Catálogo de libros: Geología y la litosfera

1593 Catálogo de libros: Geología y la litosfera

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias Eliminar filtro Geología y la litosfera Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Planification de l’exploitation de gisements d’or
    Amelie Landy Soambola / Daurelis BOTHEL / Rivelino Fridaulin NDRAMANORO
    Ce travail a été réalisé dans la partie Nord de Madagascar dans la Région DIANA, District d’Ambilobe, Commune Rurale de Betsiaka, Fokontany Betsiaka, du Secteur d’Ambilo dans la Route RN5a Ambilobe-Vohemar. L’or est un métal noble, malléable, un métal précieux coloré précisément en jaune d’or, matière pure dense, très ductile et molle, facile à travailler; l’or est un élément c...

    76,44 €

    Perumal Velmayil / UDAYANAPILLAI A.U
    The Pranmalai area is generally a hard rock terrain. There is no sedimentary rock in Pranamalai except for recent soil alluvium. The Geological Survey of India [GSI], of Tamilnadu, has already worked on random geological mapping in Tamilnadu and also around the Pranmalai region. But, detailed geological mapping was not done previously in and around the Pranmalai region by any o...

    55,10 €

  • Petrogenesis and Morphology OF Pan-African Migmatite of Bauchi,Nigeria
    Abdulmajid Isa Jibrin
    Pre- Cambrian basement rocks of Bauchi were classified into different forms of migmatite within the area. Their origin, structure as well as geochemical characteristics were identified based on geochemistry, petrographic, field relationship and Morphology. X-ray florescence was used to determine the major, minor and trace elements in the samples. Thin section analysis using pet...

    101,20 €

  • Studie über die Lameta-Sukzessionen im Distrikt Amaravti, Maharashtra
    Ashok K. Srivastava / Rupesh S. Mankar
    Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis meiner Arbeit mit dem Titel 'Petrography, Lithofacies analysis and Depositional environment of the Lameta successions exposed on the northern boundary of district Amravati, Maharashtra' (Petrographie, Lithofazies-Analyse und Ablagerungsumgebung der Lameta-Abfolgen an der Nordgrenze des Distrikts Amravati, Maharashtra) unter der Leitung von Dr. Ashok...

    102,68 €

  • Etude des successions de Lameta exposées dans le district d’Amaravti, Maharashtra
    Ashok K. Srivastava / Rupesh S. Mankar
    Ce livre est le résultat de mon travail intitulé 'Petrography, Lithofacies analysis and Depositional environment of the Lameta successions exposed on the northern boundary of district Amravati, Maharashtra' sous la direction du Dr Ashok K. Srivastava. Les études sédimentologiques sur les successions Lameta inexplorées exposées dans la région de Salbardi, Belkher et Bairam du di...

    102,70 €

  • Studio delle successioni lamellari esposte nel distretto di Amaravti, Maharashtra
    Ashok K. Srivastava / Rupesh S. Mankar
    Questo libro è il risultato del mio lavoro intitolato 'Petrografia, analisi delle litofacies e ambiente deposizionale delle successioni Lameta esposte al confine settentrionale del distretto di Amravati, Maharashtra' sotto la guida del dott. Durante l’intero lavoro sono stati condotti studi sedimentologici sulle successioni Lameta inesplorate esposte nelle aree di Salbardi, Bel...

    102,70 €

  • Estudo das Sucessões Lameta Expostas no Distrito de Amaravti, Maharashtra
    Ashok K. Srivastava / Rupesh S. Mankar
    Este livro é um resultado do meu trabalho intitulado 'Petrografia, Análise de Litofácias e Ambiente Deposicional das Sucessões Lameta expostas no limite norte do distrito de Amravati, Maharashtra' sob a orientação do Dr. Ashok K. Srivastava. Os estudos sedimentológicos das sucessões não exploradas de Lameta expostas na zona de Salbardi, Belkher e Bairam do distrito de Amravati,...

    102,70 €

  • Box of Rocks
    S. Jay Wexler
    This is a family guide to collecting rocks, minerals, gemstones, and crystals! This book serves as both a personal catalogue of our own collection as well as something that we hope others will enjoy or find useful.Each entry page has mineralogical information that may be further illuminated in the indexes at the end of the book. There is also an index of healing properties and ...

