Catálogo de libros: Matemáticas

9539 Catálogo de libros: Matemáticas

Libros Eliminar filtro Matemáticas y ciencia Eliminar filtro Matemáticas Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Los Principios del Cálculo Infinitesimal
    René Guénon
    Aunque el presente estudio pueda parecer, a primera vista al menos, no tener mas que un carácter un poco especial, nos ha parecido útil emprenderle para precisar y explicar más completamente algunas nociones a las que nos ha sucedido hacer llamada en las diversas ocasiones en las que nos hemos servido del simbolismo matemático, y esta razón bastaría en suma para justificarle si...

    23,25 €

     The time is right, following Benoît Mandelbrot's death in 2010, to publish this landmark book about the life and work of this maverick math genius.This compact book celebrates the life and achievements of Benoît Mandelbrot with the ideas of fractals presented in a way that can be understood by the interested lay-person. Mathematics is largely avoided. Instead, Mandelbrot&#...

    70,45 €

  • Special Functions
    Historically, the notion of entropy emerged in conceptually very distinct contexts. This book deals with the connection between entropy, probability, and fractional dynamics as they appeared, for example, in solar neutrino astrophysics since the 1970's (Mathai and Rathie 1975, Mathai and Pederzoli 1977, Mathai and Saxena 1978, Mathai, Saxena, and Haubold 2010).The original ...

    75,85 €

     This volume focuses on discussing the interplay between the analysis, as exemplified by the eta invariant and other spectral invariants, the number theory, as exemplified by the relevant Dedekind sums and Rademacher reciprocity, the algebraic topology, as exemplified by the equivariant bordism groups, K-theory groups, and connective K-theory groups, and the geometry of spheric...

    221,32 €

  • Wearable Electronics and Embedded Computing Systems for Biomedical Applications
    Wearable electronics and embedded computing systems have been receiving a great deal of interest over the last two decades in research and commercial fields, with a special focus on biomedical applications. The key benefits introduced by these systems include their small size, lightweight, low-power consumption, and, of course, wearability. Major human-centered applications are...

    67,84 €

  • Pattern Recognition and Classification in Time Series Data
    Patterns can be any number of items that occur repeatedly, whether in the behaviour of animals, humans, traffic, or even in the appearance of a design. As technologies continue to advance, recognizing, mimicking, and responding to all types of patterns becomes more precise. Pattern Recognition and Classification in Time Series Data focuses on intelligent methods and techniques ...

    242,66 €

     The book first explains the main properties of analytic functions in order to use them in the study of various problems in p-adic value distribution. Certain properties of p-adic transcendental numbers are examined such as order and type of transcendence, with problems on p-adic exponentials. Lazard's problem for analytic functions inside a disk is explained. P-adic meromo...

    244,43 €

  • WORLDWIDE LOTTERY GAMES In Naturally Optimized Systems
    Cornelia Lala / Corneliu Lala
    Worldwide Lottery Games In Naturally Optimized Systems Pick 5 has been developed on the authors’ initiative, based on the belief that nothing in the Universe happens by chance because there are laws governing everything, and by increasing our knowledge, we can triumph over mere chance. This is a book for players and/or groups of players (syndicates) who want to play to more th...

    28,34 €

  • John and Betty’s Journey Into Complex Numbers
    Matt Bower
    Set in the genre of a children’s book, John and Betty trace the evolutionof complex numbers and explore their operations. From integers, tofractions, to surds, complex numbers are made to seem like an obviousextension. Incorporating graphing on the complex number plane andculminating in De Moivre’s Theorem, the logic of complex numbers ismade to seem intuitive and simple. John ...

    19,23 €

  • Decision Control, Management, and Support in Adaptive and Complex Systems
    Rumen D. Andreev / Rumen DAndreev / Yuri P. Pavlov / Yuri PPavlov
    In order to ensure the criteria for monitoring and managing the various problems and design for decision control, a mathematical description of exact human knowledge is required for the management of adaptive and complex systems. Decision Control, Management, and Support in Adaptive and Complex Systems: Quantitative Models presents an application and demonstration of a new math...

    255,68 €

  • Texas Hold’em Poker Odds for Your Strategy, with Probability-Based Hand Analyses
    Catalin Barboianu
    In the flop stage, what are your odds of achieving a straight by river and what are the odds of your opponents achieving something higher? If you will achieve the straight, what are the new odds of your opponents beating it in the river stage? How about the full house? How strong is your hand from mathematical point of view and how can you use this information in your play? Thi...

    26,11 €

    Sergio E. Serrano
    An integrated coverage of probability, statistics, Monte Carlo simulation, inferential statistics, design of experiments, systems reliability, fitting random data to models, analysis of variance, stochastic processes, and stochastic differential equations for engineers and scientists. The author for first time presents an introduction to the broad field of applied engineering u...

