Catálogo de libros: Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

1955 Catálogo de libros: Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • AGAPE-Part B
    Stephen R Juneau
    ISBN:  978 099896 1439  Premium HC-Full Color-Large Print--Kingsman’s Edition[ISBN: 978 099896 1446  Standard HC-Full Color-Large Print--Signature Edition][ISBN: 978 099896 1453  Black & White-Paper Back--Illuminate Edition][Not available in digital format]As a great life-saving Ark of Bible Truth that decodes Genesis through Revelation, THE ALPHA THROUGH OMEGA PROJECT separate...

    29,54 €

  • AGAPE - Part B
    Stephen R Juneau
    [ISBN: 978-099896 1439 Premium HC-Full Color-Large Print-Kingsman’s Edition][ISBN: 978-099896 1446 Standard HC-Full Color-Large Print--Signature Edition]ISBN: 978 099896 1453 Black & White-Paper Back--Illuminate Edition[Not available in digital format. EBook versions are in violation of Copyright Laws and have been altered to misrepresent the author.]As a great life-saving Ark ...

    13,88 €

  • AGAPE - Part B
    Stephen R Juneau
    [ISBN: 978 099896 1439 Premium HC-Full Color-Large Print--Kingsman’s Edition]ISBN:  978 099896 1446 Standard HC-Full Color-Large Print--Signature Edition[ISBN: 978 09989614 53 Black & White-Paper Back--Illuminate Edition][Not available in digital format. EBook versions are in violation of Copyright Laws and have been altered to misrepresent the author.]THROUGH OMEGA PROJECT sep...

    38,07 €

  • Dogs and Cats Have Souls Too
    Jenny Smedley

    17,90 €

  • Broken scepters
    Gilvanize Balbino Pereira
    Hatred, and violence spread horror in Spain, in the 16th century. Men, women, and children are persecuted, imprisoned, and tortured by the Inquisition. Wicked spirits sow discord, attracted by those who use the name of God to satisfy their ambitions. Marked by past compromises, many are called to give their testimony of faith. At the dawn of a new era, opposing forces confront ...

    15,60 €

  • Most Secret Weapons of Nations Remote Viewed
    Kiwi Joe
    Not even during the Cuban Missile Crises of October 1962 has the threat of a civilization-ending thermonuclear war loomed as large as it does at present. The author, a seasoned remote viewer, presents evidence the major powers have quietly shifted towards alternative strategies to win the game of global dominance. This is the revised second edition of the fourth installment in ...

    28,56 €

  • The Case for Possession
    Cynthia Pettiward
    Accepting, as I must, that not only do we survive bodily death, but that we cannot escape survival, I find plentiful evidence that the nature of the afterlife varies in quality as much as does earthly life. The saints of this world appear to find satisfaction and creative work on the next plane, and that almost immediately after death. Those who have led destructive lives have ...

    15,50 €

  • Fukushima Radiation Solution Remote Viewed
    Kiwi Joe
    Fukushima’s shadow looms large. Dive deep to uncover the radical solution hidden within the disaster. In the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi disaster, the echoes of catastrophe still resonate throughout the Pacific, affecting the lives of those in the surrounding countries and casting a shadow of uncertainty on their future. While the world grapples with the ramifications of...

    17,62 €

  • From the Realm of the Shadows
    By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / Valery Acuña Sandoval / Vera Kryzhanovskaia
    Magic, passion, delirium, money, hatred and revenge make up the atmosphere of the amazing plot created by spiritual author Rochester and presented to readers as a beautiful lesson for those who, without realizing it, fall into uncertain paths from incarnation to incarnation.Resurrected, Dr. Zatorsky, now in the skin of a Hindu, returns to rescue Mery from the forces of evil. Wi...

    13,00 €

  • The PSI Mind in Action
    Robert A. Charman
    Following Robert A. Charman’s previous book Telepathy, Clairvoyance, and Precognition, The Psi Mind in Action explores the extraordinary powers of the human mind in interacting with the physical world in the form of hands-on and distant healing, psychokinesis, poltergeist activity, clairvoyant map dowsing and more. In replicated experiments on mice with normally fatal cancer tu...

