Catálogo de libros: Salud y desarrollo personal

147232 Catálogo de libros: Salud y desarrollo personal

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  • Inner Winner
    Swallow Judy
    Inner Winner: Finding The Gold That Lies Within, is a story about living in a fear-based consciousness that can be summed up by the statement, not feeling good enough, and lacking the true self-esteem and self-worth that one needs to live a joyful and authentic life.Judy shares her journey about literally, and figuratively, fighting for her life to overcome all her negative sel...

    11,22 €

  • The Triumph of Rosemary
    Marylin E. Atkins / Marylin EAtkins
    Baby Rosemary – born to an Italian teen and a married black man in Detroit in 1946 – is adopted from an agency by a black couple in Saginaw, Michigan  The adoptive mother’s abuse instills in the girl, whom they name Marylin Elnora, ambition to achieve great things on her own.  At age 19, Marylin sparks a racial and religious scandal by marrying former Roman Catholic priest Thom...

    15,85 €

  • Mindfulness - Breathe In Breathe Out
    Ivana Straska Szakal
    MINDFULNESS - BREATHE IN BREATHE OUT A brief introduction with audio tracks.Ivana Straska Szakal provides a quick guide to get started with mindfulness to help the reader to benefit from mindfulness. Following the lessons in these pages the reader finds easy steps helping them to be healthier and happier when living mindfully. This book sees Szakal answering: What is mindfulnes...

    8,95 €

  • God-Awful
    Rote Writer
    Misery loves company and the Magus is miserable.His demise, compromises all those around him or attached to him. He drags them all down by his own death sentence. It’s his alone; yet, but by the sheer weight of his height held in the Order, all below will end beyond mend. His sentence fences in all who stray his way.He makes you sign your soul away.Back in the day, every member...

    26,33 €

  • 47 Recetas de Jugos Orgánicos Para la Madre Embarazada
    Joe Correa
    47 Recetas de Jugos Orgánicos Para la Madre Embarazada: Absorba Rápida y Fácilmente Ingredientes de Calidad Que su Cuerpo Necesita Durante el EmbarazoPor Joe Correa CSN El período en el que la familia espera un bebé debería estar repleto de energía positiva y alegría. Sin embargo, este también es el momento para pensar acerca de sus hábitos de estilo de vida y, sobre todo, su d...

    20,69 €

  • 47 Organic Juice Recipes for the Pregnant Mother
    Joe Correa
    47 Organic Juice Recipes for the Pregnant Mother: Quickly and Easily Absorb High Quality Ingredients Your Body Needs During PregnancyBy Joe Correa CSNThe period in which a family is expecting a baby should be filled with lots of positive energy and excitement. However, this is also the time to think about your lifestyle habits and most of all, your diet. Every woman faces the s...

    20,51 €

  • Poetry IV, tome 1
    Sri Chinmoy
    “Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees” is the third major poetry opus by spiritual Master Sri Chinmoy, written from 24 January 1998 until 2007.The seven tomes cover the entire series of 50,000 poems:    Tome 1: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 1-7    Tome 2: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 8-14    Tome 3: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 15-21    ...

    53,78 €

  • Poetry IV, tome 2
    Sri Chinmoy
    “Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees” is the third major poetry opus by spiritual Master Sri Chinmoy, written from 24 January 1998 until 2007.The seven tomes cover the entire series of 50,000 poems:    Tome 1: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 1-7    Tome 2: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 8-14    Tome 3: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 15-21    ...

    53,90 €

  • Poetry IV, tome 4
    Sri Chinmoy
    “Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees” is the third major poetry opus by spiritual Master Sri Chinmoy, written from 24 January 1998 until 2007.The seven tomes cover the entire series of 50,000 poems:    Tome 1: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 1-7    Tome 2: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 8-14    Tome 3: Seventy-seven thousand Service-Trees, part 15-21    ...

    54,07 €

  • Birth Your Story
    Jaime Fleres
    Birth Your Story is about using writing to remember, process, heal and honor the entirety of your birth experience. You are forever changed, and how you tell the story can determine whether the power of birth serves or hinders your life. Whether you're pregnant or birthed decades ago, a seasoned or novice writer, man or woman, this book is for you. The book inspires and sup...

