Catálogo de libros: Ecología aplicada

888 Catálogo de libros: Ecología aplicada

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro El medioambiente Eliminar filtro Ecología aplicada Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Corredor Ecológico Triplo A (Andes, Amazônia e Atlântico)
    Paulo José Chaves Fonseca
    Este livro foi escrito para aqueles que compreendem que os recursos naturais estratégicos amazônicos são, sobremaneira, o maior patrimônio do Estado brasileiro. Para aqueles que percebem onde os governos federal, regionais, ou locais precisam atuar, serve como um orientador para ações a serem tomadas, apontando problemas específicos. É, em um espectro mais amplo, uma análise da...

    22,50 €

    Jay Turney
    Armageddon is just another meme. The end of the world sells gold-clad coins, nutritional panaceas, web site traffic, and probably shampoo and body spray. But in our consumer bubbles, we may no longer have the capacity for distinguishing between fake and real dangers. It is the premise of this book that very real threats to a decent way of life even for the entitled first world,...

    22,42 €

  • Material Insurgency
    Andrew M. Rose / Andrew MRose
    Examines emerging new materialist and posthuman conceptions of subjectivity and agency, and explores their increasing significance for contemporary climate change environmentalism. ...

    42,06 €

  • Ecology on the Ground and in the Clouds
    Andrea Nye
    Follows Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland as they travel together in South America and then go their separate ways, in the process illustrating two very different ways of understanding humanity’s place in the natural world. ...

    121,30 €

  • Handbook of Research on Resource Management and the Struggle for Water Sustainability in Africa
    Access to water and sanitation remains a critical challenge in various countries in Africa. The crisis remains the crisis of governance rather than the physical and economic scarcity. In most countries, water is realized as a human right and subsidies are provided for the indigent households. The tricky issue in rural areas remains an issue of access that is often linked to wil...

    426,16 €

  • Self-Reliance and Other Essays
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    2021 Hardcover Reprint of Selections from Emerson’s Essays: First Series [1841] and Second Series [1844]. Essayist, poet, and philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) was a founder of American Transcendentalism, a philosophy emphasizing self-reliance, introspection and the importance of nature for the human being. He was a prescient critic of the dehumanizing tendencies of ...

    18,04 €

  • A Framework for Community Ecology
    Daniel C. Laughlin / Daniel CLaughlin / Paul A. Keddy / Paul AKeddy

    53,60 €

  • Walden
    'This is a delicious evening, when the whole body is one sense, and imbibes delight through every pore. I go and come with a strange liberty in Nature, a part of herself.'Thoreau lived in his Walden camp but two years, 1845-1847, and, as his narrative clearly shows, by no means exiled himself from home and companions. His hermitage was within easy walking distance of Concord; a...

    27,00 €

  • Collected Works of John Muir, Naturalist (complete and unabridged), including
    John Muir
    John Muir (1838- 1914) was a Scottish-born American naturalist, author, and the modern day ''patron saint of ecology''. His writings on his adventures in the various wildernesses of America have been enjoyed by millions. His ecological activism helped to preserve many of the national parks, enabling others to enjoy nature. He founded the Sierra Club, which is one of the most im...

    74,01 €

  • A Catechism of Nature
    George Willcox III Brown
    This book considers the problem of ecological degradation from the perspective of a Christian clergyman and hunter. Drawing on the tradition of Christian mysticism, the author offers a series of meditations on various aspects of the natural world, including oceans and prairies, weather patterns, the changing of seasons, animal and plant communities, and the ways humans engage w...

    16,98 €

  • A Catechism of Nature
    George Willcox III Brown
    This book considers the problem of ecological degradation from the perspective of a Christian clergyman and hunter. Drawing on the tradition of Christian mysticism, the author offers a series of meditations on various aspects of the natural world, including oceans and prairies, weather patterns, the changing of seasons, animal and plant communities, and the ways humans engage w...

    29,57 €

  • Enlightened Environmentalism
    Anand Saxena
    Humanity is facing a number of challenges that are increasing in intensity and are projected to become much worse in the coming years. The era of profligate consumption, aided by developments in science and technology, is causing enormous harm to the ecosystem on which we depend for our welfare, even survival. Our present lifestyle requires excessive amounts of planetary resour...

    32,83 €

  • Ecolibrium
    Al-Hafiz B.A. Masri / Al-Hafiz B.AMasri / Mehran Banaei / Nadeem Haque
    Ecolibrium: The Sacred Balance in Islam presents the precepts and applications of a totally rational belief system where the distinction between religion and secularism is meaningless. The book demonstrates that the optimal solution to our mounting socio-environmental problems is achievable if only we were to return to an integrated way of thinking and living-of indeed organizi...

    32,14 €

  • Ecolibrium
    Al-Hafiz B.A. Masri / Al-Hafiz B.AMasri / Mehran Banaei / Nadeem Haque
    Ecolibrium: The Sacred Balance in Islam presents the precepts and applications of a totally rational belief system where the distinction between religion and secularism is meaningless. The book demonstrates that the optimal solution to our mounting socio-environmental problems is achievable if only we were to return to an integrated way of thinking and living-of indeed organizi...

