Catálogo de libros: Física

6287 Catálogo de libros: Física

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  • The Od Force
    Baron Von Reichenbach
    The book ''The Od Force: Letters on a Newly Discovered Power in Nature'' by Baron Von Reichenbach is a collection of letters that explore the existence and properties of a newly discovered force in nature called the Od force. The author, a German scientist, conducted experiments and observed phenomena that led him to believe in the existence of this force, which he claimed was ...

    27,54 €

  • Supernovae and Nucleosynthesis
    David Arnett
    This book investigates the question of how matter has evolved since its origin in the Big Bang, from the cosmological synthesis of hydrogen and helium to the generation of the complex set of nuclei that comprise our world and our selves. A central theme is the evolution of gravitationally contained thermonuclear reactors, otherwise known as stars. Our current understanding is p...

    142,34 €

  • Modern Astrodynamics
    Mark C. Allman / Mark CAllman / Victor R. Bond / Victor RBond
    Newton’s laws of motion and his universal law of gravitation described mathematically the motion of two bodies undergoing mutual gravitational attraction. However, it is impossible to solve analytically the equation of motion for three gravitationally interacting bodies. This book discusses some techniques used to obtain numerical solutions of the equations of motion for planet...

    193,89 €

  • Nursing Negligence
    Janet Pitts Beckmann
    This is the first book to describe the etiology of nursing malpractice and the morbidity and mortality associated with it. The author examines the legal aspects of malpractice and provides a comprehensive picture of common nursing malpractice in a variety of settings. She not only defines nursing malpractice but also demonstrates how it can be identified and prevented. ...

    147,31 €

  • The Surface Science of Metal Oxides
    Henrich / P. A. Cox / PACox / Victor E. Henrich / Victor EHenrich
    This book is the first to give a comprehensive account of the fundamental properties of metal-oxide surfaces and their interaction with atoms, molecules and overlayers. It will act as a valuable reference for anyone interested in learning about the surface science of this fascinating class of materials, whose properties span the entire range from metals to semiconductors and in...

    132,03 €

  • An Introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern Particle Physics
    Elliot Leader

    126,59 €

  • Langmuir-Blodgett Films
    Michael C. Petty / Michael CPetty / Michelle Petty

    72,98 €

  • Transforming Power
    Aynsley Kellow

    183,37 €

  • The Measurement of Starlight
    J. B. Hearnshaw / J. B. Heranshaw / JBHearnshaw / JBHeranshaw

    217,54 €

  • Scaling and Renormalization in Statistical Physics
    John Cardy

    92,42 €

  • China’s Energy Strategy
    Xiannuan Lin

    121,90 €

  • General Theory of Relativity
    P. A.M. Dirac / PA.MDirac
    Einstein’s general theory of relativity requires a curved space for the description of the physical world. If one wishes to go beyond superficial discussions of the physical relations involved, one needs to set up precise equations for handling curved space. The well-established mathematical technique that accomplishes this is clearly described in this classic book by Nobel Lau...

    50,37 €

  • Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics
    A. R. Edmonds / AREdmonds
    This book offers a concise introduction to the angular momentum, one of the most fundamental quantities in all of quantum mechanics. Beginning with the quantization of angular momentum, spin angular momentum, and the orbital angular momentum, the author goes on to discuss the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for a two-component system. After developing the necessary mathematics, spe...

    54,58 €

    After an introductory chapter concerned with the history of force-free magnetic fields, and the relation of such fields to hydrodynamics and astrophysics, the book examines the limits imposed by the virial theorem for finite force-free configurations. Various techniques are then used to find solutions to the field equations. The fact that the field lines corresponding to these ...

    69,23 €

    Y J NG
    In the post-quantum-mechanics era, few physicists, if any, have matched Julian Schwinger in contributions to and influence on the development of physics. A deep and provocative thinker, Schwinger left his indelible mark on all areas of theoretical physics; an eloquent lecturer and immensely successful mentor, he was gentle, intensely private, and known for being “modest about e...

    69,01 €

    Y J NG
    In the post-quantum-mechanics era, few physicists, if any, have matched Julian Schwinger in contributions to and influence on the development of physics. A deep and provocative thinker, Schwinger left his indelible mark on all areas of theoretical physics; an eloquent lecturer and immensely successful mentor, he was gentle, intensely private, and known for being “modest about e...

    29,80 €

  • Bose-Einstein Condensation

    92,18 €

  • Continuum Percolation
    Ronald Meester

    187,02 €

  • International Comparisons of Electricity Regulation

    173,65 €

  • The Classical and Quantum 6j-symbols. (MN-43), Volume 43
    Daniel E. Flath / Daniel EFlath / J. Scott Carter / JScott Carter / Masahico Saito
    Addressing physicists and mathematicians alike, this book discusses the finite dimensional representation theory of sl(2), both classical and quantum. Covering representations of U(sl(2)), quantum sl(2), the quantum trace and color representations, and the Turaev-Viro invariant, this work is useful to graduate students and professionals. The classic subject of representations o...

    95,99 €

  • Shoreham and the Rise and Fall of the Nuclear Power Industry
    Kenneth F. McCallion / Kenneth FMcCallion

    121,62 €

  • Statistical Analysis of Circular Data
    N. I. Fisher / NIFisher

    75,87 €

  • Early Quantum Electrodynamics
    Arthur I. Miller / Arthur IMiller
    This book provides a panoramic view during 1927-1938 of the development of a physical theory that has been on the cutting edge of theoretical physics ever since P.A.M. Dirac’s quantization of the electrodynamics field in 1927. ...

    107,75 €

  • Introduction to Polymer Physics
    M. Doi / MDoi / H. See / HSee

    90,72 €

  • Turbulence
    Frisch Uriel / U. Frisch / UFrisch / Uriel Frisch

    192,72 €

  • Turbulence
    Frisch / U. Frisch / UFrisch / Uriel Frisch

    105,53 €

    This book contains selected papers of Prof Nambu who is one of the most original and outstanding particle theorists of our time. This volume consists of about 40 papers which made fundamental contributions to our understanding of particle physics during the last few decades.The unpublished lecture note on string theory (1969) and the first paper on spontaneous symmetry breaking...

    218,04 €

    This book contains selected papers of Prof Nambu who is one of the most original and outstanding particle theorists of our time. This volume consists of about 40 papers which made fundamental contributions to our understanding of particle physics during the last few decades.The unpublished lecture note on string theory (1969) and the first paper on spontaneous symmetry breaking...

    49,05 €

  • Photodissociation Dynamics
    R. Schinke / Reinhard Schinke / RSchinke

    102,48 €

  • The Analysis of Emission Lines
    R. E. Williams / REWilliams

    209,80 €