Catálogo de libros: Gestión medioambiental

455 Catálogo de libros: Gestión medioambiental

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro El medioambiente Eliminar filtro Gestión medioambiental Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Politics of Turbulent Waters
    For the past 10 years, the Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) has been on the front line of the struggle for environmental justice, climate justice and food sovereignty in Africa and the globe. It has been a decade of non-stop probing of the exploitation of resources, peoples and nations, which has given rise to numerous environmental and climate injustices. HOMEF has ha...

    22,29 €

  • Precious Stones Earth’s Treasures
    Ary Jr. S.
    Gemstones are mesmerizing in their beauty, brilliance and rarity. Since antiquity, these stones have been admired, used as status symbols, personal adornments and valuable gifts. They are found in different parts of the world, each with its own history, myths and legends. In addition, each gemstone has unique characteristics such as color, clarity, cut and weight that affect it...

    8,26 €

  • Well Connected
    Tessa Farmer
    How a community in Cairo, Egypt, has adapted the many systems required for clean water.Who is responsible for ensuring access to clean potable water? In an urbanizing planet beset by climate change, cities are facing increasingly arid conditions and a precarious water future. In Well Connected, anthropologist Tessa Farmer details how one community in Cairo, Egypt, has worked co...

    64,56 €

  • Mammoth Cave
    Melanie Miller-Inman
    The author’s family has, over the years, fallen in love with Mammoth Cave National Park, which is located near Cave City, Kentucky. The love of this wonderful and mysterious place started back in the 1960s with the author’s father, J. David Miller, who was there as a teen, trapping deer with the United States government, and spread to the author’s mother, Judy, then on to the a...

    16,18 €

  • Big Fires Start Small
    Thomas Pandola
    'We are not helpless in solving the wildfire crisis in California.'These words of author Thomas Pandola form the passion and the premise of this, his first solo book, Big Fires Start Small. Following his service of twenty-five years with the LAFD, Pandola witnessed the annual loss of lives and property and experienced the side effects from the smoke caused by California’s wildf...

    15,71 €

  • Jacksonville’s Emerald Necklace
    Larry B. Smith
    Nestled in the foothills of the Siskiyou Mountains of Southern Oregon, Historic Jacksonville’s naturally occurring urban forests provides a dramatic, scenic backdrop for the town’s well-preserved cluster of Victorian brick buildings, some even dating back to the days of the Gold Rush. The native oak and pine forests that surround our National Historic Landmark town have been de...

    69,89 €

  • Love Letters to Water
    Claudiu Murgan
    Water scarcity is a known issue for billions of people around the world and the latest research has predicted that this crisis will only get worse.  Through my own research, I understand that water has memory, water is alive, it could be happy and sad, structured and non-structured. Humanity has lost its way in dealing with nature and especially with its most important element,...

    16,78 €

  • Love Letters to Water
    Claudiu Murgan
    Water scarcity is a known issue for billions of people around the world and the latest research has predicted that this crisis will only get worse.  Through my own research, I understand that water has memory, water is alive, it could be happy and sad, structured and non-structured. Humanity has lost its way in dealing with nature and especially with its most important element,...

    32,94 €

  • Áreas De Preservação Permanente Na Legislação Brasileira
    Alessandro Cristian Da Silva
    Se a preservação ambiental é uma necessidade premente e isso o é, indubitavelmente , mais necessário ainda é o estabelecimento de áreas específicas dentro daquelas já destinadas à preservação. Isso porque a proteção em si, num sentido amplo, tende a nivelar o objeto tutelado como um todo, não levando em conta as peculiaridades e os diferentes graus de importância que cada figu...

    7,77 €

  • Manual Do Benzimento
    Roseli Santos
    O ato de benzer é a chave da vida aliada aos nossos 7 sentidos, ferramenta essa que nos dispõe tudo que dela precisamos. Está ferramenta magística vai nos fornecer a condição de nos cuidarmos, pois o que seria de nós e de nosso planeta sem suas essências curativas?Através deste Manual do Benzimento estamos mostrando literalmente que as plantas e as ervas nos fornecem suas essên...

    10,28 €

  • Educação Ambiental: Marcos Epistêmicos
    Elói Martins Senhoras (organizador)
    A Educação Ambiental trata-se de uma área de ensino que mesmo não sendo nova, apresenta um ciclo de vida com um claro processo de crescimento exponencialna curta duração em razão dos impactos cumulativos em escala e escopo no planeta, advindos de uma massiva estruturação das infraestruturas produtivas e de consumo do Capitalismo desde o século XV e intensificadas por quatro ger...

    16,42 €

  • Mushroom Lover’s Journal
    Aria Jones
    The Journal for Spores, Honey Fungus, and Mycology Fans!This lovely mycology journal featuring Aria Jones’ beautiful cover full of mushrooms, spores, and honey fungus inspires you to get your hands dirty!Unleash your thoughts with this cute journal. The Mushroom Lover’s Journal is a multi-purpose notebook for writing down to-do lists, affirmations, study notes, letters and cute...

    11,42 €

  • Mission Sustainable India Volume 3
    The Volume-1 of the Vision Document on Mission Sustainable India Volume 1covered topics of Sustainable Citizenship, Governance, Bureaucracy, and Justice System. In the Volume -2, we covered additional topics such as Mass Media Communication, Sustainable Education, Sustainable Habitat, Sustainable Food and Health Systems. The Volume-3 of the Vision Document Mission Sustainable...

