Catálogo de libros: Física

7847 Catálogo de libros: Física

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  • One-Matter Nature Science
    Josef Tsau
    The (nature) science discovered by Copernicus and Galileo during the 16th and 17th Centuries has a definition of using a specific scientific method, the experimental method, to make scientific discoveries to ensure that science has only one correct answer and to interpret findings leading to the development of mechanical physics. The definition of science must be obeyed to be c...

    26,54 €

    This book provides a comprehensive introduction to quantum mechanics from the ground up. It is designed to be completely self-contained and assumes very little knowledge or mathematical background on the part of students as it takes them through the major topics of quantum mechanics.Designed to be appropriate for students across a wide range of abilities and backgrounds, this b...

    166,57 €

    This book provides a comprehensive introduction to quantum mechanics from the ground up. It is designed to be completely self-contained and assumes very little knowledge or mathematical background on the part of students as it takes them through the major topics of quantum mechanics.Designed to be appropriate for students across a wide range of abilities and backgrounds, this b...

    69,54 €

    This volume is a comprehensive compilation of carefully selected questions at the PhD qualifying exam level, including many actual questions from Columbia University, University of Chicago, MIT, State University of New York at Buffalo, Princeton University, University of Wisconsin and the University of California at Berkeley over a twenty-year period. Featuring a division into ...

    191,38 €

    This volume is a comprehensive compilation of carefully selected questions at the PhD qualifying exam level, including many actual questions from Columbia University, University of Chicago, MIT, State University of New York at Buffalo, Princeton University, University of Wisconsin and the University of California at Berkeley over a twenty-year period. Featuring a division into ...

    69,76 €

  • Structural and Dielectric Properties of Barium Titanate
    Diwakar Padalia / Sapana Kumari
    In the current book, Cerium doped barium titanate was prepared by using the conventional solid-state reaction method. The synthesis process for Cerium doped barium titanate was carried out with different Ce concentrations. The qualitative and quantitative studies were performed by using XRD, FTIR, UV-VIS, FESEM, TEM, and the Impedance analyzer technique. The XRD data along with...

    84,48 €

  • Entwicklung eines Polymer-Nanokomposits unter Verwendung natürlicher Öle
    Judes Santos / Laffert Gomes / Luciene Batista
    Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Synthese und Charakterisierung von Magneto-Polymer-Nanokompositen auf der Grundlage von Nanopartikeln mit superparamagnetischen Eigenschaften, die mit einem Polymer beschichtet sind, das aus den natürlichen Ölen der Carapa guianensis-Pflanze, im Volksmund als Andiroba bekannt, gewonnen wird. In dieser Arbeit wurden Eisenoxid-Nanopartikel verwendet, di...

    77,37 €

  • Development of a Polymer Nanocomposite using Natural Oils
    Judes Santos / Laffert Gomes / Luciene Batista
    The aim of this work is to synthesize and characterize Magneto-Polymer Nanocomposites based on nanoparticles with superparamagnetic characteristics, coated with a polymer extracted from the natural oils of the Carapa guianensis plant, popularly known as Andiroba. In this work, iron oxide nanoparticles were used, which are synthesized using the coprecipitation method. The polyme...

    77,30 €

  • Développement d’un nanocomposite polymère à partir d’huiles naturelles
    Judes Santos / Laffert Gomes / Luciene Batista
    L’objectif de ce travail est de synthétiser et de caractériser des nanocomposites magnéto-polymères basés sur des nanoparticules aux caractéristiques superparamagnétiques, recouvertes d’un polymère extrait des huiles naturelles de la plante Carapa guianensis, connue sous le nom d’Andiroba. Dans ce travail, on a utilisé des nanoparticules d’oxyde de fer synthétisées par la métho...

    77,37 €

  • Sviluppo di un nanocomposito polimerico con oli naturali
    Judes Santos / Laffert Gomes / Luciene Batista
    L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è sintetizzare e caratterizzare nanocompositi magneto-polimerici a base di nanoparticelle con caratteristiche superparamagnetiche, rivestite con un polimero estratto dagli oli naturali della pianta Carapa guianensis, popolarmente nota come Andiroba. In questo lavoro sono state utilizzate nanoparticelle di ossido di ferro, sintetizzate con il metodo ...

