Catálogo de libros: Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

1955 Catálogo de libros: Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Third Eye Awakening
    John Rigby
    THIRD EYE AWAKENING The third eye is essentially a ‘hidden’ eye, said to be situated between your brows. It makes mention is several religions and spiritual traditions, and is said to possess certain powers. These powers allow people to have psychic-type experiences, where they may connect with a spiritual entity, communicate with a spirit guide, have some sort of out of body...

    19,59 €

  • Afterlife
    David Peters
    Eventually death comes calling on us all. When it does, how can the living navigate through the agonising grief that envelopes them at that time? Is there life beyond bereavement? And what of the dead – is there an afterlife for them? If so, what is it like? In this book, you will find the answers to these questions. And in glimpsing a better world ahead, fresh hope will arise ...

    9,13 €

  • Third Eye
    Mari Silva
    There is an untapped goldmine that exists within each and every one of us, a tremendous treasure trove that defies imagination. If you want to discover this, then keep reading...Countless people all across the world have had experiences they cannot explain; experiences that come from the spirit realm and point to their inherent psychic abilities.In addition, most everyone has a...

    27,18 €

  • Psychic
    Mari Silva
    Countless people all across the world have had experiences they cannot explain; experiences that come from the spirit realm and point to their inherent psychic abilities.In addition, most everyone has at least one psychic talent waiting to be discovered and used, but only a small number ever fulfill their true psychic potential.If you are one of those who have had experiences y...

    23,54 €

  • Stark Raving Zen
    Kristy Lenore Sweetland / Kristy Sweetland
    Stark Raving Zen is the story of how one woman came home to her soul on a road trip from Minnesota to California, a journey both terrifying and beautiful. Her only physical companion through each stage of this sudden awakening was her dog, Arya, who kept her grounded through shocking revelations, heavenly and hellish visionary experiences, and an intuitive opening including a v...

    15,64 €

  • Reiki
    Kristin Komak
    REIKI  Inside this book, you will learn all about Reiki, how it was developed, how it works, what it can be used for, the different levels of Reiki healing, and much more! This book includes several step-by-step instructions for different Reiki healing procedures. You will learn not only how to heal your own physical and emotional pains, but also the pains and illnesses that i...

    19,56 €

  • Crystal Healing
    Kristin Komak
    CRYSTAL HEALING  Inside this book you will learn about what crystal healing is, how it works, and what ailments it can assist in treating. You will discover exactly how to use crystals to improve your life, and will be provided with several methods for charging and energizing the crystals before use! Also, you'll be provided with a comprehensive list of the different cryst...

    19,49 €

  • Astral Projection
    Kristin Komak
    ASTRAL PROJECTION  This book covers the topic of astral projection and will educate you on exactly what astral projection is, the history of astral travel, why you should engage in it, and how to do so safely. Inside this book, you will discover the steps required to successfully and safely enter the astral plane, and also learn about the many benefits of doing so. Despite be...

    19,55 €

  • The Myth of Dying
    Linda M McCarthy
    Having researched the work of brilliant minds in the fields of medicine, law, and science, as well as having had her own personal experiences with near death and being the mother of a son who transitioned while serving in the U.S. Navy, Linda M. McCarthy, Ph.D., believes humans survive physical death, thrive, and reunite.  As a board-certified metaphysicial counselor, Linda'...

    8,90 €

  • Psychic Development
    Kristin Komak
    PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT This book covers the topic of psychic development and will teach you how to improve your psychic abilities. If you have ever thought that you may have some psychic abilities lying dormant, then this book is for you! With the help of this book you will be able to recognize your own psychic abilities, and then develop them with proven strategies in a safe and...

    19,56 €

  • The First Time I Encountered My Guardian Angel
    Michelle Napier Colombo
    This is a true story of my life and how I was born with a gift from God. It wasn't until later I was awakened that I realized I had these gifts. I didn't know anyone like me. I knew that I had always had someone talking in my right ear since the age of six. I would call it my intuition.I knew I was different because I was told things that were going to happen before the...

