Catálogo de libros: Biologia, ciencias de la vida

34289 Catálogo de libros: Biologia, ciencias de la vida

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  • Estudo morfológico de Spinacea oleracea L. com análise in silico
    Swati Jayswal
    Este livro revela os efeitos morfológicos do NaCl e da cinetina na Spinacea oleracea L. (espinafre) através de uma análise in silico. A variedade de espinafre, KGP, foi selecionada para fins experimentais e foi referida como uma planta de crescimento precoce, saudável e erecta, com folhas perfeitas ovadas a triangulares. As plantas foram tratadas com NaCl e cinetina em cinco co...

    85,39 €

  • Морфологическое исследование Spinacea oleracea L. с применением инсиликоанализа
    Свати Яысвал
    В этой книге раскрывается морфологическое воздействие NaCl и кинетина на Spinacea oleracea L. (шпинат) с помощью анализа insilico. Для эксперимента был выбран сорт шпината KGP, который отличается ранним ростом, здоровыми и прямостоячими растениями с идеальными листьями от яйцевидной до треугольной формы. Растения обрабатывали NaCl и кинетином в пяти различных концентрациях. Сем...

    85,39 €

    In the current phase of advancement in light scattering optics, it can be asserted that the overarching theory of scattering is presently in a satisfactory, though incomplete, condition. However, specific experimental techniques, particularly the requisite measuring apparatus, remain underdeveloped. This circumstance underscores pertinent scientific foundational objectives, not...

    41,04 €

  • Activité antifongique de l’extrait brut d’une algue Padina tetrastrometi
    Aqsa Kazmi / Ghazala Butt
    Le but de cette étude était d’évaluer l’activité antifongique de Padina tetrastromatica provenant de la sablière, côte de Karachi, appartenant au phylum phaeophyta. Quatre concentrations ont été préparées avec l’extrait brut de l’algue dans différents solvants pour tester leurs actions contre les espèces de champignons pathogènes qui causent diverses maladies. Un contrôle avec ...

    62,94 €

  • Attività antifungina dell’estratto grezzo di un’alga Padina tetrastrometi
    Aqsa Kazmi / Ghazala Butt
    Lo scopo dello studio è stato quello di valutare l’attività antimicotica di Padina tetrastromatica proveniente da sandspit, sulla costa di Karachi, appartenente al phylum phaeophyta. Sono state realizzate quattro concentrazioni con l’estratto grezzo dell’alga in diversi solventi per testarne l’azione contro le specie di funghi patogeni che causano varie malattie. Negli esperime...

    62,94 €

  • Противогрибковая активность сырого экстракта морской водоросли Падина тетрастромети
    Акса Казми / Газала Батт
    Целью исследования было оценить противогрибковую активность падины тетрастроматика из песчаного карьера на побережье Карачи, относящейся к филуму phaeophyta. Четыре концентрации были сделаны вместе с сырым экстрактом водоросли в различных растворителях, чтобы проверить их действие против видов грибков, которые являются патогенными и вызывают различные заболевания. Контроль с др...

    62,94 €

  • Atividade antifúngica do extrato bruto de uma alga marinha Padina tetrastrometi
    Aqsa Kazmi / Ghazala Butt
    O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a atividade antifúngica da Padina tetrastromatica da areia, costa de Karachi, pertencente ao filo phaeophyta. Foram feitas quatro concentrações juntamente com o extrato bruto da alga em diferentes solventes para testar as suas acções contra as espécies de fungos que são patogénicas e causam várias doenças. Foi também testado um controlo com outr...

    62,94 €

  • Antimykotische Aktivität eines Rohextrakts aus einer Meeresalge Padina tetrastrometi
    Aqsa Kazmi / Ghazala Butt
    Ziel der Studie war es, die antimykotische Aktivität von Padina tetrastromatica aus der Sandgrube an der Küste von Karachi zu untersuchen, die zum Phylum der Phaeophyta gehört. Vier Konzentrationen wurden zusammen mit dem Rohextrakt der Alge in verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln hergestellt, um ihre Wirkung gegen die Pilzarten zu testen, die pathogen sind und verschiedene Krankheiten...

    62,94 €

  • Wildlife of the Antilles
    Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    The islands of the Antilles are, in general, mountainous. In the Greater Antilles there are hundreds of caves excavated in the limestone. The rivers, however, are few and short. Volcanoes are abundant in the small Antilles. Near the coast there are oceanic trenches where the sea reaches great depth. But on many islands there are extensions of the island platforms, which turns t...

