Catálogo de libros: El medioambiente

4339 Catálogo de libros: El medioambiente

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro El medioambiente Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Gateway Framework
    Asian Development Bank
    For tackling complex global challenges, this publication advises how a Gateway Process (GP) can help the Asian Development Bank’s developing member countries channel scarce public resources into viable, sustainable, efficient infrastructure investments.Supporting ministries of finance and related agencies, the publication explains how GPs can enhance the preparation, procuremen...

    25,95 €

  • Green Finance for Asian State-Owned Enterprises
    Asian Development Bank
    This report reveals how state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Asia’s emerging economies can play a key role in helping to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss, by using green bonds to upgrade their economic activities from polluting to green. The report explores how SOEs can develop and deploy sustainable financial instruments, in particular green bonds, to help finance thei...

    27,94 €

  • Modelling climate change impacts on agricultural systems
    This collection summarises the wealth of research on ways to improve models predicting the impact of climate change on agricultural systems, as well as their application to understanding impacts in particular regions. ...

    291,71 €

  • Beyond Warming
    Mark Davenport
    Climate change has become one of our time’s most pressing and politicized issues. It is a phenomenon that can affect every aspect of life on our planet. However, in recent years, much debate has been around whether or not climate change is truly a crisis. In this book, we will explore climate change and why it is important but ultimately argue that it is not a crisis. Through a...

    15,12 €

  • Banff, the Wild Side
    Daniel Hance Page
    Banff, the Wild Side is a story of the struggle that went into making Banff National Park a famous center of adventure amid the towering beauty of one of the special places on earth where people today can come to experience the spirit of the wilderness. Rugged characters-dreamers, builders, and adventurers-were drawn by the call of mountains, rivers, and forests that those who ...

    8,59 €

  • Reversing Population Growth Swiftly and Painlessly
    William W Brodovich
    Population growth hastens the depletion of natural resources, degrades the environment, increases poverty and conflict, and debases the human spirit. This book offers an antidote. It prescribes a simple and practical credit-based system that can gradually reduce any population to an optimal size without imposing a limit on the number of children a couple can produce. It does th...

    28,28 €

  • Does God Care for Oxen?
    Ruben Alvarado
    The doctrine of stewardship is one of the most oft-proclaimed in the church today. On its basis we understand it to be our Christian duty that we exercise stewardship over the planet, God’s creation. Yet this doctrine is also among the least-examined. Critically important assumptions are made without any serious attempt to discover whether they are supported by Scripture, and w...

    15,57 €

  • To Save The World -- There Is No 'Santa Claus'!
    T Hans
    We see a world in the midst of deterioration and destruction and we look for hope and newness. But we are quickly coming to realize there will not be an overnight or magical solution for what we wish to see and attain. Is there any path to new life for our precious planet? The author of this book believes there are small changes that can be experienced for exciting new life. Th...

    11,32 €

  • Handbook of Research on Safe Disposal Methods of Municipal Solid Wastes for a Sustainable Environment
    Managing solid waste is one of the biggest challenges in urban areas around the world. Technologically advanced economies generate vast amounts of organic waste materials, many of which are disposed of in landfills. In the future, efficient use of carbon-containing waste and all other waste materials must be increased to reduce the need for virgin raw materials acquisition, inc...

    386,90 €

  • Feeling the Heat in the Alaskan Kitchen
    Stanley R Copeland
    This cookbook addresses matters concerning the environment and conservation-befriending the Earth. Instead of trying to tackle the larger issues related to what is global warming, and being overwhelmed, and perhaps feeling defeated, he turns the attention to what is in our control. The focus is on what we as individuals in community can do to be better friends of Earth and one ...

    39,56 €

  • India’s Transition from Fossil Fuels to New Age Energy
    Kedar Nath Sharma
    For centuries fossil fuels have been king of the realm of energy. They have generated most of the energy to run our transport system, power our businesses and light our homes, but we are paying the price. The combustion of fossil fuels has extracted an enormous toll on humanity and the environment-from air and water pollution to global warming. The Intergovernmental Panel on Cl...