    19,98 €

  • The Female Archangels
    Calista / Calista Ascension
    Number 1 Angel Best-Seller!For eons, angels have been depicted as masculine beings, but times are evolving! In this first ever book to solely explore who the Female Archangels are (known as Archeiai), you’ll discover how to heal and empower your life as you create heaven on Earth.In The Female Archangels, award-winning author and Founder of Angel Healing, Calista provides innov...

    21,01 €

  • The Gift of Past Lives with Mother, Isabella, God & Elizabeth
    Carla Bogni-Kidd / David Bettenhausen / TBD
    Have you ever had the sense of déjà vu?Have you awakened with thoughts you believed to be dreams but were much too vivid and detailed?Do you have a deep familiarity when meeting someone new, that cannot be explained?It is said, there is no such thing as a coincidence. Is there?We learned there is no Hell. If given the opportunity, what questions would you ask God?What happens t...

    13,64 €

  • The Archangels
    TBD / Wyatt North
    Angels are, indeed, everywhere. Their purpose is to serve God and guide us. They are formidable warriors against evil, guardians of the whole of God’s creation, witnesses to God’s sacred mysteries, and messengers of God’s salvation.This book explores scriptural references to the Archangels to study the divine messages they bring. The reader will discover Church teachings that g...

    21,43 €

  • Helios Unbound
    Nick Farrell
    The Western Mystery Tradition is based on a bedrock of pagan magic, yet too many important developments are over-influenced by post-pagan Judeo-Christian-Islamic dogma. One of these is the concentrated “storming of the gates of heaven” technique known as the Abramelin system, in which the magician attempts to contact a spirit called the Holy Guardian Angel after an intense six-...

    19,16 €

  • Subtle Whispers
    Laura James
    -Did we design our physical life with our Creator before we arrived?-Is the physical experience designed as a school of learning to evolve our souls? -Do we have help from the spiritual side as we make our journey? -Does free will interfere with the blueprint we designed? -How do other souls impact our journey?-Is the balance of being connected to both sides important? -Are w...

    39,94 €

  • Subtle Whispers
    Laura James
    -Did we design our physical life with our Creator before we arrived?-Is the physical experience designed as a school of learning to evolve our souls? -Do we have help from the spiritual side as we make our journey? -Does free will interfere with the blueprint we designed? -How do other souls impact our journey?-Is the balance of being connected to both sides important? -Are w...

    14,50 €

  • Reincarnation A Reasonable Inquiry
    Erich Z. Petrovsky / Erich ZPetrovsky
    [NOTE: QPG Publications represent truth; and therefore are highly controversial. Should any book seller claim shipping time in excess of several days--probably be best to find another book seller.]   Some say reincarnation is a fact, and cite the Bible as their source.   Others say reincarnation is fiction, and cite this same Bible as their source.   Precisely what does the Bib...

    44,44 €

  • To Soul Home and Back
    Rita Borenstein
    ”To Soul Home and Back” is about the author Rita Borenstein´s journey as Life between Lives Facilitator in Sweden since 2012. The book describes a deep kind of hypnosis that Dr. Michael Newton created during many decades of work with thousands of clients. In his groundbreaking books “Journey of Souls” and “Destiny of Souls” he describes how it is possible to remember not only p...

    7,75 €

  • Understanding the Human Mind
    Jason Browne
    It’s time to put that misconception to rest. As humans, we have evolved to use nearly 100 percent of the brain’s power. The one thing standing in the way of better thinking and a more powerful ideation process is time. We live in a rushed, fast-paced world. We deal with dozens of things every single day, which keep us from slowing down and taking the time to think. Once you slo...

