Catálogo de libros: Ciencias de la vida: cuestiones generales

4363 Catálogo de libros: Ciencias de la vida: cuestiones generales

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  • Biodiversity of the forest and steppe vegetation of Algeria
    Lamri Zeraia
    This study aims at an ecological analysis of the habitat to define its level of good condition. Following the initial inventory report of the natural habitats, we propose to approach the implementation of a management plan and a program of preservation of the plant biodiversity by successive complementary phases. The identification of the evolutionary series of the habitat allo...

    93,64 €

  • Are Elephants Flagships or Battleships?
    Tobias Nyumba
    Elephants are threatened by the ever-changing land use and land cover systems in pursuit of human well-being. Multifunctional landscapes such as the Trans Mara in Kenya represent the arena of action leading to conflicts between elephants and people. The landscape comprises communal lands bordering the world-famous Masai Mara National Reserve, supports various land use types and...

    147,35 €

  • SWOT Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment
    ISMAIL Lahmini
    This book will change your perspective on environmental impact assessment and the SWOT method. It is based on very simple techniques to implement an environmental impact assessment in your company if you are an entrepreneur. If you are a student this book will concretize your theoretical knowledge, we have made practical cases in which you can Mr. student to feel that you are a...

    49,68 €

    'Non-coding RNA Transcripts in Cancer Therapy: Pre-clinical and Clinical Implications' provides a new insight towards role of non-coding RNAs molecules including microRNAs, long non-coding RNAs and circular RNAs in cancer. The reason of focusing on cancer is that this malignant disease is responsible for high death around the world and after cardiovascular diseases, it is a lea...

    157,35 €

  • The effective sharpener of eco-citizenship
    César Kasereka Mundoleko
    In a context where one cannot imagine a healthy life on the earth’s surface without the protection of the environment, the author of this modest work takes on the task of describing the degrading situation of the ecosystem in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, whereas the latter constitutes until these days by its forests, the lung of the whole world after the Amazon forest....

    61,44 €

  • Air pollution and effects on ornamental trees
    Misliddin Kholmatov
    In the world, great attention is paid to solving the problems of protecting the environment from pollution by anthropogenic and natural aerosols. Especially aerosol pollution causes great damage to biocenosis and plants. Plant life is an important component of the biosphere, providing energy and nutrients to other organisms and biological processes. The condition of plants affe...

    114,37 €

  • Wetland - A special reference to Macrophyte species
    Harvi Patel / Susmita Sahoo
    Wetlands serve as the interface & ecotone habitat between the terrestrial & aquatic ecosystems, indicating that they are neither entirely aquatic nor terrestrial; depending on seasonal fluctuation. Wetlands are geologically young & ecologically delicate. They are natural water bodies and support a huge number of floral & faunal diversity. Wetlands are a highly adaptive, product...

    121,91 €

  • Conflict resolution in Rio Blanco micro-watershed, Toacaso Cotopaxi
    José Ricardo Suárez Cachipuendo
    This work has been chosen because the study area is representative for Cotopaxi, in terms of its ecology, form of organisation and levels of water conflict. In this sense, it is important because, to the extent that we can explain the form of conflict resolution in this area, we can generate initiatives for a less traumatic and more lasting solution to the provincial problem. T...

    77,63 €

  • The Web of Life
    Kenneth Caraballo
    The Web of Life is a comprehensive guide to the world of ecology. This book delves into the intricate relationships that exist between all living things, from the tiniest microbes to the largest animals, and the impact that humans have on these relationships.The book begins by exploring the basics of ecology, including the different levels of organization within ecosystems, the...

    22,51 €

  • A Handbook of Insect Pests Part I
    Arunaksharan Narayanankutty / Joice Tom Job
    Insect pests are one of the most common and destructive types of pests that can cause damage to crops, livestock, and homes. They feed on plants, fruits, and vegetables, causing significant economic losses to farmers and gardeners. In homes, they can contaminate food, spread diseases, and damage property. Some of the most common insect pests include flies, ants, termites, cockr...

