Catálogo de libros: Astronomía, espacio y tiempo

2720 Catálogo de libros: Astronomía, espacio y tiempo

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  • Science des données avec R
    Krishna Reddy Vuyyuru / Siva Sankar Namani / Thirupathi Rao Komati
    La science des données à l’aide de R est un domaine complet qui combine l’analyse statistique, l’apprentissage automatique et la programmation pour extraire des informations des données. R est un langage de programmation populaire parmi les scientifiques des données en raison de ses vastes bibliothèques et outils spécialement conçus pour la manipulation et la visualisation des ...

    86,93 €

  • Scienza dei dati con R
    Krishna Reddy Vuyyuru / Siva Sankar Namani / Thirupathi Rao Komati
    La scienza dei dati con R è un campo completo che combina analisi statistica, apprendimento automatico e programmazione per estrarre informazioni dai dati. R è un linguaggio di programmazione molto diffuso tra gli scienziati dei dati grazie alle sue ampie librerie e agli strumenti specificamente progettati per la manipolazione e la visualizzazione dei dati. Nella scienza dei da...

    86,99 €

  • 100 Proofs That Earth Is Not A Globe
    Parallax / William Carpenter
    'This can only be described as an extraordinary book .... His arguments are certainly plausible and ingenious, and even the reader who does not agree with him will find a singular interest and fascination in analyzing the ’one hundred proofs.’... The proofs are set forth in brief, forcible, compact, very clear paragraphs, the meaning of which can be comprehended at a glance.' -...

    12,52 €

  • Die Zeit und das Universum
    Franck-Etienne Diawara
    Das Universum ist sehr komplex, es hat Facetten, die noch für Jahrtausende und Jahrtausende unbekannt bleiben werden. Das Verständnis seines Gesamtbildes, aber auch aller Mechanismen seiner Dynamik, seiner Vergangenheit und seiner Zukunft ist eine äußerst spannende Aufgabe. Ihr Studium offenbart den eigentlichen Sinn des Daseins. Durch die Untersuchung der Natur der Photonen, d...

    61,76 €

  • O tempo e o universo
    Franck-Etienne Diawara
    O Universo é extremamente complexo, com facetas que permanecerão desconhecidas durante milénios e milénios. Compreender a sua visão de conjunto, mas também todos os mecanismos da sua dinâmica, o seu passado e o seu futuro, é uma tarefa fascinante. Estudá-la revela o próprio sentido da existência. Através do estudo da natureza dos fotões, do tempo, dos buracos de vidro, etc., es...

    61,63 €

  • Время и Вселенная
    Франк-Этьен Диавара
    Вселенная очень сложна и имеет такие грани, которые останутся неизвестными еще тысячелетия и тысячелетия. Понять не только ее общую картину, но и все механизмы ее динамики, ее прошлое и будущее - увлекательнейшая задача. Изучение ее раскрывает сам смысл существования. Через изучение природы фотонов, времени, стеклянных дыр и т.д. в рамках данного подхода делается попытка в сжат...

    27,79 €

  • Time and the universe
    Franck-Etienne Diawara
    The universe is highly complex, with facets that will remain unknown for millennia and millennia to come. Understanding its overall vision, but also all the mechanisms of its dynamics, its past and its future, is a most fascinating task. Studying it reveals the very meaning of existence. Through the study of the nature of photons, time, glass holes, etc., this particular approa...

    61,63 €

  • Il tempo e l’universo
    Franck-Etienne Diawara
    L’universo è estremamente complesso, con sfaccettature che rimarranno sconosciute per millenni e millenni a venire. Comprendere la sua visione d’insieme, ma anche tutti i meccanismi della sua dinamica, il suo passato e il suo futuro, è un compito molto affascinante. Studiarlo rivela il senso stesso dell’esistenza. Attraverso lo studio della natura dei fotoni, del tempo, dei buc...

    61,63 €

  • Qualitätsindex für die Platzierung und Wartung von ZVKs in einem MIS
    Maria Alves / Matilde Martins / Solange Gomes
    Hintergrund: Infektionen im Zusammenhang mit dem Gesundheitswesen gelten als eine der größten Bedrohungen für die Patientensicherheit und die Qualität der Pflege. Zentrale Venenkatheter (ZVK) werden immer häufiger zu diagnostischen und therapeutischen Zwecken eingesetzt, sind aber gleichzeitig für etwa 90 % der Bakteriämien im Krankenhaus verantwortlich. Zielsetzung: Analyse de...

    86,70 €

  • Quality Index of CVC Placement and Maintenance in an MIS
    Maria Alves / Matilde Martins / Solange Gomes
    Background: Healthcare-associated infections are considered one of the main threats to patient safety and quality of care. The use of central venous catheters (CVC) for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes is increasingly frequent, but at the same time they are responsible for about 90% of bacteraemias at hospital level. Objectives: To analyse the quality index at the time of pl...