    11,69 €

  • Don’t Thank the Messenger
    JJ Jorgensen
    Don’t Thank the Messenger is a factual testament of Christian faith and a message of hope for all that have loved ones in the hereafter. How often does someone lose a loved one and suddenly a cardinal starts showing up at the window every day? How about when lights flicker off and on, or a special song starts playing that reminds us of a lost loved one at just the right moment....

    16,05 €

  • Beings of Light
    Shannon O'Hara / Shannon O’Hara
    We are accompanied on this planet by the most splendid ‘mega-beings’. Some have called them angels, others guardians, and now BEINGS of LIGHT.Most have forgotten them, others totally disbelieve and very few receive. The Beings of Light are here to work with us to create greatness on earth.  To enjoy the greatness of embodiment and flourish with life and nature. Diving into this...

    20,47 €

  • Don’t Thank the Messenger
    JJ Jorgensen / TBD
    The 'veil' is a term used to describe the unseen divide between this life and the next.  The author believes his connection to the afterlife is the result of being born on the other side of that veil.  His is a true telling of divine communications and supernatural encounters.Since early childhood, JJ Jorgensen has experienced a wide range of paranormal phenomena, including div...

    47,79 €

  • Ghosts of the NHS
    Glynis Amy Allen
    A born psychic, the author has seen, heard and communicated with the spirit world all her life. As a child she was guided by her grandmother, a seer herself, and learned to develop her gifts carefully so that she might help others with life’s challenges and with the grief of their loved ones’ passing. Working as a senior hospital nurse for decades, she has encountered innumerab...

    12,43 €

  • The Voice of Spirit
    Judy O’Brien
    Judy O’Brien is a well-respected and highly sought-after Australian Medium, who has continued to build her reputation and clientele over the past fifteen years.This new book provides a fresh and honest account of the challenges she has faced managing her day to day life not only as a medium but also as a mother and wife. This is a highly personal account that takes readers thro...

    22,12 €

  • Emergence of the Omniverse
    Alfred Lambremont Webre
    Emergence of the Omniverse (2020) is one important tool of liberation from our presumed status as a prison planet for Souls in an enforced, unconscious reincarnation birth-death cycle that cosmologist Wes Penre and Futurist Webre document, providing us with powerful strategies to exit the false Afterlife/Interlife Reincarnation Matrix into the larger Omniverse. The Omniverse Eq...

    23,87 €

  • Your Intuitive Gifts At Work
    Michelle Robinson
    Your Intuitive Gifts at WorkFrom Passion to Profession: The 8 Keys to Excellence in Spiritual PracticeIs your soul calling you to step into the power of your intuitive gifts?Are you ready to propel your gifts to their full potential?Do you want to stop just 'practicing' and know how to set up a Professional Intuitive Practice?Then this book is for you if you wish to: ...

    19,42 €

  • Architecture of the Afterlife
    Richard Martini
    After filming 50 cases of people under hypnosis saying the same things about the afterlife, ("Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" and "Hacking the Afterlife") and working with medium Jennifer Shaffer talking to people directly ("Backstage Pass to the Flipside: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer") I began to focus my research on people who were NOT under hypno...

    27,20 €

  • What If You Were God?
    Andrea Elizabeth
    As a seer, I receive visions, ideas, I see moving pictures in my mind’s eye, I hear words, I hear music and even songs for spiritual guidance.  I see future happenings and I speak with universal spiritual beings.  The idea for this book came about with the intention of helping readers come to the realization that we are all God inside. Not God as a man-made God, but the name gi...

    11,60 €

  • Personality Survives Death
    Florence Elizabeth Barrett / William Barrett
    Dr Florence Barrett was a prominent gynaecologist and obstetrician, as well as dean of the London School of Medicine for Women.  Professor William Barrett, her husband, was a distinguished physicist, knighted in 1912 for his contributions to science.  He was also one of the founder of the Society for Psychical Research.  Sir William spent much of his life investigating mediumsh...

    18,10 €