Catálogo de libros: Química física

1201 Catálogo de libros: Química física

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    This book provides state-of-the-art information on how studies in applied theoretical organic chemistry are conducted. It highlights the many approaches and tools available to those interested in using computational chemistry to predict and rationalize structures and reactivity of organic molecules. Chapters not only describe theoretical techniques in detail, but also describe ...

    277,44 €

    En-Ge Wang / Xin-Zheng Li / XIN-ZHENG LI & EN-GE WANG
    This book provides a relatively complete introduction to the methods used in computational condensed matter. A wide range of electronic structure theories are introduced, including traditional quantum chemistry methods, density functional theory, many-body perturbation theory, and more. Molecular dynamics simulations are also discussed, with extensions to enhanced sampling and ...

    123,83 €

    Irina Rodica Rabeja
    Marie Sklodowska Curie (7 November 1867 – 4 July 1934) was one of the greatest scientific minds that brought a fundamental contribution in science opening the door to the understanding/knowledge of the structure of the atom in the 20th century.                 Marie Sklodowska Curie’s hypothesis that the spontaneous emission of powerful rays by some chemical elements, emission ...

    89,28 €

    This title is a supplement to lectures and tutorials in a Thermodynamics course and also serves as a guide to more comprehensive texts. Rather than merely hurrying through the principles and then dealing with applications, the book presents the scientific method by discussing the science of thermodynamics starting from empirical observations that are relatable to students. For ...

    178,35 €

    This title is a supplement to lectures and tutorials in a Thermodynamics course and also serves as a guide to more comprehensive texts. Rather than merely hurrying through the principles and then dealing with applications, the book presents the scientific method by discussing the science of thermodynamics starting from empirical observations that are relatable to students. For ...

    93,63 €

    High-order harmonic generation (HHG) in solids, the nonlinear upconversion of coherent radiation resulting from the interaction of a strong and short laser pulse with bulk matter, has come of age. Since the seminal experiments and theoretical developments, there has been a constant and vibrant interest in this topic. In this book, we invite experimental and theoretical experts ...

    169,56 €

  • Der Horizont der atomaren Theorien
    Pourya Zarshenas
    In der Quantenwelt werden unsere Intuitionen über die Natur weniger zuverlässig. Zum einen haben Quantenobjekte keine perfekt vorhersagbaren Bewegungen - nicht einmal im Prinzip. Ein Quantenraumschiff würde nicht einer einzigen Bahn folgen. Stattdessen würde es sich so verhalten, als würde es vielen verschiedenen Pfaden folgen. Während die NASA also den genauen Weg einer gewöhn...

    85,70 €

  • L’horizon des théories atomiques
    Pourya Zarshenas
    Dans le monde quantique, nos intuitions sur la nature deviennent moins fiables. Tout d’abord, les objets quantiques n’ont pas de mouvements parfaitement prévisibles, même en principe. Un vaisseau spatial quantique ne suivrait pas une trajectoire unique. Au contraire, il agirait comme s’il suivait plusieurs chemins différents. Ainsi, alors que la NASA peut suivre le chemin préci...

    85,71 €

  • L’orizzonte delle teorie atomiche
    Pourya Zarshenas
    Nel mondo quantistico, le nostre intuizioni sulla natura diventano meno affidabili. Ad esempio, gli oggetti quantistici non hanno moti perfettamente prevedibili, nemmeno in linea di principio. Una navicella spaziale quantistica non seguirebbe un unico percorso. Al contrario, si comporterebbe come se stesse seguendo molti percorsi diversi. Quindi, mentre la NASA può tenere tracc...

    85,72 €

  • O horizonte das teorias atómicas
    Pourya Zarshenas
    No mundo quântico, as nossas intuições sobre a natureza tornam-se menos fiáveis. Por um lado, os objectos quânticos não têm movimentos perfeitamente previsíveis - nem mesmo em princípio. Uma nave espacial quântica não seguiria um único caminho. Em vez disso, agiria como se estivesse a seguir muitos caminhos diferentes. Assim, embora a NASA possa acompanhar o caminho exato perco...

    85,72 €

  • Горизонт атомных теорий
    Поуря Заршенас
    В квантовом мире наши интуитивные представления о природе становятся менее надежными. Например, у квантовых объектов нет идеально предсказуемых движений - даже в принципе. Квантовый космический корабль не будет двигаться по одному пути. Вместо этого он будет вести себя так, будто следует по множеству разных путей. Поэтому, если НАСА может отследить точный путь обычного космичес...