    30,95 €

  • Resistivity and Induced Polarization
    Andrew Binley / Lee Slater

    110,77 €

  • Martian Terrestrial Analogues in Tunisia
    Elhoucine Essefi
    Being a first notice in Tunisia, this work opens the door for forthcoming studies shedding light on potential analogies between Tunisian terrestrial analogues and extraterrestrial bodies. We use models to further understand possible spring mounds formation on Mars. The genesis of the spring mounds is a direct consequence of groundwater upwelling, triggered by tectonics and/or h...

    76,58 €

  • The Coming Ice Age
    Charles Austin Mendell Taber
    NEW PRINT WITH PROFESSIONAL TYPE-SET IN CONTRAST TO SCANNED PRINTS OFFERED BY OTHERSThe Coming Ice AgeThis book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete wo...

    8,02 €

  • Common Minerals And Rocks
    William Otis Crosby
    NEW PRINT WITH PROFESSIONAL TYPE-SET IN CONTRAST TO SCANNED PRINTS OFFERED BY OTHERSCommon Minerals And RocksThis book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The comp...

    10,58 €

  • Geoscientific Investigations From the Indian Antarctic Program
    Neloy Khare
    Antarctica and the surrounding oceans are critical parts of the Earth system. The Earth’s history establishes that Antarctica’s core comprises a suite of crustal blocks that were once parts of various supercontinents. The geological record can provide critical insights into the evolution and processes of change in the Antarctic environment and the biota dependent on it. The dev...

    242,67 €

  • Geoscientific Investigations From the Indian Antarctic Program
    Neloy Khare
    Antarctica and the surrounding oceans are critical parts of the Earth system. The Earth’s history establishes that Antarctica’s core comprises a suite of crustal blocks that were once parts of various supercontinents. The geological record can provide critical insights into the evolution and processes of change in the Antarctic environment and the biota dependent on it. The dev...

    321,59 €

  • Da concepção de um polo cloroquímico ao desenvolvimento da cadeia produtiva da química e do plástico de Alagoas
    Railson Vieira Diodato
    Através de periodizações históricas, este livro apresenta o resultado da pesquisa feita em 2017 pelo autor sobre a formação socioespacial das combinações geográficas que propiciaram a formação de uma imensa jazida do minério salgema no Estado, detalha a influência dos Planos Nacionais de Desenvolvimento para a formação e implantação do PCA e qual o papel dos agentes envolvidos ...

    19,03 €

  • The Geology of Climate Change
    G. Dedrick Robinson Ph.D. / GDedrick Robinson / Gene DRobinson III
    Is the earth’s climate changing? Yes, and it has been changing since the earth formed 4,600,000,000 years ago. And it will continue to change long after the petroleum age is forgotten.This book summarizes the science of climate change and the theory of global warming in a way that is understandable to ordinary people using a simple question and answer format. For those desirous...

    23,76 €

    Anning Suo / ANNING SUO & YONGHAI YU / Yonghai Yu
    Sea area reclamation is one important activity where land is obtained in coastal countries and regions. It is also a marine development activity with great environment impact. Management technologies for sea area reclamation is the technologies system for sea area reclamation management.This compendium is a summary of the research and application of reclamation management techn...

    105,84 €

  • Nuova misura di geoingegneria per mitigare il riscaldamento globale
    Shivendra Pratap Singh Chauhan
    Il mondo ha provato tutte le misure sotto il suo comando e la sua portata per mitigare e invertire il riscaldamento globale. Vari protocolli, accordi e trattati, ad esempio l’accordo di Kyoto e di Parigi, ecc, sono già in atto. Le misure di geoingegneria che coprono lo spazio, la superficie terrestre e i mari e gli oceani, che vanno dagli specchi e riflettori spaziali, all’asso...

    44,65 €

  • Nova Medida de Geoengenharia para Atenuar o Aquecimento Global
    Shivendra Pratap Singh Chauhan
    O mundo tem tentado todas as medidas sob o seu comando e alcance para mitigar e inverter o aquecimento global. Vários protocolos, acordos e tratados, por exemplo, o acordo de Quioto e Paris, etc., já estão em vigor. Medidas de geoengenharia que cobrem o espaço, a superfície terrestre e os mares e oceanos, desde espelhos e reflectores espaciais, desbaste de nuvens, pulverização ...

    44,65 €

  • Géologie appliquée à l’agronomie
    Aman Bouzid
    L’agriculteur met en valeur la partie la plus superficielle de l’écorce terrestre, le sol, c’est à dire la portion de notre globe qui intéresse la géologie. Toutefois l’agriculteur ne doit pas se désintéresser de la géologie, car cette science lui vient en aide en plus d’une circonstance. La terre arable sert en effet de support à la plante; c’est en outre dans son sein que les...

