Catálogo de libros: Autoayuda y desarrollo personal

66711 Catálogo de libros: Autoayuda y desarrollo personal

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  • Writing Your Peace
    Janele Nicole
    Writing Your Peace is a writing prompt journal filled with questions and writing exercises pertaining to grief, loss, life, relationships, self- healing, and self-reflection. It is designed to help deal with these issues one day at a time. Writing helps to release built up energy in ways that are positive. Making a daily habit of writing is helpful in making a healthier daily c...

    22,73 €

  • The Blossoming Woman
    Bryann Andrea
    In her dynamic new book, “The Blossoming Woman”, philanthropist and women’s advocate Bryann Andrea provides you with powerful insight on how to navigate your personal and professional careers by simply being you, discovering your truth, and loving yourself through adversity. “The Blossoming Woman” started off as a personal journal providing Bryann with motivation and affirmatio...

    34,18 €

  • Our Wedding
    Katie Popova
    Elegant hard cover Victorian wedding guest book. This luxurious guest book is 8.5 x 8.5 inches big.This classic looking sign in book contains 40 high resolution Victorian wedding fashion plates featuring wedding dress styles from 1850 till 1884. On the opposite side of each engraving there is a blank page for the guests to pen down their good wishes to the bride and groom. Suit...

    16,22 €

  • The Death of a Lie
    Phillitia Charlton
    A lie is a lie even if you only tell it to yourselfThe Death of a Lie is a poetic diary which exposes the lies women tell themselves in search of happiness. In her debut title, Phillitia Charlton boldly expresses her experiences with love, pain, heartache and worthiness. From childhood to college, her unadulterated, primitive—yet complex—words take you through her transformatio...

    12,06 €

  • Lost Voice
    Debbie Major
    You have one of two choices: break the cycle or shrivel up and die.Your voice is a right bestowed upon you at birth. In an uninviting way painful events happen in your life and silence it. With torment you wear the scarlet letter around your neck in shame and distain. Visible like a branded animal for the world to see and feel. Worthlessness etched into your being and fibre ooz...

    22,47 €

  • Rule Your World
    Cassie Farren / Cassandra Farren
    Have you ever questioned why your head is in such a mess – even when your life appears to look so good?You know something needs to change, but don’t know where to start?When she became a single parent for the third time Cassandra feared her head may become a bigger mess than her life and inadvertently began to follow “The Rules”.Sharing her thought provoking and refreshing pers...

    9,25 €

  • The Strongest You
    Ivana Straska Szakal
    Chapters of the book explain relationships between the mind and feelings; how the mind develops its default and how it affects relationships, decisions, choices, stress and happiness. They teach to train the mind to develop desired change. They include practice where the reader applies personal circumstances, additional sections such as Helpful Hints, My Journal, Let’s Do It No...

    20,20 €

  • Identity Crisis
    Carrie M. Carter
    Have you ever experienced a crisis in your life that left you so numb, in a condition of instability or danger that impacted you socially and emotionally? Have you wondered for years where the pain originated? Have you found yourself asking questions like how did I get here? Why have I been in this same place for years, seeing no progress? What am I afraid of; is it ME?Identity...

    34,62 €

  • Identity Crisis
    Carrie M. Carter
    Have you ever experienced a crisis in your life that left you so numb, in a condition of instability or danger that impacted you socially and emotionally? Have you wondered for years where the pain originated? Have you found yourself asking questions like how did I get here? Why have I been in this same place for years, seeing no progress? What am I afraid of; is it ME?Identity...

    17,33 €

  • Workbook for Using the Dog Type System for Success in Business and the Workplace
    Gini Graham Scott
    Do you want to build your business? Get more customers or clients?  Have better relationships in the workplace?The Dog Type system can help you have more success in your business or the workplace, since it helps you adapt your approach to the style of whoever you are dealing or working with. There are four basic Dog Types in a system that builds on other personality type system...

    8,50 €

  • Workbook for Using the Dog Type System for Success in Business and the Workplace
    Gini Graham Scott
     Do you want to build your business? Get more customers or clients?  Have better relationships in the workplace?The Dog Type system can help you have more success in your business or the workplace, since it helps you adapt your approach to the style of whoever you are dealing or working with. There are four basic Dog Types in a system that builds on other personality type syste...

