Catálogo de libros: Física

7847 Catálogo de libros: Física

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  • Proprietà elettriche e metodi di deposizione dei dispositivi a semiconduttore
    Dler Adil Jameel Jamee
    Non vedo come un uomo possa lavorare alle frontiere della fisica e scrivere poesie allo stesso tempo. Sono in opposizione. (Paul Dirac) Un’attenta analisi del processo di osservazione in fisica atomica ha dimostrato che le particelle subatomiche non hanno significato come entità isolate, ma possono essere intese solo come interconnessioni tra la preparazione di un esperimento e...

    48,37 €

  • Propriedades eléctricas e métodos de deposição de dispositivos semicondutores
    Dler Adil Jameel Jamee
    Não percebo como é que um homem pode trabalhar nas fronteiras da física e escrever poesia ao mesmo tempo. Estão em oposição. (Paul Dirac) A Uma análise cuidadosa do processo de observação em física atómica mostrou que as partículas subatómicas não têm significado como entidades isoladas, mas só podem ser entendidas como interconexões entre a preparação de uma experiência e a su...

    48,37 €

  • Электрические свойства и методы осаждения полупроводниковых приборов
    Длер Адиль Джа Джейми
    Я не понимаю, как человек может работать на границах физики и одновременно писать стихи. Они находятся в оппозиции. (Поль Дирак) Тщательный анализ процесса наблюдения в атомной физике показал, что субатомные частицы не имеют смысла как изолированные сущности, а могут быть поняты только как взаимосвязи между подготовкой эксперимента и последующим измерением. (Эрвин Шредингер) ...

    48,37 €

  • Burbujeo metafísico
    Carlos Nouredine
    Las grietas del tiempo son la cuantía, el volumen y la proporcionalidad de los componentes del universo La existencia del universo se basa en el método cíclico. La del concepto vida, en la secuencia El universo como hábitat carece del factor creatividad El ser del ser consciente del individuo es su razón fáctica Negar la existencia de un concepto es también confirmarlo 10 ...

    26,00 €

    This title is a supplement to lectures and tutorials in a Thermodynamics course and also serves as a guide to more comprehensive texts. Rather than merely hurrying through the principles and then dealing with applications, the book presents the scientific method by discussing the science of thermodynamics starting from empirical observations that are relatable to students. For ...

    178,35 €

    This title is a supplement to lectures and tutorials in a Thermodynamics course and also serves as a guide to more comprehensive texts. Rather than merely hurrying through the principles and then dealing with applications, the book presents the scientific method by discussing the science of thermodynamics starting from empirical observations that are relatable to students. For ...

    93,63 €

  • Nano-Physique
    Rinu Sam
    Ces dernières années, les nanotechnologies sont devenues l’un des domaines de pointe les plus importants et les plus passionnants de la physique. Elles sont très prometteuses et devraient nous permettre, dans un avenir proche, de réaliser de nombreuses percées qui changeront l’orientation des progrès technologiques dans un large éventail d’applications. La nanotechnologie est l...

    58,28 €

  • Nano-Physik
    Rinu Sam
    In den letzten Jahren hat sich die Nanotechnologie zu einem der wichtigsten und aufregendsten Zukunftsfelder der Physik entwickelt. Sie verspricht uns in naher Zukunft viele Durchbrüche, die die Richtung des technologischen Fortschritts in einem breiten Spektrum von Anwendungen verändern werden. Nanotechnologie ist die Lehre von der Manipulation auf atomarer und molekularer Ebe...

    58,28 €

  • Нанофизика
    Рину Сэм
    В последние годы нанотехнологии стали одной из самых важных и захватывающих передовых областей физики. В ближайшем будущем она обещает дать нам множество прорывов, которые изменят направление технологического прогресса в широком спектре приложений. Нанотехнологии - это изучение манипуляций на атомном и молекулярном уровне. Как правило, нанотехнологии связаны с разработкой матер...

    58,28 €

  • Nanofisica
    Rinu Sam
    Negli ultimi anni, le nanotecnologie sono diventate uno dei più importanti ed entusiasmanti campi d’avanguardia della fisica. Essa promette di fornirci, nel prossimo futuro, molte scoperte che cambieranno la direzione dei progressi tecnologici in un’ampia gamma di applicazioni. La nanotecnologia è lo studio della manipolazione su scala atomica e molecolare. In generale, la nano...

