Catálogo de libros: Astronomía, espacio y tiempo

2734 Catálogo de libros: Astronomía, espacio y tiempo

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  • Answers to Questions People Are Actually Asking
    Andy Fletcher
    Questions about science, God, science and God, God and science, and any other odd bits that might have snuck in. Answers, too. Disclaimer - we’re not guaranteeing that the answers are right. But they’re pretty danged good. We’re also aware that not everyone is going to agree with any or all of the answers. Plus, life goes on and we discover new stuff and the answers change. We ...

    14,94 €

    Amongst the famous planetary inhabitants of our solar system there is an entire ecosystem of smaller, less recognised bodies in the form of comets and 'minor' planets. These native residents, derived from the building blocks of planets, contain valuable information. By studying them in detail, we may learn about the processes that occurred from the Sun’s birth to the emergence ...

    35,29 €

    Amongst the famous planetary inhabitants of our solar system there is an entire ecosystem of smaller, less recognised bodies in the form of comets and 'minor' planets. These native residents, derived from the building blocks of planets, contain valuable information. By studying them in detail, we may learn about the processes that occurred from the Sun’s birth to the emergence ...

    70,81 €

  • Understanding the theories of Cosmology and Astronomy
    Kanchana Munirathnam
    For many of us, the universe has always been a mysterious place. We are all fascinated by the elements of our universe and have always wondered about its various mysteries.  The universe refers to the collection of all things that exist in space. It is made up of trillions of stars, galaxies, black holes, massive gas clouds, and a plethora of other fascinating things. This book...

    16,79 €

  • Techniques et instrumentation biophysiques
    M. Rajasekar / MRajasekar
    L’analyse des entités chimiques et biologiques est une métaphore du processus permettant d’atteindre les objectifs de la recherche en sciences de la vie. Comme il existe un large éventail de techniques et d’instruments d’analyse, il est essentiel de comprendre les principes, les limites et les alternatives de chaque méthodologie avant de l’appliquer efficacement pour obtenir de...

    60,89 €

  • Tecniche e strumentazione biofisica
    M. Rajasekar / MRajasekar
    Analizzare entità chimiche e biologiche è una metafora del processo di raggiungimento degli obiettivi della ricerca nelle scienze della vita. Poiché c’è una così vasta gamma di tecniche analitiche e strumenti disponibili, è fondamentale comprendere i principi, i limiti e le alternative di ogni metodologia prima di applicarla efficacemente per ottenere risultati rilevanti. Quest...

    60,89 €

  • Биофизические методы и приборы
    М. Раясекар / МРаясекар
    Анализ химических и биологических объектов - это метафора процесса достижения целей исследований в области наук о жизни. Поскольку существует такой широкий спектр аналитических методов и приборов, очень важно понять принципы, ограничения и альтернативы каждой методики, прежде чем применять ее эффективно для достижения нужных результатов. Данный учебник охватывает химию, биохими...

    37,44 €

  • Técnicas e instrumentos biofísicos
    M. Rajasekar / MRajasekar
    A análise de entidades químicas e biológicas é uma metáfora para o processo de alcançar os objectivos da investigação das ciências da vida. Devido à grande variedade de técnicas e instrumentos analíticos disponíveis, é fundamental compreender os princípios, limitações e alternativas de cada metodologia antes de aplicá-la eficazmente para alcançar resultados relevantes. Este liv...

    60,89 €

  • Biophysikalische techniken und instrumente
    M. Rajasekar / MRajasekar
    Die Analyse chemischer und biologischer Einheiten ist eine Metapher für den Prozess der Erreichung der Ziele der biowissenschaftlichen Forschung. Da eine so große Bandbreite an Analysetechniken und -instrumenten zur Verfügung steht, ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, die Prinzipien, Grenzen und Alternativen der einzelnen Methoden zu verstehen, bevor man sie effektiv anwendet,...

    60,89 €

    It is not uncommon for the Principle of Complementarity to be invoked in either Science or Philosophy, viz. the ancient oriental philosophy of Yin and Yang whose symbolic representation is portrayed on the cover of the book. Or Niels Bohr’s use of it as the basis for the so-called Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. This book arose as an outgrowth of the author’s pr...

    105,57 €

  • Almanacco astronomico Astronomical Almanac 2022
    Pier Paolo Ricci
    This year the Almanac is bilingual, with the intention of promoting a dialog within the international community. In fact, because its distribution is exclusively through the web, it was necessary to meld the two versions, Italian and English, into one document. The format of the charts has remained the same as well as the contents, with some broadening and graphic improvements....

    61,11 €

  • The Influence of Stonehenge on Minoan Navigation and Trade in Europe
    Richard de Grasse
    This book presents a plausible account of how thousands of tons of unusually pure copper ore from Isle Royale in northern Michigan’s Lake Superior was mined and shipped to Europe by the Minoans 4500 years ago during the Bronze Age, and how Stonehenge in England was used as an aid to Minoan celestial navigation back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean. The author proposes that M...

    33,42 €

  • Surviving the Planet X Tribulation
    Marshall Masters
    To Walk Out of the Planet X Tribulation, We Must Walk Humbly with Our CreatorAstronomer Percival Lowell, founder of the Lowell observatory in Flagstaff, AZ, coined the term 'Planet X' around 1905. It describes a sizeable object in space that European astronomers called 'Neptune’s Perturber.' They could not observe it but knew it was there due to perturbations observed in the or...

