Catálogo de libros: Astronomía, espacio y tiempo

2720 Catálogo de libros: Astronomía, espacio y tiempo

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  • Curso Investigador De Extraterrestres
    Laílson Santos
    Torne-se um investigador de extraterrestres, com este curso você pode atualizar seu currículo e aumentar as oportunidades de um novo emprego ou um novo cargo,pode abrir seu próprio escritório de investigações no campo da ufologia, fazendo pesquisas e investigações ufológicas, podendo prestar serviços para TVs, Rádios, Jornais e para pessoas físicas, jurídicas e até mesmo para o...

    32,28 €

  • Origin on Trial
    Christopher H. A. Ting
    Do you know about the dark secrets in big evolution concerning the origin of the universe? Do you know that the Bible sets God’s signature on his creation in the beginning?Not all fields of science are created equal. Some deal with past history rather than the present. Einstein’s theory of gravity as curved spacetime is observable science. But some scientists use it with partic...

    37,25 €

  • Origin on Trial
    Christopher H. A. Ting
    Do you know about the dark secrets in big evolution concerning the origin of the universe? Do you know that the Bible sets God’s signature on his creation in the beginning?Not all fields of science are created equal. Some deal with past history rather than the present. Einstein’s theory of gravity as curved spacetime is observable science. But some scientists use it with partic...

    24,77 €

  • Galaxies, constellations and black holes
    Klaus-Peter Janovics / Richard Peter Wade / Tatiana Dmitrieva
    This book tells about the main constellations and galaxies. It also contains a small systematization of the main galaxies and constellations. The book tells what a black hole is and its features. The celestial astronomy is an extensive branch of modern astronomical science that deals with the statistical analysis of observational data and the study of the collective properties ...

    60,32 €

  • How Alien Would Aliens Be?
    John Cramer
    How alien would aliens be? Would they look like us or perhaps more like an octopus? How would they communicate? Could we even hear their voices, assuming they have them? Like us, aliens would be constrained by the physical world. Understanding how those physical constraints apply both to us and to aliens is the theme of this book. The constraints imply that they will not ...

    19,38 €

  • Extraction of D-limonene From Waste Orange Peels
    Mude Murali Naik / P. Akhila Swathanthra / P. Uma Maheshwari
    D-Limonene is a compound that can be obtained from the peel of citrus fruits such as oranges, limes, mandarins, etc. D-limonene takes its name from the lemon. it is one of the most common terpenes present in nature. Many health care providers have approved the potential benefits of D-limonene claiming that it can prevent or treat some health conditions such as Bronchitis, Cance...

    60,26 €

  • The Ever-Changing Moon
    Rob Bailey
    The Soviet Union shocks the world by placing a satellite in orbit and accomplishing many impressive feats high above Earth. The United States must prevent its Cold War rivals from controlling space, so President John F. Kennedy gives a transcendent challenge to the nation-land a man on the Moon by the end of the decade. NASA gathers talented engineers and astronauts to achieve ...

    15,70 €

  • نشأة الكون بين قواعد البيت و نظريات العلم
    ماضي عبد القادر
    إن الله خلق السماوات و الأرض و وضع الميزان للمادة و وضع المكيال للطاقة، و قال للناس من أقامهما فهو في عيشة راضية و من طاغ فيهما فهو في الهاوية، و خلق الناس و جعلهم سواسية و أحرار في أعمالهم. و في الواقع طغى الميزان على المكيال لأن الناس لا يؤمنون إلا بما هو ظاهر، فكِلنا الطاقة بالميزان فاختل التوازن. بينما جعل الله الموازين بينهما معيار للحياة و الموت و قال في سورة الحاقة ' فَأ...

    83,80 €

  • Revealing the Antichrist, the Number 666, the End Of Times, and Much More
    ELHOUMI / Mo ElhoumI
    Dear Reader, I am offering you an excellent seminal work at a discounted price. How do you think we and the universe came into being? Is there life after death? What happens to us after we die? Existential questions have long eluded and baffled the world’s greatest intellectual thinkers. Even today, these questions remain a significant challenge for everyone. In this book, I as...