    85,68 €

    This book is a sequel of The Physics of Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors (1997), which covered the basic physics of QWIPs. In the intervening 27 years, QWIP properties pertinent to infrared detection are much better understood, and QWIP technology has become a mainstream, widely deployed infrared technology. The main progress is the ability to know the QWIP absorption quant...

    194,77 €

  • Quanten-Odyssee
    Abdelhafid Mimouni
    Die moderne Physik beruht auf zwei wichtigen Säulen: der Quantenmechanik und der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, die unser Verständnis des Universums grundlegend verändert haben. Trotz dieser Fortschritte bleibt die Vereinigung dieser beiden Theorien eine große Herausforderung. In diesem Buch unternehmen wir eine innovative Erkundung, die auf der kühnen Idee beruht, dass die Z...

    61,57 €

  • Quantum Odyssey
    Abdelhafid Mimouni
    Modern physics rests on two major pillars: quantum mechanics and general relativity, radically transforming our understanding of the Universe. Despite these advances, unifying these two theories remains a major challenge. In this book, we undertake an innovative exploration, based on the bold idea that the time it takes for an electron to absorb a photon could reveal profound l...

    61,51 €

  • Quantum Odyssey
    Abdelhafid Mimouni
    La fisica moderna poggia su due grandi pilastri: la meccanica quantistica e la relatività generale, che hanno trasformato radicalmente la nostra comprensione dell’Universo. Nonostante questi progressi, l’unificazione di queste due teorie rimane una sfida importante. In questo libro, intraprendiamo un’esplorazione innovativa, basata sull’idea audace che il tempo impiegato da un ...

    61,51 €

  • Quantum Odyssey
    Abdelhafid Mimouni
    A física moderna assenta em dois grandes pilares: a mecânica quântica e a relatividade geral, que transformaram radicalmente a nossa compreensão do Universo. Apesar destes avanços, a unificação destas duas teorias continua a ser um grande desafio. Neste livro, fazemos uma exploração inovadora, baseada na ideia arrojada de que o tempo que um eletrão leva a absorver um fotão pode...

    61,51 €

  • Квантовая одиссея
    Абдельхафид Мимуни
    Современная физика опирается на два основных столпа: квантовую механику и общую относительность, которые радикально изменили наше понимание Вселенной. Несмотря на эти достижения, объединение этих двух теорий остается серьезной проблемой. В этой книге мы предпринимаем инновационное исследование, основанное на смелой идее о том, что время, необходимое электрону для поглощения фот...

    61,57 €

  • Annealing Temperatures Effect on Nickel Oxide Thin Films
    Okba Belahssen / Said Benramache
    In the present paper, NiO thin films were prepared on glass substrates using a spin coating method with 0.7 M. There the NiO thin films were heated at different crystallization temperatures of 25, 450, 500, 550 and 600 °C for 2 hours. XRD spectra of prepared NiO thin films indicate that the films have a polycrystalline structure; it is the cubic type of NiO. We have obtained th...

    61,69 €

  • Biochemistry in the Space of the Highest Dimension
    Gennadiy Vladimirovich Zhizhin
    In biochemistry, a critical oversight persists in neglecting molecules’ higher dimensionality and its profound implications for living organisms. Despite groundbreaking research revealing the transformative properties imbued by higher dimensions, mainstream biochemistry remains entrenched in a two-dimensional paradigm, failing to recognize the intricate relationship between mol...

    386,57 €

  • Biochemistry in the Space of the Highest Dimension
    Gennadiy Vladimirovich Zhizhin
    In biochemistry, a critical oversight persists in neglecting molecules’ higher dimensionality and its profound implications for living organisms. Despite groundbreaking research revealing the transformative properties imbued by higher dimensions, mainstream biochemistry remains entrenched in a two-dimensional paradigm, failing to recognize the intricate relationship between mol...

    294,58 €

  • Metalloproteins deciphered by XANES spectroscopy
    Abdelhafid Mimouni
    This book explores in depth the crucial role of metalloproteins in various biological processes, highlighting their importance in sustaining life. Focusing on the principles and applications of XANES spectroscopy, it offers a detailed overview of this powerful technique for studying metalloproteins. Through concrete examples and detailed explanations, the book examines how XANE...

