Catálogo de libros: Botánica y ciencias de las plantas

4974 Catálogo de libros: Botánica y ciencias de las plantas

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  • Handbook of Phycological Methods

    363,76 €

  • Advances in Plant Nutrition
    P. B. Tinker / PBTinker

    121,23 €

  • Plant Genetic Engineering

    174,44 €

  • Of Plants and People
    Charles B. Heiser
    'This book is a fascinating collection of essays about the interactions of plants and people. Twelve chapters deal with individual plants or groups of plants and one with the origins of agriculture....This is a well-written, easily readable text by a leading economic botanist.'-Brittonia'Through study of these examples, we gain insight into the probable early stages of plant do...

    30,90 €

  • Flora of the British Isles
    A. R. Clapham / ARClapham / T. G. Tutin / TGTutin

    36,74 €

  • Flora of the British Isles
    A. R. Clapham / ARClapham / T. G. Tutin / TGTutin

    36,72 €

  • Flora of the British Isles
    A. R. Clapham / ARClapham / E. F. Warburg / EFWarburg / T. G. Tutin / TGTutin

    37,97 €

  • Flora of the British Isles
    A. R. Clapham / ARClapham / T. G. Tutin / TGTutin

    38,05 €

  • History of the British Flora
    Godwin / Harry Godwin

    73,54 €

  • Mate Choice in Plants (MPB-19), Volume 19
    Mary F. Willson / Mary FWillson / Nancy Burley
    This book maintains that higher plants manifest some degree of sexual selection, and it begins to build a framework that unifies many features of plant reproduction previously considered unrelated. Reviewing evidence for sexual selection in plants, the authors discuss possible male-female interactions, concluding with an extensive set of hypotheses for testing.Mechanisms that c...

    108,24 €

  • Grass Systematics
    Frank W. Gould / Frank WGould / Robert B. Shaw / Robert BShaw

    32,30 €

  • Flora of Connemara and the Burren
    D. A. Webb / DAWebb / Mary J. P. Scannell / Mary JPScannell

    105,71 €

  • The Genus Lentinus
    D. N. Pegler / David N. Pegler
    A systematic account of recognised species, fully illustrated with 65 line drawings. 3 ...

    39,85 €

  • Baobab - Africa's Upside-Down Tree
    G. E. Wickens
    An attempt to pull together what is known about that extraordinary tree, the African baobab (Adansonia digitat L. - Bombaceae). Illustrated with 5 half-tone plates, 3 maps and a diagnostic line drawing. ...

    22,51 €

  • British Mosses and Liverworts
    E. Vernon Watson / EVernon Watson

    172,44 €

  • Stomatal Physiology
    T. a. Mansfield / TaMansfield

    93,50 €

  • Photosynthesis
    Roderick K. Clayton / Roderick KClayton

    99,66 €

  • Handbook of Phycological Methods
    Elisabeth Gantt

    281,88 €

  • Handbook of Phycological Methods

    85,40 €

  • An Introduction to Crop Physiology
    F. L. Milthorpe / FLMilthorpe / J. Moorby / JMoorby

    53,08 €

  • Clathraceae
    D M Dring

    19,49 €

  • The Grasses of Texas
    Frank W. Gould / Frank WGould

    49,48 €

  • Insect, Disease and Weed Control
    D. Bishop / DBishop / E. R. De Ong / ERDe Ong
    CONTENTS - I Introduction - II Nontoxic Methods and Materials as Insecticides - III Weeds - IV Weed Control - V Insects - VI Insects and Diseases of Field Crops - VII Insects and Diseases of Orchards and Vineyards - VIII Insects and Diseases in the Garden and Truckfarm - IX Pests of Ornamentals, Lawns, Flowers and Shrubs - X Household Insects and Rodents - XI Pests of Barns an...

    150,46 €

  • The Power of Movement in Plants
    Charles Darwin / Francis Darwin
    '...I think that I have succeeded in showing. . . kind of movement common to all parts of all plants from their earliest youth.' - Charles Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume II (1880) The Power of Movement in Plants (1880) includes illustrations and documents the extensive research and study of phototropism among other plant movements by Charles Darwin and h...

    37,71 €