Catálogo de libros: Geografía

2257 Catálogo de libros: Geografía

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Geografía Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Trade, consumption and work
    Juliana Andrade Lee
    The present book sought to observe the dynamics of urban space in Brasília, a city planned to be the federal capital, based on commerce, consumption and work. To this end, documentary and field research was conducted and the main commercial points of the city were mapped. It was observed that Brasilia is a city that has its economy strongly driven by the services sector, due to...

    76,44 €

  • Conscience, Human Nature and the Evolutionary Challenge
    Brian M. Johnson
    In this dissertation I will attempt to rebut some skeptical arguments in moral epistemology by appealing to philosophical resources in the work of some late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth century European philosophers. The skeptical arguments I will be countering are grounded in the perspective of contemporary biology. Put quickly, our evolutionary history is said to undermine...

    65,76 €

  • From School Geography to the Perception of the Local Environment
    Bernardino José Bernardo Bernardo
    The teaching of Geography in Mozambique presupposes, among several aspects, to contribute to the construction of an active citizenship. This process in turn requires a deep reflection on the way the process is guided at school by the main actors. This book presents the outlines of Geography at school in Mozambique, with the emphasis on knowing how to think and act on the local ...

    54,90 €

  • Paris in the Americas
    Carole Salmon
    Across centuries, France -and especially its capital city, Paris- established itself as a major source of influence across the Americas through colonization, diplomacy and political influence, but also through intellectualism and cultural productions of all sorts, either by imposition, exportation or as a trend of fashion via a bilateral transatlantic movement of people and ide...

    61,73 €

  • Why Human Society Will Collapse Before 2100
    Ross E. Goodrich
    Our dream to reach higher states of civility, equity, security, peace, and good health fades with each passing day. A wealth of information shows resource depletion, overcrowding, environmental degradation, economic disruptions, and all their attendant crises are irreversible and intensifying. Soon, much too soon, we will face an experience we understand in the abstract but ign...

    17,20 €

  • Himalayas to Coastal Plains
    Arunaksharan Narayanankutty / Joice Tom Job
    'Himalayas to Coastal Plains: Discovering India’s Biogeographic Diversity' takes readers on an immersive journey through the diverse biogeographic zones of India, showcasing the remarkable fauna and flora that thrive within these ecosystems. From the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the serene coastal plains, the book explores the unique characteristics, ecological significan...

    91,04 €

  • Mining and spatial dynamics in south-eastern Senegal
    Mouhamadou Lamine Diallo
    Gold mining in West Africa has been known for a very long time. The three gold-bearing provinces of Bambouk, Galam and Bouré described by the Arabs for centuries belong to this part of Africa (Girard, 1992: 64). These provinces correspond respectively to the banks of the Falémé (Mali-Senegal), the Upper Niger, the Guineo-Malian border and the Kankan region (Guinea). They have p...

    92,92 €

  • Climate variability and malaria recrudescence in Niangon
    Béh Ibrahim Diomandé / Saï Pou Soumahoro
    Research on the consequences of climate variability on human health is emerging as a new avenue of investigation. One of the questions raised by this climate phenomenon is the resurgence of new vector-borne diseases such as malaria (SCIAMA, 2008). The objective of this study is to show the impact of climate variability on the recrudescence of malaria. Statistical analysis metho...

    56,53 €

  • The sale of natural flowers in the city of Yaoundé in Cameroon
    Clotaire NDZIE SOUGA
    For more than two decades, natural flowers have played a considerable role both in the decoration and in the decoration of great ceremonies of any kind in Cameroon. In Yaoundé, the sale of natural flowers has become an economic activity integrated in the urban landscape. It attracts a diversity of actors whose presence here is only equalled by the income they generate on a dail...

    93,24 €

  • Monitoring and analysis of water levels and flows of the Ain spring
    Khouldia Nafia / Mohamed El Ghachi
    In Morocco, on a regional scale, the Beni Mellal Atlas is known for its high groundwater potential and high unit productivity. Considered as the castle of Morocco, it contains a number of springs that exceed 54 gauged by ABHOER (Agence du Bassin Hydraulique de Oued Oum Er Rbia). These springs are either captured for drinking water supply or for irrigation. The most important of...