    77,37 €

  • Разработка полимерного нанокомпозита с использованием натуральных масел
    Джудс Сантос / Лафферт Гомеш / Люсьена Батиста
    Цель данной работы - синтезировать и охарактеризовать магнитополимерные нанокомпозиты на основе наночастиц с суперпарамагнитными свойствами, покрытых полимером, полученным из натурального масла растения Carapa guianensis, известного в народе как андироба. В данной работе использовались наночастицы оксида железа, синтезированные методом соосаждения. Полимер синтезирован методом ...

    77,37 €

  • A Proof On Star Signs
    Zachary A Saragossi
    I am searching for something. And I have found it. And if you can believe, it is through star signs. I have found the meaning of life. It is to love others and to be yourself. Thank you, I hope you enjoy, Zac.(Please leave a review where you buy it and I will get back to you, thank you, Zac) ...

    3,72 €

  • Green Hydrogen
    Mike L
    In 'Green Hydrogen: Unlocking the Potential of Renewable Energy Storage,' journey into the heart of a groundbreaking energy revolution. As the world races towards a sustainable future, green hydrogen emerges as a beacon of hope, promising to reshape the landscape of renewable energy storage. Discover the transformative power of green hydrogen as it transcends traditional bounda...

    29,58 €

  • Pseudocapacitive Storage in Advanced Nanostructured Materials towards Flexible Supercapacitor Device
    Flexible Supercapacitors (FSCs) possessing higher power output, greater energy density, extended cycle life, superior rate performance, and eco-friendly attributes can satisfy the future energy storage and delivery requirements in upcoming flexible electronics. However, the current supercapacitors (SCs) technology based on carbonaceous or conducting polymers is constrained pri...

    38,79 €

    Alexey G Aksenov / Valery M Chechetkin / VALERY M CHECHETKIN ALEXEY G AKSENOV
    This book is dedicated to the theory of supernovae, focusing on new computational methods and simulations. It contains three parts: basic principles, numerical methods, and applications. The first part contains a non-formal introduction into the basics of supernovae, Boltzmann kinetic equations - with details of two particles reaction rate calculations - and the transformation ...

    130,11 €

  • Altindische Physik
    Aloke Verma / Payal Goswami
    Die alte indische Physik basiert auf der vedischen Philosophie und kombiniert moderne Wissenschaft mit der vedischen Philosophie, um die Atomstruktur, chemische Reaktionen und Technologie zu erklären. Für die persönliche und berufliche Weiterentwicklung legen die Observatorien von Jantar Mantar Wert auf fortgeschrittene wissenschaftliche Kenntnisse und interdisziplinäre Studien...

    61,88 €

  • Physique de l’Inde ancienne
    Aloke Verma / Payal Goswami
    La physique indienne ancienne, basée sur la philosophie védique, combine la science moderne avec la philosophie védique pour expliquer la structure atomique, les réactions chimiques et la technologie. Pour le développement personnel et professionnel, les observatoires Jantar Mantar mettent l’accent sur les connaissances scientifiques avancées et les études interdisciplinaires. ...

    61,82 €

  • La fisica indiana antica
    Aloke Verma / Payal Goswami
    L’antica fisica indiana, basata sulla filosofia vedica, combina la scienza moderna con la filosofia vedica per spiegare la struttura atomica, le reazioni chimiche e la tecnologia. Per lo sviluppo personale e professionale, gli osservatori Jantar Mantar enfatizzano le conoscenze scientifiche avanzate e gli studi interdisciplinari. ...

    61,76 €

  • Древнеиндийская физика
    Алоке Верма / Паял Госвами
    Древняя индийская физика, основанная на ведической философии, сочетает современную науку с ведической философией для объяснения атомной структуры, химических реакций и технологий. Для личного и профессионального развития обсерватории Джантар-Мантар уделяют особое внимание передовым научным знаниям и междисциплинарным исследованиям. ...

