Catálogo de libros: Astronomía, espacio y tiempo

2720 Catálogo de libros: Astronomía, espacio y tiempo

Libros Eliminar filtro Matemáticas y ciencia Eliminar filtro Astronomía, espacio y tiempo Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • James Webb
    Harry Gleeson
    The james webb space telescope (jwst) revealed its first photographs to the whole globe on july 12, 2022, and the world has never been the same since. With several issues concerning how far we can go with this hubble telescope enhancement,Anyone interested in astronomy, astrophysics, space science, or engineering should read this book. Whether you’re a seasoned amateur astronom...

    16,03 €

  • Tales of Space and Time
    H. G. Wells
    A collection of three short stories and two novellas written between 1897 and 1898. All the stories from this book had first been published in various monthly periodicals and this was the first volume to collect these stories. Contains:'The Crystal Egg''The Star' 'A Story of the Stone Age' 'A Story of the Days To Come' 'The Man Who Could Work Miracles' ...

    15,26 €

  • Revision on the Comparative Relation of Stellar Dynamics
    Bruce R. Nye
    Dive into Stellar Mastery: Uncover the Universe’s Secrets with Revolutionary Mathematical Insights.Are you captivated by the vastness of our universe? Intrigued by the patterns and phenomena that govern our skies? Brace yourself for a groundbreaking expedition that delves deep into the heart of celestial dynamics. This work is more than just a book-it’s an invitation to explore...

    23,51 €

  • Hippocrate
    Paul de Rémusat
    ' ... On ne peut pourtant prétendre qu’Hippocrate ait été le premier médecin et qu’avant lui il y eut à peine des empiriques. Il est sans exemple qu’un homme, quel que soit son génie, ait pu créer une science et la rendre telle qu’apparaît la médecine dans les livres dont nous allons parler. Cela n’arrive pas même pour les découvertes les plus simples, qui, pour être complètes,...

    9,65 €

  • Newton
    Paul de Rémusat
    ' ... À quoi sert de savoir que la chute d’une pomme a mis Newton sur la voie de la gravitation ? Un tel exemple ne peut être utile à personne, et Newton, n’eût-il jamais vu de pommier, n’aurait probablement pas moins découvert la cause du mouvement des astres. Chaque inventeur a des procédés d’esprit différents, et, par cela même qu’il est inventeur, n’emprunte rien à personne...

    10,19 €

  • A New Vision of the Early Universe - Second Edition
    Robert J. Conover
    The current theory for the early universe centers around the Standard Model’s vision of fields, forces, and particles inexplicably popping into existence within the first second of the Big Bang. That conjecture has worked for many years and has inspired an edifice of theoretical support, but it stretches credulity and leaves too many unanswered questions.What if the initial nug...

    26,15 €

  • Space Odyssey
    Rayan Musk
    'Space Odyssey Past Our Viewpoints' is a spellbinding investigation of the universe that rises above the limits of our creative mind. This visionary excursion takes us past the recognizable skylines of our natural presence, driving us into the immensity of room where the secrets of the universe unfurl. At the core of this odyssey is a journey for information, driven by mankind’...

    30,45 €

  • Delvings
    Edward Alberic Gosselin
    I have been interested in France and Italy as well as in the Ancient Greek and Middle Eastern worlds since I was old enough to pour over my grandparents’ old encyclopedia and my own Landmark illustrated history books. Like many kids in the ’50s, I used to watch Flash Gordon on TV and dream about humans exploring other places in the universe. And I even loved algebra, geometry, ...

    16,67 €

    Prof. (Dr.) Pawan Kumar
    Willkommen in einem Reich, in dem die Grenzen zwischen Wissenschaft und Mystik verschwimmen - ein Ort, der als Quantengarten bekannt ist. In diesen Chroniken nimmt Sie Dr. Eleanor Harper mit auf eine außergewöhnliche Reise, auf der sie die Geheimnisse enträtselt, die im Gewebe der Realität selbst verborgen sind. Als brillante Physikerin entdeckt Eleanor einen verborgenen Garten...

    87,10 €

    Prof. (Dr.) Pawan Kumar
    Bienvenue dans un royaume où les frontières entre la science et le mysticisme s’estompent - un lieu connu sous le nom de Jardin quantique. Dans ces chroniques, le Dr Eleanor Harper vous emmène dans un voyage extraordinaire, dévoilant les secrets cachés dans le tissu même de la réalité. Brillante physicienne, Eleanor découvre un jardin caché où le temps et la réalité dansent au ...