    58,32 €

  • Nanofísica
    Rinu Sam
    Nos últimos anos, a nanotecnologia tornou-se um dos mais importantes e excitantes domínios de vanguarda da Física. Mostra-se muito promissora para nos proporcionar, num futuro próximo, muitas descobertas que mudarão a direção dos avanços tecnológicos numa vasta gama de aplicações. A nanotecnologia é o estudo da manipulação à escala atómica e molecular. Geralmente, a nanotecnolo...

    58,30 €

  • Ein neuer Blick auf die Welt der Dunklen Energie und der Materialien
    Fouad Soliman / Karima Mahmoud
    Dunkle Energie ist eine hypothetische Energieform, die von Physikern vorgeschlagen wird, um zu erklären, warum sich das Universum nicht nur ausdehnt, sondern dies auch noch in einem beschleunigten Tempo tut. Als dominierende Energieform im Kosmos treibt die dunkle Energie die beschleunigte Ausdehnung des Universums an, aber ihre Natur bleibt ein völliges Rätsel. Kurz gesagt:- D...

    84,51 €

  • Nouveau regard sur le monde de l’énergie noire et des matériaux
    Fouad Soliman / Karima Mahmoud
    L’énergie noire est une forme d’énergie hypothétique proposée par les physiciens pour expliquer pourquoi l’univers ne se contente pas de s’étendre, mais qu’il le fait à un rythme accéléré. Forme d’énergie dominante dans le cosmos, l’énergie noire est le moteur de l’expansion accélérée de l’univers, mais sa nature reste un mystère complet. En bref:- L’énergie noire mesure l’expa...

    84,54 €

  • Novo olhar sobre o mundo da energia escura e dos materiais
    Fouad Soliman / Karima Mahmoud
    A energia escura é uma forma hipotética de energia proposta pelos físicos para explicar por que razão o universo não está apenas a expandir-se, mas está a fazê-lo a um ritmo acelerado. A energia escura é a forma dominante de energia no cosmos e está a impulsionar a expansão acelerada do universo, mas a sua natureza permanece um completo mistério. Em suma:- A energia escura mede...

    84,48 €

  • Nuovo sguardo al mondo dell’energia oscura e dei materiali
    Fouad Soliman / Karima Mahmoud
    L’energia oscura è un’ipotetica forma di energia proposta dai fisici per spiegare perché l’universo non solo si sta espandendo, ma lo sta facendo a un ritmo accelerato. L’energia oscura, la forma di energia dominante nel cosmo, sta guidando l’accelerazione dell’espansione dell’universo, ma la sua natura rimane un completo mistero. In breve:- L’energia oscura misura l’espansione...

    84,48 €

  • Новый взгляд на мир темной энергии и материалов
    Карима Махмуд / Фуад Солиман
    Темная энергия - это гипотетическая форма энергии, предложенная физиками для объяснения того, почему Вселенная не просто расширяется, а делает это с ускоряющейся скоростью. Темная энергия, доминирующая форма энергии в космосе, является движущей силой ускоряющегося расширения Вселенной, но ее природа остается полной загадкой. Вкратце:- Темная энергия измеряет расширение Вселенно...

    84,51 €

  • A Brief History of Albert Einstein - Space, Time, and Quantum Theory
    Scott Matthews
    Are you captivated by the mysteries of the universe and the minds that unravel them? Eager to understand how a single equation transformed our understanding of everything from atoms to galaxies? Wondering how the thoughts of one visionary could redefine the boundaries of space, time, and reality itself?Dive into the extraordinary life and legacy of Albert Einstein in A Brief Hi...

    30,75 €

  • A Brief History of Albert Einstein - Space, Time, and Quantum Theory
    Scott Matthews
    Are you captivated by the mysteries of the universe and the minds that unravel them? Eager to understand how a single equation transformed our understanding of everything from atoms to galaxies? Wondering how the thoughts of one visionary could redefine the boundaries of space, time, and reality itself?Dive into the extraordinary life and legacy of Albert Einstein in A Brief Hi...