    96,06 €

  • The Gospel of Jesus Green
    Neil J. Whitehouse
    This is a gospel of personal stories, science, and existential hope for the Jesus-curious and those who want to know what Green means.Modern people are like the passengers on the Titanic; the triumphs of technology have real limitations. They face the necessity to share the planet that takes them to hard politics. Economics can be integrated with ecology and the essentials of h...

    26,64 €

  • The Highest Strangeness
    Richard Freeman
    nWEIREST OF THE WEIRDThe world of forteana (strange phenomena) is by its nature, odd. Encounters with sea serpents, ghosts and UFOs for example are far from everyday. Yet there are reports in the annals of forteana that go far beyond the simply weird. In this book we look at high strangeness cases that make even the most seasoned of researchers balk. This parade of the damned i...

    22,20 €

  • Reactive Species
    The fine balance in reactive species (RS) levels inside the cell, or redox homeostasis, is crucial for normal life. RS are molecules such as hydroxyl, superoxide, and others whose reaction rates are typically high. Further, RS are now accepted as the molecular mediators of stresses on cells. RS are also implicated in many diseases including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and ...

    107,54 €

  • Introdução Ao Psicoteísmo
    João Paulo Vieira
    Esta Terceira Edição, do Introdução Ao Psicoteísmo, está mais ampliada e com mais estudos aprofundados, tendo mais detalhes. A Segunda Edição, tem 1.600 artigos e 28 capítulos; esta Terceira Edição, tem 3.316 artigos e 29 capítulos. Os Temas dos capítulos desta Terceira Edição, foram mais aprofundados, eles receberam mais estudos da Língua Hebraica e Grega. Esta Obra demonstra ...

    19,92 €

  • De Carona Com Newton
    Patrick Alves Vizzotto
    Por que às vezes você leva um choque ao encostar em um carro? Por que a gasolina precisa ter uma porcentagem de álcool? Por que o nome ambulância é escrito com letras invertidas nesses veículos? Essas e outras perguntas fazem parte do universo do trânsito. Muitas delas podem ser explicadas a partir de saberes científicos estudados na escola. Este livro aborda alguns desses tema...

    15,84 €

  • Aquele Que Criou O Universo
    Paul Mccullough
    Aquele que criou o universoé uma exploração profunda e instigante da interseção entre fé e ciência. O livro aborda a dualidade do crer e do saber, apresentando uma discussão rica e complexa sobre os principais temas religiosos e teológicos à luz do conhecimento científico. O autor desafia os leitores a reconciliar suas crenças espirituais com o entendimento científico do univer...

    22,47 €

  • Fecondazione in vitro (FIV) di embrioni di bufala
    Nowsheen Mullani
    Questo libro contiene informazioni assolute su come eseguire la tecnica di fecondazione in vitro in embrioni di bufala raccolti da ovaie derivate da macelli. Poiché si tratta di un lavoro per il master, le tecniche menzionate sono ben standardizzate in laboratorio e a prova di errore nelle specie menzionate. Tuttavia, potrebbe esserci una variabilità nelle tecniche tra le diver...

    69,97 €

  • Экстракорпоральное оплодотворение (ЭКО) эмбрионов буйвола
    Новшин Муллани
    Эта книга содержит абсолютную информацию о том, как проводить экстракорпоральное оплодотворение эмбрионов буйволиц, полученных из яичников на скотобойне. Так как эта книга была написана для магистров, приведенные в ней методики хорошо стандартизированы в лаборатории и безошибочно работают на указанных видах. Тем не менее, возможны различия в методиках для разных видов, но идея ...

    70,04 €

  • Living Lanterns
    Discover the Fascinating World of BioluminescenceDelve into the enchanting world of bioluminescence with 'Living Lanterns: Science behind Bioluminescent Organisms.' This captivating book explores the extraordinary ability of living organisms to produce light, a phenomenon that has mesmerized humans for centuries. From the mesmerizing glow of fireflies to the eerie illumination ...

    28,45 €

  • Ethnopharmacology
    K. K. Jnardhanan / Palpu Pushpangadan / V. George
    Ethnopharmacology is a multidisciplinary subject and an area of research where tradition and modern science coexists. The progress of this interdisciplinary science is expanding fast with our increasing quest for phytopharmaceuticals and our increasing awareness on traditional and alternative systems of medicines. The book is a compilation of articles written by eminent researc...

