Catálogo de libros: Mente, cuerpo y espíritu: meditación y visualización

2303 Catálogo de libros: Mente, cuerpo y espíritu: meditación y visualización

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu: meditación y visualización Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Give Thanks
    Josie Robinson
    Start the simple daily practice that will fill every day with positive energy.Anyone can enjoy the benefits that come from practicing gratitude―they just need some guidance. Give Thanks is a gratitude journal that shows you how to get the best results from this proven practice and to become your most whole, joyful self each day.This journal includes:A guided experience―Filled w...

    17,22 €

  • The 4-Minute Miracle
    Linda J. Curry / Linda JCurry
    “The 4-Minute Miracle” releases excess weight, intensifies confidence, and reclaims your sexy! Lifelong health and vitality awaits you.Change your mindset around food. Depriving yourself will no longer be a strategy and any guilt associated with eating will be a thing of the past.Learn a common-sense approach to food. Choosing the right foods for your body is key as one-size do...

    10,13 €

  • Poetry IV, tome 1
    Sri Chinmoy
    “Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees” is the third major poetry opus by spiritual Master Sri Chinmoy, written from 24 January 1998 until 2007.The seven tomes cover the entire series of 50,000 poems:    Tome 1: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 1-7    Tome 2: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 8-14    Tome 3: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 15-21    ...

    53,78 €

  • Poetry IV, tome 2
    Sri Chinmoy
    “Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees” is the third major poetry opus by spiritual Master Sri Chinmoy, written from 24 January 1998 until 2007.The seven tomes cover the entire series of 50,000 poems:    Tome 1: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 1-7    Tome 2: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 8-14    Tome 3: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 15-21    ...

    53,90 €

  • Poetry IV, tome 4
    Sri Chinmoy
    “Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees” is the third major poetry opus by spiritual Master Sri Chinmoy, written from 24 January 1998 until 2007.The seven tomes cover the entire series of 50,000 poems:    Tome 1: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 1-7    Tome 2: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 8-14    Tome 3: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 15-21    ...

    54,07 €

  • Mindfulness colouring with affirmations for kids and adults
    Kylie Johnson
    Mindfulness colouring with affirmations for kids and adults is a unique resource that can be used by health practitioners, educators, parents and carers to help unwind, distress and be in the moment with children.   Colouring brings about a peaceful state of mind which is a proven way to to decrease stress and anxiety whilst improving memory, focus and general well being.  The ...

    23,63 €

  • Slow Down
    Todd Webb
    Color everything and color nothing on your path to mindfulness with this playful coloring book!Packed with just enough to keep you entertained in the present moment, SLOW DOWN is sure to become your go-to meditation guide as you color your way to a calmer, less stressful life. With simple illustrations and inspirational text it makes a great gift! "Art's purpose is to sober...

    12,17 €

  • Estar Contigo
    Ramakant Maharaj
    Un libro de citas espontáneas del Maestro Realizado, Sri Ramakant Maharaj, discípulo directo (desde 1962) de Nisargadatta Maharaj. 218 páginas. Las gotas de nectar provenientes de este Maestro excepcional tienen el poder de despertar y transformar a aquellos que llevan a cabo su búsqueda espiritual. ‘Estar Contigo’ es un libro de bolsillo de inmensa importancia. Son enseñanzas ...

    8,26 €

  • Soyez Avec Vous
    Ramakant Maharaj
    'Soyez Avec Vous - Réalité sans Pensée' est un livre au format de poche (218 pages) contenant les "citations spontanées" du Maître Réalisé Shri Ramakant Maharaj - disciple direct pendant dix-neuf ans (depuis 1962) de Nisargadatta Maharaj. Ces pépites d'or puissantes sont conçues pour éveiller le lecteur à sa Vraie Nature qui est l'Ultime Réalité. Les principales...

    8,26 €

  • Meditating with Animals
    Pamela Robins
    Our animals show us unconditional love in its purest form.They are our most loyal companions, constantly navigating our energy to support our needs. This is something Pamela Robins experienced on a profound level when she was faced with a relentless series of major life challenges, including the death of her mother, her own cancer diagnosis, a divorce, and letting go of her lif...

