Catálogo de libros: Salud y desarrollo personal

147232 Catálogo de libros: Salud y desarrollo personal

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  • The Magic Of Being
    Bowman Chutisa / Liam Phillips / Nilofer Safdar
    What if you could be the designer of your life? What if you could get on a boat and go on an adventure called ‘you’ and you don’t have to know what that looks like?What if being a leader begins with choice?Are you willing to have the adventure of relationships?What if you could have a different possibility with death and grief? What can you create that would create more possibi...

    11,45 €

  • Finding the Elephant
    David Reginald Burfoot
    It is no secret that modern knowledge has become specialised into increasingly narrower ‘silos’. While this has had its advantages, more are becoming aware that important connections are being neglected. What if our universe does not care to comply with the separations we have created? What if there are ‘mega-phenomena’, phenomena so broad in nature that they are concealed fro...

    18,26 €

  • Alchemy of Grief
    Nancy Loeffler
      When a catastrophic event happens, your life changes in an instant. It may take some time for you to arrive in your new reality. Your life can take on a surreal quality. You may be in shock; you may feel like you are living in a haze, everything around you seems distorted. You may be unable to concentrate on anything; everything may be hyper clear, or moving in slow motion. ...

    9,52 €

  • Enlightened Real Estate
    Scherr B Barry
    A NEW DIRECTION FOR REAL ESTATE Does real estate evolve and grow with the times? Or does brick-and-mortar, by its nature, hold back progress, trapping us in traffic, low affordability, and endless rebuilding? Enlightened Real Estate will open our eyes to the astonishing potential of the man-made world. The reconstruction of buildings, towns, and cities will be the basis for t...

    13,03 €

  • Meditating with Animals
    Pamela Robins
    Our animals show us unconditional love in its purest form.They are our most loyal companions, constantly navigating our energy to support our needs. This is something Pamela Robins experienced on a profound level when she was faced with a relentless series of major life challenges, including the death of her mother, her own cancer diagnosis, a divorce, and letting go of her lif...

    30,01 €

  • Turbulent Money
    Todd Sheldon
    What do cycles, cosmic cycles, filters, instruments and pictures have to do with understanding the changing direction of your money?   What do sheep, Rockefellers, gangsters, billionaires, presidents of countries, bishops, and the IRA have in common? How does turbulence, corruption and manipulation influence changes to stocks, commodities and overall investing?  With anything i...

    14,36 €

  • 48 Recettes de Repas pour l'élimination de l'acné
    Joe Correa
    48 Recettes de Repas pour ’élimination de l’acné : La voie rapide et naturelle de correction des problèmes d'acné en 10 jours ou moins! Par Joe Correa CSN   Ces recettes vous aideront à avoir un système immunitaire plus fort grâce à une variété de vitamines et de nutriments. Environ 20 pour cent de toutes les personnes souffrent d'acné pendant 20 et 30 ans, et la cau...

    20,65 €

  • Colours of Unfrozen
    Abbirose Adey / Ladey Adey
    This is the first adult colouring book which integrates inspirational devotionals for the reader. It is the second book of the Unfrozen series, Ladey and Abbirose Adey connect pictures, quotes, scripture and devotionals ready for reflections, relaxing and rejoicing by colourists of all ages. It aids the reader to de-stress and reflect on God’s word while colouring, and making e...

    20,64 €

  • Be Outrageous
    Jean M Walters
    This book provides the answers you need to achieve any goal or overcome any challenge.  Looking for passion in life?  You can find it my following the directions given in this book.   If you can dream it - you can be it and have it!  Learn how to use the Universal Laws to fullfill every desire.   There are stories provided to stimulate your imagination and inspire courage.  ...

    12,60 €

  • Holidazed
    Tracy Curtis
    With her witty and self-deprecating sense of humor, Charlotte Observer humor columnist, Tracy Curtis, shares a collection of Christmas columns past. Holidazed is a spirited look at the chaos and craziness of the season, and the absurdity of trying to make it perfect!Because Christmas isn’t perfect and it never has been. The video card replaced the Facebook card that replaced th...

    16,60 €

  • Mom & Dad - I Promise I’ll Get Into College
    Jeff Shavitz / Lexi Shavitz
    The pressures of high school students to get into college has become so competitive; the pressures on the parents have become overwhelming as they want their son or daughter to get into the university of their 1st choice. Is your child really special? Is he/she doing something to make themselves stand out among their competition? Does the student think they are doing enough? Ho...