    15,74 €

  • Energy Resources
    Jerry McBeath

    88,81 €

  • The Letchworth State Park Atlas
    Stephen J. Tulowiecki
    A visitor’s companion to New York’s Letchworth State Park, richly illustrated with ninety maps and thirty-five photographs. ...

    37,01 €

  • 水伦理:原则与准则 Water Ethics
    Jiang Jingfei 者蒋经飞先生
    对于众多政策制定者、城市管理者、水务专家、技术人员或者活动家而言,水管理的伦理视角并不重要,或者说没有任何附加价值。两方阵营的一场争论似乎僵持不下,一方主要强调所有人的用水权,而另一方认为不能超越现实的经济情况。某种资源的可持续利用,在开采、分配和回收利用方面面临越来越大的压力,这些方面虽然说不上是一个技术官僚问题,但却像是一个技术性问题。本合著著作提出了不同的观点。用水以及资源的可持续利用的许多问题取决于开诚布公的谈判,解决冲突和关税结构,同时扩大水的交付和公平管理水的稀缺问题。在所有这些过程之中,伦理价值至关重要。 ...

    11,42 €

  • El análisis ambiental y territorial del planeamiento
    Mercedes Almenar Muñoz
    En las últimas décadas, la perspectiva medioambiental ha adquirido un peso creciente como base del urbanismo y de la planificación del territorio desde criterios de sostenibilidad. La razón de ello es la necesidad de hacer compatible el desarrollo urbano con la protección y preservación de los recursos ambientales, para responder a los desafíos ecológicos asociados al cambio cl...

    24,50 €

  • Teachers in the Forest
    Barry Babcock / Barry W. Babcock
    'A rewarding and enriching fusion of traditional wisdom, science and first-hand experience.' -Tristan Gooley, author of The Natural Navigator, and How to Read NatureDrawing from a similar lifestyle and environmental ethic as Henry D. Thoreau and Aldo Leopold, Babcock has lived more than two decades off-grid deep in the forest near the headwaters of the Mississippi River. Here h...

    13,07 €

  • The Great Reconfiguration
    Bruno Turnheim / Frank W. Geels

    59,65 €

  • Suelo y cambio climático
    Sonia Esperanza Aguirre Forero
    Suelo y cambio climático es un enfoque sistémico resultado de investigaciones enel área de edafología, orientado a contribuir a la comprensión y apropiacióndel recurso como base del sistema ecológico. Este texto contiene experienciascontextualizadas que permiten repensar el uso del suelo y hacer aportes en latransformación de las relaciones socioculturales que sustentan los sab...

    11,11 €

  • Dwelling on the Green Line
    Gabriel Schwake

    120,24 €

    Saige Hypolite
    Adventures of Bella and Sara teaches children about non-renewable resources through the eyes of 4th grade friends, Bella and Sara. The book will also help parents start conversations with their young children, about preserving our natural resources and protecting the environment. ...

    27,38 €

  • Rubbish Belongs to the Poor
    Patrick O’Hare
    Garbage. Waste. Trash. Whatever term you choose to describe the things we throw away, the connotations are the same; of something dirty, useless and incontrovertibly ’bad’. But does such a dismissive rendering mask a more nuanced reality? In Rubbish Belongs to the Poor, Patrick O’Hare journeys to the heart of Uruguay’s waste disposal system in order to reconceptualize garbage a...

    127,07 €

  • Off-Grid Living
    Shawn Shepherd
    Off-Grid Living: A Comprehensive Guide is the definitive handbook on living off the grid. We refer to being disconnected from the public electrical grid as being "off the grid." The United States and Canada, as well as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and sections of Western Europe and the United Kingdom, are the focus of this book. I’ve gathered all I’ve learned about liv...

    26,31 €

  • Bangladesh Climate and Disaster Risk Atlas
    Asian Development Bank
    This Atlas is composed of Hazards-Volume I and Exposures, Vulnerabilities, and Risks-Volume II containing spatial information and thematic maps for assessing development in the agriculture and water sectors.This two-volume atlas is intended to support the formulation of co-beneficial options for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and management in Bangladesh....

    67,44 €

  • Bangladesh Climate and Disaster Risk Atlas
    Asian Development Bank
    This Atlas is composed of Hazards-Volume I and Exposures, Vulnerabilities, and Risks-Volume II containing spatial information and thematic maps for assessing development in the agriculture and water sectors.This two-volume atlas is intended to support the formulation of co-beneficial options for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and management in Bangladesh....

    36,99 €

  • Financing the Ocean Back to Health in Southeast Asia
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication identifies investment approaches, opportunities, and finance mechanisms in Southeast Asia that can promote and catalyze funds for a sustainable ocean economy.It provides an overview of the 'blue economy'' and emphasizes its significance for protecting the biodiversity of natural resources in Southeast Asia. The 'blue economy' is defined as the sustainable use o...

    32,62 €

  • Re-imagining International Relations
    Amitav Acharya / Barry Buzan

    29,86 €

  • Re-imagining International Relations
    Amitav Acharya / Barry Buzan

    96,13 €

  • Guidelines for Mainstreaming Natural River Management in Water Sector Investments
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication provides guidance on how natural river management (NRM) approaches can be applied in water sector investments to promote sustainable development, protect biodiversity, and conserve natural resources.The NRM approach is designed to harness the natural functions of river systems so they sustainably provide important services such as water supply and flood and dro...

    32,47 €