    88,45 €

  • Nerval’s journey to Greece
    Zinovia Verghis
    This publication shows Nerval’ s interest in Greece. In Nerval’s voyage to Cythera, there is a real fusion of the space seen with the space dreamed of. The journey to Greece is interested in the customs, mores, religion and trade of that country. Nerval seeks the trace of his feelings and dreams. He composed his Voyage en Grèce as a collection of travel notes, sketches, stories...

    36,62 €

  • Family farming in Brazil
    Gaël Pech
    Agriculture is a key lever for Brazil’s economic development. The agro-industrial sector is expanding rapidly, ensuring large-scale agricultural production that enables the country to remain competitive on the world market. At the same time, however, there is an aspect to consider: agriculture is not necessarily subject to the laws of the market. It is by accepting this reality...

    56,27 €

  • The World as Abyss
    David Chandler / Jonathan Pugh
    This book is about a distinctive ’abyssal’ approach to the crisis of modernity. In this framing, influenced by contemporary critical Black studies, another understanding of the world of modernity is foregrounded - a world violently forged through the projects of Indigenous dispossession, chattel slavery and colonial world-making. Modern and colonial world-making violently forge...

    18,92 €

  • GIS as a tool for assessing malaria indicators in Mali
    Dansiné Diarra
    Malaria is a public health problem that affects 40% of the world’s population. Approximately 92% of malaria cases occur in sub-Saharan African countries. In this continent, the incidence is 500 to 900 per 1000 inhabitants, compared to 5 to 6 per 1000 inhabitants in Asia. In Mali, malaria accounts for 39% of consultations in health centres. It is the leading cause of morbidity a...

    56,34 €

  • Access to drinking water
    Ulrich Judicaël Lassida Tongambo
    Field surveys conducted in 2010 in the peri-urban neighborhoods of Bangui, particularly Cattin - Plateau and Kokoro - Boeing, revealed that more than 80% of the people represented in the two neighborhoods do not have access to drinking water through the network of the Central African Water Distribution Company, SODECA for short. This situation is worrying in these peri-urban ne...

    56,66 €

  • Key Methods in Geography
    Covering both qualitative and quantitative methods, this is a new edition of the essential companion for human and physical geography students. The book has 8 brand new chapters and brings greater diversity of positionality and perspective to the volume. ...

    85,11 €

  • Key Methods in Geography
    Covering both qualitative and quantitative methods, this is a new edition of the essential companion for human and physical geography students. The book has 8 brand new chapters and brings greater diversity of positionality and perspective to the volume. ...

    235,92 €

  • Producing in rural areas in a context of crisis
    Follygan Hétchéli
    Rural areas in Sub-Saharan Africa are evolving in a global environment that is undergoing multiple crises. These are linked to climate variability, deforestation, migratory pressure, soil depletion, political, economic, social and land crises, the depreciation of agricultural commodity prices and the disengagement of governments from agricultural production marked by the appear...

    52,80 €

  • Water Governance in Brazil
    Eduardo Gabriel Alves Palma
    The reduction in the supply of water of good environmental quality has caused signals about the importance of protecting surface and underground water sources. In this sense, the emergence of measures for the command and control of the use of water resources in various parts of the world has forced an important debate, namely: whose responsibility is water governance? In this c...

    79,00 €

  • From the right to the denial of the city
    Felipe Perdigão Barbosa
    The city, from its multiple symbols and challenges, presents itself as a stage for the analysis of several sciences. Thus, to think about the urban is in itself to reinforce interdisciplinarity. The city, or rather the urban, hides various processes of socio-spatial interaction, especially in terms of spatial segregation. ...

    77,56 €

  • From Agora to public squares, through Geography, through territory
    Rafael Cordeiro
    This book is a research where local aspects aroused the interest for global demands of studying the public space and its nunces, such as its historical and spatial formation, conceptions and appropriations. From this understanding, we have the enlightenment to understand locally the space to be studied. In light of this, it became necessary to elaborate a proposal for the subve...

