Catálogo de libros: Cosmología y el universo

692 Catálogo de libros: Cosmología y el universo

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  • Brief Solutions to the Big Problems in Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology second edition
    Balungi Francis
    In 1900, the British physicist Lord Kelvin declared "There is nothing new to discover in physics. All that remains is to more accurately measure its quantities" today, hardly anyone would dare say that our knowledge of the universe and everything in it is almost complete. There are still some deficiencies in the standard model of physics, such as the origin of mass, the strong ...

    26,84 €

    In Volume Two of the six volume series: 'A Citizen’s Disclosure on UFOs and ETI', the reader is taken deeper into the public disclosure of the UFO and ETI phenomenon and the opposing mysterious covert world that surrounds this subject.This textbook explores UFO organizations, the UFO Community, the world’s top leading Ufologists, researchers, contactees, debunkers and new-age s...

    114,13 €

    Recent advances in the understanding of star formation and evolution have been impressive and aspects of that knowledge are explored in this volume. The black hole stellar endpoints are studied and geodesic motion is explored. The emission of gravitational waves is featured due to their very recent experimental discovery.The second aspect of the text is space exploration which ...

    120,04 €

    Recent advances in the understanding of star formation and evolution have been impressive and aspects of that knowledge are explored in this volume. The black hole stellar endpoints are studied and geodesic motion is explored. The emission of gravitational waves is featured due to their very recent experimental discovery.The second aspect of the text is space exploration which ...

    59,90 €

  • Fundamental Physics Research
    Balungi Francis
    'There are grounds for cautious optimism that we may now be near the end of the search for the ultimate laws of nature.' Stephen Hawking 'Nature uses only her longest threads to wave her patterns, so each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry.'Richard Feynman The major Unsolved problem in Physics Our two foundational descriptions of nature, q...

    38,90 €

  • Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity
    Carlo Rovelli / Francesca Vidotto

    55,89 €

  • General Relativity and Gravitation

    87,20 €

  • Dark Matter is Nonexistent
    Eugene J. Laviolette
    In the follow up to Eugene J. Laviolette's  book,  Dark Matter is Nonexistent,  Laviolette further proves his theory with detailed analysis using mathematical calculations. This riveting groundbreaking book will change the way we look  at the Universe and the stars. This book is for scientists, theorists, and fans of the stars alike. Proving conversion of Conventional Secon...

    9,41 €

  • Emergence of the Omniverse
    Alfred Lambremont Webre
    Emergence of the Omniverse (2020) is one important tool of liberation from our presumed status as a prison planet for Souls in an enforced, unconscious reincarnation birth-death cycle that cosmologist Wes Penre and Futurist Webre document, providing us with powerful strategies to exit the false Afterlife/Interlife Reincarnation Matrix into the larger Omniverse. The Omniverse Eq...

    23,87 €

  • Cosmic Sparks
    Margie Abbott
    “I urgently appeal, then, for a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. We need a  conversation that includes everyone, since the environment challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all”(Pope Francis, Laudato Sí, 14).In his encyclical ‘Laudato Sí’, Pope Francis shows the grave consequences of our blindness to the sacred, l...

    22,06 €

  • Sparks of the Universe
    Jennifer Callanan
    ‘…the ecological crisis is … a summons to profound interior conversion.’Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, #217Sparks of the Universe is a book of rituals inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, On Care for our Common Home. It is a resource for educators, students and all those committed to awakening ecological awareness.Responding to the Pope’s invitation, the rituals in Sp...

    22,00 €

  • Christ and the Multiverse
    David Williams
    How can we possibly find our purpose if everything that can happen does happen? See how Jesus is more relevant than ever in the dizzying, infinite multiverse.As cutting edge physics increasingly suggests that we may live in a multiverse filled with alternative realities, what possible relevance can Jesus have for our lives?  Discover how faith is vitally necessary for the integ...

    14,94 €

  • Esoteric Cosmology and Modern Physics
    Bodo Balsys
    This book endeavours to integrate the concepts gleaned through modern physics with those of the esotericist, hence with the lore derived from meditative penetration of high dimensions of perception. This incorporates the nāḍī and chakra system, via which all phenomena is derived, and of the nature of the projection of thought-forms from the subjective domains to the phenomenal ...

    44,84 €

  • Lumen
    Camille Flammarion
    Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) can be called an Isaac Asimov or a Fred Hoyle of the 19th century. He was a well-renowned astronomer and meteorologist, who became famous by writing popular science books and early science fiction novels. He presented grand cosmological ideas in a way that distinguished him from another famous and contemporary Frenchman, namely Jules Verne, who wa...

    16,84 €

    The aim of this book is to develop a contraction method for classical orthogonal and unitary groups (algebras), and apply it to the investigation of physical structures, offering a new and unique interpretation to the high-energy limit of the Standard Model. Readers will find a comprehensive and rigorous study, summarized as follows: The space-time models (or kinematics) are de...

