Catálogo de libros: Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias

6075 Catálogo de libros: Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Air Quality Monitoring and Forecasting
    Air quality is personal. Its management is highly so. Asthmatic or air-pollutant-sensitive individuals depend on accurate air quality forecasts to help manage their daily activities.  However, the adverse effects of poor air quality on public health and visibility extend far beyond the daily time horizon. Pneumonic and cardiac vascular responses of individuals in all age groups...

    59,74 €

  • Polarimetric SAR Techniques and Applications
    Carlos López-Martínez / Juan Manuel Lopez-Sanchez
    An increasing number of spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems have been equipped with polarimetric capabilities: ALOS and ALOS-2, Radarsat-2, TerraSAR-X, Envisat-ASAR, Sentinel-1a/b, etc. Future mission will still present this type of diversity: RCM, SAOCOM, Cosmo-Skymed 2nd generation or PAZ. Polarimetry allows sensitivity to the structural and geometric properties...

    59,61 €

  • Innovative Strategies and Frameworks in Climate Change Adaptation
    Alexander G. Flor / Alexander GFlor / Benjamina Gonzalez Flor
    The changes the earth is currently undertaking has been at the forefront of scientific discourse in recent years. Humans as a species have needed to react to these changes and shift their behavior accordingly. Innovative Strategies and Frameworks in Climate Change Adaptation: Emerging Research and Opportunities is a critical scholarly resource that examines the relationship bet...

    216,16 €

  • Coastal Sea Levels, Impacts and Adaptation
    Extreme sea levels can lead to hazardous events, such as coastal flooding, erosion, or salt water intrusion, with-wide ranging environmental, societal, and economic consequences. In combination with climate-driven sea-level rise, and, potentially, additional changes in storminess, dynamic wave contributions, and tidal dynamics, the adverse consequences of extreme oceanographic ...

    75,97 €

  • Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Geoinformatics
    Saro Lee
    Recently, a need has arisen for prediction techniques that can address a variety of problems by combining methods from the rapidly developing field of machine learning with geoinformation technologies such as GIS, remote sensing, and GPS. As a result, over the last few decades, one particular machine learning technology, known as artificial neural networks, has been successfull...

    59,81 €

  • Climate Change and Global Warming - Exposed
    Andrew Johnson
    The weather is something which affects all of us, every day of our lives. It dictates our long and short-term plans. In the UK, the weather is the "default topic" of conversation for strangers and friends alike. Though it has obvious and far reaching importance, most people don't know very much about the weather. These days, they don't take time to observe it and probab...

    13,82 €

  • Exploration Science
    Dr Peter T Scott
    About Exploration ScienceHave you wondered what the science of geology is all about?Together we will explore of the surface and sub-surface of the Earth, the sub-branches of geology, including mineralogy, petrology (rocks), palaeontology (fossils), geochemistry, seismology (earthquakes), engineering geology, and many more.The scientific method used by all scientists as well as ...

    30,12 €

  • Fossils, Dinosaurs and Cave Men
    Patrick Nurre
    This textbook is a high school, semester study of the differences between the Biblcal and secular views of fossils, dinosaurs, and cave men.  Topics include the cause and mechanism for a global flood, the geologic time table, living fossils, the Tower of Babel, modern classification of dinosaurs, and more.  Students will also learn to interpret the geologic column from a Biblic...

    43,86 €

  • Checklist of Papuasian Orchids
    Paul Ormerod
    This is the most comprehensive account to date of all Papua New Guineas wild orchids and will no doubt prove to be the essential reference to PNG's orchids for all botanists, ecologists and orchid enthusiasts for decades to come. All types and relevant data including where published are listed and the herbariums where they are kept. All synonymous names, where published and...

    59,91 €

  • Adventures in Earth Science
    Dr Peter T Scott
    ADVENTURES in EARTH SCIENCE is not just an in-depth textbook but a series of adventures across seven continents and beyond in the sciences of astronomy, geology, meteorology and oceanography. It has been written with over forty years of experience in studying, researching and teaching earth science. Whilst it has been designed for senior high school and junior university or col...

    142,25 €

  • The 1980 Eruption of Mt. St. Helens
    Don J Easterbrook
    On March 27, 1980 St. Helens suddenly began to erupt steam and ash. These eruptions continued sporadically for the next seven weeks and Dr. Easterbrook made frequent flights to the mountain to observe the eruptive activity. On May 18, 1980, he flew to St Helens at 5:30 a.m. and flew in tight circles a few hundred feet above the summit crater for 2-1/2 hours, photographing the s...