    6,06 €

  • What's Your Dog Type?
    Collins Jana / Graham Scott Gini
            WHAT’S YOUR DOG TYPE? features a new system to understand yourself and others by knowing the type of dog you like most or least and assessing the type of dog others are most like.  The system can help you improve relationships in your personal life or at work, gain more success in business, or just have fun.  You can use the system to help you know how to better interac...

    27,54 €

  • What's Your Dog Type?
    Gini Graham Scott / Jana Collins
            WHAT’S YOUR DOG TYPE? features a new system to understand yourself and others by knowing the type of dog you like most or least and assessing the type of dog others are most like.  The system can help you improve relationships in your personal life or at work, gain more success in business, or just have fun.  You can use the system to help you know how to better interac...

    13,84 €

  • Using the Dog Type System in Your Everyday Life
    Gini Graham Scott
    The Dog Type system can help you have more success in both your work and personal life.  It helps you better understand yourself and others by knowing the dogs you like the most and least, and assessing what dogs others are most like.    In addition, you can call on different types of dogs to help you in a variety of situations, including overcoming stress, having more energy, ...

    6,74 €

  • How to Avoid 101 Book Publishing Blunders, Bloopers & Boo-Boos
    Judith Briles
    Are you feeling overwhelmed? Have you stumbled into a publishing pit? Would you like practical publishing advice? You are writing a book … or you have one already published and the OMG moment hits. You’ve made a mistake … screwed up … or you may feel clueless to the tsunami of items you need to deal with. You don’t want to fall further into the abyss of book creation and publi...

    22,25 €

  • Coming Home to You
    Mary McGuire
    “Taking the journey home to you, one step at a time will reap the most amazing rewards. Be free, be brave and enjoy every minute of this wonderful life you have.” Why do we struggle so much with Change? Why do our thoughts constantly send us negative images and beliefs? How can we find space to make new habits to bring about lasting change?   In this honest and frank account, ...

    10,08 €

  • navigate
    karen gunton
    you are here to be the highest, brightest version of yourself… to live a life that lights you up… to shine your light! the best way to shine is to build a lighthouse… to BE a lighthouse.this guidebook is a companion to the book lighthouse revolution (which you can find at and explores strategies for building each component of your lighthouse. navigate ...

    14,71 €

  • Come disegnare per i bambini
    Young Scholar
    Come disegnare for Kids e un libro di attivita che insegna ai bambini e chiunque sia interessato a imparare a disegnare, il modo piu veloce e piu facile da realizzare che, utilizzando forme semplici. Non appena i bambini possono tenere una matita possono imparare a disegnare i loro animali preferiti utilizzando questo libro come una guida. C'e un artista in ogni bambino, no...

    11,28 €

  • Jumbo Libro da colorare principessa e fiabe
    Coloring Pages for Kids
    Principessa e Fairy Tales Coloring Book e una raccolta di illustrazioni di principesse delle fiabe impegnati in varie attivita di regali. Che tu sia un appassionato Royalty o di fiaba o sono interessati a sfruttare la distensione proprieta di perdersi in un'attivita, troverete questo libro da colorare molto coinvolgente! Le Principesse attendono con ansia i colpi dei vostri...

    6,52 €

  • West-Malbuch
    Coloring Pages for Kids
    Western Coloring Book "Cowboys ist eine Sammlung von erstaunlichen Illustrationen von Cowboys aus dem wilden Westen! Dieses F‰rbebuch bietet eine Gelegenheit, ¸ber die Grenzen Amerikas, das Outfit von Cowboys und ihren Alltag zu lernen.Kinder gewinnen Vertrauen in sich selbst, wenn sie Farben w‰hlen und ihre F‰higkeiten sch‰rfen, wenn sie in den Linien f‰rben, um ihr Meisterwer...