    62,81 €

  • Evolution Tectonosédimentaire du Secteur de Nyangezi, Sud Kivu, RDC
    Faraja Amri Gentil / Manawa Ambangito Claudio
    Au premier chapitre, nous présentons les généralités géologiques de notre secteur d’étude; Le second, nous avons présenté les corollaires de la tectonique en termes des déformations qu’elle engendre. Le troisième aborde les aspects tectono-sédimentaires du secteur de Nyangezi. Il présente les interactions entre la tectonique, l’érosion et la sédimentation. Nous y montrons que l...

    88,33 €

  • Charles Lyell And Modern Geology
    Thomas George Bonney
    NEW PRINT WITH PROFESSIONAL TYPE-SET IN CONTRAST TO SCANNED PRINTS OFFERED BY OTHERSCharles Lyell And Modern Geology: Edited By Sir Henry E. Roscoe, D.C.L., Ll.D., F.R.S.This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we...

    10,54 €

  • What Did Baby Earth Look Like? Tracing Earth’s History Grade 2 | Children’s Earth Sciences Books
    Baby Professor
    Scientists estimate that the Earth is more than 4 billion years old. In all these years, a lot has happened. If you have ever wondered what Earth looked like in the beginning of time, then this is the book to have. It includes information on Earth’s history and how scientists learn about the past. Read and learn. ...

    29,55 €

  • What Did Baby Earth Look Like? Tracing Earth’s History Grade 2 | Children’s Earth Sciences Books
    Baby Professor
    Scientists estimate that the Earth is more than 4 billion years old. In all these years, a lot has happened. If you have ever wondered what Earth looked like in the beginning of time, then this is the book to have. It includes information on Earth’s history and how scientists learn about the past. Read and learn. ...

    19,49 €

  • What’s Beneath Our Feet?
    Baby Professor
    Have you ever wondered what lies beneath our feet? This book will stop you from wondering. It starts with an overview of the Earth. Next, study the layers and composition of our home planet. Learn about two theories, too, and these are the Theories of Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift. Settle in, you’ll have a lot of information to read through. ...

    19,40 €

  • What’s Beneath Our Feet?
    Baby Professor
    Have you ever wondered what lies beneath our feet? This book will stop you from wondering. It starts with an overview of the Earth. Next, study the layers and composition of our home planet. Learn about two theories, too, and these are the Theories of Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift. Settle in, you’ll have a lot of information to read through. ...

    29,45 €

  • Hydrologie Générale
    Sofia Bahroun
    L’idée de la réalisation de ce livre est venue durant les deux années d’enseignement du module d’hydrologie aux étudiants inscrits en Master I toxicologie industrielle et environnementale au niveau du département de biologie à l’université chadli bendjedid El Tarf (Algérie). Durant ces années, il m’a été donnée de remarquer la difficulté des étudiants d’assimilés ce cours. J’es...

    64,18 €

  • Evolution, évaluation et tendance de quelques paramètres pédologiques
    Marc Kombele Atekami
    La littérature scientifique s’est jusque-là plus concentrée sur l’identification des moteurs directs des pertes des forêts et de la biodiversité, minimisant ainsi les facteurs qui conduisent les moteurs à ces pertes. Les maladies des végétaux cultivées sont quelques-uns de ces facteurs insoupçonnés qui accroissent l’impact négatif de l’agriculture durable sur les forêts et la b...

    89,72 €

  • Synthèse sur les minéraux radioactifs
    Romain Mushengezi
    La terre est constituée de plusieurs couches allant de la croute terrestre jusqu’au noyau, englobant les roches magmatiques, métamorphiques et sédimentaires d’une multitude de minéraux parmi lesquels nous retrouvons les minéraux radioactifs. Le Thorium et l’Uranium sont spontanément instables et se transforment de façon continue en d’autres éléments moins lourds, opérant ainsi ...

    57,83 €

  • Alfabetização cartográfica
    Alexandrino da Costa Oliveira
    Os saberes da Geografia são de extrema importância na formação de cidadãos, para a participação de forma crítica e colaborativa e também para a construção de uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária.A cartografia é um componente curricular a ser trabalhado pelos professores que atuam com ensino de geografia nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental, bem como para os alunos, pois ...

    27,70 €