    57,09 €

  • Plato’s Cosmology
    Plato / Francis MacDonald Cornford
    A.E. Taylor describes Cornford’s book as 'excellent piece of work, which will be found indispensable by serious students of Plato... Of course the great interest of any new commentary on the 'Timaeus' must be in its handling of the metaphysical, astronomical and biological matter of the dialogue and Mr. Cornford’s services in connection with all these topics are eminent.' First...

    15,70 €

  • Cosmologie
    Simone Malacrida
    Ce livre présente les principaux aspects de la cosmologie tels que :le principe cosmologique, la loi de Hubble et la récession des galaxiesCosmologie newtonienne et relativisteles problèmes de planéité et d’horizon, les modèles De Sitter et Lemaitreles théories cosmologiques du Big Bang et de l’état stationnairethermodynamique cosmologique et ères cosmologiquesle rôle de la mat...

    7,54 €

  • Cosmología
    Simone Malacrida
    Este libro presenta los principales aspectos de la cosmología tales como:el principio cosmológico, la ley de Hubble y la recesión de las galaxiasCosmología newtoniana y relativistalos problemas de la planitud y el horizonte, los modelos de De Sitter y Lemaitrelas teorías cosmológicas del Big Bang y el estado estacionariotermodinámica cosmológica y eras cosmológicasel papel de l...

    7,57 €

  • Hadrons and Quark-Gluon Plasma
    Jean Letessier / Johann Rafelski

    175,04 €

  • Hadrons and Quark-Gluon Plasma
    Jean Letessier / Johann Rafelski

    66,94 €

  • Studies on Removal of Copper (II) From Synthetic Waste Water
    Mude Murali Naik / P Akhila Swathanthra
    A chemical element Copper with symbol Cu is a soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. The exposed surface of pure copper has a reddish orange color and is used as a building material and also as a constituent of various metal alloys. Long-term exposure of the metal can cause irritation of the nose, mouth and eyes and it causes head...

    61,76 €

    This is a popular science book on physics, astronomy and related sciences, designed for a wider audience.It is written as a guide for a tour along the ladder of scales from the Universe as a whole to the microcosm. The main scales are the Universe, Solar System, the Earth, normal human size, atoms, and elementary particles. Exotic objects such as black holes and neutron stars a...

    182,58 €

  • The New Way - A Study in the Rise and the Establishment of a Gnostic Society - Volume 4
    Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet
    Volume 4 of The New Way is a series of twenty essays written by Thea for students and friends living in India and throughout the world. Originally presented in The Vishaal Newsletter, between 1989 and 1994, they retain an extraordinary relevance for the world today. Thea offers insights about historical and philosophical issues from a very unusual perspective. In each of her fo...

    53,35 €

  • A História Da Astronomia
    José Ruiz Watzeck
    A Astronomia é a mais antiga das ciências. Descobertas arqueológicas têm fornecido evidências de observações astronômicas entre os povos pré-históricos. Desde a antiguidade, o céu vem sendo usado como mapa, calendário e relógio. Os registros astronômicos mais antigos datam de aproximadamente 3.000 a.C. e se devem aos chineses, babilônios, assírios e egípcios. Naquele período, o...

    10,08 €

  • Think Different
    Jing Yao Liu
    The world is full of mysteries. Humanity has been seeking to solve these mysteries since the beginning. The book tries to find some ways to solve these questions; however, they are from different points of view. ...

    20,14 €

  • Cosmology
    Simone Malacrida
    This book presents the main aspects of cosmology such as:the cosmological principle, Hubble’s law and the recession of galaxiesNewtonian and relativistic cosmologythe problems of flatness and the horizon, the De Sitter and Lemaitre modelsthe cosmological theories of the Big Bang and steady statecosmological thermodynamics and cosmological erasthe role of dark matter ...

    7,51 €

    Milton Wainwright / N CHANDRA WICKRAMASIN MILTON WAINWRIGHT / N Chandra Wickramasinghe
    With the rapid growth of new evidence from astronomy, space science and biology that supports the theory of life as a cosmic rather than terrestrial phenomenon, this book discusses a set of crucial data and pictures showing that life is still arriving at our planet. Although it could spark controversy among the most hardened sceptics this book will have an important role in sha...

