Catálogo de libros: Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación

14914 Catálogo de libros: Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Reign of the Beast
    Adrian Desmond
    In the 1830s, decades before Darwin published the Origin of Species, a museum of evolution flourished in London. Reign of the Beast pieces together the extraordinary story of this lost working-man’s institution and its enigmatic owner, the wine merchant W. D. Saull. A financial backer of the anti-clerical Richard Carlile, the ’Devil’s Chaplain’ Robert Taylor, and socialist Robe...

    41,76 €

  • How to save our world
    Paul Arthur van Doorn
    worldMany books have been written about how we might save life on Earth. Some people believe that saving the Earth will cost 125 billion dollars while others claim that 1000 billion dollars will not be enough to achieve that goal. The solution as described in this book will not cost a penny! Indeed, all people will get the possibility for enlarging inner wisdom and material we...

    22,50 €

  • Reign of the Beast
    Adrian Desmond
    In the 1830s, decades before Darwin published the Origin of Species, a museum of evolution flourished in London. Reign of the Beast pieces together the extraordinary story of this lost working-man’s institution and its enigmatic owner, the wine merchant W. D. Saull. A financial backer of the anti-clerical Richard Carlile, the ’Devil’s Chaplain’ Robert Taylor, and socialist Robe...

    60,00 €

  • El Diagnóstico integral de la fertilidad de los suelos
    Carlos Enrique Castro Méndez
    La investigación previa se llevó a cabo mediante un análisis documental centrado en temas específicos vinculados a la nutrición vegetal aplicada a las siembras en general, con un enfoque práctico dirigido al cultivo de banano en la región bananera de Urabá, ubicada en el departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. El enfoque adoptado en este estudio se basó en el pensamiento complejo,...

    152,46 €

  • Time
    Abdoul khoudouss Kamara
    Abdoul Koudouss Kamara is a Mauritanian mining engineer, born in 1938, who lives in the United States. His research in the prediction of events by calendar periodicities dates back to the 1970s. Having lost his sight in 1990, his work was greatly slowed down.Abdoul K. Kamara is also a practitioner of esotericism. ...

    23,50 €

  • Advancements in Climate and Smart Environment Technology
    The world faces escalating environmental and healthcare challenges, from climate change to managing natural resources and providing efficient medical services. These issues are complex, often requiring intricate modeling and intervention from domain experts. Traditional analytical methods need help to cope with the complexity and scale of these challenges, leading to inefficien...

    386,44 €

  • Advancements in Climate and Smart Environment Technology
    The world faces escalating environmental and healthcare challenges, from climate change to managing natural resources and providing efficient medical services. These issues are complex, often requiring intricate modeling and intervention from domain experts. Traditional analytical methods need help to cope with the complexity and scale of these challenges, leading to inefficien...

    294,47 €

    Many cities across the world continue to grapple with long-standing urban challenges even as new ones emerge. With each crisis, cities address these perennial (e.g. decentralization of urban cores and revitalising the city centre), nascent, and emergent (work-life balance, digitization of social-economy) urban challenges with a greater sense of urgency. The book adopts a multid...

    129,86 €

  • ArcGIS Pro 3.x Cookbook - Second Edition
    Tripp Corbin GISP
    Leverage the powerful tools in Esri’s ArcGIS Pro to perform geospatial analysisKey FeaturesHarness the power of ArcGIS Pro to build informative maps showcasing your GIS dataAnalyze geospatial data through proximity, spatial statistics, and hotspot analysisIncrease data entry efficiency and quality with advanced geodatabase behaviorPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a...

    67,70 €

  • Down Alaska’s Wild Rivers
    Frank Keim
    FRANK KEIM is an educator, nature writer and environmental activist. He worked for two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Bolivia, an anthropologist in Ecuador for four years, and as a secondary school teacher of Yup’ik Eskimos in Alaska’s Lower Yukon Delta for 21 years. He has contributed chapters to the books Arctic Wings and The Last Frontier, and published three poetry boo...

    22,52 €

  • Tópicos De Mecânica Dos Solos
    Paulo Mota
    Tópico de Mecânica dos Solos é um resumo de aulas e experiências do Professor Paulo Mota voltado para alunos de graduação em Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Geologia e áreas afins. O livro apresenta, além da abordagem matemática, resultados de ensaios realizados em laboratório na forma de problemas resolvidos e questões para resolver. Nesta segunda edição o livro gan...

