Catálogo de libros: Planificación regional y zonal

866 Catálogo de libros: Planificación regional y zonal

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Planificación regional y zonal Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Diário De Um Blogueiro
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    Visual moderno: páginas de jornal pessoal (diário íntimo) pregadas à tela do computador. Informação não impressa, não Imprensa, pensamento virtual, ideia arquivada, registro histórico salvo, em blog, num site de hospedagem gratuita. Exatos 12 meses um ano do primeiro blog de Castanhal (Weblog publishing site). Trabalho de um homem só. Esforço e muita pesquisa resultaram no blo...

    13,81 €

  • Síntese Da História Moderna De Castanhal
    Carlos Araujo
    Os fatos associados às administrações municipais constituem-se na históriarecentede Castanhal. Esta época começa com a criação do município, em 28 de janeiro de 1932, passa pelo fase da Intendência e dos prefeitos nomeados no Período Revolucionário, depois prossegue com os prefeitos eleitos pelo povo, durante o Período Progressista que se desdobra na fase final, no recém-inaugu...

    10,55 €

  • Castanhal - A Formação Política
    Carlos Araujo
    O texto deste livro não é ficcional. Mas os atos humanos tendem ao equívoco, se prestam a mais de uma interpretação. Por isso recomendo que considerem minhas afirmativas textualmente. Organizei este livro movido pelo desejo de registrar, antes que se percam, os fatos que resultaram na formação política e social do povo castanhalense. Os vestígios antigos de nossas origens são p...

    17,45 €

  • Multidisciplinary Approaches to Sustainable Human Development
    Sustainable development helps undo the havoc that has been created by human beings in the last few years in the name of development and growth. It helps to promote a more social, environmental, and economical way of living. There are many ways in which we all can practice sustainable development in our daily lives and further study is required. Multidisciplinary Approaches to S...

    295,32 €

  • Transformation and Efficiency Enhancement of Public Utilities Systems
    Much remains to be known about public utilities system organization, efficiency, management, legislation, practices, and solutions worldwide, as well as the implications for sustainable development in different countries. Thus, a better understanding of the different management practices in public utilities across different contexts is needed to assess their impact on efficienc...

    282,52 €

  • Transformation and Efficiency Enhancement of Public Utilities Systems
    Much remains to be known about public utilities system organization, efficiency, management, legislation, practices, and solutions worldwide, as well as the implications for sustainable development in different countries. Thus, a better understanding of the different management practices in public utilities across different contexts is needed to assess their impact on efficienc...

    216,67 €

  • Smart Cities and Digital Transformation
    Smart Cities and Digital Transformation offers a three-tiered approach to tomorrow’s cities in terms of limitless innovation, sustainable development and empowering communities. ...

    155,86 €

  • The Impact of HEIs on Regional Development
    Higher education institutions (HEIs) are providers of knowledge and competencies. HEIs are very important to the development of society and the regions they impact geographically. The current uncertainty and challenges require new ways of educating. They require the use of new pedagogical tools that prepare students to deal with real and future problems, train them to deliver s...

    282,42 €

  • The Impact of HEIs on Regional Development
    Higher education institutions (HEIs) are providers of knowledge and competencies. HEIs are very important to the development of society and the regions they impact geographically. The current uncertainty and challenges require new ways of educating. They require the use of new pedagogical tools that prepare students to deal with real and future problems, train them to deliver s...

    216,57 €

    Handbook of Township Management is a practice guide which highlights the key professional practices of township management in Singapore. It provides a comprehensive coverage of the purpose, set up, objectives, scope of work, processes and toolkits of town councils in Singapore, including case studies and approaches to resolution of complex problems faced by town councils. Based...

    45,82 €

    Handbook of Township Management is a practice guide which highlights the key professional practices of township management in Singapore. It provides a comprehensive coverage of the purpose, set up, objectives, scope of work, processes and toolkits of town councils in Singapore, including case studies and approaches to resolution of complex problems faced by town councils. Based...

    99,65 €

  • Estudiar el paisaje de la ciudad
    Lucas Períes / PERÍES LUCAS / Silvina Barraud
    Al estudio de los paisajes urbanos le faltaba un libro como el que tienen en sus manos. La obra, editada de manera excelente por los arquitectos Lucas Períes y Silvina Barraud, marca un hito en las metodologías de catalogación de los paisajes urbanos. Los paisajes más próximos, los cotidianos, sobre todo determinados paisajes urbanos y periurbanos, muchas veces han quedado fuer...

    15,60 €

  • Geoinformatics in Support of Urban Politics and the Development of Civil Engineering
    Sérgio António Neves Lousada
    In recent years, the world of civil engineering has been changing considerably. Within the many obstacles, barriers, and opportunities, significant challenges should be considered for the future of civil engineering. With the contribution of geoinformatics, several scientific areas associated with civil engineering experienced rapid technological evolution. Considering these ch...

    327,57 €

  • Geoinformatics in Support of Urban Politics and the Development of Civil Engineering
    Sérgio António Neves Lousada
    In recent years, the world of civil engineering has been changing considerably. Within the many obstacles, barriers, and opportunities, significant challenges should be considered for the future of civil engineering. With the contribution of geoinformatics, several scientific areas associated with civil engineering experienced rapid technological evolution. Considering these ch...

    248,65 €

  • Devolution in Greater Manchester and Liverpool City Region
    Brendan Evans / Georgina Blakeley
    This is the first comprehensive account of the policies of the Greater Manchester and Liverpool City Region combined authorities during the first terms of Mayors Burnham and Rotheram, from 2017-21. ...