    70,80 €

  • Fisica
    Simone Malacrida
    In questo libro sono presentati i seguenti argomenti:nozioni di base sui buchi neri: collasso gravitazionale, orizzonte degli eventi, geodetichemetriche di Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstrom e Kerr-Newmanbuchi neri a simmetria sferica, rotanti e carichi elettricamentediagrammi di Carter-Penrose, singolarità nude e coordinate di Kruskalmeccanica dei buchi neritermodinamica dei bu...

    7,30 €

  • Fisica
    Simone Malacrida
    In questo libro sono presentati gli aspetti principali della cosmologia quali:il principio cosmologico, la legge di Hubble e la recessione delle galassiela cosmologia newtoniana e relativisticai problemi della piattezza e dell’orizzonte, i modelli di De Sitter e di Lemaitrele teorie cosmologiche del Big Bang e dello stato stazionariola termodinamica cosmologica e le ere cosmolo...

    7,51 €

    There are reasons to believe the 21st century will be the best ever for astrophysics: the James Webb Space Telescope will extend nearly twenty times the present observational limit of visible light; neutrino massiveness opens a new window for exploration on dark energy and dark matter physics and is expected to provide insights into the fate of the Universe; the Higgs boson may...

    157,28 €

  • The History of Heaven
    Jae Park Seok / Seok Jae Park
    The first book of Korea’s Cosmos! Until now, the history of the universe has been described from the Western perspective. As a result, too many people still believe that Eastern traditions are unscientific and wrong while Western ones are scientific and right. This prejudice produces blind Western-centrism and adversely affects on every field of science.However, Korea has been ...

    29,61 €

  • Cosmic Image
    Petur Haldorson
    Pétur Halldórsson extends the research of the Icelandic scholar Einar Pálsson, whohad discovered the landscape features in Icelandic myths. This book reveals that allcivilised settersusedlandmarks linked to the seasonalpositions of the sun, and multiplesofcosmic numbersin the diameter of their cosmosand the borders of their centralsacredand administrative areas.Despitewide sepa...

    52,23 €

    Chopin Soo / CHOPIN SOO & HOI LAI YU / Hoi Lai Yu
    A discourse on time, gravity, and the universe that takes the reader through the subtleties of time, the origin of the universe, and physical evolution in Einstein’s theory and its extensions. Can time and causality remain fundamental when the classical ideal of spacetime becomes a concept of limited applicability in quantum gravity? A thorough exposition on the canonical frame...

    120,14 €

  • Kings Dethroned - A History of the Evolution of Astronomy from the Time of the Roman Empire up to the Present Day;Showing it to be an Amazing Series of Blunders Founded Upon an Error Made in the Secon
    Gerrard Hickson
    Exploring the history of the evolution of astronomy from the Roman Empire to the early twentieth century, Kings Dethroned attempts to debunk scientific facts with Gerrard Hickson’s alternative theories.From Nicolaus Copernicus to Albert Einstein, this 1922 volume tracks the scientific developments in the field of astronomy and traces the ’mistakes’ made by well-known pioneers a...

    27,08 €

  • Star Lore of All Ages
    William Tyler Olcott
    A profusely illustrated book revealing the astrological secrets of the constellations.First published in 1914, this charming volume by William Tyler Olcott is written in accessible language and is accompanied by beautiful illustrations. Detailing the history of each constellation and the ancient myths and folktales that surround them, Star Lore of All Ages is the perfect read f...

    37,77 €

  • Heliocentric Astrology or Essentials of Astronomy and Solar Mentality with Tables of Ephemeris to 1913
    Holmes Whittier Merton
    This vintage book contains a comprehensive guide to Heliocentric Astrology with an outline of the essentials of Solar Mentality. It includes detailed diagrams and charts, as well as helpful explanations and other related information. 'Heliocentric Astrology' will appeal to those with a keen interest in astrology, and it would make for fantastic addition to collections of allied...

    32,10 €