    13,48 €

  • Climatic Changes
    Ellsworth Huntington
    Embark on a journey through time and climate with Ellsworth Huntington’s groundbreaking work, ’Climatic Changes’. In this insightful study, Huntington explores the dynamic relationship between climate and civilization, offering a fascinating glimpse into the ways in which environmental factors have shaped the course of human history.Drawing upon evidence from geological records...

    18,86 €

  • Sketches of Western Canada 1873-1899
    George Mercer Dawson
    Landscapes, rivers, resources, geology, indigenous peoples...all these subjects were of interest to geologist-explorer George M. Dawson LL.D. CMG FRS FRSC (1849-1901) as he travelled the prairies, Rockies, Yukon, British Columbia and beyond. Sketches have been selected from his personal notebooks at the McGill University Archives, as well as from his field notebooks at the Nat...

    26,06 €

  • Apontamentos Genealógicos De Lagoa De Pedras
    Johnathan Wesley Da Trindade Silva
    A Historiografia tradicional registra os grandes acontecimentos do mundo, do país e, com menor frequência, das unidades que compõem esses últimos, sejam estados, províncias ou qualquer outra unidade político-administrativa pela qual se dividam os Estados Nacionais. Mas o que dizer da História das pequenas cidades e das famílias que as construíram? Suas memórias, seus feitos, su...

    11,39 €

  • Shaping Tomorrow
    Amirmohammad Abhary / Hossein Hassani
    'Shaping Tomorrow: Strategies for Sustainable Mining in a Changing World' presents an unprecedented exploration into the intricate tapestry of sustainable practices within the dynamic realm of mining engineering. With a comprehensive journey spanning from the historical roots of mining to the cutting-edge initiatives shaping its future, this book unveils a roadmap for a respons...

    112,96 €

  • The Ethics of Cities
    Timothy Beatley
    Ethical dilemmas and value conflicts affect cities globally, but urban leaders and citizens often avoid confronting them directly and instead view the governance of cities as primarily an administrative task or, even worse, a merely political one. Timothy Beatley challenges readers to consider the issues in our cities not simply as legal or economic problems but as moral ones, ...

    127,03 €

  • The Ethics of Cities
    Timothy Beatley
    Ethical dilemmas and value conflicts affect cities globally, but urban leaders and citizens often avoid confronting them directly and instead view the governance of cities as primarily an administrative task or, even worse, a merely political one. Timothy Beatley challenges readers to consider the issues in our cities not simply as legal or economic problems but as moral ones, ...

    35,57 €

  • Tent City, Seattle
    Tony Sparks
    Transforms our understanding of being unhoused in the United StatesTent City 3 provides Seattle’s unhoused people with a place to create and sustain not just shelter but a home. In 2000 it became one of the first organized, peer-operated tent encampments in the city, a type of community that has become more common throughout the West Coast and the United States in the interveni...

    135,10 €

  • La cohésion sociale produite par les infrastructures de transport terrestre
    José Manuel Naranjo Gómez
    La connexion de toutes les capitales des provinces péninsulaires espagnoles au moyen de lignes ferroviaires à grande vitesse et la construction de nouvelles autoroutes prévues dans le Plan d’infrastructures, de transport et de logement, 2012-2024 (PITVI), est une énorme expansion du réseau de transport terrestre en Espagne. Cette expansion a pour objectif fondamental d’atteindr...

    77,73 €

  • Стратиграфические профили активности Cs-137 в осадочных породах
    Джессик Санчес Ривас
    Осадочные керны считаются экологическими архивами, поскольку они могут предоставить информацию о прошлых условиях и являются надежными свидетельствами эволюции экосистем. Реконструкция окружающей среды по осадочным породам основана на предположении, что слои осадка располагаются в том же порядке, в котором они были отложены (принцип суперпозиции), поэтому, если эти слои не пере...

    54,97 €

  • Détermination des équations de précipitations intenses pour les municipalités de Sergipe
    Geizon Rabelo de Santana
    L’auteur, Geizon Rabelo de Santana, montre comment il a déterminé des équations de précipitations intenses à partir de données pluviométriques. Dans cette recherche, il détermine les équations pour l’état de Sergipe, au Brésil. L’objectif principal de cette recherche est de déterminer la relation entre l’intensité, la durée et la fréquence des fortes précipitations sous forme d...

    76,25 €

  • Определение уравнений интенсивных осадков для муниципалитетов Сержипе
    Гей Рабело де Сантана
    Автор, Гейзон Рабело де Сантана, показывает, как он определял уравнения интенсивных осадков по данным осадков. В этом исследовании он определяет уравнения для штата Сержипе, Бразилия. Основная цель данного исследования - определить взаимосвязь между интенсивностью, продолжительностью и частотой сильных осадков в виде уравнений. Были изучены и проанализированы почти все муниципа...

