Catálogo de libros: Ecología, la biosfera

2278 Catálogo de libros: Ecología, la biosfera

Libros Eliminar filtro Inglés Eliminar filtro Matemáticas y ciencia Eliminar filtro Biologia, ciencias de la vida Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la vida: cuestiones generales Eliminar filtro Ecología, la biosfera Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Marshes of the Ocean Shore
    Joseph V. Siry / Joseph VSiry

    23,30 €

  • Diving and Marine Biology
    G. F. Warner / George F. Warner / George FWarner / GFWarner

    43,23 €

  • The Ecology of Freshwater Photoplankton
    Colin S. Reynolds / Colin SReynolds

    98,03 €

  • Mate Choice in Plants (MPB-19), Volume 19
    Mary F. Willson / Mary FWillson / Nancy Burley
    This book maintains that higher plants manifest some degree of sexual selection, and it begins to build a framework that unifies many features of plant reproduction previously considered unrelated. Reviewing evidence for sexual selection in plants, the authors discuss possible male-female interactions, concluding with an extensive set of hypotheses for testing.Mechanisms that c...

    108,24 €

  • The Theory of Sex Allocation. (MPB-18), Volume 18
    Eric L. Charnov / Eric LCharnov
    This book is the first comprehensive treatment of sex allocation from the standpoint of modern evolutionary theory. It shows how the determination of sex ratio, resource allocation to sperm versus egg within simultaneous hermaphroditism, and the evolution of sex reversal can he explained as examples of a single process. The genetical theory, developed mostly with graphical argu...

    143,80 €

  • Mathematical Methods of Population Biology
    F. C. Hoppensteadt / FCHoppensteadt / Frank C. Hoppensteadt / Frank CHoppensteadt

    46,11 €

  • Multivariate Analysis in Community Ecology
    Hugh G. Jr. Gauch / Hugh GJrGauch

    87,30 €

  • Handbook of Contemporary Developments in World Ecology
    Edward John Kormondy / Edward Kormandy / J. Frank McCormick / JFrank McCormick

    103,31 €

  • Coastal Lagoons
    R. S. K. Barnes / RSKBarnes

    49,96 €

  • Evolutionary Biology of Parasites. (MPB-15), Volume 15
    Peter W. Price / Peter WPrice
    In spite of the fact that parasites represent more than half of all living species of plants and animals, their role in the evolution of life on earth has been substantially underestimated. Here, for the first time within an evolutionary and ecological framework, Peter Price integrates the biological attributes that characterize parasites ranging from such diverse groups as vir...

    108,30 €

  • Ecological Effects of Waste Water
    E. B. Welch / EBWelch / T. Lindell / TLindell

    58,84 €

  • Some Adaptations of Marsh-Nesting Blackbirds. (MPB-14), Volume 14
    Gordon H. Orians / Gordon HOrians
    The variety of social systems among the New World blackbirds (Family Icteridae) and the structural simplicity of their foraging environment provide excellent opportunities for testing theorics about the adaptive significance of their behavior. Here Gordon Orians presents the results of his many years of research on how blackbirds utilize their marsh environments during the bree...

    108,06 €

  • Nuclear Disaster in the Urals
    Zhores A. Medvedev / Zhores AMedvedev

    16,62 €

  • Caste and Ecology in the Social Insects. (MPB-12), Volume 12
    Edward O. Wilson / Edward OWilson / George F. Oster / George FOster
    In this pathbreaking and far-reaching work George Oster and Edward Wilson provide the first fully developed theory of caste evolution among the social insects. Furthermore, in studying the effects of natural selection in generally increasing the insects’ ergonomic efficiency, they go beyond the concentration of previous researchers on the physiological mechanisms of the insects...

    107,81 €

  • The Dynamics of Arthopod Predator-Prey Systems. (MPB-13), Volume 13
    Michael Patrick Hassell
    In this study of arthropod predador-prey systems Michael Hassell shows how many of the components of predation may be simply modeled in order to reveal their effects on the overall dynamics of the interacting populations. Arthropods, particularly insects, make ideal subjects for such a study because their generation times are characteristically short and many have relatively di...