    14,07 €

  • Just Winging It
    Angelia J Griffin
    Aviation marriage is a unique and beautiful entity. Your husband is not an inconvenience or a blight on the flight plans of your life. He is a gift, a co-pilot with whom to share life’s journey. Whether your marriage is already soaring and you want to keep it that way or you are experiencing turbulence and long to know the joy of marriage as it was meant to be, this book is goi...

    16,20 €

  • Die GeldSchule
    Stefan Serret
    Finanziell erfolgreicher werden durch systematischen Vermögensaufbau! Dieser Ratgeber vermittelt das dazu notwendige Finanzwissen und die konkreten Umsetzungsmethoden. In 7 Schritten werden mit Hilfe des als Bonus erhältlichen Excel-Rechentools die privaten Finanzen auf Vordermann gebracht und Vermögensaufbau ab sofort ermöglicht.Ohne Vorkenntnisse kann das in diesem Ratgeber e...

    35,10 €

  • Killing Time
    Emmanuel De Silva II
    Aged 38, Emmanuel found himself facing a 23-year sentence in a AA Category prison. He started his journey as an illiterate and dangerous criminal, but has used his time to gain knowledge and wisdom. Whilst serving his sentence, he has completed Open University degrees in Social Science and Religion, and he is currently working towards a BA Honours degree in Arts and Humanities....

    14,34 €

  • Die GeldSchule
    Stefan Serret
    Finanziell erfolgreicher werden durch systematischen Vermögensaufbau! Dieser Ratgeber vermittelt das dazu notwendige Finanzwissen und die konkreten Umsetzungsmethoden. In 7 Schritten werden mit Hilfe des als Bonus erhältlichen Excel-Rechentools die privaten Finanzen auf Vordermann gebracht und Vermögensaufbau ab sofort ermöglicht.Ohne Vorkenntnisse kann das in diesem Ratgeber e...

    48,22 €

  • Chicken Sniffer
    Leo J Ward
    Chicken Sniffer will have you laughing out loud as Leo Ward shares anecdotes of his life with you. You will learn why it’s not a good idea to test out scissors on your mother’s new coat; why to check and see if the peanut butter in your sandwich is still there after you leave the kitchen; and several more humorous stories that will not improve the quality of your life one bit! ...

    11,02 €

  • On the Yellow Brick Road
    Karen Kaplan
    We are all on some type of search to find home, a place we feel supports our uniqueness, our curiosities, our passions; acknowledges our contributions; helps us feel connected; and, most of all, offers us safety, love, and a sense of well-being.In this book, Karen Kaplan takes us on her search to find her own home through her dedication to children with autism, to give hope to ...

    11,59 €

  • Onwards We Go
    Stephen Mohan
    I lost my left eye to cancer at the age of two. I haven't let this deter me from working as a steamroller driver, ski racing coach, coffee bean delivery man, wooden boat shipwright, bicycle mechanic, whale watching skipper, fish farmer, vineyard worker, tall ship boatswain, and snow gun operator. I’ve illegally driven across a parade route, lost control of my sailing dinghy...

    12,92 €

  • 97 Organic Juice and Meal Recipes For People Who Suffer From Heart Disease
    Joe Correa
    97 Organic Juice and Meal Recipes For People Who Suffer From Heart Disease: Give Your Heart the Tools It Needs to Get Stronger!By Joe Correa CSN Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the world. A wide range of conditions that affect the heart can become a serious problem for middle-aged as well as older people. Once the disease is diagnosed, it lasts for life which ...

    20,38 €

  • Ihr Weg zu mehr Rente als Freiberufler
    Werner Siepe
    Auch Freiberufler müssen für ihr Alter vorsorgen. Rund 1 Million Freiberufler in kammerfähigen Berufen wie Arzt, Apotheker, Architekt, Rechtsanwalt oder Steuerberater erhalten später eine Rente aus der berufsständischen Versorgung. Selbstständige Künstler und Publizisten sind in der Künstlersozialkasse pflichtversichert. Nur wenige andere Freiberufler sind in der gesetzlichen R...

    48,22 €

  • The Swedish ABCs of Feeling Good
    Åsa Katarina Odbäck / Emile Odback Nelson
    Just like the Swedish Fika, Fika Fix is designed to pick you up when your cup feels half empty, and energize you to smile and feel good – now! Filled with recipes, stories and fun facts about coffee and funny, inspirational quotes, Fika Fix not only makes you feel better, but helps you live a happier life one sip at a time.In this book, you will learn about the social aspects, ...