    12,51 €

    The cost to the world’s economy due to corrosion was said to be two and a half trillion dollars or 3.4% of global GDP in 2013. Electrochemistry as a discipline is of even greater relevance ten years on, in view of the world’s desperate attempts to prevent catastrophic climate change by moving from fossil fuel to 'e-mobility' among other measures. This means that whereas electro...

    120,17 €

    This textbook introduces the field of mechanics, commonly offered at universities in Germany as part of structured courses in theoretical physics.Within the framework of elementary Newtonian mechanics, the basic concepts - such as trajectory curves, mass point, equations of motion, reference frames - are introduced. The focus is placed on the Lagrangian formalism (Lagrangian eq...

    190,60 €

    This book is a sequel of The Physics of Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors (1997), which covered the basic physics of QWIPs. In the intervening 27 years, QWIP properties pertinent to infrared detection are much better understood, and QWIP technology has become a mainstream, widely deployed infrared technology. The main progress is the ability to know the QWIP absorption quant...

    194,77 €

    Our Renewable Energy Future delves into the clean energy technology evolution and where our energy system is going. While the book’s foundation is technology innovation, it brings a unique perspective that technology alone is not what has brought about the explosive growth of renewable energy and offers fresh insights into how technology, economics, social dynamics, policy, and...

    59,82 €

  • Our Renewable Energy Future
    Our Renewable Energy Future delves into the clean energy technology evolution and where our energy system is going. While the book’s foundation is technology innovation, it brings a unique perspective that technology alone is not what has brought about the explosive growth of renewable energy and offers fresh insights into how technology, economics, social dynamics, policy, and...

    107,65 €

  • Klasik Mekanik ve Kaos
    Stephen Winters-Hilt
    Bu kitap, nokta parçacık hareketinin klasik formülasyonlarından başlayarak, klasik mekaniğin bir tanımını sunmaktadır. Pek çok sistemde hareketin iki alanının olduğu ancak klasik mekanik iyice yerleşinceye kadar anlaşılamadı: kaotik olmayan; ve kaotik. Bu, klasik mekaniğin modern bir açıklamasıdır, dolayısıyla kaos teorisini ve daha sonraki teorik gelişmelerle olan bağları da i...

    97,76 €

  • Klassisk mekanik og kaos
    Stephen Winters-Hilt
    Denne bog giver en beskrivelse af klassisk mekanik, startende med de klassiske formuleringer af punktpartikelbevægelse. Det var ikke før den klassiske mekanik allerede var veletableret, at det blev indset, at der er to domæner for bevægelse i mange systemer: ikke-kaotisk; og kaotisk. Dette er en moderne udlægning af klassisk mekanik, der således inkluderer kaosteori og også bån...

    97,86 €

  • Discovering Motion
    Ellen Johnston McHenry
    This is a hands-on introduction to the branch of physics known as mechanics. Experiments and activities are embedded into the text, so that students discover for themselves the scientific principles they are reading about. The text is lively and often humorous and has cartoon characters who take the reader to meet the famous scientists who are credited with making these discove...

    44,31 €

  • Popular scientific lectures
    Ernst Mach / Thomas J. McCormack
    Popular scientific lectures, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scan...

    20,13 €

  • Practical Exercises in Elementary Meteorology
    Robert DeCourcy Ward
    Practical Exercises in Elementary Meteorology, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books ar...

    19,86 €

  • Modificações superficiais correlacionadas com propriedades estruturais e mecânicas
    Nisar Ali / Shazia Bashir / Umm-i- Kalsoom
    Este livro descreve a utilização de impulsos de laser de femtosegundo em combinação com ambientes secos e vários ambientes líquidos. Aborda a evolução de micro/nanoestruturas, variações na cristalinidade e nano-dureza após a interação de impulsos de laser de femtosegundo com a superfície da prata. A formação de óxido de prata, hidreto de prata e hidróxido de prata devido ao aum...

    49,68 €

  • Модификации поверхности, коррелирующие со структурными и механическими свойствами
    Нисар Али / Умм-и- Калсум / Шазия Башир
    В книге описано использование фемтосекундных лазерных импульсов в сочетании с сухими и различными жидкими средами. В ней рассматривается эволюция микро/наноструктур, изменение кристалличности и нанотвердости после взаимодействия фемтосекундных лазерных импульсов с поверхностью серебра. Образование оксида, гидрида и гидроксида серебра, обусловленное повышением химической реакцио...

    49,68 €