Catálogo de libros: Salud y desarrollo personal

134230 Catálogo de libros: Salud y desarrollo personal

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  • How to Avoid 101 Book Publishing Blunders, Bloopers & Boo-Boos
    Judith Briles
    Are you feeling overwhelmed? Have you stumbled into a publishing pit? Would you like practical publishing advice? You are writing a book … or you have one already published and the OMG moment hits. You’ve made a mistake … screwed up … or you may feel clueless to the tsunami of items you need to deal with. You don’t want to fall further into the abyss of book creation and publi...

    22,25 €

  • The Handbook for 21st Century Mums and Dads
    Felicity Evans
    Do you spend more time happy or stressed with your kid?Being a mum or dad today is very different from previous generations. Children’s lives have changed. Their world is full of opportunity yet many may struggle with some aspects of everyday life. Having a stressed or unhappy child is stressful.Let’s lessen this stress and increase the fun and joy of being a mum or dad, as you...

    13,49 €

  • Coming Home to You
    Mary McGuire
    “Taking the journey home to you, one step at a time will reap the most amazing rewards. Be free, be brave and enjoy every minute of this wonderful life you have.” Why do we struggle so much with Change? Why do our thoughts constantly send us negative images and beliefs? How can we find space to make new habits to bring about lasting change?   In this honest and frank account, ...

    10,08 €

  • Grief Diaries
    Julie Downs / Lynda Cheldelin Fell / Michael Gershe
    Linda’s husband and two young sons were killed by a drunk driver in 2003. Shelly’s toddler was injured in a drunk driving crash in 1996. Michael’s brother Patrick was killed by an impaired driver in 2007. They all have two things in common: juggling an aftermath of overwhelming emotions while facing a journey in search of healing, understanding, and hope.Part of the award-winni...

    11,25 €

  • The 3D Diet
    Victoria Rosenthal
    The 3D Diet challenges the established principles of the diet industry and the (so-called) medical experts and blows the lid off the secret of permanent weight loss!  A witty, empathetic, MUST HAVE book for every single person who has tried every diet there is and still failed to lose weight and keep it off.  With more than 65% of the population suffering from obesity, this boo...

    9,09 €

  • navigate
    karen gunton
    you are here to be the highest, brightest version of yourself… to live a life that lights you up… to shine your light! the best way to shine is to build a lighthouse… to BE a lighthouse.this guidebook is a companion to the book lighthouse revolution (which you can find at and explores strategies for building each component of your lighthouse. navigate ...

    14,71 €

  • A Modern Day Saint - Father Gabriel Mejia
    Scott Werner
    A Claretian priest in Colombia, Father Gabriel Mejia, has developed a rehabilitation process for addicted and abused youth that uses love consciousness and meditation as a basis of therapy. The Claret Homes, or Hogares Claret in Spanish, are safe-havens for youth who have been living on the streets. The many homes of Father Mejia’s foundation have experienced a 98% success rate...

    21,92 €

  • Energy Lines
    Debra J Robinson
    “Energy Lines” is a collection of short stories that reflect on death by considering how the challenges of life are really the machinery that moves life along. The stories are from the different phases of reaching adulthood and understanding life choices.  Love and death come together in sometimes humorous situations to advance the characters to a new level in their lives. The ...

    16,58 €

  • A Woman's Guide To Financial Planning
    Shak Hill
    When my mother was 43 years old, she was divorced after 22 years of marriage and 5 boys, and I’m number two. Through no fault of her own, my mother was not prepared to handle her half of the settlement, and had tripped herself down the path of becoming an “old lady on a fixed income.” This book is fast past, fun and entertaining AND informative. The 7 Essential Ingredients walk...

    17,98 €

  • Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States
    Samuel FB Morse
    The Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, employed the Vatican, Austrian Prince Metternich and his St. Leopold Foundation to infiltrate the United States of America.  Samuel F.B. Morse spent several years in Europe, mostly near Rome, studying the actions and behaviors of the Jesuits, and conferring with dignitaries and others who had intimate knowledge of the Jesuits and their intri...