    61,88 €

  • Física da Índia Antiga
    Aloke Verma / Payal Goswami
    A antiga física indiana, baseada na filosofia védica, combina a ciência moderna com a filosofia védica para explicar a estrutura atômica, as reações químicas e a tecnologia. Para o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, os observatórios Jantar Mantar enfatizam o conhecimento científico avançado e os estudos interdisciplinares. ...

    61,82 €

    Relic Gravitons delves into the cosmic backgrounds of stochastic gravitational waves, exploring their potential as a unique source of information on the early physical conditions of the Universe close to the Planck epoch. Drawing on various lecture notes, articles, and reviews since the early 1990s, the monograph presents a topical account of the subject. The aim is to offer st...

    244,93 €

    We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the fascinating and perplexing world of quantum physics, where there is a realm of uncertainty and paradox that replaces the well-known principles of conventional physics. In the book 'Exploring the Quantum Realm: Unraveling the Mysteries of Physics,' we go on an exciting voyage through the depths of quantum mechanics. Th...

    24,04 €

  • The mechanics of 'Aspin Bubbles'
    Yoël Lana-Renault
    'Aspin Bubbles' is a mechanical theory where with one single wave-particle interaction it is possible to reproduce all known forces and besides obtain still undiscovered forces. We’ll see that the mechanical wave-particle interaction leads us to understanding and obtaining the electrical forces and, considering that these forces have a small unobserved asymmetry, the force of g...

    85,78 €

  • Nano Frontiers
    Chandra Kumar Dixit / Shivam Srivastava
    'Nano Frontiers' is a comprehensive exploration of the fascinating realm of nanomaterials, offering a thorough overview of their definition, historical development, and interdisciplinary nature. The book delves into various types of nanomaterials, including nanoparticles, nanotubes, and nanocomposites, elucidating their unique properties and applications across diverse industri...

    85,53 €

  • Concurseiro Quântico
    Paschoal Ogliano
    Chegou sua vez de passar em concurso público, nesse livro, eu explico como utilizei os estudos e a física quântica em meu favor para passar em concursos, testado, criei o protocolo quântico e explico nesse livro, passo a passo do que fazer não só para passar em concurso, como conseguir um emprego ou realizar qualquer desejo. ...

    13,16 €

  • A Philosophy for Average Intellectuals
    Lawrence Delss
    As far back as my early teens (late 1950s), I was very interested in Science and Science Fiction. These exposures caused me to wonder how such information could be so different from the Creationism and Biblical Authority taught in my church Catechism classes. This book describes my lifelong attempt at reconciling my academic and personal studies in General Physics, Relativity, ...

    12,51 €

  • A Philosophy for Average Intellectuals
    Lawrence Delss
    As far back as my early teens (late 1950s), I was very interested in Science and Science Fiction. These exposures caused me to wonder how such information could be so different from the Creationism and Biblical Authority taught in my church Catechism classes. This book describes my lifelong attempt at reconciling my academic and personal studies in General Physics, Relativity, ...

    18,90 €

  • Emerging Materials, Technologies, and Solutions for Energy Harvesting
    In an era dominated by electronic devices and interconnected technologies, the weak point of this technology remains the limited lifespan and lengthy maintenance of conventional batteries. The pervasive use of wireless sensor networks and Internet of Things (IoT) applications has accentuated the inadequacies of battery technology, which has not kept pace with the miniaturizatio...

    412,85 €

  • E-Mobility in Electrical Energy Systems for Sustainability
    As more and more communities around the world are turning to electric vehicles (EVs) to help the environment and save energy, we face a big challenge. The systems that deliver power to our homes and businesses are having a tough time keeping up, especially with the increasing use of EVs. This challenge is a major issue for the experts in the energy field who are working hard to...

    314,41 €

  • E-Mobility in Electrical Energy Systems for Sustainability
    As more and more communities around the world are turning to electric vehicles (EVs) to help the environment and save energy, we face a big challenge. The systems that deliver power to our homes and businesses are having a tough time keeping up, especially with the increasing use of EVs. This challenge is a major issue for the experts in the energy field who are working hard to...

    412,93 €