Catálogo de libros: Política y protocolos medioambientales

736 Catálogo de libros: Política y protocolos medioambientales

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  • Breaking Boundaries
    Analyzes efforts made by communities and policy makers around the world to push beyond conventional approaches to environmental decision making. ...

    42,95 €

  • Shifting Livelihoods
    Daniel Tubb
    Honorable Mention for the Society for the Anthropology of Work (SAW) Book PrizeThe many dimensions of gold in a shadow economyPeople employ various methods to extract gold in the rainforests of the Chocó, in northwest Colombia: Rural Afro-Colombian artisanal miners work hillsides with hand tools or dredge mud from river bottoms. Migrant miners level the landscape with excavator...

    40,83 €

  • Oasis Earth
    Rick Steiner
    Oasis Earth confirms that we are destroying the biosphere of our Home Planet. We know the causes, consequences, and solutions to this existential crisis, yet we’ve failed to correct it. We are out of time: this decade is our last best chance to save a habitable Earth. Rich with insights from those who have viewed our planet from space and evocative images from the U.N. Environm...

    32,42 €

  • Complexity of Transboundary Water Conflicts
    ’Complexity of Transboundary Water Conflicts’ seeks to understand transboundary water issues as complex systems with contingent conditions and possibilities. To address those conditions and leverage the possibilities it introduces the concept of enabling conditions as a pragmatic way to identify and act on the emergent possibilities to resolve transboundary water issues. ...

    57,26 €

  • Hurry Up and Stop
    John H. Barber / John HBarber
    The UK economy and environment are not in a good place. We have contributed to global warming and our sense of wellbeing is being eroded. The book cuts through to the facts regarding each issue, explains the background and looks behind the headlines. It examines the current direction of travel of many related issues and outlines a joined up way forward that improves the outlook...

    14,46 €

  • Inside the Equal Access to Justice Act
    Lowell E. Baier / Lowell EBaier
    Lowell E. Baier, one of America’s preeminent experts on environmental litigation, chronicles the century-long story of Americas’ resources management, focusing on litigations, citizen suit provisions, and attorneys’ fees. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in environmental policy and the rise of the administrative state. ...

    52,17 €

  • And the Coastlands Wait
    Reid W. Harris
    A broad-based coalition of conservative southern politicians, countercultural activists, environmental scientists, sportsmen, devout Christians, garden clubs in Atlanta, and others came together to push the Coastal Marshlands Protection Act of 1970 through the Georgia state legislature. The law was a first-in-the-nation bill to save the marshes of a state from mining and aggres...

    24,43 €

  • America’s Public Lands
    Randall K. Wilson / Randall KWilson
    This updated edition traces the oft-forgotten ideas of nature that have shaped the evolution of America’s public land system. The result is a fresh and compelling account of the most pressing challenges facing national parks, forests, rangelands, and wildlife refuges from their early beginnings through the first years of the Trump administration. ...

    133,76 €

  • America’s Public Lands
    Randall K. Wilson / Randall KWilson
    This updated edition traces the oft-forgotten ideas of nature that have shaped the evolution of America’s public land system. The result is a fresh and compelling account of the most pressing challenges facing national parks, forests, rangelands, and wildlife refuges from their early beginnings through the first years of the Trump administration. ...

    52,12 €

  • American Agony
    Helen Borel
    Managing pain with opioids is a science—except politics, money, and overzealous law enforcement are denying American patients the relief they so desperately need. Demonizing the best pain reliever we have leads to needless suffering, even suicides, and it drives the rise in deadly street drugs. Helen Borel gathers and presents the evidence, the intimidation, the raids of clinic...

    25,53 €

  • American Agony
    Borel Helen
    Managing pain with opioids is a science—except politics, money, and overzealous law enforcement are denying American patients the relief they so desperately need. Demonizing the best pain reliever we have leads to needless suffering, even suicides, and it drives the rise in deadly street drugs. Helen Borel gathers and presents the evidence, the intimidation, the raids of clinic...

    40,31 €

  • Developing Ecological Consciousness
    Christopher Uhl
    Developing Ecological Consciousness is a unique introduction to environmental studies. ...

    122,10 €

  • The Snow Leopard and the Goat
    Shafqat Hussain
    Who should bear the cost of protecting charismatic wildlife?Following the downgrading of the snow leopard’s status from “endangered” to “vulnerable” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature in 2017, debate has renewed about the actual number of snow leopards in the wild and the most effective strategies for coexisting with these enigmatic animals. Evidence from Pak...

    40,87 €

  • Developing Ecological Consciousness
    Christopher Uhl
    Developing Ecological Consciousness is a unique introduction to environmental studies. ...

    43,21 €

  • Postnormal Conservation
    Katja Grötzner Neves
    Explores the evolving role of botanic gardens from products and enablers of modernity and the nation-state, to their recent reinvention as institutions of environmental governance. ...

    42,07 €

  • The Tao of Revolution
    Chris Taylor
    Finally, a book on climate & societal change that isn't about the coming chaos, but about how we learn to live with the future. This is for people who love these kinds of books but even more, for people who hate them. The system will not be overthrown: it will be overgrown. Here's how.The safest way to protect Nature is to return her to the Commons. Wherever people have...