    25,55 €

  • The Birthing Chair
    Cornelia A. Meeks / Cornelia AMeeks
    If you are one of many people who have experienced seasons of pressing trials, pain, and tragedy, you may have also questioned God in moments of insecurity, confusion, and controversy brought on by your experience.  Maybe you wonder about the purpose of trials or why there is no end to cycle of pain.  This book will help you to gain understanding of the mind of God concerning p...

    15,85 €

  • Discover the Hidden Beliefs in Your Dreams
    Janet S Wahl
    Do you believe you deserve a successful career? …a harmonious relationship? …prosperity? Your conscious mind says, “Yes, I deserve prosperity.” But your subconscious mind might say “No,” and it always wins. If your subconscious says, “No,” it may believe that “prosperity is dangerous,” or “someone will rob and kill you for your success,” or “a relationship will destroy you.” T...

    7,28 €

  • Happiness In Recovery
    Margaret Hart
    This practical guide, filled with handy links to exercises, really challenges our notions of what happiness is. The idea, held by many, of it being about pleasure, is torn down by the author’s brutal logic and honest disclosure of personal experience. Instead we find that happiness is more akin to freedom, liberation from our judgements and attachment to outcomes, as well as co...

    13,24 €

  • Kissing the Tarmac
    James Hansen
    Kissing The Tarmac is unlike most Vietnam War memoirs. James Hansen’s story is focused on both the development and resolution of Post Traumatic Stress Order. The story is told in a unique manner, describing his war experiences along with passages from his daily journal and the author’s letters he wrote home during his tour of duty. This style creates a window into the author’s ...

    14,05 €

  • Storiez A Do It Yourself Guide
    Meagan Corrado
    Storiez: A Do It Yourself Guide is a tool for children, teenagers, and adults between the ages of 7 and 107. Storiez: A Do It Yourself Guide will help you create, voice, and honor your life story. It begins by helping you name your supports. It helps you find ways to express feelings. To put a lid on your feelings and experiences when you need to. It helps you create a timeline...

    15,62 €

  • Moods of Motherhood
    Lucy H. Pearce / Pearce H Lucy
    Moods of Motherhood charts the inner journey of motherhood, giving voice to the often nebulous, unspoken tumble of emotions that motherhood evokes: tenderness, frustration, joy, grief, anger, depression and love. Lucy H. Pearce explores the taboo subjects of maternal ambiguity, competitiveness, and the quest for perfection, offering support, acceptance, and hope to mothers ever...

    13,82 €

  • Yoruba 16 Oracle Geomancy
    Sixto J. Novaton
    Obtaining an oracle for divination from the coconut/cowrie/coin toss:This simple system is a summarized extract of accumulated knowledge from when I first began to toss obi (coconuts) at 16. Granted, it has been expanded with insights from the cowrie (dilogun) and Ifa systems of divination. It has been written for those who after having dedicated much time to spiritual enlighte...

    13,78 €

  • Gathering the Fragments of Myself
    Jan Banaszek
    The third of eleven children, Jan Banaszek spends her childhood in the role of fierce protector—striving to shield her younger siblings from the dysfunctional home life created by their father, a volatile man who can snap at any moment. With a loving but subservient mother who looks the other way at her husband’s inappropriate behavior with their daughters, Jan unwittingly seek...

    11,81 €

  • The Gift of Motherhood
    Farah Hattab
    Variety of Illustrations including collages of cute baby items, different nursery room themes, florals, architecture and more. Great entertainment when you are too tired (or too heavy) to move. Just sit, relax and color these illustrations that will remind you the beauty and gift of being a mother. Keep it in your purse during those long waiting periods at the doctor’s office o...

    26,33 €

  • I Didn't Know What to Say
    David Knapp
    Death is the opposite of life. And for those who have experienced loss, grieving can feel dark, lonely, scary, confusing and/or almost unbearable. For those grieving, life almost seems suspended, but the reality is, life goes on regardless of our loss. As fellow humans looking on, we WANT to communicate, but words seem impotent and so often we simply don't know what to say...