    17,87 €

  • The Nine
    Stuart Holroyd
    The Nine: Briefing From Deep Space (originally titled Briefing For a Landing on Planet Earth) tells the story of a group of inter-dimensional beings called 'The Nine' who are trying to save us from ourselves, and in turn save the planet from being destroyed. The protagonists are Andrija Puharich, a scientist, Phyllis Schlemmer, a medium, and Sir John Whitmore, who are the recei...

    20,77 €

  • The Orchid´s Cave
    By the Spirit Antônio Carlos / Vera Lúcia Marinzeck de Carvalho / Yesenia Calla Rojas
    Nico is a wealthy and influential landowner, threatened by a group of criminals suspected of practicing black magic. Worried about his granddaughter and the other children, he hires a private detective, to whom he delegates the mission of finding out who is responsible for the heinous crimes that have occurred in the city. During the investigations, unpredictable events occur i...

    18,72 €

  • You make tomorrrow
    By the Spirit Marco Aurélio / Marcelo Cezar
    As we face life on Earth, forgotten from the past, we are surrounded by social beliefs based on appearance, which lead to materialism, prejudice, class struggle and the total inversion of spiritual values that work for the good of all.But Life is much more than it seems, and it works for each one to develop their latent potentials. Illusions fade and contrast so the truth becom...

    23,92 €

  • Under the Border
    Aeryn Vega Guillermo / By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / Vera Kryzhanovskaia
    Around the 1500s, in a period of many revolutions and fights, wrath and loathing were determining factors in peoples lives, in which the rivalry between a place and love for someone could be taken to extremes, setting logic aside.The plot also portrays some historical issues lived along the way, such as the fight of Russian people to maintain their traditions and religion again...

    12,48 €

  • The Larks Horizon
    By the Spirit Ferdinando / Gilvanize Balbino Pereira
    A century before the birth of Jesus Christ, ambition and violence reign on Earth, especially in Rome. One of the most feared generals of the time, Titus Octavius Gracus, expands the domains of the empire by force of the sword, oppressing the peoples who refuse to accept his sovereignty.Devoted to the only God, pious creatures hopefully await the arrival of the Messiah announced...

    15,60 €

  • Soul of my Soul
    By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / Maria Gertrudes
    A novel by the renowned spiritual author J.W. Rochester who, with his characteristic style, transmits us exciting events that take place in the fields and in the great St. Petersburg of Russia in the 19th century. In this period of strong social unrest, with the first manifestations of the Marxist-inspired movement, the captivating family story of the intrepid farmer Iulian is ...

    20,80 €

  • Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
    By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / Mercedes Ramirez Pichihua / Vera Kryzhanovskaia
    Dagmara story. The romance of his life, of a choice. A disciple of Detinguen, her adoptive father, she oscillates between professing a simple and pure faith, or offering her knowledge and her pain to society. In the midst of this, the dreams take the form of a karmic rescue, bringing together again the spirits that were once entwined in madness to be redeemed now. The forces of...

    18,72 €

  • The Night of Saint Bartholomew
    By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / Vera Kryzhanovskaia
    Saint Bartholomew’s Night is the mass murder of Huguenots - French Protestant Christians of Calvinist doctrine - during the French Wars of Religion of the 16th century. It began on the night of August 23-24, 1572 in Paris, and spread for months across the country.It was a fanatical, immediate and cruel movement that, in the 'name of God', committed the most atrocious atrocities...

    26,00 €

  • You are Gods!
    Arandi Gomes Texeira / By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester
    Rochester is presented in an unmistakable way in this novel, which is set against the backdrop of the height of Roman domination, igniting the most grotesque human instincts, unleashing conflicts and persecutions that have forever marked the history of humanity.The author reveals the spark of awakening that accompanies the human soul, free in its essence, even if temporarily ac...

    26,00 €

  • Thinking Beyond the Brain
    David Lorimer
    'The important and tireless work the Scientific and Medical Network is doing to shift the boundaries defined by scientific materialism to find common ground between the material and non-material worlds is a keystone to a better understanding of the world and cosmos in which we all live.'The science of consciousness continues to be a hot topic in academic circles - its precise n...