    93,80 €

  • What is an Asteroid Belt? | Universe Book for Kids Grade 4 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    Identify the heavenly body called the asteroid. Learn about how the first asteroid was discovered and the circumstances of its discovery. Also learn the composition of the asteroid to allow you to set it apart from comets and meteors. There is a wealth of astronomy information featured in the pages of this book. So go ahead and secure a copy today. ...

    19,40 €

  • When Can I See Halley’s Comet Again? | Kids Book About the Solar System Grade 4 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    What is the Halley’s Comet and when was it discovered? More importantly, who discovered it and in what circumstances. Further, what makes the Halley’s Comet different from all the other comets that have been observed so far? All these questions, along with other facts, will be explained in this learner’s book for children. ...

    19,40 €

  • Meteoroids, Meteors, and Meteorites
    Baby Professor
    Understand the differences in size and composition of meteoroids, meteors and meteorites. The information included in this book should help you create the differentiation between these three forms of heavenly bodies. The included images and targeted information makes this book a worthy read for fourth grade students. Enjoy the read! ...

    19,76 €

    Modified gravity theories have been a main focus of theoretical cosmology research in the past decade or so, and have been quickly developing into a mature research field that attracts attention, interest and effort from both theoretical and observational cosmologists. To be prepared for fully exploiting the future observational data, and to provide a guidance for people who ar...

    143,66 €

  • Learning Who You Are
    Keith Hill / Peter Calvert
    Learning Who You Are offers a contemporary take on the age-old questions of who we are and why we are here. The book builds on current scientific knowledge to show how the physical and spiritual realms are interlinked. It does this by presenting a number of innovative models and conceptual frameworks that mesh with twenty-first century understanding. The book also discusses the...

    11,95 €

  • I Am, the Great Creator God
    Haven Dawson Mankin
    Steeped in 2000 years of solid Christian Orthodoxy, this book is not “New Age” or some other cultic mish-mash. The purpose of this book is to present a different way of viewing the world and the universe, and to encounter this wonderful loving gracious God of the universe, the I Am, the Great Creator God.The reason this book is different from the others that search for truth, o...

    11,02 €

  • What is an Asteroid Belt? | Universe Book for Kids Grade 4 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    Identify the heavenly body called the asteroid. Learn about how the first asteroid was discovered and the circumstances of its discovery. Also learn the composition of the asteroid to allow you to set it apart from comets and meteors. There is a wealth of astronomy information featured in the pages of this book. So go ahead and secure a copy today. ...

    29,45 €

  • When Can I See Halley’s Comet Again? | Kids Book About the Solar System Grade 4 | Children’s Astronomy & Space Books
    Baby Professor
    What is the Halley’s Comet and when was it discovered? More importantly, who discovered it and in what circumstances. Further, what makes the Halley’s Comet different from all the other comets that have been observed so far? All these questions, along with other facts, will be explained in this learner’s book for children. ...

    29,45 €

  • Meteoroids, Meteors, and Meteorites
    Baby Professor
    Understand the differences in size and composition of meteoroids, meteors and meteorites. The information included in this book should help you create the differentiation between these three forms of heavenly bodies. The included images and targeted information makes this book a worthy read for fourth grade students. Enjoy the read! ...

    29,82 €

  • Dark Matter is Nonexistent
    Eugene J. Laviolette / Eugene JLaviolette
    Dark Matter is Nonexistent by Eugene J. Laviolette theorizes, based on mathematical calculation that dark matter does not exist. This explosive scientific theory just may change what we know about the Universe forever. Proving conversion of Conventional Second-Dimensional calculations to Third-dimensional expression relevant to the sphere reflects a loss of 23.36985% of Surface...

    12,88 €

  • Cosmos in the Ancient World
    Phillip Sidney Horky

    119,88 €

  • The Apocalypse of Wisdom
    Keith Lemna

    27,89 €

  • The Apocalypse of Wisdom
    Keith Lemna

    35,97 €

  • Towards a Unified Cosmology
    Reginald O. Kapp / Reginald OKapp
    Excerpts:The wider the range of a piece of research the less adequately can any one worker deal with each of its specialized aspects. Breadth and depth compete for his attention and cannot both secure the whole of it. I am only too well aware how particularly this truism applies to the study presented here. The very words 'Unified Cosmology' are both a challenge and a r...

    31,63 €

  • Cosmic Visions Within the Microcosm of My Right Hemisphere
    Vincent L. Di Paolo / Vincent LDi Paolo
    “What happens to the information of a star system when it enters a galactic black hole?” Stephen Hawking “What are the functions of black holes?” “What is the probability of other intelligent planets within our universe?” “How did the human brain develop? Where does intelligence come from?” “How does myelin permit higher learning?” “Did the Supreme Being create the cosmos? And ...

    10,10 €