    30,14 €

  • Surviving the Planet X Tribulation
    Marshall Masters
    To Walk Out of the Planet X Tribulation, We Must Walk Humbly with Our CreatorAstronomer Percival Lowell, founder of the Lowell observatory in Flagstaff, AZ, coined the term 'Planet X' around 1905. It describes a sizeable object in space that European astronomers called 'Neptune’s Perturber.' They could not observe it but knew it was there due to perturbations observed in the or...

    42,54 €

    Currently, the General Theory of Relativity (GTR) describes the physics of the very large in terms of classical physics, while quantum theory describes the physics of the very small in terms of the Standard Model of particle physics. Unfortunately, the two theories are incompatible and do not describe satisfactorily all the forces between the various particles comprising ordina...

    106,05 €

  • Gamut of Speedy Rockets, for Kids
    Court E Rossman
    Rockets are very general. Anything that squirts or blasts some exhaust out the back is a rocket, typically with its own fuel and oxidizer.  1.Water bottles can easily be made into high air pressure air or water rockets, using bicycle pumps and corks.   2.Toy chemical rockets are faster and there are many kits, with a parachute.   3.Huge space chemical rockets are remarkably si...

    28,71 €

  • OUR HAIR 2
    Tar Kinoo NoopooH
    Listen to Reason! This book will be better equalstood if the reader has studied The Bible interpretations And Explanations 1 and 2, The 9 Ball Counts I-IV, Moonset Sunrise, Transcript of the audio tape Introduction To The Nature of Nature, Introduction To The Nature of Nature Book 1-3. All of which can be found at in the books section to download the free pdfs....

    46,60 €

    Mathematical Models in Science treats General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics in a non-commutative Algebraic Geometric framework.Based on ideas first published in Geometry of Time-Spaces: Non-commutative Algebraic Geometry Applied to Quantum Theory (World Scientific, 2011), Olav Arnfinn Laudal proposes a Toy Model as a Theory of Everything, starting with the notion of the Big ...

    117,70 €

  • Distances of the Stars - And Other Essays on Astronomy
    Camille Flammarion
    Nicolas Camille Flammarion FRAS (1842–1925) was a French author and astronomer. A prolific writer, he produced over fifty books including science fiction novels, works on astronomy, and works on physical research. This volume contains a collection of vintage articles written by Flammarion on the subject of astronomy, originally appearing in various publications including “Les D...

    16,30 €

  • Puzzles and Paradoxes in Relativity and Cosmology
    Oliver Linton
    Einstein’s Special and General theories of Relativity are full of predictions which are difficult to believe - like Time Dilation and Length Contraction. Cosmology too is full of puzzles such as the fact that some of the galaxies we can see may be receding from us faster than the speed of light. This book attempts to explain these and other paradoxes using little more than High...

    23,41 €

  • Astrotourism
    Michael Marlin
    This book explores the growth of the astrotourism, identifies star seeker trends, how the stars have shaped civilizations, and the budding space tourism industry. Learn ways to develop a destination, find customers, and our relationship with the night sky. Meteor storms, eclipses, auroras, and other celestial phenomena have lured travelers for years and here the author expands ...

    22,86 €

  • Flat Space Cosmology
    Eugene Terry Tatum / U.V.S. Seshavatharam
    This compilation based upon recent peer-reviewed journal publications encapsulates how the Flat Space Cosmology model (FSC) has become the primary competitor to the inflationary standard model of cosmology. New ideas concerning black holes, dark energy and dark matter are presented and shown to correlate extremely well with astronomical observations. Anyone who follows the fast...

    44,76 €

  • Observar el cielo con el telescopio astronómico
    Luca Parravicini / Luigi Viazzo
    * Un libro que le ayuda a dar sus primeros pasos entre las estrellas y los planetas.* Cómo escoger y cómo utilizar los instrumentos más adecuados para escrutar la bóveda celeste, (el telescopio que es útil para la observación de los planetas no lo es de hecho, para algunas galaxias que se ven mejor con unos buenos prismáticos).* Técnicas y consejos para encontrar y observar los...

    29,07 €

  • Relativistic Cosmology
    George F. R. Ellis / George FREllis / Malcolm A. H. MacCallum / Malcolm AHMacCallum / Roy Maartens

    91,97 €

    In Volume Three of the series: 'A Citizen’s Disclosure on UFOs and ETI', the reader is taken deeper into the public disclosure of the UFO and ETI phenomenon and the opposing mysterious covert world that surrounds this subject.This textbook examines how the major news media has been infiltrated by intelligence agencies and spin-doctors the news and is no longer a trusted source ...

    171,07 €

  • Conversations About Physics, Volume 2
    Howard Burton
    Conversations About Physics, Volume 2, includes the following 5 in-depth Ideas Roadshow Conversations featuring leading physicists. This collection includes a detailed preface highlighting the connections between the different books. Each book is broken into chapters with a detailed introduction and questions for discussion at the end of each chapter:1.Pushing the Boundaries - ...

    24,97 €

  • Gamut of Speedy Rockets, for Parents and Kids
    Court E Rossman
    Rockets are very general. Anything that squirts or blasts some exhaust out the back is a rocket, typically with its own fuel and oxidizer.  1.Water bottles can easily be made into high air pressure air or water rockets. A kit will give you corks that pop out when the pressure gets high enough. To get controlled higher air pressure, you need to build a PVC pipe launch tube, with...

    39,47 €

  • Detection of Light
    George H. Rieke / George HRieke

    82,94 €

  • Cosmology and Biology in Ancient Philosophy
    Ricardo Salles

    120,12 €

  • Introduction to Stellar Dynamics
    Luca Ciotti

    76,92 €