Catálogo de libros: Psicología popular

21215 Catálogo de libros: Psicología popular

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  • Das gefällt mir - Grau
    Michèle Fischhaber / Patrick Chernus
    Weisst du immer genau, was du willst und was dir gefällt? Wenn ja, gut für dich! Den meisten geht es oft anders. Heutzutage haben wir bei allem eine so grosse Auswahl, dass wir oft nicht mehr wissen, was uns wirklich gefällt.Wir sind Michèle und Patrick und haben „Das gefällt mir“ zusammen geschrieben – ein Buch, das dich nach all deinen Lieblingsdingen fragt: Wie du deinen Kaf...

    14,34 €

  • The Last Marathon
    Ron Buerkle
    The Last Marathon is the authors experience of his descent into memory loss and his triumphs during his courageous battle back. His story highlights his positive attitude and his can do approach to overcoming obstacles he faced not only throughout his life but during his battle with Alzheimers. The book chronicles Alzheimers as Rons final challenge, which he visualizes as the u...

    12,96 €

  • Creative Potential
    Luke McElroy
    Have you ever found yourself wondering, am I creative enough?, or where do I go from here? You are not alone. As you ll read, Elle didn t think she was creative enough, Gabby didn t recognize her creativity, and Luke McElroy hit wall after wall in his own journey of pursuing his God-given calling. Full of useful insights and strategies, Creative Potential explores the process ...

    16,98 €

  • Tools of the Spirit
    Robert Brian Dilts / Robert Mcdonald
    A book by Robert Dilts and Robert McDonald, Tools of the Spirit (1997) encompasses their approach to integrating basic NLP skills and tools with higher levels of experience.In the words of Gregory Bateson, Spirit is “the pattern which connects” all things together as a kind of “larger Mind” of which we as individuals are a subsystem.Manifestations of the Spirit, in the form of ...

    23,91 €

  • Unpack Your Dreams With a Life Coach You Can Afford
    Cindy Mosley
    Unpack Your Dreams is a 30 day journey to beginning to make the life changes you want to see. This 30-day journey comes with challenges and resources that will help you maintain momentum as you unpack your dreams and experience the life you always wanted. You can hire a life coach or you can join me on this journey. Whatever path you take, traveling with a partner makes the jou...

    11,98 €

  • At The End of The Day
    Travasa Buford
    Misused, Abused, Disrespected, Battered, Weary, Hurt, Embarrassed, Broken, Lost, Depressed and Suicidal.She was living in a Hell, now she is in a Haven, a refuge, Protected, Covered, and she is no longer bound. She is pressing forward with the confidence in knowing that no weapon formed shall prosper. She no longer is allowing man’s rejection to define her. The moment she was r...

    16,20 €

    Kim K. Sanders
    Words are the very things that activate the Heavens and penetrate the forces of darkness. Your words have the ability to shift situations, things and atmospheres in the earth.The words written in this book are not just merely confessions, but rather prophetic words that all of Heaven recognize. These words are prophetic confessions that:1. make demons obey;2. release angels to ...

    25,25 €

  • The Recipe
    Charles M Carroll / John David Mann
    “Always be hungry, Owen,” the Chef said softly. “Don’t ever let life just wash over you. Savor it—every smell, every taste, every sound. That’s Rule One, Owen: Taste everything.”Owen Devon used to have a pretty good life. At least until a few months ago, when disaster struck his family. Now his grades are plunging and his life is spiraling out of control. To make matters worse,...

    19,80 €

  • Your Beautiful Business
    Emma Franklin Bell
    Your Beautiful Business inspires you to leap into your business and build something that is soulful, purposeful and profitable! This book explores how unearthing, unlocking and understanding your Business Essence will position you beautifully in the eyes of your ideal client. You dive into a 3-Step Action Plan – Simplify, Beautify and Amplify which invites you to courageously ...

    9,48 €

  • Discover Your Inspiration Kathy Pendleton Edition
    Kathy Pendleton / Sue Brooke
    Inspiration. It’s all around us if we know where to look. Sometimesit’s found in the beauty of nature or the dynamics of the big city.Sometimes it’s in the most elegant places on earth. The artist PaulGauguin found his muse among the islands and people of Tahiti.Other times it’s in some of the most unimaginable of places orsituations. Viktor Frankel found it in the Nazi concent...