    24,19 €

  • A Day of Darkness
    LaFAMCALL Endtime Ministries / Lambert Eze Okafor
    All is not well with the planet. Earth!Unusual events now happening all over the world are eloquent signs - for those who would heed them.Scientists - ancient and modern - all agree that something terrible is due to happen, and that man hasn’t got much time left. The world may come to an end soon - they have said. The period they point to would definitely frighten anyone.Space ...

    16,39 €

  • Wild Apples
    Henry David Thoreau
    This Henry David Thoreau classic is called Wild Apples. It is a venerable Henry David Thoreau work, subtitled 'The History of the Apple Tree,' and it stands as a classic among natural history essays. This Thoreau essay contains the following excerpt:'It is remarkable how closely the history of the Apple-tree is connected with that of man. The geologist tells us that the order o...

    11,17 €

  • Paradise Lost
    Michael James Elves
    The purpose of this book is hopefully to make people aware of the future of this wonderful planet of ours. Yannis Vadakastanis is a man that was born on the Greek island of Zakynthos and at a young age became aware of the plight of the loggerhead turtles better known locally as caretta caretta. He then decided to try and help these wonderful animals that were here before the di...

    30,41 €

    Sánchez-Garrido y Reyes, José Luis
    Como buen conocedor del campo andaluz, José Luis Sánchez-Garrido y Reyes ofrece en este libro una visión objetiva y fundamentada acerca de la realidad y el futuro de los recursos hídricos en Andalucía. El texto expone las causas de la enorme pérdida de agua que se sigue produciendo y propone cambios en infraestructuras para que, con el agua disponible en la actualidad, pueda du...

    10,00 €

  • Cultivating Change
    Caro Feely
    What will it take to change? Can we revive our relationship with the earth? And with each other?’There are two perfect shady spots where I stop to talk about biodiversity on our organic farm visits. The oak trees there seem to know me. When I touch their leaves, it feels different to how it feels with other oaks.’But along with the joy and magic of working with nature come the ...

    12,36 €

  • One Week In August
    Jim McAllister
    One Week in August: Stories from Search and Rescue in British Columbia provides insights into how volunteer search and rescue groups, volunteer members, and agencies respond to locate lost persons and rescue those hurt or stranded.Based on actual incidents and responses that took place during one week in 2004 under very challenging conditions, individuals and some of those resc...

    21,33 €

  • Reflections on Mountaineering
    Alan V. Goldman
    Presented as one hundred fifteen narrative-style poems, some of which are rhyming and others are in prose or blank verse, Reflections on Mountaineering, A Journey Through Life as Experienced in the Mountains, a FOURTH EDITION, summarizes much of what the author, Alan V. Goldman, learned in his more than 30 years of climbing, either from personal experience, or from his mountain...

    19,18 €

  • Sanctuary - Exploring the Magical World of Birds
    Kathleen Knight
    This memoir offers stories of a surprising fall from an ordinary life into a completely new relationship with nature, following an unexpected path. Kathy Knight had no intention of creating a sanctuary when she bought her country house, but then a lone rooster appeared. Soon other creatures joined the rooster... chickens, doves and above all pigeons. Each one needed a home. As ...

    10,95 €

  • Climate Uncertainty and Risk
    Judith Curry
    In Climate Uncertainty and Risk, Judith Curry shows how we can break the gridlock surrounding the climate debate. This book helps us rethink the climate change problem, the risks we are facing and how we can respond. ...

    49,76 €

  • Climate Uncertainty and Risk
    Judith Curry
    In Climate Uncertainty and Risk, Judith Curry shows how we can break the gridlock surrounding the climate debate. This book helps us rethink the climate change problem, the risks we are facing and how we can respond. ...