    99,53 €

  • Animals of the surface film
    Marjorie Guthrie
    This handbook deals with the smaller invertebrate animals of this surface community. Among these are springtails, pondskaters, water boatmen, water beetles and water spiders, as well as protozoa, rotifers and tiny crustaceans. ...

    44,68 €

  • Aphid predators
    Graham E. Rotheray / Graham E. Rotheray
    Aphids and their colonies are excellent arenas in which to observe predators in action. A range of insects come to eat or parasitise the aphids or to drink their honeydew. ...

    44,64 €

  • The Postnatal Development of Two Broods of Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus)
    Donald Frederick Hoffmeister / Henry W. Setzer
    The Postnatal Development of Two Broods of Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus), a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, re...

    14,06 €

  • Popular Official Guide to the New York Zoological Park (September 1915)
    William T. Hornaday
    Popular Official Guide to the New York Zoological Park (September 1915), a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped an...

    19,71 €

  • Пыльцевая флора Файюма, Египет I- Archichlamydeae
    Фудзики Тосиюки / Эман Шамсо
    Эта книга посвящена определению микро- и макроморфологических характеристик пыльцы египетских таксонов подкласса Archichlamydeae с целью предоставления палинологической информации и идентификационного ключа, адаптированного для использования с археоботаническими материалами. Пыльца 41 египетского таксона принадлежит к 18 семействам, представляющим современную растительность рай...

    49,81 €

  • Die Pollenflora von Faiyum, Ägypten I- Archichlamydeae
    Eman Shamso / Fujiki Toshiyuki
    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der Bestimmung von mikro- und makromorphologischen Merkmalen von ägyptischen Taxa der Unterklasse Archichlamydeae, um palynologische Informationen und einen Identifikationsschlüssel zu liefern, der für die Verwendung mit archäobotanischem Material geeignet ist. Die Pollen von 41 ägyptischen Taxa, die zu 18 Familien gehören, die die aktuelle Vegetati...

    49,74 €

  • La flore pollinique de Faiyum, Égypte I- Archichlamydeae
    Eman Shamso / Fujiki Toshiyuki
    Ce livre traite de la détermination des caractères micro et macro-morphologiques du pollen des taxons égyptiens de la sous-classe des Archichlamydeae afin de fournir des informations palynologiques et une clé d’identification adaptée aux matériaux archéobotaniques. Le pollen de 41 taxons égyptiens appartenant à 18 familles représentant la végétation actuelle de la région de Fai...

    49,74 €

  • La flora pollinica di Faiyum, Egitto I - Archichlamydeae
    Eman Shamso / Fujiki Toshiyuki
    Questo libro si occupa della determinazione dei caratteri micro e macro-morfologici dei pollini dei taxa egiziani della sottoclasse Archichlamydeae per fornire informazioni palinologiche e una chiave di identificazione adatta all’uso con materiali archeobotanici. I pollini di 41 taxa egiziani appartenenti a 18 famiglie rappresentano l’attuale vegetazione dell’area di Faiyum, de...

    49,74 €

  • A flora polínica de Faiyum, Egipto I- Archichlamydeae
    Eman Shamso / Fujiki Toshiyuki
    Este livro trata da determinação dos caracteres micro e macromorfológicos do pólen de taxa egípcios da subclasse Archichlamydeae para fornecer informações palinológicas e uma chave de identificação adaptada para uso com materiais arqueobotânicos. O pólen de 41 taxa egípcios pertence a 18 famílias que representam a vegetação atual da área de Faiyum, descrita e ilustrada com micr...

    49,74 €

  • Charakterisierung von invasiven Sumpfpflanzen
    Frédéric BANGIRINAMA / Jean Bosco Igirukwishaka
    Biologische Invasionen sind die zweitgrößte Quelle für die Zerstörung von Ökosystemen. Doch das Wissen über invasive Taxa ist in Burundi nach wie vor lückenhaft. Um die Manager invasiver Pflanzen zu unterstützen, wurde eine Studie in den Sümpfen des Ruvubu-Flusses, des wichtigsten Flusses in Burundi, durchgeführt. Das Ziel bestand darin, : Eine floristische Bestandsaufnahme dur...

    62,08 €

  • Characterization of invasive marsh plants
    Frédéric BANGIRINAMA / Jean Bosco Igirukwishaka
    Biological invasions are the second biggest source of ecosystem destruction. But knowledge of invasive taxa is still lacking in Burundi. To support invasive plant managers, a study was carried out in the marshes of the Ruvubu River, Burundi’s largest river. The aim was to: Carry out a floristic inventory; highlight the diversity of invasive plants and determine a floristic grad...

    62,02 €