    11,75 €

  • Fighting Pollution and Climate Change
    Jr. Richard W. Emory / Richard W. Emory Jr
    Inside the U.S. government EPA (from 1979), scientists clearly saw climate change as a potentially horrific problem. Since 2017, U.S. tools of pollution control have been disassembled or left unused. Climate change is on the national agenda for the first time in the 2020 Presidential election. The western world sees the need to resuscitate the U.S. EPA to manage the “Green New ...

    24,82 €

  • Democratic Eco-Socialism as a Real Utopia
    Hans A Baer
    As global economic and population growth continues to skyrocket, increasingly strained resources have made one thing clear: the desperate need for an alternative to capitalism. In Democratic Eco-Socialism as a Real Utopia, Hans Baer outlines the urgent need to reevaluate historical definitions of socialism, commit to social equality and justice, and prioritize environmental sus...

    44,23 €

  • SDG6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
    Edward Morgan / Eva Kremere
    Bridging academic discussion and real-world case studies, this book considers the challenge, posed by SDG6, of balancing the provision of the basic human right of access to water whilst not eroding our capacity to live sustainably in a rapidly changing world. ...

    84,98 €

  • Just Transitions
    In the field of ’climate change’, no terrain goes uncontested. The terminological tug of war between activists and corporations, scientists and governments, has seen radical notions of ’sustainability’ emptied of urgency and subordinated to the interests of capital. ’Just Transition’ is the latest such battleground, and the conceptual keystone of the post-COP21 climate policy w...

    134,89 €

  • Behold This Compost
    Alex Ulysses Nickel
    Why is the Newtown Pippin the most important apple you’ve never heard of? How does anthropogenic climate change affect the Earth? Why does San Francisco send less waste to the landfill than any other major US city? Part science and part memoir, Behold This Compost: How City-Wide Compost Programs Work and Why We Need Them Now, More Than Ever delves into all of those questions an...

    14,24 €

  • Sociological Studies of Environmental Conflict
    Dian Jordan / Mehmet Soyer / Sebahattin Ziyanak
    This book explores the power struggles over natural resources and expounds on how resolutions are negotiated and maintained. Essays included in the volume survey the factors and the influence they have in framing and resolving environmental issues such as fracking, shared waters, and environmental threats. ...

    45,05 €

  • The Climate Crisis and Corrupt Politics
    Larry J. Schweiger / Larry JSchweiger
    There is only one earth and our world is undergoing dramatic changes brought on by the climate crisis and other human-induced ecological disruptions. The world's top scientists studying these threats and the forces behind them have been warning us for decades to end the use of fossil fuels or face catastrophic consequences. Countering the still small voices of science, our ...

    37,47 €

  • Eco Eco
    Jane Robertson / John Robertson
    Ecology and economics share a common root: the Greek word oikos, meaning a house. Ecology is the way the natural world manages its house. Economics is the way society manages its house. The contentions of this book are that the natural world is the best guide to our economic activities, that supply and demand are insufficient determinants, that profit and loss are not alternati...

    9,24 €

  • Shattered Earth
    Dr. Ian Prattis / TBD
    Author Dr. Ian Prattis opens Shattered Earth in the not too distant future with a futuristic analysis of Climate Change and “the inevitable fate provided by the suicide pact engineered by corrupt corporations for most of humanity.”From there, the award-winning writer examines destructive environmental trends and practices and explores ways to protect and preserve planet Earth.D...

    30,01 €

    David C Cook / DAVID COOK & JANET HADDOC ROBERT FRASER / Janet Haddock-Fraser / Robert W Fraser
    We live in a world that is increasingly dependent on international trade in a context of substantial regional/national political tensions. Adding to this is an emerging understanding and concern about the social impact of biosecurity and ecosystem services risks associated with such trade. As the key international trade 'arbiter', the World Trade Organization (WTO) has ...

    118,22 €

  • Shattered Earth
    Dr. Ian Prattis
    Author Dr. Ian Prattis opens Shattered Earth in the not too distant future with a futuristic analysis of Climate Change and “the inevitable fate provided by the suicide pact engineered by corrupt corporations for most of humanity.”From there, the award-winning writer examines destructive environmental trends and practices and explores ways to protect and preserve planet Earth.D...

    11,21 €

  • Getting the transport right - for what?
    Mathilde Rehnlund
    “Get the transportation right. Then let things happen.” Sir Peter Hall, Professor of Urban Planning, once gave this advice on planning cities for a sustainable future.In research and politics, ‘right’ is increasingly coming to mean ‘sustainable.’ There is a wide consensus that transport is a crucial component of  sustainability efforts and an approximate agreement about what me...

    27,42 €

  • An Appetite For Change?
    Philip Richardson
    The production of food is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Unprecedented human demand for food, particularly for meat and milk, presents a huge challenge to farmers who, at the same time face increasing pressure to conserve the environment. This book explains how farmers across the world must learn to cope with increasing climatic change and mounting environment...

    17,66 €

    Jun Deng / Xuming Tan / Yunpeng Li / YUNPENG LI JUN DENG JINHON XUMING TAN
    Based on the past 30-years' research on the technical and cultural values of China's Grand Canal, this book, based on interdisciplinary research, studies the natural and social background of the evolution and development of different sections of the Grand Canal in different historical periods, as well as the interrelations between the Grand Canal and the Chinese politic...

    142,27 €