Catálogo de libros: El medioambiente

4339 Catálogo de libros: El medioambiente

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro El medioambiente Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Bodies on the Line
    Sue Parfitt
    Central London, October 2022: Sue Parfitt, an 80-year-old Anglican priest, is arrested for sitting in the road. It’s not her first time, nor the last; and she isn’t alone. Christians are waking up to the existential scale of the climate crisis. They are rediscovering the radical nature of Jesus’s teaching. They are asking what God needs them to do, and putting their bodies on t...

    10,09 €

  • An Inconvenient Future
    Robert Byrum
    As humans our time frames are too short. We live in terms of today, tomorrow, next week or possibly next year. We cannot fathom how our actions or non-actions may affect the future in fifty, a hundred or two hundred years. We are nor wired for that. We will not be here, so why be concerned about something so far in the future? But Mother Earth will still be around. She is not g...

    10,88 €

  • The Unofficial Trial of Alexandra Morton
    Scott Renyard
    The crash of 19 stocks of Fraser River sockeye over a 15 year period forced the Canadian government to close all fishing from 2007 to 2009.  The Canadian government, desperate for answers, or at least looking for a way to deflect criticism, struck an inquiry led by justice Bruce Cohen that would last over a year. The decline was quick and dramatic. It looked like Fraser river s...

    22,02 €

  • High School Environmental Science
    Sterling Education
    Thousands of students use Sterling to achieve academic success!Comprehensive content book to master high school chemistry topics. This book provides thorough coverage of high school environmental science topics, teaching the foundational ideas and concepts necessary to master the core content. The material is clearly presented and systematically organized for learning importan...

    52,06 €

  • Caatinga
    Alberto Ortenblad
    A caatinga é uma vegetação em geral baixa, espinhosa e emaranhada, plena cactos, bromélias e lenhos tortos. A queda de suas folhas faz com que seu aspecto varie enormemente entre as estações seca e úmida. Com seu visual rústico, a caatinga era inicialmente vista como algo feio, estéril e pobre, como uma degradação das vegetações exuberantes da floresta amazônica e da mata atlân...

    14,22 €

  • The Toxic Ship
    Simone M. Müller
    An infamous voyage explores the hazardous waste trade and environmental justiceIn 1986 the Khian Sea, carrying thousands of tons of incinerator ash from Philadelphia, began a two-year journey, roaming the world’s oceans in search of a dumping ground. Its initial destination and then country after country refused to accept the waste. The ship ended up dumping part of its load in...

    38,17 €

  • Our Better Nature
    Philip J. Dreyfus
    A historical approach to reintegrating the city with its natural environmentFew cities are so dramatically identified with their environment as San Francisco-the landscape of hills, the expansive bay, the engulfing fog, and even the deadly fault line shifting below. Yet most residents think of the city itself as separate from the natural environment on which it depends. In Our ...

    24,37 €

  • Race and the Greening of Atlanta
    Christopher C Sellers
    Race and the Greening of Atlanta turns an environmental lens on Atlanta’s ascent to thriving capital of the Sunbelt over the twentieth century. Uniquely wide ranging in scale, from the city’s variegated neighborhoods up to its place in regional and national political economies, this book reinterprets the fall of Jim Crow as a democratization born of two metropolitan movements: ...

    44,29 €

  • Race and the Greening of Atlanta
    Christopher C Sellers
    Race and the Greening of Atlanta turns an environmental lens on Atlanta’s ascent to thriving capital of the Sunbelt over the twentieth century. Uniquely wide ranging in scale, from the city’s variegated neighborhoods up to its place in regional and national political economies, this book reinterprets the fall of Jim Crow as a democratization born of two metropolitan movements: ...

    164,74 €

  • The Politics of Invisibility
    Olga Kuchinskaya

    33,95 €

  • Liquid Power
    Erik Swyngedouw

    33,72 €

  • Governance Quality, Fiscal Policy, and the Path to a Low-Carbon Future
    Ibrahim Nandom Yakubu
    Climate change has emerged as one of the most severe global threats in recent years, necessitating urgent interventions. The Paris Agreement on climate change and the United Nations through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have established ingenious targets for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, thus charting a path to a more ecologically friendly energy system. Energ...

    314,57 €

  • Governance Quality, Fiscal Policy, and the Path to a Low-Carbon Future
    Ibrahim Nandom Yakubu
    Climate change has emerged as one of the most severe global threats in recent years, necessitating urgent interventions. The Paris Agreement on climate change and the United Nations through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have established ingenious targets for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, thus charting a path to a more ecologically friendly energy system. Energ...

    235,65 €

  • Climate Finance Landscape of Asia and the Pacific
    Asian Development Bank
    This report assesses climate finance in Asia and the Pacific and analyzes how it can be harnessed by developing member countries to expand climate action and spur low-carbon, resilient growth. Designed to help governments and development partners identify and address barriers, it offers a subregional breakdown and underscores the need for equitable access to funds to help count...

    37,65 €

  • Marabá
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    As histórias verdadeiras, embora com roupagem fantástica, têm sido repetidas de avô para neto. Os protagonistas juram que viram.As narrativas têm uma característica mística, reflete mistério, incute medo e enche de encantamento.A identidade da cidade de Marabá nasceu de um processo cultural com mitos e lendas, sobre deuses, espíritos, monstros, entidades e quimeras.Este livro e...

    13,55 €

  • Financing Regions Toward Sustainability in the Midst of Climate Change Risks and Uncertainty
    Financing Regions Toward Sustainability in the Midst of Climate Change Risks and Uncertainty is a groundbreaking book edited by Beata Zofia Filipiak, Dominika Kordela, and Izabela Nawrolska from the University of Szczecin, Poland. The book provides a comprehensive guide to financing regions towards sustainability in the midst of climate change risks and uncertainty. With a focu...