    61,57 €

  • Ecological Studies of Meghraj Range Forest, Aravalli, Gujarat
    Hasmukhbhai Kharadi
    The Meghraj range forest is situated amidst picturesque natural surroundings on the eastern border of Gujarat, in a beautiful valley shut in well-wooded hills through which river Vatrak flows. Present study was carried out to explore various ecological parameters of this forest range. This included plant diversity study using diversity indices, phytosociological studies of the ...

    61,94 €

  • The challenges to land regularization in the creation of national parks
    Thais Cercal Dalmina Losso
    Recognising the importance of national parks for environmental protection, it is proposed that the State take care of planning prior to their creation so that both the land ownership situation and environmental issues are duly contemplated. And if it is difficult to overcome them, this planning should be able to seek other alternatives among the countless models of conservation...

    107,99 €

  • Analysis of the effects of land degradation in Burundi
    Ir. Innocent Banigwaninzigo
    The present work entitled 'Analysis of the effects of soil degradation in Burundi: the case of Bujumbura Province' was undertaken with the aim of diagnosing the driving factors of soil degradation in Burundi, and more particularly in Bujumbura Province. The results of our analyses show that the soils of the said province are subject to rainfall erosion degradation. This erosion...

    49,68 €

  • The lagoon of Coyuca de Benitez, Guerrero, Mexico
    Lucero Espinoza Domínguez / Margarita Santamaría Torres / Ofelia Castañeda López
    The importance of coastal ecosystems lies in the fact that they are considered one of the most productive systems on the planet in terms of primary productivity and high nutrient content, compared to other terrestrial environments, such as tropical rainforests and agricultural crops. One of the main components of these ecosystems are mangrove forests, whose ecological functions...

    61,82 €

    Dhombro N’Singa Kete
    Far from being a doctor of mental illnesses or a social psychologist, the motivation for the writing of this book is fundamentally alarmist with regard to the failure of the human being supposed to possess faculties of discernment likely to bring him 'from unreason to reason'.The present work brings light on the deviationism of the man blinded by the unbridled research of accum...

    113,28 €

  • The use of wood for energy purposes in Northeast Brazil
    Madilson Araújo da Silva
    This book deals with the use of wood for energy purposes in an area of the Caatinga Biome, known as the 'Malhada Grande Complex', located in Northeast Brazil. Taking its historical process as a reference and seeking answers for the present, it investigates how local commerce has contributed to the increase in the removal of native vegetation and the consequent expropriation of ...

    87,08 €

  • Protected areas against global warming
    Oumar Bakayoko
    The objective of this study is to assess the carbon stock and reservoir of the Banco National Park located in the southeast of Côte d’Ivoire in West Africa. The study was based on the processing of Landsat and Quickbird satellite images and a forest inventory. The results obtained show that the carbon stock and reservoir of the biomass are important. However, a trend towards de...

    39,23 €

  • The hidden face of climate change
    Hamid Semlali
    If the hidden face of climate change... is represented in the destruction of the ecological environment by the human being... which is at the same time need of sustainable development... it is what is the result of the emergence of the act of duty inherent in the natural weaning, because the separation is necessary in its status in the evolution of the intentionality of becomin...

    111,47 €

  • Status of the implementation of integrated water resources management
    Dieudonné Zerbo
    Water is a limited resource, precious and essential to life. However, it is at the center of many demands and conflicts, making it fragile to external factors as well as to the degradation of ecosystems. Good water management that is integrated and concerted is therefore a necessity, especially at the watershed level. The Upper Comoé sub-basin, located in the southwest of Burki...

    55,10 €

  • The Time Gene
    Dr. Shahin Asadi
    Behcet’s disease is characterized by recurrent oral ulcers, uveitis, oral ulcers, and skin lesions. Since vascular manifestations are common in this disease, it is considered as vasculitis. However, the dominant histological pathological symptoms in inflamed tissues include infiltration of lymphocytes, monocytes and in some cases, polynuclear leukocytes. Although small vessels ...