    11,92 €

  • Self Help Books
    Brian Michael Good
    'There is no better gift to yourself or another person than the gift of knowledge and understanding derived from wisdom.' - Brian Michael GoodRecharge your life with over 400 quotes organized in seventy chapters that deal with self-esteem, self-worth, abuse, feelings, emotions, challenges, hardships, and obstacles. 'Quotes Of Wisdom To Live By' can reduce depression, anxiety, s...

    12,04 €

  • The Importance of Divine Gifts
    Crystal Victoria
    You have a purpose. You are here for a reason. Do you know what it is? Do you know that YOU have divine gifts and superpowers? We are all created in the image of a Higher Power or God. Throughout the Bible, we have read stories of heroes and heroines of faith, whom demonstrated divine gifts after awakening to their true nature, the God within. No matter your religious or spi...

    5,05 €

  • Ignite Your Joy
    Debbie Zita
    In Ignite Your Joy, Debbie Zita, life stylist and success coach for spiritually minded entrepreneurs, shows how to lead a life in which business, leisure, and relationships are in balance. Equally enlightening and instructive, her clear, anecdotal prose is packed with powerful exercises and affirmations to help you achieve authentic joy in your life, business, and career. Do...

    14,47 €

  • Your Life, Your Choice
    Haley Jones
    Do you leap out of bed every day, excited at what lies ahead - even on Mondays? Do you bound out the front door to get out and get on with the day because you know you’re going to be doing something that you love? Do you have all the material wealth you could ever hope for and travel to exotic locations on a whim?If you answered 'No' to any of these questions, then this book is...

    24,45 €

  • Rice and Peas For The Soul 1
    Delroy Constantine-Simms
    Rice and Peas for the Soul; is an edited collection of more than 150 thought provoking, motivational, inspirational empowering stories of hope, faith and courage. These story based ingredients have been selected due to their positive underlying messages, which encourage readers to think, reflect and wonder about life in general. Rice and Peas for the Soul will be one of many bo...

    17,92 €

  • # Coaching Tweet Book01
    Sterling Lanier coach is all of these, and more. Sterling Lanier, author of ’#COACHING tweet Book01’, has decades of experience coaching CEOs and CEOs-in-the-wings, and knows that coaching is no secret or magical process. Rather it is the art of inspiring, encouraging and motivating people through active listening, by asking thoughtful and thought-provokin...

    17,89 €

  • Lead To Disrupt
    Kumar R. Parakala
    In a world transformed by disruptive forces such as rapid technological advances, geopolitical tensions, climate change, and demographic shifts, the very foundations of business and society are being reshaped in unforeseen and unpredictable ways. Traditional leadership models are no longer sufficient to meet the demands of this dynamic environment. What kind of leaders do we ne...

    14,20 €

  • The Hustle Code
    Detroit King Tape
    The Hustle Code: A Blueprint for Mastering Life’s ChallengesIn 'The Hustle Code,' Detroit King Tape unveils a comprehensive guide that transcends traditionalself-help books, drawing from his profound experiences on the streets of Detroit. The book beginswith a powerful introduction, emphasizing the necessity of both health and hustle to navigate lifeeffectively. Without these, ...

    20,51 €

  • The Hustle Code
    Detroit King Tape
    The Hustle Code: A Blueprint for Mastering Life’s ChallengesIn 'The Hustle Code,' Detroit King Tape unveils a comprehensive guide that transcends traditionalself-help books, drawing from his profound experiences on the streets of Detroit. The book beginswith a powerful introduction, emphasizing the necessity of both health and hustle to navigate lifeeffectively. Without these, ...
  • Year of Living Consciously, A
    Gay Hendricks
    Embrace Each Day We all want to live authentic, self-aware, and successful lives. How do we go about it? Where do we begin? In a daily map full of wisdom, inspirational quotes, and transformational exercises, bestselling author and psychotherapist Gay Hendricks sets us on a fantastic journey to personal and relationship success. In bite-size portions, Hendricks encourages under...

    12,22 €

  • Trailblazers
    Tamara Mitchell-Davis
    Dive into the compelling pages of 'Trailblazers: Embracing Change, Pursuing Purpose, and Finding Success,' where Dr. Tamara Mitchell-Davis brings together a riveting collection of stories that epitomize the power of transformation and triumph. Each chapter offers a raw, unfiltered glimpse into the lives of women who redefine what it means to be a trailblazer.From navigating fin...

