Catálogo de libros: Meteorología y climatología

632 Catálogo de libros: Meteorología y climatología

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias Eliminar filtro Meteorología y climatología Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • An Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics
    Anastasios A. Tsonis / Anastasios ATsonis

    112,23 €

  • Basics of the Solar Wind
    Nicole Meyer-Vernet

    262,04 €

  • Human Impacts on Weather and Climate
    Roger A. Pielke / Roger APielke / Sr. Pielke / SrPielke / William R. Cotton / William RCotton

    62,40 €

  • Climate for Change
    Peter Newell

    53,18 €

  • Precipitation
    Ian Strangeways

    111,61 €

  • Unstoppable Global Warming
    Dennis Avery / Dennis T Avery / Dennis T. Avery / Dennis TAvery / Fred S Singer / Fred S. Singer / Fred SSinger / SFred Singer
    Singer and Avery present-in popular language supported by in-depth scientific evidence-the compelling concept that global temperatures have been rising mostly or entirely because of a natural cycle. Unstoppable Global Warming explains why we’re warming, why it’s not very dangerous, and why we can’t stop it anyway. ...

    167,71 €

  • Why the Weather?
    C. F. Brooks / CFBrooks
    Originally published in the early 1900s, this book is - ’primarily for the general reader who likes to know more about that much talked about, but little understood, topic - the weather’. Rather than being a dry text book, covering the entire field of meteorology, this includes general interest that the reader can use as a reference for the varying weather experienced every day...

    34,33 €

  • Captain Bucko’s Water & Weather Handbook
    Roger Paul Huff
    What Are Reversing Rapids?Is Humid Or Dry Air Heavier?Where Is The Witch Of November?Is The Greenhouse Effect A Bad Thing?How Can Cold Soaking Affect Safety Afloat?How Hot Does Ocean Water Get In Nature?Are There Tides In The Mediterranean Sea?What Effect Can Dead Water Have Upon A Vessel?At About What Temperature Is Fresh Water Most Dense?Are Winds Stronger In Hurricanes, Torn...

    23,22 €

  • Our Affair with El Niño
    S. George Philander / SGeorge Philander
    Until 1997, few people had heard of the seasonal current that Peruvians nicknamed El Niño. But when meteorologists linked it to devastating floods in California, severe droughts in Indonesia, and strange weather everywhere, its name became entrenched in the common parlance faster than a typhoon making landfall. Bumper stickers appeared bearing the phrase 'Don’t blame me; blame ...

    56,98 €

  • Multiple Scattering of Light by Particles
    Andrew Lacis / Larry D. Travis / Larry DTravis / Michael Mishchenko

    154,10 €

  • Ocean Atmosphere Interaction and Climate Modeling
    Boris A. Kagan / Boris AKagan

    133,44 €

  • Safeguarding the Ozone Layer and the Global Climate System
    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Chang

    145,92 €

  • Climate Change and Africa
    Pak Sum Low

    80,75 €

  • Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change

    142,12 €

  • Meteorologia no Mar
    David Houghton
    A meteorologia afecta todos os que andam no mar, quer estejam a deambular ao longo da costa, a navegar a motor de porto em porto ou a velejar para outro continente.Um livro indispensável a todos os que pretendam conhecer os aspectos essenciais que regulam as condições atmosféricas no mar.Numa linguagem clara e acessível, David Houghton ensina a interpretar correctamente os mapa...

    16,54 €

  • Perspectives on Climate Change
    Sinnott-Armstrong W. / Walter Armstrong-Sinnott / WSinnott-Armstrong W.
    Explores the interplay between science, economics, politics, and ethics in understanding the challenge that climate change poses to the international community. ...

    225,38 €

  • Shattered Consensus
    Patrick JMichaels
    Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming convincingly demonstrates the remarkable differences between what we commonly read about global warming and what is really happening. Nine chapters describe major problems with computer simulations of future climate that are the basis for wrenching policies being proposed by world leaders. Anyone who reads this book will com...

    178,67 €

  • Inverse Modeling of the Ocean and Atmosphere
    Andrew F. Bennett / Andrew FBennett

    68,91 €

  • Theory of Space Plasma Microinstabilities
    S. Peter Gary / SPeter Gary

    45,83 €

  • Does the Weather Really Matter?
    William James Burroughs

    61,55 €

  • Climate Variability, Climate Change and Social Vulnerability in the Semi-Arid Tropics

    44,34 €

  • The Earth’s Plasmasphere
    J. F. Lemaire / JFLemaire / K. I. Gringauz / KIGringauz / Lemaire J. F. / Lemaire JF.

    99,07 €

  • Environmental Change
    Frank Oldfield

    154,35 €

  • The Carbon Cycle

    54,58 €

  • Inverse Problems in Atmospheric Constituent Transport
    Edward Tipping / I. G. Enting / IGEnting

    119,81 €

  • Dynamics in Atmospheric Physics
    Richard A. Lindzen / Richard ALindzen

    78,63 €

  • Economic Value of Weather and Climate Forecasts
    Allan H. Murphy / Allan HMurphy / R. Katz / RKatz

    55,62 €

  • Regional Frequency Analysis
    J. R. M. Hosking / J. R. Wallis / James R. Wallis / James RWallis / JRMHosking / JRWallis

    72,66 €

  • Defining the Wind
    Huler / Scott Huler

    16,69 €

  • Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modeling
    Mark Z. Jacobson / Mark ZJacobson

    132,62 €