    157,93 €

  • The Great Lakes
    Dave Dempsey
    Everybody who looks at the Great Lakes knows they’re big, but why are they Great? From sea serpents to sunken ships, from lonely lighthouses to fish on Prozac, this book engages the reader in a quest to find what’s beneath the surface.FLOW’s mission is to ensure the waters of the Great Lakes Basin are healthy, public, and protected for all. The public trust doctrine holds tha...

    16,21 €

  • ¡Abuelos... salven el Planeta! Cambio climático, contaminación y extinción
    frank ramos boada
    ¡¡¡ALERTA… EL MUNDO SE ACABA!!!Llegamos al punto de inflexión donde los DAÑOS POR LA CONTAMINACIÓN CAUSADA POR EL HOMBRE no tienen retorno; para el año 2.200 habremos ACABADO CON EL PLANETA tal y como lo conocemos… TÚ PUEDES CONTRIBUIR A EVITARLO. ¿Quieres ser un EXPERTO SOLO LEYENDO 8.000 PALABRAS DE MANERA ENTRETENIDA sobre:Calentamiento global,Contaminación de los mares por ...

    5,81 €

  • Greenwashing
    Markus Samuel Leite Norat presente obra traz uma análise a respeito do greenwashing (maquiagem verde ou maquiagem ambiental), que traduz-se em mecanismos utilizados para tentar conferir uma característica ecologicamente responsável e sustentável para algum produto ou mesmo para a imagem de uma empresa, é uma prática que geralmente é realizada por meio de publicidades...

    30,58 €

  • Financing Regions Toward Sustainability in the Midst of Climate Change Risks and Uncertainty
    Financing Regions Toward Sustainability in the Midst of Climate Change Risks and Uncertainty is a groundbreaking book edited by Beata Zofia Filipiak, Dominika Kordela, and Izabela Nawrolska from the University of Szczecin, Poland. The book provides a comprehensive guide to financing regions towards sustainability in the midst of climate change risks and uncertainty. With a focu...

    295,25 €

  • Disaster Recovery Planning
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication outlines why post-disaster needs assessments (PDNA) should provide comprehensive details of the economic and social impacts of disasters on countries to swiftly mobilize resources and support resilient recovery.Using a theoretical case study highlighting the aftermath of an earthquake and subsequent flooding, the publication shows how the cost to property, infr...

    28,01 €

  • Journey to Hopeful Futures
    Helena Kettleborough
    With Journey to Hopeful Futures, Helena Kettleborough offers a transformative new approach to reimagining a world which respects and restores the natural systems on which life depends. At a time when the imminent destruction of our planet can feel overwhelming, Helena invites the reader to re-energise, re-think and embark with her on a unique journey of hopeful discovery.This j...

    30,71 €

  • Shattered Horizons
    Mike L
    Discover the hidden wonders and urgent challenges of our oceanic world in ’Shattered Horizons: Navigating the Blue Ocean Event and Global Collapse’. Dive into the depths of marine biodiversity, unravel the impacts of human activities, and explore innovative solutions for ocean conservation. From the fragile coral reefs to the majestic whales, this captivating journey inspires u...

    25,51 €

  • The Big Flood Glenreagh 1950
    Commissioned by the Glenreagh School of Arts to coincide with their Cedar & Steam Art Competition in 2023, the book is a compilation of illustrated poetry and short stories. In 1950 Glenreagh, on the Orara River in the north east of NSW, Australia, experienced a huge flood which washed houses off their foundations and caused massive destruction of property and livestock in the ...

    15,39 €

  • Eau
    Ary Jr. S.
    "Eau: l’élixir de Vie" est un livre essentiel pour quiconque souhaite comprendre l’importance de l’eau dans nos vies et dans l’avenir de notre planète. L’auteur nous met au défi de repenser nos attitudes envers l’eau et d’agir concrètement pour préserver cette ressource vitale. Ce livre est un appel à la sensibilisation, à la collaboration et à l’action pour s’assurer que l’eau...

    9,34 €