Catálogo de libros: Geología y la litosfera

1593 Catálogo de libros: Geología y la litosfera

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias Eliminar filtro Geología y la litosfera Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Sketches of Western Canada 1873-1899
    George Mercer Dawson
    Landscapes, rivers, resources, geology, indigenous peoples...all these subjects were of interest to geologist-explorer George M. Dawson LL.D. CMG FRS FRSC (1849-1901) as he travelled the prairies, Rockies, Yukon, British Columbia and beyond. Sketches have been selected from his personal notebooks at the McGill University Archives, as well as from his field notebooks at the Nat...

    26,06 €

  • Shaping Tomorrow
    Amirmohammad Abhary / Hossein Hassani
    'Shaping Tomorrow: Strategies for Sustainable Mining in a Changing World' presents an unprecedented exploration into the intricate tapestry of sustainable practices within the dynamic realm of mining engineering. With a comprehensive journey spanning from the historical roots of mining to the cutting-edge initiatives shaping its future, this book unveils a roadmap for a respons...

    112,96 €

  • Die Lade- und Fördersimulation des Bergbaubetriebs
    Michael J. B. Santos
    Bei diesem Buch handelt es sich um eine Fallstudie, die in einem Bergbaugebiet mitten in Amazonien, Brasilien, entwickelt wurde. Dieses Buch zeigt den Minenbetrieb in einer spezifischen Situation der Juruti-Mine im September 2015. Es ist wichtig, die Methode des Tagebaus zu verstehen und wie sie in Amazonien durchgeführt wurde. Das Buch konzentriert sich auf die Beladung und Fö...

    48,43 €

  • Simulation de chargement et de transport dans le cadre de l’exploitation d’une mine
    Michael J. B. Santos
    Ce livre est une étude de cas développée dans un site minier, au milieu de l’Amazonie, au Brésil. Ce livre montre l’exploitation minière dans une situation spécifique de la mine Juruti en septembre 2015. Il est essentiel de comprendre la méthode d’exploitation minière à ciel ouvert et la manière dont elle a été appliquée en Amazonie. Le livre se concentre sur les opérations de ...

    48,43 €

  • La simulazione di carico e trasporto dell’operazione di miniera
    Michael J. B. Santos
    Questo libro è un caso di studio sviluppato in un sito minerario nel cuore dell’Amazzonia, in Brasile. Il libro mostra il funzionamento della miniera in una situazione specifica della miniera di Juruti nel settembre 2015. È essenziale comprendere il metodo di estrazione a strisce e come è stato realizzato in Amazzonia. Il libro si concentra sulle operazioni di carico e trasport...

    48,43 €

  • A Simulação de Carregamento e Transporte da Operação de Mina
    Michael J. B. Santos
    Este livro é um estudo de caso desenvolvido em um sítio de mineração, no meio da Amazônia, Brasil. Este livro mostra a operação da mina em uma situação específica da mina de Juruti em setembro de 2015. É essencial entender o método de mineração em tiras e como ele tem sido feito na Amazônia. O livro foca na operação de carregamento e transporte de minério, simulando o trabalho ...

    48,43 €

  • Plate tectonic history of the Indian Ocean 1
    Magloire FABIEN
    The Mesozoic split of East-Gondwana (EG) was controlled by N-S convection currents (CC) made up of three branches. The fragmentation occurred in five periods, each period being preceded by mid-oceanic ridge closings and jumps. The process started with the side interaction of the newly formed off-South African E-W CC with EG in Lower Cretaceous. Aptian rifting activities occurre...

    60,26 €

  • The geology of South Kivu in DR Congo
    Kamituga is a mining town in the province of Sud-Kivu in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Kamituga lies to the east of the Bulega mining region, on the western slopes of the Mitumba mountain range. The current population is over 260,000. Kamituga is a mining center and an important communications hub on the RN2 national road, and is the economic pool of the wes...

    60,13 €

  • Die Geologie von Süd-Kivu in der DR Kongo
    Kamituga ist eine Bergbaustadt in der Provinz Süd-Kivu im Osten der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. Kamituga liegt im Osten der Bergbauregion Bulega an den westlichen Hängen der Mitumba-Bergkette. Die derzeitige Bevölkerung beträgt mehr als 260.000 Einwohner. Kamituga ist ein Bergbauzentrum und ein wichtiger Verkehrsknotenpunkt an der Nationalstraße RN2..Die Region Kamituga ist ...

    60,13 €

  • A geologia do Kivu do Sul na República Democrática do Congo
    Kamituga é uma cidade mineira da província de Sud-Kivu, no leste da República Democrática do Congo. Kamituga situa-se a leste da região mineira de Bulega, nas encostas ocidentais da cordilheira de Mitumba. Atualmente, tem uma população de mais de 260.000 habitantes. Kamituga é um centro mineiro e um importante eixo de comunicações na estrada nacional RN2, sendo o centro económi...