    222,86 €

  • Global Industrial Impacts of Heavy Metal Pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa
    Sub-Saharan Africa is facing a significant environmental challenge with heavy metal pollution in its soil, which threatens industrialization, agricultural productivity, and natural ecosystems. However, the region’s lack of preparedness, limited awareness, and insufficient data on soil pollution have hindered effective solutions. Global Industrial Impacts of Heavy Metal Pollutio...

    255,66 €

  • Global Industrial Impacts of Heavy Metal Pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa
    Sub-Saharan Africa is facing a significant environmental challenge with heavy metal pollution in its soil, which threatens industrialization, agricultural productivity, and natural ecosystems. However, the region’s lack of preparedness, limited awareness, and insufficient data on soil pollution have hindered effective solutions. Global Industrial Impacts of Heavy Metal Pollutio...

    334,58 €

  • A User’s Guide for Planet Earth
    Dork Sahagian
    A User’s Guide for Planet Earth: Fundamentals of Environmental Science provides students with an exploration of the fundamental components of Earth’s environmental systems, their interactions, and the way society affects and is affected by alterations in climate, ecosystems, hydrology, and various additional factors. The text distills essential environmental science concepts in...

    101,57 €

  • Direito Ambiental Legal
    Vânia Cristina Teixeira
    Com muita alegria lhes apresento o livro Direito Ambiental Legal, o qual elenca a disciplina de Legislação Ambiental de forma simplificada e multidisciplinar, e tenho certeza que você vai se surpreender com como é bom o estudo jurídico das relações do homem com o ambiente, incluindo o meio urbano, abordando inclusive as problemáticas sobre a tutela do ambiente, nas óticas nacio...

    32,15 €

  • Vozes Femininas À Asase Yaa
    Carla Cintia Conteiro
    Nosso Lar, a TERRA, enfrenta sérios problemas ambientais e grande parte deles ocorrem por ação da espécie humana, que desmata, polui e utiliza de maneira exagerada todos os recursos que o planeta oferece. Nosso mundo necessita de nossa ajuda para sobreviver e continuar a abrigar os seres humanos e todas as outras espécies viventes.Medidas precisam ser tomadas já! Temos que evit...

    8,48 €

  • Deciduous Forests of Eastern North America
    E. Lucy Braun
    Use This Seminal Woodland Study in Exploring and Understanding Deciduous ForestsIn her major work Deciduous Forests of Eastern North America, noted botanist, ecologist, and conservationist Dr. Emily Lucy Braun traces the overarching history of the eastern North American woodlands from antediluvian times to the relatively recent (in geologic terms) arrival of European settlers, ...

    51,26 €

  • Finding W. H. Hudson
    Conor Mark Jameson
    A century after W.H. Hudson’s death, this long-overdue tribute to perhaps our most significant writer-naturalist and wildlife campaigner traces his path through a dramatic and turbulent era: from his journey to Britain from Argentina in 1874 to the unveiling of a monument and bird sanctuary in his honour 50 years later in the heart of Hyde Park. ...

    37,92 €

  • Deciduous Forests of Eastern North America
    E. Lucy Braun
    Use This Seminal Woodland Study in Exploring and Understanding Deciduous ForestsIn her major work Deciduous Forests of Eastern North America, noted botanist, ecologist, and conservationist Dr. Emily Lucy Braun traces the overarching history of the eastern North American woodlands from antediluvian times to the relatively recent (in geologic terms) arrival of European settlers, ...

    61,44 €

  • Mystic Masquerade, An Adoptees’s Search for Truth
    Valerie Naiman
    Mystic Masquerade, An Adoptee’s Search for Truth is an epic story of adoption that weaves together DNA, ancient wisdom, esoteric knowledge, and suppressed information about humanity’s origins. Adopted at birth in Miami, Valerie Naiman healed the trauma of infant separation by embarking on a spiritual journey to discover her roots. Her travels take her across the world including...

    11,56 €

    This unique compendium provides a fact-based analysis of the most prominent energy issues of our time. It covers the period when the Covid pandemic swept across the world and substantially altered energy production and consumption. It discusses lessons learned following the reopening of economies around the world, and recognizes that we are in the midst of the energy transition...

    85,08 €

    This unique compendium provides a fact-based analysis of the most prominent energy issues of our time. It covers the period when the Covid pandemic swept across the world and substantially altered energy production and consumption. It discusses lessons learned following the reopening of economies around the world, and recognizes that we are in the midst of the energy transition...

    157,51 €

  • Stikine Odyssey
    Peter Rowlands
    September 1979. When thirty-something Peter Rowlands loaded up his Landcruiser and took canoe Dimples to join his friend Hal Marsden on a paddling adventure in northern BC’s backcountry, he never expected one river-Stikine-would radically change the course of his life. Rowlands became so enchanted by this 640-kilometre stretch of wild beauty, he joined the ranks of citizens cal...

    23,43 €

  • Stikine Odyssey
    Peter Rowlands
    September 1979. When thirty-something Peter Rowlands loaded up his Landcruiser and took canoe Dimples to join his friend Hal Marsden on a paddling adventure in northern BC’s backcountry, he never expected one river-Stikine-would radically change the course of his life. Rowlands became so enchanted by this 640-kilometre stretch of wild beauty, he joined the ranks of citizens cal...

    34,10 €

  • The Darwinian Delusion
    Michael Ebifegha
    Pseudoscience Advocates DarwinismWhereasScience Endorses Anti-Darwinism Darwin’s theory of evolution, which asserts that new species are formed gradually through competition, is being challenged as empirical studies show that new species are, instead, produced rapidly through cooperation. In other words, the mechanism set forth in Darwin’s theory are not the ones that result in...

    19,10 €