    17,47 €

  • 47 Alzheimer's Preventing Juice Recipes
    Joe Correa
    47 Alzheimer’s Preventing Juice Recipes: Naturally Lower the Risk of Alzheimer’s disease without the use of PillsBy Joe Correa CSN Alzheimer's disease is a disease that gradually destroys nerve cells and links between them. The greatest risk factor for this disease comes with age, the majority of people with Alzheimer’s are 65 and older. However, I have to point out that it...

    20,77 €

  • Conqueror of Counterfeit Love
    Dr. Helen V. Robinson / DrHelen VRobinson
    “I can’t go on without love. Love is my essence of living and state of being, and to be effective and useful for my divine purpose on earth, I must love. It’s not what I do, but who I am and becoming.”In Conqueror of Counterfeit Love, Helen Robinson sheds light on the truth about unconditional love: What it is, what it looks like, how it behaves, and how to achieve it in a divi...

    6,70 €

  • The Yoga of True Wealth
    Francis G. Bitterly / Francis GBitterly
    Could it be that the essential missing asset class in the entire investment landscape is about to be enriched with a healthy allocation? That ingredient is nothing less than the human heart and the life changing power of faith and love. The Yoga of True Wealth is as enlightening as it is touching, a blessing to the financial world from one of its own. Readers will be soaked wit...

    21,75 €

  • Getting Even More Help from Your Dogs
    Gini Graham Scott
    The Dog Type system can help you have more success in both your work and personal life.  It helps you to better understand yourself and others by knowing the dogs you like most and least.  This helps you assess one’s personality profile based on the personality characteristics of different dogs. In addition, you can call on different types of dogs to help you in different situa...

    6,99 €

  • Getting Help from Your Dogs
    Gini Gini Scott
    The Dog Type system can help you gain more success in both your work and personal life.  It helps you better understand yourself and others by knowing the dogs you like most and least and the dogs others are like.  This helps you assess one’s personality profile based on the personality characteristics of different dogs. In addition, you can call on different types of dogs to h...

    7,16 €

  • Using the Dog Type System for Success in Business and the Workplace
    Gini Graham Scott
     Do you want to build your business? Get more customers or clients?  Have better relationships in the workplace?The Dog Type system can help you have more success in your business or the workplace, since it helps you adapt your approach to the style of whoever you are dealing or working with. There are four basic Dog Types in a system that builds on other personality type syste...

    7,19 €

  • Money Magically
    Anne Sayers
    'Money Magically' is your opportunity to dive deeper than you have ever gone before into your own psyche to discover the beliefs and fears that have been preventing you from being the successful, wealthy person you have always wanted to be.Discover your personal 'money pattern' along with ways to break out of it to create a new and powerful one.  Integrate conflicting 'inner vo...

    11,29 €

  • 104 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos Para la Diabetes
    Joe Correa
    104 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos Para la Diabetes: Controle Su Condición Naturalmente Usando Ingredientes Ricos En NutrientesPor Joe Correa CSN En este libro, encontrará recetas deliciosas y consejos que puede seguir al cocinar alimentos beneficiosos para los diabéticos. Para ayudarlo a iniciar en este estilo de cocina, una lista de recetas de jugos y comidas le será brindada.Bás...

    20,60 €

  • 100 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos para la Artritis
    Joe Correa
    100 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos para la Artritis: Reduzca el Dolor y Disconformidad NaturalmentePor Joe Correa CSNLos síntomas varían de un momento al otro. Pero si no se los trata, se vuelven progresivos, resultando en una deformación completa de las articulaciones. La artritis no es algo que debería tratar por su cuenta. Un médico determinará qué tipo posee y le prescribirá me...

    20,38 €

  • Mindfulness colouring with affirmations for kids and adults
    Kylie Johnson
    Mindfulness colouring with affirmations for kids and adults is a unique resource that can be used by health practitioners, educators, parents and carers to help unwind, distress and be in the moment with children.   Colouring brings about a peaceful state of mind which is a proven way to to decrease stress and anxiety whilst improving memory, focus and general well being.  The ...

    23,63 €