    60,13 €

  • Metalloproteine durch XANES-Spektroskopie entschlüsselt
    Abdelhafid Mimouni
    Dieses Buch untersucht eingehend die entscheidende Rolle von Metalloproteinen in verschiedenen biologischen Prozessen und beleuchtet ihre Bedeutung für die Erhaltung des Lebens. Es konzentriert sich auf die Prinzipien und Anwendungen der XANES-Spektroskopie und bietet einen detaillierten Überblick über diese leistungsstarke Technik zur Untersuchung von Metalloproteinen. Anhand ...

    60,13 €

  • Metaloproteínas decifradas por espetroscopia XANES
    Abdelhafid Mimouni
    Este livro explora em profundidade o papel crucial das metaloproteínas em vários processos biológicos, destacando a sua importância na manutenção da vida. Centrando-se nos princípios e aplicações da espetroscopia XANES, fornece uma visão geral pormenorizada desta poderosa técnica para estudar as metaloproteínas. Através de exemplos concretos e explicações detalhadas, o livro ex...

    60,13 €

  • Металлопротеины, расшифрованные с помощью спектроскопии XANES
    Абдельхафид Мимуни
    В этой книге подробно рассматривается важнейшая роль металлопротеинов в различных биологических процессах, подчеркивается их значение для поддержания жизни. Сосредоточившись на принципах и применении XANES-спектроскопии, книга содержит подробный обзор этого мощного метода изучения металлопротеинов. На конкретных примерах и с помощью подробных объяснений в книге рассматривается,...

    60,13 €

  • Le metalloproteine decifrate dalla spettroscopia XANES
    Abdelhafid Mimouni
    Questo libro approfondisce il ruolo cruciale delle metalloproteine in vari processi biologici, evidenziando la loro importanza nel sostenere la vita. Concentrandosi sui principi e sulle applicazioni della spettroscopia XANES, fornisce una panoramica dettagliata di questa potente tecnica per lo studio delle metalloproteine. Attraverso esempi concreti e spiegazioni dettagliate, i...

    60,13 €

  • Herstellung und Beschaffenheit von Nickeloxyd-Mineralien
    Okba Belahssen
    Im Bereich der Materialwissenschaft wurden enorme Fortschritte erzielt; es bestehen jedoch noch zahlreiche technologische Probleme, insbesondere bei der Entwicklung neuer Materialien und der Berücksichtigung der sozialen und ökologischen Auswirkungen ihrer Herstellung und Verwendung. In diesem Werk werden die Herstellung von Minze und ihre Eigenschaften unter Verwendung einer v...

    60,38 €

  • Élaboration et caractérisation de couches minces d’oxyde de nickel
    Okba Belahssen
    La ciencia de los materiales ha avanzado enormemente, pero aún quedan muchos retos tecnológicos por resolver, como la fabricación de nuevos materiales y la consideración del impacto social y medioambiental de su producción y utilización. En esta obra se expone la elaboración de coquillas y su caracterización utilizando una terminología accesible y clara. Se explican detalladame...

    60,38 €

  • Development and characterization of thin nickel oxide films
    Okba Belahssen
    Tremendous progress has been made in the field of materials science; Many technological challenges still remain, including the development of new materials and consideration of the social and environmental impact of their production and use. In this work, the development of thin layers and their characterization are presented using accessible and clear terminology. The developm...

    60,38 €

  • Elaborazione e caratterizzazione di strati di ossido di nickel
    Okba Belahssen
    Nel campo della scienza dei materiali sono stati compiuti enormi progressi, ma restano ancora molti problemi tecnologici, tra cui l’elaborazione di nuovi materiali e la valutazione dell’impatto sociale e ambientale della loro produzione e del loro utilizzo. In questo volume, l’elaborazione di panetti e la loro caratterizzazione sono esposti utilizzando una terminologia accessib...

    60,38 €

  • Elaboração e caraterização de camadas minadas de óxido de níquel
    Okba Belahssen
    Foram realizados enormes progressos no domínio da ciência dos materiais, mas ainda existem muitos desafios tecnológicos, nomeadamente a elaboração de novos materiais e a tomada em consideração do impacto social e ambiental da sua produção e da sua utilização. Nesta obra, a elaboração de couros minúsculos e a sua caraterização são expostas utilizando uma terminologia acessível e...

    60,38 €