    15,92 €

  • O Homem De Bem
    Marcus De Mario
    Dois textos de vasta profundidade e significado completam-se no capítulo 17 da monumental obra O Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo, assinada por Allan Kardec, obra que merece a atenção, leitura, estudo e meditação de todas as pessoas.O primeiro texto compõe o item 3 e é de autoria do codificador do Espiritismo, com o título O Homem de Bem, página magistral sobre as característica...

    13,05 €

  • Como Empreender Com Deus
    Dayane De Souza
    PROSPERIDADE ALÉM DO DINHEIROAprenda a ter um pacto com Deus e fazer uma sociedade divina, seguindo Seus princípios e tendo soluções para sua vida.Não viva mais de altos e baixos, nem seja um fracassado. Aprenda a ouvir a Deus e prosperar em todos os seus caminhos.Deus tem uma riqueza para lhe apresentar e um propósito para sua vida que vai além de uma conta recheada de dinheir...

    11,60 €

  • O Império Das Flores
    J. Rocha Paixão
    O maior problema da humanidade são os maus relacionamentos humanos. Cessando este problema tudo se resolveria. Uma falta de amor está gerando essas guerras intensas. Trazendo muito sofrimento para o mundo inteiro. Em O Império das Flores de J. Rocha Paixão vocês irão descobrir a solução para o mundo inteiro. Em seus contos fabulosos. ...

    10,63 €

  • Seja Forte E Corajoso
    J. Rocha Paixão
    A vida nos apresenta barreiras que precisamos vencer, a cada passo que damos precisamos superar os obstáculos e subir degrau por degrau até chegar no topo. Neste livro de crônicas o autor traz retratos da vida real e interpreta os problemas pessimistas com o otimismo que se requer para continuarmos existindo... ...

    9,32 €

  • The Discipline of R. E. P.
    Jean Laguerre / Sr. Jean Laguerre
    The Discipline of The R.E.P was me putting on paper more than four decades of knowledge as a drug free bodybuilding champion who defied the odds in a sport plagued by athletes using drugs: a short cut to success and short term health. I, not only trained drug free, but with a very smile and basic gym in a garage while winning eighteen championships in nine years. Being the youn...

    10,86 €

  • Inteligência Emocional
    Magna De Oliveira Melo
    Descubra um novo caminho para o autoconhecimento e liberdade emocional comInteligência Emocional: Como Abrir a Gaiola da Mente e Libertar Suas Emoções Aprisionadas . Neste livro, Magna de Oliveira Melo combina prática clínica, pesquisa e experiência pessoal para oferecer uma abordagem acessível e cientificamente fundamentada.A metáfora dagaiola emocionalrepresenta a restrição c...

    28,55 €

  • O Outro Eu
    Magna De Oliveira Melo
    Qual é a base da autoestima? Como ter coragem para abrir novos caminhos na imensidão quase inexplorada da vida quando se tem baixa autoestima?. Este livro leva o leitor a compreensão de si mesmo e a voltar seu olhar para o seu verdadeiro Eu. Traz um entendimento de como ocorrem os hábitos e os comportamentos na baixa autoestima e como seus pensamentos, emoções e sentimentos inf...

    24,49 €

  • Mãe Liberté
    Simone Maryam
    Independente de raça, credo ou nacionalidade, somos filhos da liberdade, caçadores de nós mesmos em buscadas nossas verdades. Será que, ainda assim, o ser humano devorado pelo desejo é verdadeiramente livre? A escravidão ainda existe e os escravos acreditam que são livres. Somos escravos da nossa liberdade, prisioneiros de amores doentios, dependentes de vícios destruidores, de...

    18,28 €

  • Autodefesa Contra O Crime E A Violência
    Humberto Wendling Simões De Oliveira
    Aqueles que nunca enfrentaram a realidade da violência tendem a considerar outros temas mais importantes que a prevenção contra o crime.Esses outros temas se combinam para formar a razão principal pela qual essas pessoas acabam envolvidas em situações perigosas e violentas. Em certas circunstâncias, em uma fração de segundo você é arrastado para uma situação além do seu control...

    13,07 €