    15,36 €

  • When Life Sucks
    Taya Micola
    'Normally we just think about getting through the tough times... not thriving as well. I started reading and I was hooked from the first page. The author truly makes you feel like she is sitting right next to you, providing you with the tools to empower yourself to essentially turn your life around during a sucky time (no matter how big or small).'  - Michelle Hayes. Has life ...

    8,53 €

  • Kundalini yoga
    Ben Yosef Har-Zion David / David Ben Yosef Har-Zion Prabhuji / David Ben Yossef Har-Zion Prabhuji / Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion
    Kundalini-yoga, el poder esta en ti ofrece explicaciones precisas acerca de esta sabiduria ancestral. El libro esclarece los sintomas y los efectos del despertar de la kundalini y ofrece exactas descripciones acerca de cada chakra y su respectivo funcionamiento.El kundalini-yoga apunta a la revelacion del secreto mismo de la creacion que yace en nuestro interior. Consiste en un...

    19,82 €

  • Lola's Walkabout
    Marisa Rita Zammit
    From the moment Lola meets Kua, she knows her world is about to be turned upside down. Lola is catapulted into Aboriginal culture and the heart of Australia, Alice Springs. The sometimes taciturn, the sometimes beautifully expressive Kua revitalises Lola, offering a way out of the isolation and the frustration that she is immersed in with her bitchy girl-pals, Paris and Jasmin....

    9,31 €

  • A New Map for Relationships
    Dorothie L. Hellman / Martin E.. Hellman
    What if you never had another fight or argument? And what if doing that helped bring peace to the world?You are invited to eavesdrop as Dorothie and Martin Hellman reveal the secrets that  allowed them to transform an almost failed marriage into one where they reclaimed the true love that they felt when they first met fifty years ago. Their marriage became a laboratory, where t...

    26,40 €

  • Ketogenic Homemade Ice cream
    Elizabeth Jane
    Are you enjoying the fat-burning benefits of following a low carb diet but missing having a scoop or two of your favorite ice cream as one of your keto snacks or desserts? If you would like to easily whip up a soft, creamy and carb free version of your favorite ice cream or tease your taste buds with an amazing range of low carb flavors, this book is for you!This book will leav...

    12,17 €

  • Majestic Coloring Book
    Jim Stephens
    An engaging and one of a kind blend of mandala examples and natural symbolism offers hours of inventive shading. Over 400 whimsical outlines consolidate dragonflies, daisies, seashells, and other normal themes into game plans of leaves, vines, and trees. Pages are punctured and imprinted on one side just for simple evacuation and showcase. Uniquely intended for experienced colo...

    26,25 €

  • Abstract Flowers
    Abstract Flowers is an inspirational and creative adult colouring book with 35 unique and delightful designs made for your enjoyment. The designs are on a single page, which gives you more freedom with using art supplies and the opportunity to frame the painting. The expressive hand drawings are relaxing and easy to color in for all ages alike. You have the freedom to make your...

    7,33 €

  • 40 Recettes pour la Perte de Poids pour un Mode de Vie Actif
    Joseph Correa
    Les 40 Recettes de Perte de poids pour un Style de vie Actif vous aideront à perdre du poids naturellement et efficacement. La connaissance de ce que vous mangez et quand vous mangez fera toute la différence du monde. Si vous n'avez pas encore réussi dans le passé à perdre la graisse superflue, c’est maintenant votre chance d’accomplir le changement. Lisez ce livre et comme...

    23,77 €

  • The Unknown Journey
    Joseph Anaman
    In this truly inspirational story and after fighting Hodgkin's Lymphoma for over two years, Joseph Anaman relates how his body was overwhelmed by malignant cells and gradually began to shut down. He recounts his battle, first throughout a cycle of illness and recovery with radiotherapy. Then, fighting all the while against the disease and chemotherapy, he describes the desp...

    7,84 €

  • 90 Essens- und Saftrezepte um abzunehmen und sich noch heute vom Fett zu befreien
    Joseph Correa
    90 Essens- und Saftrezepte um abzunehmen und sich noch heute vom Fett zu befreien werden dir helfen, Gewicht auf natürliche Weise und effizient zu verlieren. Zu wissen was und wann man essen soll, macht einen bedeutenden Unterschied. Wenn du in der Vergangenheit nicht erfolgreich darin warst, das ungewollte Fett zu verlieren, kommt jetzt deine Chance dies zu ändern. Lies dieses...

