Catálogo de libros: Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación

15092 Catálogo de libros: Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Ethical Land Use
    Timothy Beatley

    44,46 €

  • Inequality, Globalization, and World Politics

    106,45 €

  • An Introduction to Applied Biogeography
    Ian F. Spellerberg / Ian FSpellerberg / John W. D. Sawyer / John WDSawyer

    229,86 €

  • An Introduction to Applied Biogeography
    Ian F. Spellerberg / Ian FSpellerberg / John W. D. Sawyer / John WDSawyer

    95,95 €

  • Beyond Malthus
    Brian Halweil / Gary T Gardner / Lester R Brown
    Human demands are pressing up against more and more of the Earth's limits. This book from the Worldwatch Institute examines the impacts of population growth on global resources and services, including food, fresh water, fisheries, jobs, education, income, and health. Despite the current hype of a -birth dearth- in parts of Europe and Japan, the fact remains that human numbe...

    17,75 €

  • Geographische Aspekte einer ökologisch orientierten Unternehmenspolitik
    Birgit Fischer
    Inhaltsangabe:Problemstellung: Von vielen Unternehmen wird der Schutz der natürlichen Umwelt nicht mehr als Bedrohung, sondern als Herausforderung angesehen. Sie nehmen den Umweltschutz als Ziel in ihre Unternehmenspolitik auf. Zur Integration des Umweltschutzes in die betriebliche Praxis stehen ihnen Hilfsmittel z. B. in Form von Checklisten zur Verfügung. Es steht fest, daß...

    45,93 €

  • Geologische Detailuntersuchung einer ausgewählten Hangrutschung im Katzenlochbachtal südwestlich von Bonn mit Hilfe engmaschiger Sondierbohrungen
    Jörg Wienhöwer
    Inhaltsangabe:Zusammenfassung: In den letzten Jahren wurde durch mehrere Arbeiten gezeigt, daß der Bonner Raum in weit größerem Maße als bisher angenommen von Hangrutschungen überformt wurde. Durch geomorphologische Detailkartierungen in unbebauten Gebieten - und hier besonders unter Wald - konnten bisher unbekannte Rutschungen neu bestimmt und beschrieben werden. Hierbei hand...

    44,88 €

  • The Terrestrial Biosphere and Global Change

    188,46 €

  • Fraternity Among the French Peasantry
    Alan Baker

    212,25 €

  • The Twenty-First Century City
    Mayor Stephen Goldsmith
    A hopeful glimpse of the city of the future-a city where less bureaucratic intervention means lower costs, safer streets, and better services. Mayor Goldsmith has proved that by using this new philosophy of urban governance-of government acting as a business and perceiving its citizens as customers-America’s cities can once again buzz with the sounds of success. ...

    39,58 €

  • Gideon Mantell and the Discovery of Dinosaurs
    Dennis R. Dean / Dennis RDean

    136,36 €

  • Reading the Landscape of America
    May Theilgaard Watts
    In this natural history classic, the author takes the reader on field trips to landscapes across America, both domesticated and wild. She shows how to read the stories written in the land, interpreting the clues laid down by history, culture, and natural forces. A renowned teacher, writer and conservationist in her native Midwest, Watts studied with Henry Cowles, the pioneering...

    14,10 €

  • Animals and Modern Cultures
    Adrian Franklin
    Animals and Modern Culture investigates the dramatic transformation of relationships between humans and animals in the 20th century. The book, focusing on social change and animals, is concerned with how humans relate to animals and how this has changed and why. ...

    99,30 €

  • Problems and Issues of Diversity in the United States
    Larry Naylor

    57,77 €

  • Warm Climates in Earth History

    108,57 €

  • Anthropology of Religion
    Stephen Glazier

    69,28 €

  • Housing and Community Development in New York City
    Provides a comprehensive, up-to-date description and analysis of the housing and neighborhood problems facing residents of the nation’s largest city, and the policies that have been developed to solve these problems. ...

    43,21 €

  • The End of the Refugee Cycle? Refugee Repatriation and Reconstruction
    Chosen by The Humanitarian Times as one of the Top Ten Titles on Humanitarian Issues of 1998.At the start of the 1990s, there was great optimism that the end of the Cold War might also mean the end of the 'refugee cycle' - both a breaking of the cycle of violence, persecution and flight, and the completion of the cycle for those able to return to their homes. The 1990s, it was ...

    44,36 €

  • The Production Ecology of Wetlands

    237,29 €

  • Landprints
    George Seddon

    58,86 €

  • Divided Europe

    86,11 €

  • Infrastructure Planning
    Deepak Sharma / James Parkin

    77,70 €

  • Better NOT Bigger
    Eben Fodor
    Contrary to accepted wisdom, rapid urban growth can leave communities permanently scarred, deeply in debt, with unaffordable housing, a lost sense of community, and sacrificed environmental quality.In Better NOT Bigger, Fodor explodes the fundamental myth that growth is good for us and that more development will bring in more tax money, add jobs, lower housing costs, and reduce...

    47,01 €

  • Philosophy and Geography III
    A growing literature testifies to the persistence of place as an incorrigible aspect of human experience, identity, and morality. Place is a common ground for thought and action, a community of experienced particulars that avoids solipsism and universalism. It draws us into the philosophy of the ordinary, into familiarity as a form of knowledge, into the wisdom of proximity. ...

    81,74 €

  • Divided Europe
    Allan M Williams / Ray Hudson

    259,98 €

  • Behindertentourismus auf der Insel Sylt
    Stephanie Philipp
    Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: 'Niemand darf wegen seiner Behinderung benachteiligt werden.' (GG, Art. 3 Abs. 3 Satz 2) Dieses Gleichstellungsgesetz, das erst im September 1994 im Grundgesetz verankert wurde, ist bislang noch keine Garantie dafür, daß behinderte Menschen ebenso behandelt werden wie Nichtbehinderte. Vielmehr sind behinderte Menschen in unserer Gesellschaft immer no...

    45,84 €

  • Women and Work in Mexico’s Maquiladoras
    Altha J. Cravey / Altha JCravey
    The emergence of global assembly plants is closely linked to the creation of a global female industrial labor force. Women and Work in Mexico’s Maquiladoras examines this larger process in Mexico, where the maquiladora factories have turned to predominantly female labor. Exploring this dramatic shift, this book convincingly demonstrates how gender restructuring in workplaces an...

    57,38 €

  • Our Only Star and Compass
    Peter C. Myers / Peter CMyers
    In Our Only Star and Compass, Peter C. Myers reexamines the role of Locke in liberal political philosophy. Myers considers Locke’s philosophy in relation both to contemporary liberalism and to the great works of classical and modern political philosophy. ...

    62,52 €

  • The Geology of Cornwall
    The geology of Cornwall has been the subject of continuing investigation since the end of the seventeenth century. A literature of great historical interest exists, and this is analysed in this book alongside a wide-ranging review of the current position and assessments of the environmental consequences of rock and mineral exploitation. ...

    43,98 €

  • The Geology of Cornwall
    The geology of Cornwall has been the subject of continuing investigation since the end of the seventeenth century. A literature of great historical interest exists, and this is analysed in this book alongside a wide-ranging review of the current position and assessments of the environmental consequences of rock and mineral exploitation. ...

    134,86 €