    30,01 €

  • The Neurophysiology of Enlightenment
    Robert Keith Wallace
    Dr. Wallace explains how enlightenment, long regarded as mystical, impractical and even unattainable, is something real, measurable, and of immense practical value. He shows that enlightenment has a scientific, physiological basis, and arises through a process of neurophysiological refinement as a natural result of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program of Maharishi Mahesh ...

    24,25 €

  • The Guru’s Gift
    Ruth Angela
    If this is a natural biological stage of human evolution, why is it virtually unknown in the West? This is the question that Ruth sought to answer after her dramatic spiritual awakening in 1979. This mystical journey was so profoundly mind-altering, that Ruth embarked on a 30-year quest to understand the disturbing events that resulted in a transformative restructuring of her ...

    11,66 €

  • Clouds
    Gary W. Burns / Gary WBurns / Gary William Burns
    Explore within and garner self awareness; slow down a busy day and look inward.  This volume of inspirational poetry was written for those seeking personal growth through the mindfulness of reflective moments. These calming, inspiring and meditative poems provide a sense of repose and reflective serenity.The short one page poems in this book of poetry celebrate the themes of wh...

    25,86 €

  • Fully Human Fully Divine
    Craig Holliday
    There is a value in seeing how spiritual awakening and being human meet in an ordinary Life, in relationship with our partners, kids, families and friends, with our busy lives, in illness, transitions, death, careers and in every area of our lives. This book is a call to awakening and embracing and transforming our humanity. It is a radical guide to spiritual awakening in the m...

    9,43 €

  • How to become who you are
    Ratziel Bander
    Every person’s individual conceptual reality is held in place by the subconscious, which exists on the periphery of our conscious experience. The conscious mind did not establish these conceptual constructions; they were gathered from experience by the subconscious and constructed to keep us safe. The ancient Greeks of the mystery schools called the result of this construction ...

    23,20 €

  • Hacking Parenthood
    Kimberley Moran
    Parenting Just Got SimplerBecause mantras bring peace to the processYou throw out consequences willy-nilly. You’re tired of solutions that are all or nothing. You’re frustrated with the daily chaos. Enter Parent Mantras, invaluable parenting anchors wrapped in tidy packages. These will become your go-to tools to calm your mind, focus your parenting, and concentrate on what you ...

    17,09 €

  • Act from Choice
    Robert Goldmann
    Train your brain to help you manage your emotions, your habits, and yourselfEveryone says and does things they later regret. We do those things repeatedly, unable to restrain ourselves as often and as much as we want. They’re habits. Act from Choice will help readers manage those unwanted habits so they can be the way they mean to be.Habits are unwanted when they violate our se...

    15,01 €

  • Ainslie Meares on Meditation
    Ainslie Meares / Owen Bruhn
    Ainslie Meares (1910-1986) was an eminent psychiatrist of international reputation who made major contributions to medical hypnosis. He melded mental homeostasis with the essence of mysticism. Dissolving tension, anxiety & pain. Taping the wealth within. Rest naturally in meditation and live a calm, active life. 'People told me what they wanted to know and I wrote Ainslie Meare...

    17,51 €

  • Oh, How the Years Fly By!
    Annette Bridges
    An adult coloring book that features thirty vibrant original illustrations and lettering that will take you on an enchanting voyage of reflection. Be reminded of the simple pleasures that make you feel happy. Find the encouragement you need to nourish your soul and refresh your spirit. Get out your markers or crayons and discover the stress relieving, calming pleasure of colori...

    7,96 €

  • Meditations in Water
    Ashi Olshan
    Imagine meditations that are actually refreshing, physically pain-free, & fun. Ashi introduces his 35 original 'Liquid Flying' meditations – both active and inactive – practiced in tubs, pools, lakes, rivers and oceans. Designed to heal your body-mind, restore your spirit, create intimacy, and help you function optimally. For: people interested in finding joy through self-re...