    18,84 €

  • The Philosophical Possibilities Beyond Death
    Brooke Noel Moore
    In this engaging and comprehensive book, the philosopher Brooke Noel Moore provides a unique synthesis of the philosophical and parapsychological aspects of belief in life after death. He explains the various theories of personal survival after physical death, discusses the mind-brain relationship, personal identity, the possibility of disembodied existence, reidentification of...

    18,05 €

  • The Sorcerer’s Daughter
    By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / Vera Kryzhanovskaia
    It all started in Gorky, in an old mansion, secluded on a small island with dense vegetation, known at that time as the 'devil’s nest', where countless inexplicable phenomena took place. All the heirs of that desolate property for decades suffered many misfortunes. In that infamous place Ludmila Turaeva was born, beautiful and enigmatic as a young panther; however, she was mark...

    26,00 €

  • Friedel’s Conversations with the Dead
    Anabela Cardoso / Anders Leopold
    Friedel’s Conversations with the Dead is the story of the Swedish painter and opera singer Friedrich Jürgenson, who pioneered the discovery of Electronic Voice Phenomena, in which deceased people appear to be able to make contact with the physical world utilising electronic devices such as radios, tape recorders, computers and televisions.Born in Odessa in 1903 during the first...

    20,82 €

  • Taps on My Shoulder
    Brenda Reading
    Do you hear strange voices? Do you see odd visions? Do you experience unbelievable synchronicities? The author collects actual life experiences to introduce the reader to the amazing world of natural psychic, intuitive, and spiritual senses. This compendium of spiritual knowledge will intrigue, inspire, and encourage the reader to reflect on life, awakening spiritual gifts in a...

    18,77 €

  • A Little Theory of Almost Absolutely Everything
    Crystal Love
    What is the true nature of human consciousness? Who and what are we and of what are we ultimately capable? Are we, as many would have us believe, merely a chance and random collection of atoms designed to dissolve and disintegrate at physical death with no further awareness to speak of, or do we truly possess that most mystical and holy of attributes, a divine immortal and inde...

    21,09 €

  • Through The Doors Of The Heart
    By the Spirit Lucius / Zibia Gasparetto
    Most of us are totally blinded by social models of happiness. Everyone wants to be righteous and decent. As a result, we force ourselves to act against the impulses of our true nature. We think that we are doing our best, but in fact we are dragging ourselves into the valley of injustice and pain. Until one day, the audacity of a strong and lucid soul like Julianas shows us tha...

    26,00 €

  • The Revenge of the Jew
    By the Spirit John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / Vera Kryzhanovskaia
    With an excellent translation, a modern language and faithful to the original: this is how this edition of 'The Revenge of the Jew' is presented, one of the best sellers by author John Wilmont Earl of Rochester, a master in the art of weaving unusual plots, describes in detail the characters, their feelings, and the plot in which they are involved.Written in a strong, vivacious...

    26,00 €

  • New Thinking Allowed Dialogues
    Jeffrey Mishlove
    During the past five decades, psychologist and parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove has been dialoguing with scientists, academics, experiencers, historians and mystics on the subject of life’s biggest questions, the mind beyond the brain and the nature of reality.  In 2022, Jeff was the winner of the 'Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies' prize for an essay demonstrating t...

    16,32 €

  • You think We’re Alone?
    Clive Birch / Peter Haines
    You Think We’re Alone? gives the reader an in-depth insight into the internal journey of Clive Birch towards his unfolding spiritual consciousness charting his early years and through to adulthood. The narrative then switches to the psychic and spiritual travels undertaken by Clive utilising his developed skills in dealing with the adventures that unfolded. In the third part of...

    17,32 €

    In 2012, God told Christine Snowdon to start using her soul name, 'Estrellar,' for her spiritual work. This was re-affirmed by her spiritual guides in a Life Between Lives session with Paul Williamson, a qualified regressionist and author. The aim of her book and website, both created in 2007 and titled Touched by Angels, has been to raise awareness of angels, archangels, asc...

    14,30 €