    17,46 €

  • Local development and cooperation policies
    Lionel ELLA
    Lionel ELLA’s book is an odyssey into the process of decentralization in Cameroon. By revisiting its sociogenesis, foundations and application methods, the author seeks to understand the real impact of this system of territorial administration, officially adopted by Cameroon through its 1996 constitution, on the day-to-day life of local authorities. To this end, he uses a commu...

    84,50 €

  • Étiologie géologique et santé humaine
    Jemal Ahmed / Kassa Amare
    L’augmentation du nombre de patients atteints de maladies hépatiques dans la région nord-ouest de l’Éthiopie est un problème de santé environnementale qui préoccupe le pays. Pour la protection et la conservation des ressources en eau dans la zone étudiée, il est important de caractériser la qualité de l’eau. La contamination des eaux souterraines par l’arsenic, le fluorure et l...

    48,37 €

  • Caractérisation géoélectrique de l’aquifère dans la région de Mowe au Nigeria
    G. Oluseyi Daramola
    Le but de la recherche est d’appliquer les techniques de sondage électrique vertical (VES) et de traversée à séparation constante (CST) pour fournir des informations pertinentes sur le potentiel en eaux souterraines de la zone d’étude. Les objectifs de l’étude sont de :• identifier les couches géoélectriques souterraines (géoélectriques) en fonction des valeurs de résistivité• ...

    84,51 €

  • Geoelektrische Charakterisierung des Grundwasserleiters im Gebiet Mowe in Nigeria
    G. Oluseyi Daramola
    Ziel der Forschung ist die Anwendung von Techniken wie Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) und Constant Separation Traversing (CST), um relevante Informationen zum Grundwasserpotenzial des Untersuchungsgebiets zu erhalten. Die Ziele der Studie sind:• Identifizierung unterirdischer geoelektrischer Schichten (geoelektrisch) anhand der Widerstandswerte• Bestimmung von Dicke und Tie...

    84,50 €

  • Geologische Ätiologie und menschliche Gesundheit
    Jemal Ahmed / Kassa Amare
    Der Anstieg der Zahl der Patienten mit Lebererkrankungen in der nordwestlichen Region Äthiopiens ist ein umweltmedizinisches Problem von nationaler Bedeutung. Für den Schutz und die Erhaltung der Wasserressourcen im Untersuchungsgebiet ist es wichtig, die Qualität des Wassers zu bestimmen. Die Verunreinigung des Grundwassers mit Arsen, Fluorid und Nitrat stellt in jüngster Zeit...

    48,37 €

  • Plattentektonische Geschichte des Indischen Ozeans 1
    Magloire FABIEN
    Die mesozoische Aufspaltung von Ost-Gondwana (EG) wurde durch N-S-Konvektionsströme (CC) gesteuert, die aus drei Zweigen bestehen. Die Aufspaltung erfolgte in fünf Perioden, wobei jeder Periode Schließungen und Sprünge des mittelozeanischen Rückens vorausgingen. Der Prozess begann mit der seitlichen Interaktion des neu gebildeten südafrikanischen E-W CC mit EG in der Unterkreid...

    60,52 €

  • Электромагнитная съемка для исследования жильного графита, Шри-Ланка
    K.М.П.Ч. Карунаратхне / Х Дхармагунавардхана
    Электромагнитная съемка является одним из наиболее популярных методов геофизических исследований при разведке подповерхностных слоев. При исследовании жильного графита использовались традиционные методы бурения и обычные методы. Применение низкочастотной электромагнитной съемки рассматривается на примере данного исследования. Исследование проводилось в районе Рангала (Центральн...

    50,13 €

  • Étude électromagnétique pour la recherche de filons de graphite, Sri Lanka
    H. A. Dharmagunawardhana / K. M. P. C Karunarathne
    L’étude électromagnétique est l’une des méthodes d’investigation géophysique les plus populaires dans l’exploration souterraine. En ce qui concerne l’étude des veines de graphite, des méthodes traditionnelles de forage et des méthodes conventionnelles ont été utilisées. L’application de l’étude électromagnétique à basse fréquence est discutée dans le cadre de cette étude de cas...

    50,13 €

  • Storia della tettonica a placche dell’Oceano Indiano 1
    Magloire FABIEN
    La divisione mesozoica dell’Est-Gondwana (EG) è stata controllata da correnti di convezione (CC) N-S composte da tre rami. La frammentazione è avvenuta in cinque periodi, ognuno dei quali è stato preceduto da chiusure e salti della dorsale medio-oceanica. Il processo è iniziato con l’interazione laterale della CC E-W, appena formatasi al largo dell’Africa meridionale, con l’EG ...

