Catálogo de libros: El medioambiente

4339 Catálogo de libros: El medioambiente

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro El medioambiente Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Delta Do Rio Parnaíba
    José Raimundo Alves
    O livro Delta do Rio Parnaíba é uma verdadeira obra-prima que apresenta ao leitor um universo ainda pouco explorado do nosso país. Escrito pelo professor José Raimundo Alves, a obra tem como enredo uma fascinante jornada de três dias pelo Rio Parnaíba, um dos principais rios do Nordeste brasileiro, que nasce na Serra da Ibiapaba, no Ceará, e deságua no Oceano Atlântico, entre o...

    14,27 €

  • I Trust You to Kill Me
    J. A. Howe
    Late December 2119, world population is down to six billion. The great cities, capitals, and ports have been eaten by sea water. Catastrophic death is an everyday occurrence.Alena Rivera’s husband and daughter have died in Beirut. To survive her grief, she has transferred back to Bogata. A drug expert in CIMI, she is tagged to head the station. Now she is lying grievously wound...

    28,83 €

  • New Zealand Weather Almanac 2024 (Paperback)
    Ken Ring
    Need to plan for the next La Nina?Need to know when floods are returning? Need to know when to rest and when to invest?Ken Ring’s weather predictions have been relied on by people around Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand for over 20 years, and his annual weather almanacs are always eagerly anticipated. The 2024 New Zealand Almanac allows you to calculate the weather for any d...

    131,89 €

  • La Biosphère
    Vladimir Vernadsky
    ... La face de la Terre révèle la surface de notre planète, sa biosphère, ses régions externes, régions qui la séparent du milieu cosmique. Cette face terrestre devient visible grâce aux rayons lumineux des astres célestes qui la pénètrent, du Soleil en premier lieu. Elle reçoit de tous les points des espaces célestes un nombre infini de rayonnements divers, dont les rayonnemen...

    14,48 €

  • The Nonsense of Global Warming and Climate Change
    Dirk van Leenen
    The truth about the earth we live on. Everything we create, consume, build, manufacture and waste comes from the earth and returns to the earth, from dust to dust. Everything that happens on the earth, has a purpose. Man cannot change the earth’s nature! Even pollution, forest fires, floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have a corrective purpose on the earth. ...

    18,00 €

  • The Nonsense of Global Warming and Climate Change
    Dirk van Leenen
    The truth about the earth we live on. Everything we create, consume, build, manufacture and waste comes from the earth and returns to the earth, from dust to dust. Everything that happens on the earth, has a purpose. Man cannot change the earth’s nature! Even pollution, forest fires, floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have a corrective purpose on the earth. ...

    25,41 €

  • Lake Victoria and Riparian
    Charlotte Anyango Ong’ang’a / Obiero Ong’ang’a
    Dr. Obiero Ong’ang’a and Dr. Charlotte Anyango Ong’ang’a, a dynamic father-daughter duo, bring a wealth of expertise and knowledge to their respective fields.Dr. Obiero Ong’ang’a, as the Founder and Executive Director of OSIENALA (Friends of Lake Victoria) and Radio Lake Victoria 92.1 FM, has dedicated his career to environmental conservation and community development. With his...

    35,19 €

  • Sementes Do Amanhã
    Sofia Gurgel E Cecília Gurgel
    Sofia e Cecília estão à frente do seu tempo. Pessoas raras praticando a perspectiva única de compromisso com o futuro e com a existência da humanidade. Enquanto jovens de sua idade estão levando uma vida de imediatismo, descompromissados com as pessoas e sem visão de futuro, a arborização urbana e os desafios da gestão de resíduos impulsionaram Sofia e Cecília a encontrar, junt...

    13,24 €

  • Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Game Changers in Asia and the Pacific
    Asian Development Bank
    Analyzing the potential of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) to secure a low-carbon environment for Asia and the Pacific, this Asian Development Bank (ADB) compendium features 11 CCUS technologies and tools.As ADB strives to facilitate this low-carbon future for the region within the next half of this century, the compendium explores how CCUS can enhance sustainab...

    29,58 €

  • Handbook of Research on Bioeconomy and Economic Ecosystems
    Ana Pego
    Bioeconomy is an essential natural capital for life, citizen well-being, and societal prosperity. After decades of intense damaging use, pollution, and hydrological stress, Europe’s ecosystems are acutely threatened with serious degradation. This situation not only means acute economic loss, but also entails catastrophic ecological, social, and cultural damage. Handbook of Rese...

    387,19 €

  • Government Impact on Sustainable and Responsible Supply Chain Management
    Atour Taghipour
    A supply chain comprises different actors existing in different countries, including suppliers, producers, and customers. Clothes are supplied from Asia to all other regions; most coffee beans are supplied from South America; and cocoa is produced in Africa. Protecting the rights of people who produce goods in different countries is essential. In fact, according to this evoluti...

    314,84 €

  • Government Impact on Sustainable and Responsible Supply Chain Management
    Atour Taghipour
    A supply chain comprises different actors existing in different countries, including suppliers, producers, and customers. Clothes are supplied from Asia to all other regions; most coffee beans are supplied from South America; and cocoa is produced in Africa. Protecting the rights of people who produce goods in different countries is essential. In fact, according to this evoluti...

    235,92 €

  • Carbon Pricing and Fossil Fuel Subsidy Rationalization Tool Kit
    Jacqueline Cottrell / Mikael Skou Andersen / Rachael Jonassen
    This tool kit explores some of the key attributes of potential and existing emission trading systems, carbon taxes, and fossil fuel subsidies rationalization programs in Asia and the Pacific and other emerging countries.It aims to guide policymakers in the Asian Development Bank’s developing member countries to effectively design, implement, and manage the interplay of carbon t...

