Catálogo de libros: Botánica y ciencias de las plantas

4974 Catálogo de libros: Botánica y ciencias de las plantas

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  • Salinity versus plants
    Brian Emanuel Hueche / Daniela Russi / Myrian Sarimbalis
    This research work, carried out by 5th year high school students, studies the effect of irrigation water of different salinity (rainwater, drinking water and saline solutions of 1.2, 2.1 and 2.8 g/L of sodium chloride) on the growth and germination of salinity-sensitive species under laboratory conditions. Three salinity-sensitive species were used: lettuce, corn and spinach. G...

    53,79 €

  • Diseases in sour pitayo Stenocereus gummosus
    Abel Solano Olivera / Julio C Chacon H / Salvador Ordaz Silva
    Stenocereus gummosus, commonly known as pitayo or pitayo agrio, is a plant commonly seen in its natural environment in the arid regions of the peninsula of Baja California, which produces fruits appreciated by the inhabitants of nearby areas and from which those dedicated to its sale during the fruiting season obtain an extra income. During the establishment of this species thr...

    53,85 €

  • Popular uses and industrial applications of castor oil
    Alessandra de Souza Conceição / Iranara costa da S.Teixeira
    The castor bean tree is a plant that produces oilseeds and is of Asian origin. Its ease of adaptation has allowed it to be cultivated in Brazil. This book aims to present a review of the literature on castor bean oil (Ricinus communis L.) and various aspects relating to the use of Ricinus oil and its properties. Castor oil has been used in various activities such as: biofuel pr...

    53,60 €

  • Runoff and sediment production in micro-watersheds in the state of Paraíba
    George do N. Ribeiro / Hugo Morais de Alcântara / Jailton Garcia Ramos
    The Brazilian semi-arid region is characterised by irregular rainfall and the poor quality of its water, especially groundwater. From this perspective, water and soil management strategies are of paramount importance for living in the semi-arid region. The vegetation in this region is of the tree and shrub type, and predatory deforestation for charcoal production has reduced pl...

    53,60 €

  • Vision of a set of factors that add value to animal production
    Jhonatan Feitosa do Nascimento
    With increasingly competitive markets and ever more demanding consumers, there is a need to seek information on parameters that seek to qualitatively and quantitatively help them answer their questions about animal productivity. In its 50 years in Brazil, zootechnics has sought to produce rich food that successfully serves its consumers. In this issue we look at critical observ...

    53,60 €

  • Environmental SWOT for agricultural and livestock activity scenarios
    Gabriela Civeira
    Most of the environmental impacts resulting from the production technologies used on farms are shared by the different ecoregions of Argentina and Latin America, such as emissions of sediments due to erosion, organic matter from effluents, or agrochemicals that are discharged into the large basins that share navigation channels, dams, ports, and water intakes for drinking water...

    53,60 €

  • Instant Insights
    I Uysal / Jeffrey K Brecht / M C N Nunes
    This collection features four peer-reviewed reviews on improving the shelf life of horticultural produce. The first chapter introduces the concept of smart distribution and highlights how optimising the management of produce distribution systems can reduce loss and waste in the horticultural sector and extend shelf life by minimising quality deterioration. The chapter also disc...

    69,61 €

  • Results of a nutritional intervention
    Filomena Zepechouka Halama / Letícia Mazepa / Lize Stangarlin
    Approximately 229,000 tons of waste are produced every day in Brazil, especially organic waste from food and nutrition units (FNU), due to lack of knowledge and habits of using food in its entirety. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of a nutritional intervention on the integral use of food on the reduction of organic waste in a hospital FNU. This study was carried ...

    53,60 €

  • Agricultural engineering training & sustainable agriculture
    Ibrahim Medini
    The increased challenge between the agricultural engineer and his or her economic environment encourages the implementation of a global training strategy that guarantees the conservation and development of natural resources, while taking human health into account. In fact, according to a report by the World Conservation Organization, by the year 2000 our planet had already cons...

    58,82 €

  • Water produced by oil extraction and recommendations for reuse
    Igor E. S. Medeiros / Rafael O. Batista / Valécia Dantas de Souza
    In the current scenario of scarcity of good drinking water, further studies are needed into the feasibility and application of water of inferior quality for less noble uses. The object of study in this case is produced water obtained from oil extraction, taking into account the abundance of this water in the state of Rio Grande do Norte and the lack of more sustainable options ...