    26,62 €

  • 85 Meal and Juice Recipes to Lower Your High Blood Pressure
    Joseph Correa
    85 Meal and Juice Recipes to Lower Your High Blood Pressure will help you to control your blood pressure better naturally and fast. Hypertension is a serious health problem that should be addressed with exercise and proper nutrition.  Being too busy to eat right can sometimes become a problem and that’s why this book will save you time and help nourish your body to achieve the...

    26,63 €

  • Un étrange être-ange
    Ghislain Bourbon
    Le sujet de ce livre, c'est la rencontre avec soi-même. On a tous des petites voix qui connaissent le chemin et qui nous guident (certains les appellent des anges gardiens). Mais encore faut-il nous débarrasser de nos peurs, de nos frustrations qui nous entravent et nous empêchent de les entendre. Parfois il nous faut un gros choc pour réussir à réaliser que des petites voi...

    17,13 €

  • Le Programme de formation ultime au Bodybuilding
    Joseph Correa
    Pour les bodybuilders qui veulent développer une augmentation consistante de leur masse musculaire, ils auront besoin d’avoir un plan d’entraînement sérieux et auront besoin de le compléter par une excellente nutrition. Ce livre vous fournira un plan d’entraînement organisé et un calendrier.  Deux calendriers NORMAL et INTENSIF de ce plan d’entraînement sont inclus, au cas où v...

    27,38 €

  • Simple Steps to a Better Life
    Sandra Williams
    Simple Steps to a Better Life provides a wonderful down-to- earth vehicle to help our children and others live a truly Christian life. Sandra Williams weaves the story of her Italian- American family together with her own journey of faith to share with the reader her understanding of family values, as well as a template for living a God-centered life. The book is an important c...

    15,04 €

  • 48 Proteinreiche Salate für Bodybuilder
    Joseph Correa
    48 Proteinreiche Salate für Bodybuilder werden dir dabei helfen, deinen täglichen Protein-Konsum zu steigern und dein Muskelwachstum dadurch anzuregen. Diese Mahlzeiten werden deine Muskeln auf eine organisierte Art und Weise stärken, indem sie deinem Speiseplan eine gesunde Menge an Proteinen zufügen. Zu beschäftigt zu sein, um richtig zu essen, kann manchmal zu einem Problem ...

    26,02 €

  • 51 Proteinreiche Abendessen für Bodybuilder
    Joseph Correa
    51 Proteinreiche Abendessen für Bodybuilder werden dir dabei helfen, deinen Körper nach deinen Wünschen zu formen und die Fett-Aufnahme zu reduzieren. Ein erhöhter Protein-Anteil in der Ernährung führt bewiesener Maßen zu einem gesteigerten Muskelwachstum und zu einer verbesserten Leistung in allen Lebenslagen. Deinen Körper mit mehr Muskeln auszustatten bietet dir viele Vorte...

    23,82 €

  • Jeff Shavitz on The Power of Residual Income
    Jeff Shavitz
    Jeff Shavitz on The Power of Residual Income: You Can Bank on It! details the vast differences between residual/recurring income and transactional revenue. Having experienced both business models, Jeff uses real-life examples from his payment-processing career (a residual-based business) in contrast to his promotional products business (a transactional-based business). This boo...

    23,44 €

  • Mango Rain
    Berta Isabel Arias
    Mango Rain is a flawlessly told story of intrigue, love, separation and hope.  It is a family story.  Dr. Arias’ descriptions of the tropical island are delicious. You will savor the flavor of the Cuba so few people know. Her personal history and knowledge gives her a unique perspective into the minds, hearts, fears and aspirations of a people living in a closed society contras...

    11,82 €

  • Single Dad’s Survival Guide
    Michael D. Butler / Michael DButler
    The Single Dads Survival Guide for Re-Connecting with Your Kids and Moving on with Life After Divorce Are you a single dad? Recently or currently going through a divorce? The only thing worse than divorce is death and many times a divorce feels worse, especially when there are kids involved. This is a book of resources for the single dad. As a single dad of four sons I wrote th...

    12,13 €