    86,20 €

  • Food Webs and Niche Space. (MPB-11), Volume 11
    David W. Stephens / David WStephens / Joel E. Cohen / Joel ECohen
    What is the minimum dimension of a niche space necessary to represent the overlaps among observed niches? This book presents a new technique for obtaining a partial answer to this elementary question about niche space. The author bases his technique on a relation between the combinatorial structure of food webs and the mathematical theory of interval graphs. Professor Cohen co...

    86,36 €

  • Models in Ecology
    John Maynard Smith / Maynard S. John / Maynard SJohn

    69,48 €

  • Ecology Field Glossary
    UNKNOWN / Walter H. Lewis / Walter Hepworth Lewis / Walter HLewis

    55,39 €

  • Geographic Variation, Speciation and Clines. (MPB-10), Volume 10
    John A. Endler / John AEndler
    Geographic Variation, Speciation and Clines explores the origins and development of geographic variation, divergence, and speciation. In particular it is concerned with genetic divergence as it is usually found on continents, among groups of populations isolated only by distance. Although earlier writers on this topic considered the effects of geography and dispersal, intense g...

    108,27 €

  • Group Selection in Predator-Prey Communities. (MPB-9), Volume 9
    Michael E. Gilpin / Michael EGilpin
    Many animals regulate their population density by patterns of behavior that would be easy to explain if the forces of natural selection acted to optimize group properties. But Darwinian selection acts on individuals, not groups, and most simple theories have shown group selection to be too slow ever to oppose individual selection successfully.In this book Michael Gilpin present...

    93,61 €

  • Competition and the Structure of Bird Communities. (MPB-7), Volume 7
    Martin L. Cody / Martin LCody
    Professor Cody’s monograph emphasizes the role of competition at levels above single species populations, and describes how competition, by way of the niche concept, determines the structure of communities. Communities may be understood in terms of resource gradients, or niche dimensions, along which species become segregated through competitive interactions. Most communities a...

    85,83 €

  • Populations in a Seasonal Environment. (MPB-5)
    Stephen D. Fretwell / Stephen DFretwell
    Most organisms live in a seasonal environment. During their life cycles, some species face seasons of cold and heat, aridity and abundant rainfall, migration and stable residence, breeding and nonbreeding. Populations grow and decline as supplies of materials essential to their survival wax and wane. Such qualitative truths as these flow obviously from field observations. In t...

    86,21 €

  • Life
    Josephine Marquand

    16,12 €

  • Adaptive Geometry of Trees (MPB-3), Volume 3
    Henry S. Horn / Henry SHorn
    Through use of the models Professor Horn has devised, plant ecologists, foresters, and botanists will be able to predict the growth and productivity of a forest, the invading and senile species in a forest, the effect of shade tolerance on forest succession, and similar questions. ...

    72,72 €

  • Evolution in Changing Environments
    Richard Levins
    Professor Levins, one of the leading explorers in the field of integrated population biology, considers the mutual interpenetration and joint evolution of organism and environment, occurring on several levels at once. Physiological and behavioral adaptations to short-term fluctuations of the environment condition the responses of populations to long-term changes and geographic ...

    86,65 €

  • The Power of Movement in Plants
    Charles Darwin / Francis Darwin
    '...I think that I have succeeded in showing. . . kind of movement common to all parts of all plants from their earliest youth.' - Charles Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume II (1880) The Power of Movement in Plants (1880) includes illustrations and documents the extensive research and study of phototropism among other plant movements by Charles Darwin and h...

    30,23 €

  • The Power of Movement in Plants
    Charles Darwin / Francis Darwin
    '...I think that I have succeeded in showing. . . kind of movement common to all parts of all plants from their earliest youth.' - Charles Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume II (1880) The Power of Movement in Plants (1880) includes illustrations and documents the extensive research and study of phototropism among other plant movements by Charles Darwin and h...

    37,71 €

  • The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms
    Charles Darwin
    '...I was led to keep in my study during many months worms in pots filled with earth, I became interested in them, and wished to learn how far they acted consciously...' - Charles Darwin, The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms (1881)The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms, with Observations on their Habits (1881) includes original illu...

    22,16 €