    34,20 €

  • The Green Real Deal
    Bill Herrington
    The Energy Wake-Up Call for AmericansThe Russian invasion of Ukraine is a wake-up call to America: Climate change activists are leading our country down the wrong energy path.The obsessive, all-in stance in favor of renewables has rendered Europe’s economy and national security vulnerable to Russian President Vladimir Putin, one of the world’s most vicious leaders. And America ...

    18,60 €

  • Democratic Management of an Ecosystem Under Threat
    Kelly Dunning
    Using case studies from Florida and the Caribbean, this book summarizes the state of coral reef conservation today, exploring the most effective way to protect vulnerable coral reef ecosystems while ensuring people’s voices are heard. ...

    158,36 €

    With the continuous migration of people towards metropolitan areas in search of employment, the demands for core services and energy, coupled with an increasing awareness of the impact of climate change, have placed the management and planning of global urban energy under a lot of pressure. Trends toward urban energy service transformations that offer greater affordability, rel...

    169,58 €

  • Eye of the Storm
    Terry LePage
    When Things Fall Apart, You Don’t Have ToCalm is contagious. And courage is contagious. The tools in this book can help you to find calm, purpose, and even joy in hard times. Climate chaos is accelerating, democracy is in peril, species and ecosystems are disappearing, and economic inequality is soaring. These are interconnected parts of a complex and devastating predicament. B...

    13,72 €

  • Protecting Western Landscapes
    Michael McCloskey
    Rarely does a book by a national leader live up to its promise. Protecting Western Landscapes: Wonderful Places in the West that Conservationists Have Worked to Protect, written by former long-time Sierra Club Executive Director Michael McCloskey, exceeds its promise. The book tells the story of the fights to save different wildernesses and other natural areas that make up so m...

    45,33 €

  • Calentamiento global, codicia y necesidades humanas
    Ian Gough
    «Una intervención profundamente original en el debate en curso sobre el cambio climático. Una característica particularmente interesante del libro es la forma en que el autor aporta su experiencia en bienestar para influir en la política climática. El bienestar sostenible es su principio rector.» Anthony Giddens, Miembro de la Cámara de Lores y exdirector de la LSE«Ian Gough ha...

    23,00 €

  • Guidelines for Net Zero Carbon Villages of India
    Alok Panday
    Evidence shows that our planet has been getting hotter. The warmest 20 years on record have been in the last 22 years according to the World Meteorological Organization and the warmest four were all very recent: 2015 to 2020. Global average temperatures are now 1.2°C (2.16°F) higher than in the pre-industrial era. A degree doesn’t sound like a lot, but the reality is that this ...

    8,77 €

  • Reflections
    Mark Dr. Avery
    This informed, incisive and passionate commentary analyses what is wrong with certain ways we do wildlife conservation but explores some of its many successes too. ...

    30,97 €

  • Reflections
    Mark Dr. Avery
    This informed, incisive and passionate commentary analyses what is wrong with certain ways we do wildlife conservation but explores some of its many successes too. ...

    46,83 €

  • The Age of Adaptation How Climate Change is Reshaping Our World and Our Minds
    David Collins
    As our planet continues its relentless journey through climate change, we stand on the precipice of an era unlike any other.'The Age of Adaptation: How Climate Change is Reshaping Our World and Our Minds,' is a compelling book that offers a profound examination of the ways in which climate change is not just transforming our physical world, but also the complex landscape of hum...

    14,05 €

  • Technical Communication for Environmental Action
    Sean D. Williams
    This collection engages scholars and practicioners in a conversation about the ways that Technical Communication has contributed to pragmatic and democratic actions to address climate change. ...

    46,95 €

  • Eco Africa
    Eco Africa: An Anthology of Poems is a magnificent collection of poems from across the African continent (Eastern, Western, Central, and Southern Africa) with various contributions from some African poets in the Diaspora. There are poems on nature such as its beauty and clean air, on potential consequences of climate change, notably global warming, and the potentially devastati...

    33,28 €

  • Public Policy’s Role in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
    In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. The academic community, policymakers, industry leaders, and civil society must work together and share experiences on the implementation of SDGs. Open discussion on lessons learned from the inclusive education policies, the diffic...

    308,36 €

  • Public Policy’s Role in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
    In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. The academic community, policymakers, industry leaders, and civil society must work together and share experiences on the implementation of SDGs. Open discussion on lessons learned from the inclusive education policies, the diffic...

    235,98 €

  • Handbook of Research on Improving the Natural and Ecological Conditions of the Polesie Zone
    The wetlands of the Polish Polissya zone in previous centuries had a negative impact on the economic development of the region and were an obstacle to social transformation. Even in ancient times, humans were aware of the need for drainage measures, as evidenced by archaeological excavations and traces of preserved reclamation works dating back a thousand years. Unfortunately, ...

    354,46 €

  • Taking on Climate Change Through Green Taxation
    Since environmental issues entered the global agenda, governments have directing businesses towards sustainability. The term 'sustainability' is commonly associated with a firm’s environmental attentiveness, although there are two other areas in which companies should be sustainable: social, to achieve an adequate relationship and fluid communication with their stakeholders, an...

    282,37 €

  • Taking on Climate Change Through Green Taxation
    Since environmental issues entered the global agenda, governments have directing businesses towards sustainability. The term 'sustainability' is commonly associated with a firm’s environmental attentiveness, although there are two other areas in which companies should be sustainable: social, to achieve an adequate relationship and fluid communication with their stakeholders, an...

    216,52 €