    6,86 €

  • Livre de coloration de l'Ouest
    Coloring Pages for Kids
    Western Coloring Book 'Cowboys est une collection d'illustrations Ètonnantes de cow-boys de l'ouest sauvage sauvage! Ce livre de coloriage offre une occasion d'apprendre sur l'AmÈrique de la frontiËre, la tenue des cow-boys et leur vie quotidienne. Les enfants gagnent la confiance en eux-mÍmes quand ils prennent des couleurs et perfectionnent leurs qualification...

    6,29 €

  • Occidentale Coloring Book
    Coloring Pages for Kids
    Occidentale libro da colorare 'Cowboys Ë una collezione di sorprendenti illustrazioni di cowboy del selvaggio West! Questo libro da colorare offre l'opportunit‡ di conoscere di frontiera l'America, l'abito di cowboy e la loro vita di tutti i giorni. I bambini ottenere la fiducia in se stessi, quando prendono i colori e affinare le loro abilit‡ quando colore all'...

    6,29 €

  • Libro para colorear occidental
    Coloring Pages for Kids
    Western Colouring Book 'Cowboys es una colecciÛn de increÌbles ilustraciones de vaqueros del salvaje oeste salvaje! Este libro para colorear ofrece una oportunidad para aprender sobre la frontera de AmÈrica, el traje de vaqueros y su vida cotidiana. Los niÒos ganan confianza en sÌ mismos cuando recogen los colores y perfeccionan sus habilidades cuando se colorean dentro de las ...

    6,29 €

  • A Woman's Guide To Financial Planning
    Shak Hill
    When my mother was 43 years old, she was divorced after 22 years of marriage and 5 boys, and I’m number two. Through no fault of her own, my mother was not prepared to handle her half of the settlement, and had tripped herself down the path of becoming an “old lady on a fixed income.” This book is fast past, fun and entertaining AND informative. The 7 Essential Ingredients walk...

    17,98 €

  • Happiness In Recovery
    Margaret Hart
    This practical guide, filled with handy links to exercises, really challenges our notions of what happiness is. The idea, held by many, of it being about pleasure, is torn down by the author’s brutal logic and honest disclosure of personal experience. Instead we find that happiness is more akin to freedom, liberation from our judgements and attachment to outcomes, as well as co...

    13,24 €

  • Scooch!
    Jaya the Trust Coach
    Scooch! offers a kinder, gentler process of personal growth and healing: point yourself roughly in the right direction and inch that way—no need to map out the whole journey. This spiritual, many-paths-friendly approach offers workable support in practicing presence and nonresistance; following inner guidance; and declaring a grand experiment to live in a friendly Universe. Pa...

    10,36 €

  • The Baby Decision
    Merle A Bombardieri MSW LICSW / MSW LICSW Bombardieri
    FROM CONFUSION TO CONFIDENCE IN FIVE STEPSSECOND EDITION COMPLETELY REVISED AND UPDATEDThe Baby Decision is a clear, compassionate guide to making a parenting or childfree decision with confidence.  Many women of childbearing age and their partners find it hard to make this life-changing decision. Without a crystal ball, what can you do? Some women say “I like the idea of mothe...

    17,17 €

  • The Creative Retreat
    Jennie Moraitis
    Don't you wish you could get away and work on your creative projects? You're a creative person. But you don't have a lot of time these days. You have responsibilities, and you can't just put your life on hold so you can follow your dreams. Or maybe even if you did have the time, you wouldn't know where to start. In this workbook, blogger Jennie Moraitis re...

    27,94 €

  • You're Not Too Much
    Leela Sinha
    If people have ever told you you're too much, if you feel everything at super size, if you get really excited about things, if you dive in with both feet, no holds barred you're probably an intensive. And this book is for you. Written for intensives and the people around them, You're Not Too Much lays out a new personality model: the Sinha Intensive/Expansive Fram...

    19,88 €

  • Life Builders
    Mike Rodriguez
    Life Builders, from Author and world-renowned speaker Mike Rodriguez, is a book that holds together a group of insightful stories written by people just like you. Everyone has dreams and everyone faces challenges in life. However, the biggest difficulty that you will face is when your challenges seem to overtake you and appear to drown out your dreams. Know that there is hope a...

    22,41 €