Catálogo de libros: Agronomía y producción agrícola

566 Catálogo de libros: Agronomía y producción agrícola

Libros Eliminar filtro Tecnología, ingeniería, agricultura Eliminar filtro Agricultura y explotación agropecuaria Eliminar filtro Agronomía y producción agrícola Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • End of Agriculture in the American Portfolio
    Steven C. Blank / Steven CBlank

    121,86 €

  • Promoting Third-World Development and Food Security

    121,47 €

  • Agronomy of Grassland Systems
    C. J. Pearson / CJPearson / Craig J. Pearson / Craig JPearson / Ray L. Ison / Ray LIson

    141,62 €

  • The Nature of Disease in Plants
    Robert P. Scheffer / Robert PScheffer

    174,39 €

  • Agricultural Rent in England, 1690 1914
    M. E. Turner / METurner / Michael Edward Turner / Turner M. E. / Turner ME.

    155,76 €

  • Molybdenum in Agriculture

    174,57 €

  • Soil Physics
    C. W. Rose / CWRose / T. J. Marshall / TJMarshall

    338,59 €

  • Soil Physics
    Calvin W. Rose / Calvin WRose / J. W. Holmes / JWHolmes / T. J. Marshall / TJMarshall

    134,60 €

  • Sustainable Dryland Farming
    Lynne Chatterton

    193,75 €

  • Crop Evolution, Adaptation and Yield
    L. T. Evans / Lloyd T. Evans / Lloyd TEvans / LTEvans

    111,06 €

  • Dynamics of Weed Populations
    Martin Mortimer / Roger Cousens
    What are the ecological attributes of weeds that confer the ability to interfere with human activities? Roger Cousens and Martin Mortimer place weed management within an ecological context, with the focus on the manipulation of population size. The dynamics of abundance and spatial distribution are considered at both geographic and local scales. The basic processes of dispersal...

    112,99 €

  • Dynamics of Weed Populations
    Roger Cousens

    238,28 €

  • Soil Chemistry and Its Applications
    Anthony Edwards / Ken Killham / Malcolm S. Cresser / Malcolm SCresser

    101,95 €

  • Crop Evolution, Adaptation and Yield
    L. T. Evans / Lloyd T. Evans / Lloyd TEvans / LTEvans

    237,60 €

  • Soils and the Environment
    Alan Wild

    111,71 €

  • Ecology of Intercropping
    John Vandermeer

    97,40 €

  • Plants in Agriculture
    Forbes Watson / James C. Forbes / James CForbes / R. D. Watson / RDWatson

    140,66 €

  • The Biology of the Grapevine
    Alain Bouquet / Larry E. Williams / Larry EWilliams / Michael G. Mullins / Michael GMullins

    212,85 €

  • Plant Genetic Resources of Ethiopia

    193,80 €

  • Grain Legumes
    J. Smartt / JSmartt

    193,82 €

  • The Use of Plant Genetic Resou

    187,41 €

  • The Use of Plant Genetic Resou

    82,02 €

  • Legumes of Africa
    J. M. Lock
    Comprehensive checklist, with code abbreviations for characteristics, habitat and distribution. Notes of economic use are included where applicable. ...

    49,77 €

  • Insect, Disease and Weed Control
    D. Bishop / DBishop / E. R. De Ong / ERDe Ong
    CONTENTS - I Introduction - II Nontoxic Methods and Materials as Insecticides - III Weeds - IV Weed Control - V Insects - VI Insects and Diseases of Field Crops - VII Insects and Diseases of Orchards and Vineyards - VIII Insects and Diseases in the Garden and Truckfarm - IX Pests of Ornamentals, Lawns, Flowers and Shrubs - X Household Insects and Rodents - XI Pests of Barns an...

    150,46 €

  • Tópicos E Aplicações Essenciais De Machine Learning Para Irrigação De Precisão
    Rogério Pereira Dos Santos
    Descubra Como A Aplicação Do Machine Learning Pode Revolucionar A Irrigação Agrícola Com O Livro 'Tópicos E Aplicações Essenciais De Machine Learning Para Irrigação De Precisão', Escrito Por Rogério Pereira Dos Santos. Nesta Obra, O Autor, Renomado Especialista Na Área, Explora As Técnicas E Ferramentas Fundamentais Do Machine Learning E Seu Impacto Na Otimização Da Irrigação D...

    11,85 €

  • Plowman’s Folly
    Edward H. Faulkner
    It may be an overstatement to say that this book changed the face of American agriculture, but it comes very close to the truth. In the third of a century since its original publication the disk harrow has largely replaced the moldboard plow in agriculture. Mr. Faulkner’s once startling, heretical doctrine-that the organic stuff of a season’s crops should g back into the upper ...

    28,48 €