    34,25 €

  • Clouds
    Gary W. Burns / Gary WBurns / Gary William Burns
    Explore within and garner self awareness; slow down a busy day and look inward.  This volume of inspirational poetry was written for those seeking personal growth through the mindfulness of reflective moments. These calming, inspiring and meditative poems provide a sense of repose and reflective serenity.The short one page poems in this book of poetry celebrate the themes of wh...

    16,41 €

  • Coming Home to You
    Mary McGuire
    “Taking the journey home to you, one step at a time will reap the most amazing rewards. Be free, be brave and enjoy every minute of this wonderful life you have.” Why do we struggle so much with Change? Why do our thoughts constantly send us negative images and beliefs? How can we find space to make new habits to bring about lasting change?   In this honest and frank account, ...

    10,08 €

  • On Sri Chinmoy’s Sunlit Path
    Sri Chinmoy is a spiritual Master who was an accomplished musician, sportsman, writer, artist and student of peace. His life was an effective demonstration of how to combine the inner depth and ancient wisdom of the East with the dynamism and modernity of the West. In addition to his outer activities, Sri Chinmoy was first and foremost a spiritual Teacher, who accepted a wide c...

    18,12 €

  • Das gefällt mir - Grau
    Michèle Fischhaber / Patrick Chernus
    Weisst du immer genau, was du willst und was dir gefällt? Wenn ja, gut für dich! Den meisten geht es oft anders. Heutzutage haben wir bei allem eine so grosse Auswahl, dass wir oft nicht mehr wissen, was uns wirklich gefällt.Wir sind Michèle und Patrick und haben „Das gefällt mir“ zusammen geschrieben – ein Buch, das dich nach all deinen Lieblingsdingen fragt: Wie du deinen Kaf...

    14,34 €

  • Deus É Senhor De Tudo
    Vladimir Soares Fonseca
    Este livro busca ser uma fonte de reflexão e inspiração, incentivando os leitores a explorar o significado profundo da soberania divina em todas as áreas de suas vidas. Que essa jornada espiritual possa enriquecer a fé e promover um relacionamento mais profundo com o Senhor de Tudo. ...

    10,25 €

  • Cure Sua Vida, Acessando Seus Registros
    Livia Burity
    A física quântica nos diz que a realidade só existe quando observada. Ao observar o comportamento de um átomo, ele se modifica.Ao expandirmos nossas percepções, expandimos também, nossos limites,se é que existem.Nossa realidade depende de nossa observação - de nossa percepção. É uma construção. O que entra em nós a nível de informação. Por onde nos chega esta informação? Quem n...

    36,63 €

  • Versos Iluminados
    Monique Bione
    Em seu mais recente trabalho, Monique nos presenteia com Versos Iluminados, uma obra que mergulha nas profundezas da alma humana por meio da poesia, explorando temas de espiritualidade, conexão e transcendência. Com uma linguagem poética envolvente e reflexões profundas, este livro convida os leitores a uma jornada de autoconhecimento e despertar espiritual.Versos Iluminadosé m...

    11,62 €

  • Toda A Depressão Tem Tristeza, Nem Toda A Tristeza É Depressão
    Valdira Abreu Magalhães Nina Lee De Sá
    A autorautiliza a intersecção da emoção, medicina, psicologia, história e filosofia para promover a melhoria da qualidade de vida daqueles que enfrentam a depressão. Na narrativa, a tristeza e a depressão são representadas como parceiras no cenário sombrio, onde as lágrimas ecoam como trilha sonora e o vazio se destaca como paisagem. A melancolia se entrelaça à solidão, formand...

    18,71 €

  • A Essência Por Detrás Da Aparência
    Francisco M. Lamego
    Relato simples e preciso de ideias e métodosqueajudam a viver em paz com as nossas emoções, sentimentos, memorias e pensamentos. ...

    6,25 €

  • Densho
    Hiromi Takano & Mikhaela Kawahara
    O Sumi-e é a expressão pictórica do Zen por meio da pintura com tinta preta. É uma arte essencialmente japonesa, formada pelo mesmo espírito que define o Japão como nação. A pintura Sumi-e deve sua origem aos monges do Budismo Zen que a desenvolveram e a praticaram, assim como os samurais. Por isso , deve ser compreendida dentro do contexto religioso e filosófico característico...

    32,41 €