    87,12 €

    Prof. (Dr.) Pawan Kumar
    Benvenuti in un regno dove i confini tra scienza e misticismo si confondono, un luogo conosciuto come il Giardino Quantico. In queste cronache, la dottoressa Eleanor Harper vi accompagna in un viaggio straordinario, svelando i segreti nascosti nel tessuto della realtà stessa. Come brillante fisica, Eleanor scopre un giardino nascosto dove il tempo e la realtà danzano secondo i ...

    87,12 €

    Prof. (Dr.) Pawan Kumar
    Bem-vindo a um reino onde as fronteiras entre a ciência e o misticismo se esbatem - um lugar conhecido como o Jardim Quântico. Nestas crónicas, a Dra. Eleanor Harper leva-o numa viagem extraordinária, desvendando os segredos escondidos no tecido da própria realidade. Como física brilhante, Eleanor descobre um jardim escondido onde o tempo e a realidade dançam ao sabor dos capri...

    87,12 €

    Проф. (Др.) Паван Кумар
    Добро пожаловать в царство, где стираются границы между наукой и мистикой, - место, известное как Квантовый сад. В этих хрониках доктор Элеонора Харпер отправляется в необыкновенное путешествие, разгадывая секреты, скрытые в самой ткани реальности. Будучи блестящим физиком, Элеонора обнаруживает скрытый сад, где время и реальность танцуют под капризами квантовых сил, бросая выз...

    87,11 €

  • Universo en perspectiva
    Otto Ewald Heinrich Helmi Schulz
    Resumen del libro Perspektive Universum revela la visión del mundo definitiva. Las galaxias, los sistemas solares y todos los fenómenos se revelan con 11 dibujos en color para una buena comprensión de la conexión entre la materia oscura, la energía oscura y la expansión espacial y se explican detalladamente hasta el último cálculo como ciclo energético. Años de investigación mu...

    21,24 €

  • A Symphony of Time and Space
    Keith A. Brynes
    Book Title: A Symphony of Time and SpaceUnveil the Future: A Symphony of Time and SpaceWelcome to the compelling world of 'A Symphony of Time and Space,' a thought-provoking masterpiece that delves into the intricacies of transit-oriented development. This groundbreaking book, with its roots firmly planted in the Independence Centre Master Plan, takes readers on a captivating j...

    24,84 €

  • Exploring the Universe Beyond
    Mary Catherine
    Exploring the Universe Beyond: A Journey to the StarsAre you searching for a captivating and thought-provoking book that will not only expand your horizons but also help you navigate the complex topic of death in our culture? Look no further! 'Exploring the Universe Beyond: A Journey to the Stars' is a remarkable literary journey that invites you to delve into the cosmos and ex...

    24,71 €

  • Reiki: Energia Universal
    Magdalena Barbera
    Tudo o que existe no Universo é Energia. E, energia é o elemento que compõe a matéria.É uma força que gera vitalidade em um determinado corpo.O Reiki é uma prática energética vibracional que se utiliza da Energia Universal Primordial para a harmonização e bem-estar de todos os seres viventes, inclusive plantas e animais. Ela é canalizada ao receptor, principalmente, pelas mãos ...

    13,40 €

  • Time and Space
    Kenneth Caraballo
    'Time and Space: Einstein’s Theory of Relativity' is a compelling exploration of one of the most revolutionary concepts in the history of physics. Authored with clarity and depth, this book embarks on a journey through the intricate tapestry of Albert Einstein’s groundbreaking theories, unraveling the profound implications they hold for our understanding of the cosmos.The narra...

    22,31 €

  • Cosmic Chronicles from the Big Bang to Humanity’s Future
    Américo Moreira
    In 'Cosmic Chronicles: from the Big Bang to Humanity’s Future,' we embark on an awe-inspiring journey through the vast expanse of the cosmos. From the explosive birth of the universe in the Big Bang to the evolution of galaxies, stars, and planets, we delve into the mysteries of space and time. With a blend of scientific knowledge and captivating storytelling, this book takes r...