    86,64 €

  • Indice de qualité de la pose et de l’entretien des CVC dans un MIS
    Maria Alves / Matilde Martins / Solange Gomes
    Contexte : Les infections nosocomiales sont considérées comme l’une des principales menaces pour la sécurité des patients et la qualité des soins. L’utilisation de cathéters veineux centraux (CVC) à des fins diagnostiques et thérapeutiques est de plus en plus fréquente, mais ils sont en même temps responsables d’environ 90 % des bactériémies au niveau de l’hôpital. Objectifs : ...

    86,70 €

  • Indice di qualità del posizionamento e della manutenzione dei CVC in un MIS
    Maria Alves / Matilde Martins / Solange Gomes
    Premessa: le infezioni associate all’assistenza sanitaria sono considerate una delle principali minacce alla sicurezza dei pazienti e alla qualità delle cure. L’uso di cateteri venosi centrali (CVC) per scopi diagnostici e terapeutici è sempre più frequente, ma allo stesso tempo sono responsabili di circa il 90% delle batteriemie a livello ospedaliero. Obiettivi: analizzare l’i...

    86,64 €

  • Индекс качества установки и обслуживания ЦВК в условиях СМП
    Мария Алвес / Матильда Мартинс / Соланж Гомес
    История вопроса: инфекции, связанные с оказанием медицинской помощи, считаются одной из основных угроз безопасности пациентов и качеству обслуживания. Использование центральных венозных катетеров (ЦВК) для диагностических и терапевтических целей становится все более частым, но в то же время они являются причиной около 90% бактериемий на уровне больницы. Цель: проанализировать и...

    27,98 €

  • Morte Em Alcântara
    Bernardino Coelho Da Silva
    Seria fácil construir uma narrativa pela qual a explosão do Veículo Lançador de Satélites, que ceifou a vida de 21 tecnologistas do CTA, tivesse sido sabotagem de algum país que não quisesse ver o Brasil construindo mísseis de longo alcance. E um batalhão de conspiradores, com certeza, estaria pronto para disseminar a nova teoria.Mas, a verdade é que as condições para a ocorrên...

    23,35 €

  • Nouvelles coordonnées héliométriques
    Luiz Sampaio Athayde Junior
    Ce livre présente les résultats des recherches de l’auteur dans le domaine de l’astronomie, en prenant comme point de départ son premier livre, The Theory of the Solar Zenith (La théorie du zénith solaire). Les travaux antérieurs sont résumés dans les premières pages, avec des nouveautés telles que la démonstration de la forme hélicoïdale du mouvement apparent du Soleil et la s...

    100,16 €

  • Новые гелиометрические координаты
    Луиз С Атхаыде Жуниор
    В этой книге представлены результаты исследований автора в области астрономии, за основу взята его первая книга 'Теория солнечного зенита'. На первых страницах книги кратко изложены результаты предыдущих работ, а также такие новинки, как демонстрация спиралевидной формы видимого движения Солнца и предположение о существовании новой тропической зоны. В следующей главе приводится...

    36,14 €

  • Nuove coordinate eliometriche
    Luiz Sampaio Athayde Junior
    Questo libro presenta un filone di ricerche dell’autore nel campo dell’astronomia, prendendo spunto dal suo primo libro, La teoria dello zenit solare. Il lavoro precedente è riassunto nelle prime pagine, con novità come la dimostrazione della forma elicoidale del moto apparente del Sole e la proposta di una nuova zona tropicale. Nel capitolo successivo viene presentata la sconc...

    100,17 €

  • Neue heliometrische Koordinaten
    Luiz Sampaio Athayde Junior
    Dieses Buch stellt eine Reihe von Forschungsergebnissen des Autors auf dem Gebiet der Astronomie dar, ausgehend von seinem ersten Buch The Theory of the Solar Zenith. Auf den ersten Seiten wird die frühere Arbeit zusammengefasst, mit Neuheiten wie dem Nachweis der spiralförmigen Form der scheinbaren Bewegung der Sonne und dem Hinweis auf eine neue tropische Zone. Das nächste Ka...

    100,14 €

  • New Heliometric Coordinates
    Luiz Sampaio Athayde Junior
    This book presents a thread of the author’s research findings in the field of Astronomy, taking as its starting point his first book, The Theory of the Solar Zenith. The earlier work is summarized here in the first pages, with novelties such as the demonstration of the helical shape of the Sun’s apparent motion and the suggestion of a new tropical zone. The next chapter brings ...