    60,44 €

  • Elektromagnetische Untersuchung zur Erforschung von Graphitadern, Sri Lanka
    H. A. Dharmagunawardhana / K. M. P. C Karunarathne
    Die elektromagnetische Untersuchung ist eine der beliebtesten geophysikalischen Untersuchungsmethoden bei der Erkundung des Untergrunds. Bei der Untersuchung von Graphitadern wurden herkömmliche Bohrungen und konventionelle Methoden eingesetzt. Die Anwendung der niederfrequenten elektromagnetischen Untersuchung wird in dieser Fallstudie diskutiert. Die Studie wurde im Gebiet Ra...

    50,13 €

  • Sondaggio elettromagnetico per l’indagine sulla grafite in vena, Sri Lanka
    H. A. Dharmagunawardhana / K. M. P. C Karunarathne
    Il rilievo elettromagnetico è uno dei metodi di indagine geofisica più diffusi nell’esplorazione sub-superficiale. Per quanto riguarda l’indagine della vena di grafite, sono stati utilizzati metodi tradizionali di perforazione e convenzionali. L’applicazione dell’indagine elettromagnetica a bassa frequenza è discussa attraverso questo caso di studio. Lo studio è stato condotto ...

    50,13 €

  • Levantamento eletromagnético para investigação de veios de grafite, Sri Lanka
    H. A. Dharmagunawardhana / K. M. P. C Karunarathne
    O levantamento eletromagnético é um dos métodos de investigação geofísica mais populares na exploração sub-superficial. Em relação à investigação de grafite de veia, a perfuração tradicional e os métodos convencionais têm sido usados. A aplicação do levantamento eletromagnético de baixa frequência é discutida através deste estudo de caso. O estudo foi efectuado na área de Ranga...

    50,13 €

  • História tectónica das placas do Oceano Índico 1
    Magloire FABIEN
    A divisão mesozóica do Gondwana Oriental (EG) foi controlada por correntes de convecção N-S (CC) compostas por três ramos. A fragmentação ocorreu em cinco períodos, sendo cada um deles precedido por encerramentos e saltos de cristas médio-oceânicas. O processo começou com a interação lateral da recém-formada CC E-W da África do Sul com o EG no Cretáceo Inferior. As actividades ...

    60,44 €

  • EarthLight
    Sian Proctor
    Experience the awe and wonder of space through the eyes of Dr. Sian Proctor, mission pilot for the groundbreaking Inspiration4 mission-the first all-civilian mission to orbit. In her latest book, Earthlight, Dr. Proctor shares the profound and transformative experience of viewing Earth from space, bathed in a unique and beautiful light known as 'Earthlight.'Earthlight is not ju...

    48,16 €

  • Water Environment Pollution and Control
    The water environment serves as the foundation for numerous habitats and ecosystems. The discharge and accumulation of pollutants can disrupt the balance of aquatic ecosystems, leading to species extinction, ecological disruptions, and direct or indirect impacts on human health. Against the backdrop of the global carbon peak and carbon neutrality, controlling water pollution ha...

    79,66 €

  • Biomass Derived Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Catalysts, 2nd Edition
    This Special Issue, titled 'Biomass Derived Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Catalysts, 2nd Edition', includes topics such as converting biomass to energy and value-added products, green technology, the circular economy, sustainability, and the role of catalysts. Catalytic performance, reusability, and characteristics are covered extensively. ...

    79,72 €

  • Efficacité d’un programme de formation des soignants à domicile
    Huda Rasheed / Rekha Ogale
    Ce livre traite de la thèse menée sur l’efficacité des programmes d’enseignement aux soignants sur la prévention des ulcères de décubitus pour les patients âgés alités. Il explique et discute en détail d’un programme construit pour les soignants qui comprennent facilement comment prévenir l’apparition d’ulcères de décubitus à partir des soins de la peau, des soins du dos et des...

    83,77 €

  • Efficacia del programma di insegnamento per assistenti domiciliari
    Huda Rasheed / Rekha Ogale
    Questo libro tratta della tesi di laurea condotta sull’efficacia dei programmi di insegnamento dei caregiver sulla prevenzione delle ulcere da decubito per i pazienti anziani allettati, che ha spiegato e discusso in dettaglio il programma costruito per i caregiver che comprendono facilmente come prevenire l’insorgere delle ulcere da decubito dalla cura della pelle, dalla cura e...

    83,71 €

  • Eficácia do programa de ensino de cuidadores domiciliares
    Huda Rasheed / Rekha Ogale
    Este livro é sobre a tese realizada sobre a eficácia dos programas de ensino dos prestadores de cuidados na prevenção de úlceras de decúbito para pacientes idosos acamados, que explicou e discutiu em pormenor o programa construído para os prestadores de cuidados que compreendem facilmente como prevenir a ocorrência de úlceras de decúbito a partir de cuidados com a pele, cuidado...

    83,77 €