    53,60 €

  • Image analysis of coffee seed performance and vigour
    Heiber Andres Trujillo
    The use of digital images has an interesting place in the analysis and physiology of seeds and in quality control programmes due to its practicality, objectivity and speed in obtaining results. The book ’Image analysis in the performance and vigour of coffee seeds’ covers the general panorama of the use of radiographic image analysis techniques and digital image analysis of see...

    53,85 €

  • Vertical Rotational Leafy Vegetable Production in Containers
    Luis Ruddy Candia Pacheco
    The production of leafy vegetables in different countries is very important to guarantee food to families in rural and urban areas, for that reason vertical containers are implemented to maximize the use of air space in a protected environment. The treatments were T1= 30 centimeters between plants, T2=10 centimeters between plants, T3=20 centimeters between plants and T4=30 cen...

    53,79 €

  • Bioresources of the Bmh-Neotropical Bmh
    José Omar Cardona
    The status of forest species of a Colombian Pacific site (03°50’58'N, 77°0.0’2.1'W) important for the future is presented. The study determined the structure and spatial distribution pattern for 27 species. Three peri-urban plots, susceptible to short-term changes in structure and function, were assessed. They were in-ventaried by creating grids with number of individuals/grid....

    53,91 €

  • Foraging behaviour of Trigona spinipes
    Adriana Evangelista / Kilmer Oliveira Soares / Marcos Venâncio Lima
    This book describes the foraging habits of the Trigona spinipes bee. As well as its importance for the flora of the habitat in which it is found. With a bonus of two studies that were carried out in order to assess its foraging habits under different climatic conditions and its preference for sucrose levels. ...

    53,60 €

  • Growing Strawberries
    Darllan Junior L. S. F. de Oliveira / Maria Eduarda F. Otoboni / Natália G. R.M.Oliveira
    The book is based on a vast literature review, which covers the main aspects of strawberry cultivation. Information on origin, economic importance, the main cultivars, cultivation, pests and diseases, harvesting and post-harvesting. All in easy to understand language. It is hoped that this material will be used by professionals in the field as well as being a teaching tool. ...

    53,60 €

  • Organic soya production in north-west Rio Grande do Sul
    Daniela Pilecco
    The search for a production model that stimulates and generates the sustainable development of rural properties and the production of quality, chemical-free food is a major concern in today’s society. Against this backdrop, we set out to describe and analyse the role of UNICOOPER in organic soya production in the north-western region of Rio Grande do Sul, checking whether organ...

    53,66 €

  • Agro-morphological characterization of rice varieties
    Makan DIARRISSO / Yonnelle Déa Moukoumbi
    Rice is most often grown under continuous flooding and uses large quantities of irrigation water. The effects of climate change will exacerbate the incidence of droughts and floods, and sustainable food security will depend on increased agricultural production and reduced consumption of irrigation water. In areas where water availability could pose problems, the use of irrigati...

    58,96 €

  • Assessing the resilience of agricultural producers
    Ana A. Llames
    Climate change and climate variability modify environmental conditions, generating extreme weather events that affect agricultural production in the Flat Plain Homogeneous Environmental Unit (Department of Río Cuarto, Province of Córdoba). In order to face these events and reduce the vulnerability of production systems, it is necessary to generate adaptation strategies. The pur...

    110,67 €

  • Preservation of th’ulars in the highlands of Bolivia
    Clotilde Reyna Tapia Alejo
    Food security with its four pillars; access to food in the area, agricultural production and economically, the use of food, refers to the biological use through adequate food, in which all physiological needs are met, in terms of food availability, in the area there is quinoa, potato, In terms of food availability, the area has quinoa, potatoes, mainly, a little bit of beans, o...

    85,78 €

  • Visual Acuity Training System - Sitav
    Hudson Souza
    This work deals with the development of web-based software to train the visual acuity of assessors with or without experience in the process of assessing the incidence and severity of plant disease lesions in certain crops. The proper training process for the evaluator requires standardized methods for quantifying the area damaged by the plant disease, seeking to minimize subje...