    100,17 €

  • The Darwinian Delusion
    Michael Ebifegha
    Pseudoscience Advocates DarwinismWhereasScience Endorses Anti-Darwinism Darwin’s theory of evolution, which asserts that new species are formed gradually through competition, is being challenged as empirical studies show that new species are, instead, produced rapidly through cooperation. In other words, the mechanism set forth in Darwin’s theory are not the ones that result in...

    24,67 €

  • Origin of the Solar System
    Dr. Milton M Beck / Dr. Milton M. Beck / DrMilton M Beck
    This book contains the reasons why the author does not believe the accretion disk origin theory for our solar system. That theory might fit other system, but not ours. The author first shows reasons why the currently accepted theory doesn’t fit. He goes from one facet of the accretion disk theory to another discrediting each in turn. The author then describes his own theory...

    46,09 €

  • Satellite Attitude Determination Planetary Landmarks
    Bulbul Mukherjee
    Satellite Attitude Determination with Planetary Landmarks is a crucial aspect of space missions and Earth observation endeavors. It involves the precise determination of a satellite’s orientation and position in space relative to identifiable features on planetary surfaces, such as landmarks or geographical points on planets or moons.The process of satellite attitude determinat...

    27,26 €

  • Estelles
    Shelley Briske
    Estelles is a journey that brings about the attributes of each planet in our solar system, highlighting how they reflect within us all. Using astrological definitions of our planets, Estelles asks us to become aware of our whole psyche while encouraging us to improve our lives in the process.    This journey is rewarding and fun, filled with challenges and meditations to help u...

    11,36 €

  • Astrology For Beginners
    Ashley Brittany
    Beginners Guide to Astrology By Ashley Brittany If you want to discover more about your life’s purpose and what the future holds for you, then keep reading...  Do you want to understand yourself better? Do you want to finally find the perfect lover for you? And perhaps, you’re constantly anxious about the future? It’s time to lay back! There are 5,000 years of successful experi...

    11,92 €

  • Christian Foundations for Law and Science
    Gregory J. Glaser
    In biblical Hebrew there is a word that means both ''God'' and ''nothing.'' Paradoxically, what if God himself is simultaneously the All and the Nothing? Would this help explain why God is invincible and paradoxical?Paradoxes fill reality, with opposites routinely manifesting as the same thing at their extremes. Like the rugged earth, there is danger amidst opportunity here. Wh...

    18,65 €

  • Christian Foundations for Law and Science
    Gregory J. Glaser
    In biblical Hebrew there is a word that means both ''God'' and ''nothing.'' Paradoxically, what if God himself is simultaneously the All and the Nothing? Would this help explain why God is invincible and paradoxical?Paradoxes fill reality, with opposites routinely manifesting as the same thing at their extremes. Like the rugged earth, there is danger amidst opportunity here. Wh...

    31,13 €

  • Orion Star Gates
    Luis Vega
    What is Heaven like? Many have had Out of Body Death Experiences and Describe Heaven with the Most Pleasant of Sights, Smells, Animals, Scenery, etc. But in terms of its Structure, how is it Configured? What Measurement Standard is being used? Are there Clues as to how it is Configured and what are its Dimensions, perhaps? Yes. Biblically Speaking, the Bible do provide a Patchw...

    42,54 €

  • Plasma Astronomy and the Bible
    Ellen J. McHenry
    This book is based on the writings and video presentations of Barry J. Setterfield. Two fields of science, plasma astronomy and stochastic electrodynamics (SED physics), are combined to make a cosmology that can defend the Bible’s claim that light was created before the sun, and that 'the heavens in their vast array' were completed in less than a week. This cosmology can also o...

    14,54 €

  • Synthese von reinen und Ni-dotierten TiO2 NPs unter Verwendung von Papayablätterextrakt
    Deepannita Chakraborty / Priyadharsini N / Sakthivel P
    Die Synthese von Titanoxid-Nanopartikeln mit Papayablattextrakt hat in den letzten Jahren aufgrund ihrer Umweltfreundlichkeit und Kosteneffizienz an Bedeutung gewonnen. Der Extrakt aus Papayablättern dient als grünes Reduktions- und Stabilisierungsmittel, wodurch schädliche Chemikalien im Syntheseprozess überflüssig werden. Die daraus resultierenden Nanopartikel haben sich als ...

    60,26 €

  • Synthèse de NPs de TiO2 pures et dopées au Ni à l’aide d’un extrait de feuille de papaye
    Deepannita Chakraborty / Priyadharsini N / Sakthivel P
    La synthèse de nanoparticules d’oxyde de titane à l’aide d’extraits de feuilles de papaye a gagné en importance ces dernières années en raison de son caractère écologique et de sa rentabilité. L’extrait de feuille de papaye sert d’agent réducteur et stabilisateur vert, éliminant le besoin de produits chimiques nocifs dans le processus de synthèse. Les nanoparticules qui en résu...

    60,26 €