    72,08 €

  • Handbook on Environmental Pollution
    Arunaksharan Narayanankutty / Joice Tom Job
    Environmental pollution refers to the presence or introduction into the environment of harmful substances or contaminants that can cause adverse effects on living organisms and the natural world. These pollutants can originate from various sources, including industrial activities, transportation, agriculture and human activities such as littering.Air pollution is the presence o...

    72,08 €

  • Expressive Origins
    Rachelle Simpson Sweet
    Have you or a family member struggled to lose weight despite years of dieting? Do you struggle with a chronic disease that won’t resolve? Are you reaching an age where menopause symptoms are affecting your lifestyle? Or do you just need a decent night’s sleep and less brain fog?By combining breakthrough science in epigenetics with unique genetic blueprints, the authors in this ...

    23,03 €

    Rose Babu Ambrose
    Conservation of nature is a necessity for the existence of human beings and must be a priority in our duties. Indian culture and philosophy, including Buddhism, always promote nurturing all living and non-living beings as an extension of human lives. The compassionate approach in Buddhism seems to be not attaining the goal of conserving nature. Meanwhile, the approach proposed ...

    153,70 €

  • Environmental Pollution III
    Arunaksharan Narayanankutty / Joice Tom Job
    Solid waste pollution is a growing problem worldwide as population growth, urbanization, and industrialization continue to increase. Solid waste, which includes everything from household garbage to industrial waste, can have severe environmental and health impacts if not managed properly. The improper disposal of solid waste can lead to soil pollution, air pollution, water poll...

    70,90 €

  • Environmental Degradation and Development of Rural Economy in Rivers
    Matthew Esther Amairo / Prof. Innime Righteous
    This study has become very imperative due to the environmental degradation occasioned by hydrocarbon production in Rivers State. There has been series of conflicts between the indigenous people of the region and the major Oil Companies operating therein over the years. The region claims that the activities of the Oil Companies instead of improving have impoverished its people b...

    61,82 €

  • Study of the atmosphere of the Zeravshan Valley by the nuclear physics method
    Madaminhuzha Hoshimhuzhaev / Shuhratzhon Imomkulov
    The aim of the work was to study the spatial and temporal distribution of the content and forms of element migration in atmospheric aerosols and precipitation of the cities of Zerafshan valley (Samarkand, Bukhara, Navoi), environmental assessment using advanced instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA).Due to automation of the aerosol sampling process we managed to collec...

    68,75 €

  • Natural rent of production and consumption waste
    Victor Gladun
    The formation of production and consumption waste in the ecological environment of modern technological society not only limits its development, but also has a significant impact even on the political structure of entire states. This interdisciplinary lecture on technosphere safety systematizes the main directions of solving the problem of waste management at the post-industria...

    84,48 €

  • Business security and life in the technosphere
    Victor Gladun
    The technosphere was formed on Earth as a result of humanity’s desire to improve its well-being in life, but it cannot exist without production and consumption waste. Waste pollution has caused diseases and reduced life expectancy. The coming transformation of the system of education, accounting, control, digitalization and processing of waste during the transition to a planned...

    68,73 €

  • Environmental safety of life activities
    Victor Gladun
    The development of the technosphere is in search of a way out of the historically established maze of wandering technological society in search of security of its life activity from the evolution of the concept of ecocentricity to the transition to the management of NBICSW convergences in technological improvement and the need for digital passportization of waste production and...

    77,93 €

  • Environmental Pollution II
    Arunaksharan Narayanankutty / Joice Tom Job
    Soil pollution is the contamination of soil by harmful substances, such as chemicals, heavy metals or other pollutants. This can have serious negative impacts on both the environment and human health. There are many sources of soil pollution, including industrial activities, agricultural practices, mining and waste disposal. In addition, natural disasters such as floods and ear...

    70,58 €