    157,12 €

  • Application and Adoption of Robotic Process Automation for Smart Cities
    R.K. Tailor
    In the present era, technological developments are increasing the efficiency and potential of each stakeholder in a business. Robotic process automation is one of the key areas that can be applied in business organizations and corporate sectors to enhance productivity and show a path to success. Application and Adoption of Robotic Process Automation for Smart Cities provides re...

    353,56 €

  • Application and Adoption of Robotic Process Automation for Smart Cities
    R.K. Tailor
    In the present era, technological developments are increasing the efficiency and potential of each stakeholder in a business. Robotic process automation is one of the key areas that can be applied in business organizations and corporate sectors to enhance productivity and show a path to success. Application and Adoption of Robotic Process Automation for Smart Cities provides re...

    268,11 €

  • Considerations of Territorial Planning, Space, and Economic Activity in the Global Economy
    Economic activity is embedded in specific surroundings, and ultimately, these conditions determine productivity and efficiency. However, the use of space in the formal models has been troublesome, but in practical activity, the territory is a crucial determinant when the agents make economic decisions. The interaction between economic activity, territory, and space has become a...

    327,91 €

  • Considerations of Territorial Planning, Space, and Economic Activity in the Global Economy
    Economic activity is embedded in specific surroundings, and ultimately, these conditions determine productivity and efficiency. However, the use of space in the formal models has been troublesome, but in practical activity, the territory is a crucial determinant when the agents make economic decisions. The interaction between economic activity, territory, and space has become a...

    248,99 €

  • Intersecting Health, Livability, and Human Behavior in Urban Environments
    Roberto Alonso González-Lezcano
    The promotion of sustainable urban development and livable cities in the past three decades has effectively merged the themes of urban health, urban sustainability, and urban livability into an integrated research field. As more people are predicted to live in a relatively confined space, the balance between the physical/built environment, social environment, and urban dwellers...

    295,45 €

  • Intersecting Health, Livability, and Human Behavior in Urban Environments
    Roberto Alonso González-Lezcano
    The promotion of sustainable urban development and livable cities in the past three decades has effectively merged the themes of urban health, urban sustainability, and urban livability into an integrated research field. As more people are predicted to live in a relatively confined space, the balance between the physical/built environment, social environment, and urban dwellers...

    223,07 €

  • Cyber-Physical System Solutions for Smart Cities
    In the implementation of smart cities, sensors and actuators that produce and consume enormous amounts of data in a variety of formats and ontologies will be incorporated into the system as a whole. The data produced by the participating devices need to be adequately categorized and connected to reduce duplication and conflicts. Newer edge computing techniques are needed to man...

    353,42 €

  • Microterritorios
    Giorgio Peretti
    Los conjuntos habitacionales de la década del 70 en la Argentina abordaron el problema de la vivienda masiva a través de criterios importados de las ideas del CIAM y del Team X. Sin embargo, los resultados de la aplicación de estos principios tuvieron como consecuencia una marcada degradación social y urbana. Este libro propone retomar las ideas de los proyectos de viviendas ma...

    15,60 €

  • Inclusive Community Development Through Tourism and Hospitality Practices
    Sustainable tourism should not be limited to environmental preservation; the sociocultural and economic sides should also be considered. There is a need for an integrated approach recognizing the resources, facilities, and infrastructures that are interrelated with the social, cultural, and natural environment. Community development becomes a reality only by merging the princip...

    282,16 €

  • Inclusive Community Development Through Tourism and Hospitality Practices
    Sustainable tourism should not be limited to environmental preservation; the sociocultural and economic sides should also be considered. There is a need for an integrated approach recognizing the resources, facilities, and infrastructures that are interrelated with the social, cultural, and natural environment. Community development becomes a reality only by merging the princip...

    216,31 €

  • Nacionalismo Brasileiro
    Felipe Maruf Quintas
    O nacionalismo é a doutrina de defesa e valorização da soberania nacional e de tudo que faz o Brasil ser brasileiro. O nacionalismo jamais se tornará obsoleto, pois, enquanto houver brasileiros, haverá Brasil e, portanto, a necessidade de proteger e realçar a nossa nacionalidade, que nos torna únicos no mundo. Sem soberania e sem nacionalismo não pode haver cidadania. ...

    23,92 €

  • Mococa
    Bernardino Coelho Da Silva
    Este livro era para ser uma análise dos problemas de Mococa, especialmente, aqueles ligados à má administração pública, que vem gerando grande desgaste junto à sociedade, observando-se a cada nova eleição, o aumento do índice de abstenção, pela desilusão dos eleitores com os maus políticos e com a corrupção que tem levado agentes políticos e agentes públicos a ter de prestar co...

    27,98 €

  • Love Our Cities
    Eric Jung / Jeff Pishney
    By shining a spotlight on the cities that have been supported through Love Our Cities’ local volunteer efforts, Jeff Pishney and Eric Jung outline their approach to community development and how anyone can kickstart city-wide improvement in Love Our Cities. ...

    15,61 €

  • Review and Assessment of the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle Economic Corridors
    Asian Development Bank
    Focusing on Indonesia’s economy, this report assesses five economic corridors within the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) and explores ways to boost their development, as well as potential advantages of a new, sixth corridor.The IMT-GT comprises five economic corridors that are key geographic zones for its subregional economic cooperation. Analyzing data on ...

    49,16 €

  • Review and Assessment of the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle Economic Corridors
    Abdul Rahim Anuar
    Focusing on Malaysia’s economy, this report assesses five economic corridors within the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) and explores ways to boost their development, as well as potential advantages of a new, sixth corridor. The IMT-GT comprises five economic corridors that are key geographic zones for its subregional economic cooperation. Analyzing data on ...

    52,14 €