account of the life of a 1980s born spiritual Medium. A story of a happy, ...

    5,81 €

  • Earth Changes
    Rhea Powers
    This channeled book asks us to look at our identifications — at who we take ourselves to be. And it clearly points out that we are much more than we think we are. It also reminds us of our relationship with our planet as one Being to another Being. 3 ...

    11,13 €

  • Rethinking Consciousness
    Telepathy, clairvoyance, ESP . . . in these ten chapters, leading parapsychologists and philosophers explore experiences that challenge the modern scientific worldview—a worldview that has brought us to a state of planetary crisis. It is imperative that our thinking about perception and experience be outside the box—in this case, outside the Western commitment to a materialisti...

    15,79 €