    39,40 €

  • Ritual at World’s End
    Claudio Carvalhaes
    With a foreword by Ivone Gebara.'Ritual at World’s End maps Cláudio’s conversion to an ecological approach to liturgy. It also manifests his ever-confident eschewal of the usual authorities in liturgical theology. Instead, he is looking to liberation theologians, and listening to the poor. So, these are the field notes of a man on a journey-to the land, to his past, with his ch...

    88,32 €

  • Flow Learning
    Joseph Bharat Cornell
    Flow Learning® is a companion to Joseph Cornell’s earlier book, Sharing Nature®: Nature Awareness Activities for All Ages, which describes in depth the practice of Flow Learning and features fifty activities. Many practitioners-while observing their groups’ lively, enthusiastic, and inspired responses-express amazement at how well the Flow Learning process works. Direct experie...

    26,89 €

  • Living While Human
    Arwinder Kaur
    How do we as humans navigate our lives in the complex world we have created? With the high speed in which we are bombarded with images, messages and conflicting ideas, how do we figure out how to live in the world without destroying it and ourselves? Why are we the only species that seems to be struggling to live truly healthy lives? Masses of us are suffering with feelings of ...

    31,31 €

  • Living While Human
    Arwinder Kaur
    How do we as humans navigate our lives in the complex world we have created? With the high speed in which we are bombarded with images, messages and conflicting ideas, how do we figure out how to live in the world without destroying it and ourselves? Why are we the only species that seems to be struggling to live truly healthy lives? Masses of us are suffering with feelings of ...

    39,64 €

  • The Evolution Delusion
    Bart Rask
    Does the field of evolution differ from other sciences? The author, a reviewer for a major medical journal, scrutinized hundreds of scientific references in evolutionary literature, adopting the same standards used for studies submitted for medical publication. The data show that there are two types of evolution, microevolution and macroevolution, with a clear boundary between ...

    45,50 €

  • The Call of Mother Earth
    Clare Rosenfield
    A story all in dialogue between Mother Earth calling out for help and a Being of Light who responds, allowing Her to rest, receive, and replenish. How? By inspiring villagers to offer their deepest love, appreciation and gratitude to Mother Earth. Little by little, She regains Her strength and is able to give Her message to live in harmony with the Earth, teaching their childre...

    13,68 €

  • Cultivar el amor por la Naturaleza
    Elena Villanueva
    En Cultivar el amor por la naturaleza, Elena Villanueva busca hacernos conscientes de nuestra relación con la naturaleza, para que aprendamos a verla como una relación que descansa en lo profundo de nuestra alma. La autora utiliza una prosa ágil y sencilla para llevarnos de la mano a reconocer uno de los papeles más importantes que tenemos como seres humanos: el de protectores ...

    38,58 €

  • So God Made A Farmer
    Levi Lyle
    Limited Time Offer. 40% OFF'Paul Harvey would be proud of Levi Lyle. He truly embodies what it means to be a steward of the land. He has shown that working with nature can not only improve the environment but can be financially profitable as well.' ~Dale Hilgenkamp, President, American Aronia Berry Association'With farmers facing climate challenges now more than ever - we need ...

    19,99 €

  • A World Not Made for Us
    Keith R. Peterson / Keith RPeterson
    Proposes a nonanthropocentric reassessment of key themes and approaches in environmental philosophy ...

    42,12 €

  • Material Insurgency
    Andrew M. Rose / Andrew MRose
    Examines emerging new materialist and posthuman conceptions of subjectivity and agency, and explores their increasing significance for contemporary climate change environmentalism. ...

    121,76 €

  • Joint Species Distribution Modelling
    Nerea Abrego / Otso Ovaskainen

    141,43 €

  • La magie réaliste
    Timothy Morton / Arthur Duhé
    Dans cet ouvrage, Timothy Morton, écologiste de premier ordre, critique littéraire et philosophe orienté vers l’objet nous entraîne dans une nuit magique des objets. Si les choses sont intrinsèquement en retrait, irréductibles à leur perception, à leurs relations, ou à leurs usages, elles peuvent seulement s’affecter les unes les autres dans une étrange région de traces et d’em...

    27,55 €

  • Writing on sheep
    William Welstead
    An animal studies and ecocritical approach to poetry on sheep in the context of agro-pastoral societies and environmental crisis. ...

    159,32 €

  • How to Apocalypse
    Hassan Rasheed
    Contrary to popular belief we are on the cusp of a major extinction event that is totally within the laws of nature. There is no question human activity is driving this event by exhuming ancient remains and resurrecting the conditions in existence back 600 million years ago. It is as if nature is saying the current conditions are not sustainable and Earth needs to reset and r...

    6,46 €

  • Becoming a Tiger
    Susan McCarthy

    12,10 €

  • Eat Like Your Ancestors (From the Ground Beneath Your Feet)
    Liz Pearson Mann
    Do you want to eat better and save the planet? Do media headlines about the damaging effects of the food we eat make you despair? The advice we see can be confusing, uninspiring, or make us feel that everything we eat is wrong. The good news is that you don’t have to be bamboozled, particularly with statistics about greenhouse gas emissions. Reconnect instead to the world of re...

    11,81 €