    98,79 €

  • El árte de crear vida desde cero
    Kelvin A. Guerrero
    En un mundo donde las huellas de la degradación ambiental se vuelven cada vez más evidentes, la búsqueda de soluciones sostenibles y regenerativas se convierte en una necesidad inaplazable. La agricultura, que ha sido tanto una fuente vital de sustento como un factor de impacto ambiental, se encuentra en una encrucijada crucial. Es en este contexto que emerge la agricultura reg...

    37,25 €

  • Good Manufacturing Practices for Fishery Products
    Gabriela Lagonegro
    Based on the data obtained about the establishment and the information collected on Good Manufacturing Practices, an instruction manual was devised to implement this prerequisite. Current world problems indicate that 80% of Food Transmissible Diseases (FTEs) are linked to problems of poor handling and hygiene practices in the places where food is produced, as well as to the act...

    53,60 €

  • Double cropping sequences in the Tres Arroyos County (Argentina)
    Adriana Mabel Chamorro
    This paper analyzes, comparatively, the performance of barley/soybean, rapeseed/soybean and wheat/soybean production systems as different land use options in the Tres Arroyos area (Argentina) in relation to aspects related to energy flow, nutrient flow, water use and pesticide use impact as measures of the impact on ecological sustainability. The evaluation is also carried out ...

    114,04 €

  • Nematode-Plant Interactions and Controlling Infection
    Research on free-living plants and parasitic nematodes in the soil environment, food security, and nematode-plant interactions is increasing in importance. Plant-nematode interactions heavily impact nutrient availability, crop production, and soil health. The scenarios of work with plant and soil nematodes clarify the primary in-vitro and in-vivo techniques with plant-parasitic...

    235,65 €

  • Nematode-Plant Interactions and Controlling Infection
    Research on free-living plants and parasitic nematodes in the soil environment, food security, and nematode-plant interactions is increasing in importance. Plant-nematode interactions heavily impact nutrient availability, crop production, and soil health. The scenarios of work with plant and soil nematodes clarify the primary in-vitro and in-vivo techniques with plant-parasitic...

    314,57 €

  • Analysis of soil compaction and agricultural machinery
    Lizardo Reina / Mariuxi De La Cruz / Mauricio Reyna
    Soil compaction is a process in which there is a significant reduction of the pore space, which directly affects the macropores, which are responsible for water infiltration and soil aeration. Agricultural operations often present problems related to soil compaction, since the machinery used causes a number of effects on the soil. The objective of this work was to analyze soil ...

    82,78 €

  • The History of Cotton Farming in Uzbekistan
    B. M. Khalikov
    This book contains information analyzed on the basis of the long past history of cotton growing in our country, the first steps in the science of cotton growing, the first researches, and the fact that cotton growing is one of the main sectors in the agricultural production of Uzbekistan.The book is intended for scientists of the scientific research institute, agricultural spec...

    84,33 €

  • Applied Agroclimatology
    Felipe Puff Dapper / Luiz Gustavo Batista Ferreira
    Producing enough food for an increasing population is considered one of the greatest challenges (BURNS et al., 2010). The United Nations (UN) estimated the world population will exceed 9.7 billion in 2050 (UN, 2021) and this expansion will increase the demand for food (SAATH; FACHINELLO, 2018). In this context, agriculture has a key relevance, once this activity is responsible ...

    53,73 €

  • Physiological and sanitary qualities of saved soya seeds in RS
    Felipe Guzzo / Paloma Alves da Silva Sexto
    The aim of this study was to analyse different batches of saved soya seeds produced in the northern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The aim was to identify the physical, physiological and sanitary qualities of these seeds. Currently, the seeds saved by producers do not have a standard to be followed and used, as the areas are chosen based on the judgement that...

    53,60 €

  • Nutrition of local chicks, a hope for the rehabilitation of the sector
    Défi Amuri Assani / Freddy Okitayela Onawoma / Nathan-Fernand Nyongombe U.
    A study aimed at verifying the Effects of the Protein incorporation rate in the ration on the growth rate of local breed chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus) reared in Kindu (DRC) was carried out from December 15, 2021 to September 15, 2022. The aim of the study was to evaluate the growth performance of local chickens reared and fed in an improved system in Kindu. To achieve these...

    82,34 €