    56,21 €

  • Analysis of the Upper Course of the Parnaíba River and Adjacency, Poxoréu-MT
    Deocleciano B. Rosa / Francioly Marcos Batista Siqueira / Frankes M. B. Siqueira
    The theme was based on studies about the physiographic aspects of the hydrographic basin of the upper Parnaíba River that drains the municipalities of Dom Aquino and Poxoréu. The greatest emphasis was given to the soil and water resources due to the importance for the municipalities in terms of their exploitation, and thus physical-chemical soil and water analyses were carried ...

    77,50 €

  • Assessment of Agro - Tourism Potential in Pune District
    Dr. Savita S. Thorat / Dr. Shatrughan D. Thorat / Dr. Smita S. Harane
    Agro-tourism has a combined theme of agriculture and rural life. It is connected with customs, beliefs, nature and culture. Agro-tourism includes various activities such as buying a product from a farm stand, fruit picking or feeding animals, and staying on a farm (Taware, 2015). Agriculture is the most important occupation but today it has become unprofitable due to the irregu...

    93,68 €

  • Rainfall variability in the Republic of Congo
    Geoffroy Ibiassi Mahoungou
    In this book, an analysis is undertaken of the relationships between rainfall variability in the Republic of Congo and atmospheric and oceanic dynamics. Three types of indices are used: rainfall indices (North-Congo Index, Centre-Congo Index, South-Congo Index); oceanic indices: AMO (Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation), NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation), SOI (Southern Oscillatio...

    142,70 €

  • Two activities with opposing challenges in the commune of Diembéring
    Idrissa Lamine Diémé
    This study analyses the priority of tourism in the local economy and the reasons for the decline of rice cultivation in this area. It also analyses the impact of the loss of rice-growing and natural areas. This work shows that tourism plays an important role in the socio-economic life of the commune of Diembéring. This tourism, which was installed in last position, has ended up...

    93,43 €

    Jamilton Costa Pereira
    This study is the result of the concerns, reflections and experiences throughout the three supervised internships: I (observation), II and III (regency), mandatory requirements for completion of the Degree in Geography, Distance Learning modality (EaD), Pombal - PB, offered from the agreement between the State University of Paraíba (UEPB) and the Open University of Brazil (UAB)...

    61,51 €

  • Urban development and risk on the Somone-Mbour coast (Senegal)
    Lamine Ousmane Cassé
    The coastal development that began in Senegal more than three centuries ago, accelerated by the colonial system and continued after independence, is measured today by the demographic weight of this coastal strip. Coastal cities have become denser due to the opportunities offered by the coastal area, to the detriment of inland cities. The fundamental question of this study is to...

    56,53 €

  • Heritage potentialities of the Medina of Fez
    Abderrahmane Ouali Alami / Sabah Serrhini
    The Medina of Fez is the oldest Medina in Morocco and is one of the historical Moroccan cities inscribed on the Unesco World Heritage List. The date of 1981 was a decisive date in the process of its safeguarding, it aroused a real collective awareness of the need to preserve its specificities, its cultural and heritage wealth in favor of development. In recent years, Fez has be...

    86,96 €

  • The Technology Park of Sorocaba - São Paulo
    Ivana Hori
    Sorocaba is an important city in the interior of São Paulo State that stands out for its industrial production and its condition as the seat of government of a large administrative region of the State of São Paulo. From the analysis of the development of the municipality, we seek to understand the territorial constitution of the Technological Park of Sorocaba 'Alexandre Beldi N...

    77,63 €

  • Man and Nature
    George P. Marsh
    After being appointed the United States Minister Resident to the Ottoman Empire in 1849, George P. Marsh had the opportunity to travel the world and visit the sites of ancient civilizations. Troubled by what he saw, Marsh came to the conclusion that these societies were victims of self-destruction and that the same fate could be in store for the nations of today. Moved to actio...

    20,52 €