Catálogo de libros: Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias

3669 Catálogo de libros: Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Genetics, Paleontology, and Macroevolution
    Jeffrey S. Levinton / Jeffrey SLevinton

    267,72 €

  • Volcanoes, El Ninos, and the Bellybutton of the Universe
    DAWalker / PHDDaWalker

    19,03 €

  • Volcanoes, El Ninos, and the Bellybutton of the Universe
    Daniel Alvin Walker

    25,89 €

  • Rock Magnetism
    David J. Dunlop / David JDunlop / Ozden Ozdemir / Zden Zdemir

    152,15 €

  • Seismic Ray Theory
    V. Cerveny / VCerveny / Vlastislav Cerveny

    243,41 €

  • The Ecology of Running Waters
    H. B. Hynes / HBHynes
    In this reprinted classic (originally published in 1971) Noel Hynes compiled a comprehensive, critical review of the literature pertaining to streams. Included are physical and chemical characteristics of flowing waters, plantlife, the benthos, fish and finally, man’s effects on watercourses. The book continues to be widely read and influential in the field.'Professor Hynes has...

    87,51 €

  • Climate Change 2001

    156,28 €

  • Air-Sea Interaction
    G. T. Csanady / GTCsanady

    268,87 €

  • Air-Sea Interaction
    G. T. Csanady / GTCsanady

    139,24 €

  • The Tornado
    Thomas P. Grazulis
    'The foremost living expert on tornado observations. . . [and like] a serious baseball fan, Grazulis enjoys a good tale but really lives for the telling statistic. . . . [Students and researchers]will admire the author’s passion for getting the facts right.'-J.A. Knox, CHOICE'I strongly urge everyone living in tornado-prone areas to read this book. It might save your life.'-CAN...

    18,88 €

  • The Impact of Geology on the United States
    Angus M. Gunn / Angus MGunn

    103,14 €

  • The New Madrid Earthquake
    Arthur Clay Magill

    36,77 €

  • Principles of Physical Sedimentology
    John R. L. Allen / John RLAllen
    This book, first published in 1985, is a dramatic revision of Dr. Allen’s earlier book. Completely restructured, more comprehensive and more concerned with fundamental physical principles. It is intended for the senior undergraduate and beginning postgraduate student in Earth Science. It covers general physic in order to understand the small scale mechanically formed features o...

    100,06 €

  • Population and Climate Change
    Brian C. O’Neill / Brian CO'Neill / Brian CO’Neill / F. Landis MacKellar / FLandis MacKellar / Wolfgang Lutz

    115,29 €

  • The Ozone Layer
    Maureen Christie

    136,57 €

  • The Ozone Layer
    Maureen Christie

    43,23 €

  • Fractal River Basins
    Andrea Rinaldo / Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe

    212,91 €

  • The Bonehunters’ Revenge
    David Rains Wallace

    16,00 €

  • Theory of Linear Poroelasticity with Applications to Geomechanics and Hydrogeology
    Herbert F. Wang / Herbert FWang
    The theory of linear poroelasticity describes the interaction between mechanical effects and adding or removing fluid from rock. It is critical to the study of such geological phenomena as earthquakes and landslides and is important for numerous engineering projects, including dams, groundwater withdrawal, and petroleum extraction. Now an advanced text synthesizes in one place,...

    167,81 €

  • Geothermal Energy in the USSR
    Savely L. Polevoy

    22,99 €

  • The Ascent of Mind
    William H. Calvin

    22,95 €

  • Currents of Change
    Michael H. Glantz / Michael HGlantz

    69,05 €

  • Textbook of Pollen Analysis
    Knut Jr. Faegri / Knut JrFaegri / Knut Krzywinski / Peter Emil Kaland
    This book is a reprint of the fourth edition, published in 1989, of the Textbook of Pollen Analysis and is unique in its approach as it discusses both the practical and theoretical aspects of palynology. It uses palynological techniques as tools for solving problems in quaternary geology, ecology and archeology.This edition of this standard reference has the same objectives as ...

    110,56 €

  • A Compendium of Geochemistry
    Yuan-Hui Li
    An ever-increasing concern over environmental degradation, together with recent technological advances, has spawned an explosion of chemical data for a wide variety of matter found on earth and in the solar system. Yuan-Hui Li’s book offers professionals and students alike an indispensable up-to-date guide to geochemistry, bringing together new information on topics ranging fro...

    118,08 €

  • Mapping the Deep
    Robert Kunzig

    19,75 €

  • Due to the Weather
    Abraham Resnick

    89,03 €

  • Out of the Crater
    Richard V. Fisher / Richard VFisher
    Volcanologists venture to treacherous volcanoes the world over in the pursuit of their science. They work around craters of boiling magma and amidst smoke, flames, scorched rocks, and clouds of noxious gases--balancing personal risk against advancing knowledge about one of nature’s most dangerous and unpredictable forces. Richard Fisher, a world-renowned volcanologist, has had ...

    43,40 €

  • The Earth’s Mantle
    Ian Jackson

    88,74 €

  • Destructive Climate Change
    Andre E. Laferriere / Andre ELaferriere

    24,86 €

  • Tides
    David Edgar Cartwright

    151,00 €