    60,13 €

  • Геология Южного Киву в ДР Конго
    Кри Секимоньо Шамаву / Моис Каджангва Банзи
    Камитуга - шахтерский город в провинции Суд-Киву на востоке Демократической Республики Конго. Камитуга расположен к востоку от горнодобывающего района Булега, на западных склонах горного хребта Митумба. В настоящее время его население составляет более 260 000 человек. Камитуга является центром горнодобывающей промышленности и важным коммуникационным узлом на национальной дороге...

    60,13 €

  • La geologia del Kivu meridionale nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo
    Kamituga è una città mineraria della provincia del Sud-Kivu, nella parte orientale della Repubblica Democratica del Congo. Kamituga si trova a est della regione mineraria di Bulega, sulle pendici occidentali della catena montuosa di Mitumba. Attualmente ha una popolazione di oltre 260.000 abitanti. Kamituga è un centro minerario e un importante nodo di comunicazione sulla strad...

    60,13 €

  • Antropologia sostenibile
    Danny Francis Gómez R.
    Lo scopo sostanziale di questa ricerca è lo studio del biodiritto sostenibile latinoamericano, come principio quadro per il Consiglio dei Diritti Umani delle Nazioni Unite del 2018, che stabilisce gli obblighi fondamentali degli Stati ai sensi del diritto dei diritti umani in relazione al godimento di un ambiente sicuro, pulito, sano e sostenibile, sulla base dei postulati dell...

    60,20 €

  • Anthropologie durable
    Danny Francis Gómez R.
    L’objectif principal de cette recherche est l’étude du droit biologique durable latino-américain, en tant que principe-cadre pour le Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies 2018, établissant les obligations fondamentales des États en vertu du droit des droits de l’homme en ce qui concerne la jouissance d’un environnement sûr, propre, sain et durable, sur la base des pos...

    60,20 €

  • Antropologia sustentável
    Danny Francis Gómez R.
    O objetivo substantivo desta pesquisa é o estudo do direito biológico sustentável latino-americano, como um princípio-quadro para o Conselho de Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas 2018; estabelecendo as obrigações básicas dos Estados sob a lei de direitos humanos em relação ao gozo de um ambiente seguro, limpo, saudável e sustentável com base nos postulados do autor J. Knox. Ref...

    60,20 €

  • Устойчивая антропология
    Дэнни Фрэнси Гомес Р.
    Основная цель данного исследования - изучение латиноамериканского устойчивого биозаконодательства как рамочного принципа для Совета ООН по правам человека 2018 года; установление основных обязательств государств по праву прав человека в отношении пользования безопасной, чистой, здоровой и устойчивой окружающей средой на основе постулатов автора Дж. Нокса. В ней отражено значени...

    60,26 €

  • Nachhaltige Anthropologie
    Danny Francis Gómez R.
    Der inhaltliche Zweck dieser Forschung ist die Untersuchung des lateinamerikanischen nachhaltigen Biorechts als Rahmenprinzip für den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen 2018; die Festlegung der grundlegenden Verpflichtungen der Staaten nach dem Menschenrechtsgesetz in Bezug auf den Genuss einer sicheren, sauberen, gesunden und nachhaltigen Umwelt auf der Grundlage der Pos...

    60,26 €

  • Sustainable Anthropology
    Danny Francis Gómez R.
    The present research has as its substantive purpose the study of Latin American sustainable biolaw, as principles Framework to the Human Rights Council in the United Nations 2018; establishing the basic obligations of States under human rights law in relation to the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment based on the postulates of the author J. Knox. It...

    60,13 €

    This book analyzes and studies a large number of geological data in the world by dividing the world into eight types of tectonic systems for the first time. It then puts forward the evolution characteristics of each structural system. It also discusses the main controlling factors of the formation of structural systems, and points out that there was no regional metamorphism in ...

    132,56 €

  • Rock Weathering and Evolution
    Ezzat Khedr
    The present book consists of four conference papers written by a single author or published due to cooperation with his co-workers and colleagues. Themes of the first two papers are selected on lateritic rook weathering of crystalline rocks and the next two papers are complementary processes covering sedimentation and tectonics of sedimentary cover developed during Phanerozoic ...

    113,05 €

  • Applied Geology in Petroleum
    Bernard KIpsang Rop
    This book on Northern Kenya’s Petroleum and Geothermal Resources Prospectivity involves a synoptic overview of geological implications, tectonic features, and subsurface stratigraphical studies of the great East African Rift System (EARS), where recent plays and geothermal manifestations have been discovered. Tectonism was brought out by continental rifting as a part of the maj...