    11,54 €

  • Scooch!
    Jaya the Trust Coach
    Scooch! offers a kinder, gentler process of personal growth and healing: point yourself roughly in the right direction and inch that way—no need to map out the whole journey. This spiritual, many-paths-friendly approach offers workable support in practicing presence and nonresistance; following inner guidance; and declaring a grand experiment to live in a friendly Universe. Pa...

    10,36 €

  • The Baby Decision
    Merle A Bombardieri MSW LICSW / MSW LICSW Bombardieri
    FROM CONFUSION TO CONFIDENCE IN FIVE STEPSSECOND EDITION COMPLETELY REVISED AND UPDATEDThe Baby Decision is a clear, compassionate guide to making a parenting or childfree decision with confidence.  Many women of childbearing age and their partners find it hard to make this life-changing decision. Without a crystal ball, what can you do? Some women say “I like the idea of mothe...

    17,17 €

  • Examining the Role of Environmental Change on Emerging Infectious Diseases and Pandemics
    Maha Bouzid
    Climate change is one of the most widely debated and worrisome topics of our time. As environmental changes become more prevalent, there has been evidence to suggest that there is a correlation between the environment and a substantial increase of infectious diseases and viruses around the globe. Examining the Role of Environmental Change on Emerging Infectious Diseases and Pan...

    262,43 €

  • How to Eat Paleo
    Cynthia Flick Spivey
    This unique illustrated guide is the first book of its kind, covering all you need to know about Paleo in clear, digestible language with whimsical graphics. Over 50 pertinent questions such as “Why shouldn’t I eat legumes?” and, “Can I eat cake?” are answered in a concise and friendly format, outlining the basic concepts of the Paleo lifestyle - including a tiny bit of the sci...

    23,74 €

  • The Creative Retreat
    Jennie Moraitis
    Don't you wish you could get away and work on your creative projects? You're a creative person. But you don't have a lot of time these days. You have responsibilities, and you can't just put your life on hold so you can follow your dreams. Or maybe even if you did have the time, you wouldn't know where to start. In this workbook, blogger Jennie Moraitis re...

    27,94 €

  • You're Not Too Much
    Leela Sinha
    If people have ever told you you're too much, if you feel everything at super size, if you get really excited about things, if you dive in with both feet, no holds barred you're probably an intensive. And this book is for you. Written for intensives and the people around them, You're Not Too Much lays out a new personality model: the Sinha Intensive/Expansive Fram...

    19,88 €

  • 13 Moon Synchronometer
    Vasumi Zjikaa
    Organise your life according to a more Cosmic Blueprint! This book is a Synchronometer, a daily planner based on Mayan Dreamspell cosmology of time, energy and consciousness. It carries basic teachings from the Galactic Maya, including codes for deciphering your personal Dreamspell signature, as well as a practical layout designed to help you STAY IN THE FLOW! ...

    21,83 €

  • To Air is Human
    Joseph Weiss
    To ‘Air' is Human, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Intestinal Gas is a uniquely informative, entertaining, and well-illustrated volume. Extensive knowledge about the physiology and science of the digestive process and intestinal gas is clearly explained. It covers everything you ever wanted to know about the fart, burp, and bloat but were too embarrassed to ask. In...

    25,22 €

  • Journeys from the Heart Centre
    John J Rieger
    This is the first book in the trilogy, and is a how-to manual and guide for Empaths who desire to understand their feelings and emotions, and heal and empower themselves. If you think/feel that your life and this world, full of denial and unlovingness, is the opposite of what you desire, it is no coincidence that you were drawn to this book. In the course of my journey I discov...

    10,81 €

  • Sobrietease
    Martha Carucci
    Sobrietease by Martha CarucciAlmost everyone knows someone who is affected in some way by addiction. You may see a bum on the street with a brown paper bag and assume that he is an alcoholic. But how about the mom sitting next to you at the PTA meeting or in the stands at her child’s soccer game? She may be just as miserable, if not more so.We all have our struggles and crosses...

    10,97 €