    10,99 €

  • Side-Lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science
    Simon Newcomb
    Side-Lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, ...

    26,25 €

  • Classificação do solo e sugestão de culturas por aprendizagem automática
    A agricultura é um dos sectores mais importantes da Índia em termos de rendimentos e uma fonte de resistência. Vários exemplos ocasionais, monetários e orgânicos afectam a criação de culturas, mas alterações caprichosas nestes exemplos levam a um infortúnio incrível para os criadores de gado. Estes perigos podem ser reduzidos se forem utilizadas metodologias razoáveis sobre as ...

    61,76 €

  • Classification des sols et suggestions de cultures par apprentissage automatique
    L’agriculture est l’une des principales sources de revenus en Inde et une source d’endurance. Divers facteurs occasionnels, monétaires et organiques influencent la création de cultures, mais les changements capricieux de ces facteurs entraînent d’incroyables malheurs pour les éleveurs. Ces dangers peuvent être réduits lorsque des méthodologies raisonnables sont utilisées sur le...

    61,82 €

  • Classificazione del suolo e suggerimento delle colture mediante apprendimento automatico
    L’agricoltura è una delle principali fonti di reddito dell’India e una fonte di resistenza. Diversi esempi occasionali, monetari e biologici hanno un impatto sulla creazione di colture, ma cambiamenti capricciosi in questi esempi portano a un’incredibile sfortuna per gli allevatori. Questi pericoli possono essere ridotti quando si utilizzano metodologie ragionevoli sulle inform...

    61,76 €

  • Bodenklassifizierung und Anbauempfehlungen durch maschinelles Lernen
    Die Landwirtschaft ist einer der wichtigsten Einkommensbereiche Indiens und eine Quelle der Ausdauer. Verschiedene gelegentliche, monetäre und organische Faktoren wirken sich auf die Erzeugung von Nutzpflanzen aus, aber unvorhersehbare Änderungen dieser Faktoren führen zu einem unglaublichen Unglück für die Landwirte. Diese Gefahren können verringert werden, wenn vernünftige Me...

    61,82 €

  • Классификация почв и предложения по выращиванию культур с помощью машинного обучения
    Пратхибха Ганапурам
    Фермерство - одна из основных сфер деятельности Индии, приносящая доход, и источник выносливости. На создание урожая влияют различные случайные, денежные и органические факторы, однако капризные изменения в этих факторах приводят к невероятным бедам для фермеров. Эти опасности могут быть уменьшены, если использовать разумные методики на основе информации о типе почвы, температу...

    61,82 €

  • Introdução A Cabala
    Eugenia Gomes
    RESUMOCabala é o nome de uma ciência oculta ligada ao Judaísmo, é também um termo usado com o significado de trama, intriga secreta, conspiração. Cabala é um método esotérico que engloba um conjunto de ensinamentos relacionados com Deus, o universo, o homem, a criação do mundo, a vida emorte. É uma mística esotérica judia que se fundamenta na revelação de Deus a Adão e a Moisés...

    23,85 €

  • Outer-Space Dictionary
    Ezekiel Agboola
    Embark on a Celestial Journey with the Outer Space Dictionary Book! Unlock the mysteries of the cosmos and dive into the vast expanse of the universe with our comprehensive guide the definitive 'Outer Space Dictionary Book.' This stellar compilation is your passport to the cosmos, offering a complete A-Z exploration of words associated with space and the universe, including off...

    25,32 €

  • Round the year with the stars; The chief beauties of the starry heavens as seen with the naked eye
    Garrett Putman Serviss
    Round the year with the stars; The chief beauties of the starry heavens as seen with the naked eye, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. Th...

    20,85 €

  • Testing universe flatness with probes
    Michael J.Mortonson
    Cosmological measurements of the average spatial curvature of the spacetime metric are one of only a handful of methods available for testing the inflationary paradigm for the early universe. Current observations are consistent with the inflationary prediction of a nearly flat universe. However, the precision of curvature measurements is only at the percent level at best (e.g.,...

    22,74 €

  • Beyond the Stars - An Introduction to Astrophysics
    PS Publishing
    Embark on an astronomical journey with ’Beyond the Stars: An Introduction to Astrophysics.’ Explore the cosmos and unravel the mysteries of the universe in this captivating introduction to the wonders of astrophysics. ...

    12,69 €