    120,56 €

  • Bewertung des hydrogeologischen Zustands des Grundwassers am Beispiel von Ustyurt
    Azizbek Ўtelbaev / Karamatdin Dzhaksymuratov
    Der Karakalpak Ustyurt, der sich durch seine besondere geologische und tektonische Struktur, seine Geomorphologie, das Vorhandensein sehr tiefer und abflussloser Senken sowie eine vielfältige Fauna auszeichnet, hat schon in der Antike die Aufmerksamkeit der Forscher auf sich gezogen. Daten über die geologischen, hydrogeologischen, geomorphologischen, bodenkundlichen und klimati...

    70,10 €

  • Assessment of hydrogeological condition of groundwater on the example of Ustyurt
    Azizbek Ўtelbaev / Karamatdin Dzhaksymuratov
    Karakalpak Ustyurt, characterized by its peculiar geological and tectonic structure, geomorphology, the presence of very deep and drainless depressions, as well as diverse fauna, has attracted the attention of researchers since ancient times. Meanwhile, the data on geological, hydrogeological, geomorphological, soil and climatic conditions of the studied territory were obtained...

    70,14 €

  • Évaluation de l’état hydrogéologique des eaux souterraines sur l’exemple d’Ustyurt
    Azizbek Ўtelbaev / Karamatdin Dzhaksymuratov
    Karakalpak Ustyurt, caractérisée par sa structure géologique et tectonique particulière, sa géomorphologie, la présence de dépressions très profondes et sans drainage, ainsi qu’une faune diversifiée, a attiré l’attention des chercheurs depuis l’antiquité. Cependant, les données sur les conditions géologiques, hydrogéologiques, géomorphologiques, pédologiques et climatiques de l...

    70,11 €

  • Avaliação do estado hidrogeológico das águas subterrâneas com base no exemplo de Ustyurt
    Azizbek Ўtelbaev / Karamatdin Dzhaksymuratov
    O Karakalpak Ustyurt, caracterizado pela sua estrutura geológica e tectónica peculiar, pela geomorfologia, pela presença de depressões muito profundas e sem drenagem, bem como por uma fauna diversificada, tem atraído a atenção dos investigadores desde tempos antigos. Entretanto, os dados sobre as condições geológicas, hidrogeológicas, geomorfológicas, pedológicas e climáticas d...

    70,11 €

  • Untersuchungen zur Beurteilung des hydrogeologischen Zustands des Grundwassers
    Azizbek Ўtelbaev / Karamatdin Dzhaksymuratov
    In der Neuzeit werden in entwickelten Ländern der Welt mit kontinentalen und trockenen Klimabedingungen Forschungen durchgeführt, um die hydrogeologischen Bedingungen des Grundwassers in aktiven Wasseraustauschzonen zu bewerten und Trink- und Brauchwasser in den folgenden vorrangigen wissenschaftlichen Bereichen zu überwachen: Grundmuster der Verteilung und Dynamik des Grundwas...

    70,05 €

  • Études pour évaluer l’état hydrogéologique des eaux souterraines
    Azizbek Ўtelbaev / Karamatdin Dzhaksymuratov
    À l’heure actuelle, dans les pays développés du monde aux conditions climatiques continentales et arides, des recherches sont menées pour évaluer les conditions hydrogéologiques des eaux souterraines dans les zones d’échange d’eau actif et pour surveiller l’eau potable et industrielle dans les domaines scientifiques prioritaires suivants : modèles de base de la distribution et ...

    70,09 €

  • Studies to assess the hydrogeological state of groundwater
    Azizbek Ўtelbaev / Karamatdin Dzhaksymuratov
    In the modern period, in developed countries of the world with continental and arid climatic conditions, research is being conducted to assess the hydrogeological conditions of groundwater in active water exchange zones and to monitor drinking and industrial water in the following priority scientific areas: basic patterns of distribution and dynamics of groundwater; establishme...

    70,11 €

  • Estudos para avaliar o estado hidrogeológico das águas subterrâneas
    Azizbek Ўtelbaev / Karamatdin Dzhaksymuratov
    No período moderno, nos países desenvolvidos do mundo com condições climáticas continentais e áridas, estão sendo realizadas pesquisas para avaliar as condições hidrogeológicas das águas subterrâneas em zonas ativas de troca de água e para monitorar a água potável e industrial nas seguintes áreas científicas prioritárias: padrões básicos da distribuição e dinâmica das águas sub...

    70,10 €

  • Studi per la valutazione dello stato idrogeologico delle acque sotterranee
    Azizbek Ўtelbaev / Karamatdin Dzhaksymuratov
    Nel periodo moderno, nei paesi sviluppati del mondo con condizioni climatiche continentali e aride, vengono condotte ricerche per valutare le condizioni idrogeologiche delle acque sotterranee nelle zone di scambio idrico attivo e per monitorare l’acqua potabile e industriale nelle seguenti aree scientifiche prioritarie: modelli di base di distribuzione e dinamica delle acque so...

    70,10 €