    76,25 €

  • Социальная сплоченность, создаваемая инфраструктурой наземного транспорта
    Хосе Ма Наранхо Гомес
    Соединение всех столиц провинций полуострова с помощью высокоскоростных железнодорожных линий и строительство новых автомагистралей, запланированное в Плане развития инфраструктуры, транспорта и жилья на 2012-2024 годы (PITVI), представляет собой огромное расширение сети наземного транспорта в Испании. Это расширение имеет в качестве основной цели достижение большей социальной ...

    77,68 €

  • Среда осадконакопления и углеводородный потенциал района Кибуку
    Джейкоб Мутуа / Кевин Аанью / Патрик Мугвано
    Район Кибуку расположен в суббассейне Семлик, южной части Альбертинского грабена в западной ветви Восточно-Африканской рифтовой системы. На флангах рифта залегают такие фундаментальные породы, как гнейсы, кварциты, амфиболиты, сланцы и гранито-гнейсы. Район Кибуку подразделяется на шесть формаций: Кисеги, Касанде, Какара, Олука, Ньябурого и Каторого, от самой старой до самой мо...

    48,43 €

  • Die Agrarfrage und die Ernährungssicherheit
    Lucas Guedes Vilas Boas
    Das Buch QUESTÃO AGRÁRIA E SEGURANÇA ALIMENTAR erörtert die Auswirkungen der Einführung kapitalistischer Praktiken und Produktions- und Arbeitsverhältnisse in der Landwirtschaft und folglich auch in der Ernährung. Auf der Grundlage einer empirischen Feldforschung in der Gemeinde Nepomuceno-MG, einem der größten Kaffeeproduzenten Brasiliens und der Welt, befasst sich die Arbeit ...

    58,35 €

  • La question agraire et la sécurité alimentaire
    Lucas Guedes Vilas Boas
    Le livre QUESTÃO AGRÁRIA E SEGURANÇA ALIMENTAR traite des répercussions de l’insertion des pratiques capitalistes et des relations de production et de travail dans l’agriculture et, par conséquent, dans l’alimentation. Basé empiriquement sur une recherche de terrain menée dans la municipalité de Nepomuceno-MG, l’un des plus grands producteurs de café du Brésil et du monde, l’ou...

    58,36 €

  • Аграрный вопрос и продовольственная безопасность
    Лук Гуэдес Вилас Боас
    В книге QUESTÃO AGRÁRIA E SEGURANÇA ALIMENTAR рассматриваются отголоски внедрения капиталистических практик и отношений производства и труда в сельское хозяйство и, следовательно, в продовольствие. В работе на основе эмпирических полевых исследований, проведенных в муниципалитете Непомуцено-МГ, одном из крупнейших производителей кофе в Бразилии и мире, рассматривается подчинени...

    58,34 €

  • Determining intense rainfall equations for the municipalities of Sergipe
    Geizon Rabelo de Santana
    The author, Geizon Rabelo de Santana, shows how he determined heavy rainfall equations from precipitation data. In this research he determines the equations for the state of Sergipe, Brazil. The main aim of this research is to determine the relationship between the intensity, duration and frequency of heavy rainfall in the form of equations. Almost all the municipalities in Ser...

    76,25 €

  • The Agrarian Question and Food Security
    Lucas Guedes Vilas Boas
    The book QUESTÃO AGRÁRIA E SEGURANÇA ALIMENTAR discusses the reverberations of the insertion of capitalist practices and relations of production and labor in agriculture and, consequently, in food. Based empirically on field research carried out in the municipality of Nepomuceno-MG, one of the largest coffee producers in Brazil and the world, the work addresses the subordinatio...

    58,41 €

  • Bestimmung von Gleichungen für Starkregenereignisse in den Gemeinden von Sergipe
    Geizon Rabelo de Santana
    Der Autor, Geizon Rabelo de Santana, zeigt, wie er aus Niederschlagsdaten Gleichungen für intensive Regenfälle ermittelt hat. In dieser Untersuchung bestimmt er die Gleichungen für den Staat Sergipe, Brasilien. Hauptziel dieser Untersuchung ist es, die Beziehung zwischen der Intensität, Dauer und Häufigkeit von Starkregen in Form von Gleichungen zu bestimmen. Es wurden fast all...

    76,25 €