    134,56 €

    Catalin Barboianu / Rafael Martilotti
    La vida cotidiana está llena de situaciones que exigen tomar decisiones. Y en estos casos comparamos y hacemos estimaciones de probabilidades, a veces casi sin darnos cuenta, especialmente en el momento de decidir. Pero las probabilidades no son números simples asociados objetiva o subjetivamente a los eventos, como nos podría parecer, y el cálculo y el uso que le damos están e...

    31,57 €

    Catalin Barboianu
    Man’s daily life is full of decisional situations. Whether we have math skills or not, we frequently estimate and compare probabilities, sometimes without realizing it, especially when making decisions. But probabilities are not just simple numbers attached objectively or subjectively to events, as they perhaps look, and their calculus and usage is highly predisposed to qualita...

    31,61 €

  • The Algebra of Data
    Gary Sherman / Robin Bloor
    There has never been a universal algebra of data. Mathematics has been widely employed by software in many ways: numerical analysis, statistics, algorithms, mathematical modeling, and so on, but it has never been used to formally define data in all its variety.This changed when mathematical research into data algebra—carried out for Algebraix Data Corporation by one of the auth...

    44,80 €

    W K CHEN / W-K Chen
     Active Network Analysis gives a comprehensive treatment of the fundamentals of the theory of active networks and its applications to feedback amplifiers. The guiding light throughout has been to extract the essence of the theory and to discuss those topics that are of fundamental importance and that will transcend the advent of new devices and design tools. The book provides u...

    164,05 €

  • Advanced Numerical Simulations in Mechanical Engineering
    Recent developments in information processing systems have driven the advancement of numerical simulations in engineering. New models and simulations enable better solutions for problem-solving and overall process improvement. Advanced Numerical Simulations in Mechanical Engineering is a pivotal reference source for the latest research findings on advanced modelling and simulat...

    225,57 €

  • Introductory Statistics
    Barbara Illowsky / Susan Dean
    Introductory Statistics follows the scope and sequence of a one-semester, introduction to statistics course and is geared toward students majoring in fields other than math or engineering. This text assumes students have been exposed to intermediate algebra, and it focuses on the applications of statistical knowledge rather than the theory behind it. The foundation of this text...

    50,85 €

  • Modélisation mathématique Utilisation de la transparence publique
    Manoel Eduardo Ribas Vianna
    Enseigner les mathématiques, ce n’est pas seulement demander aux élèves de résoudre des problèmes compliqués, c’est leur donner la réflexion, la méthode, le raisonnement logique, c’est leur donner la capacité d’aborder la science exacte, c’est donner à certains la possibilité de choisir de suivre cette merveilleuse voie universelle. Ce livre, innovant dans ses idées pédagogique...

    54,97 €

  • Difficultés de compréhension et d’utilisation des nombres rationnels
    Jaildo Assis
    Il s’agit d’étudier comment nous pouvons contribuer à minimiser les innombrables situations qui interfèrent avec le développement des activités fractionnaires dans l’éducation des jeunes et des adultes (EJA), et de rechercher le développement de stratégies de travail avec des outils qui peuvent agir en permettant aux étudiants de l’EJA de se sentir plus à l’aise avec les nombre...

    55,04 €

    Claude Rouquette
    Als Ergänzung zu den vier Bänden der naturalistischen Suite war dieser Essay über niedrige biologische Energien notwendig, um die Übergänge zwischen Quantenmechanik und statistischer Physik zu erforschen, die in den Einheiten der Integrationsebene des Lebendigen, den Proteinen, der Zelle und dem Tier, am Werk sind. Der Marinehistoriker und Naturforscher Claude ROUQUETTE, der di...

    120,80 €

  • Incidence de la technologie en tant qu’outil pédagogique
    Jacqueline Suárez Herrera / Leonardo Conde Suárez / Práxedes Maribel Mora Plúas
    Les technologies ont révolutionné l’éducation, transformant notre façon d’apprendre et d’enseigner, ce qui nous permet d’explorer leur impact sur les différents niveaux de concrétisation des programmes d’études, au niveau macro-curriculaire : les objectifs généraux, les compétences à développer et les critères d’évaluation sont établis à un niveau global, en intégrant les techn...

    60,13 €

  • Secure signal transmission
    Hadda Ouguissi
    Voice communication is closely linked to everyday life, such as education, e-learning, commerce, politics and the dissemination of information. To maintain security, sensitive data must be protected during transmission. Chaotic systems have become good candidates for cryptography to increase the degree of security. In this book, we focus on the design of a high-security voice c...

    60,13 €

  • Changer de méthodologie pour un meilleur apprentissage des mathématiques
    Teresa Lurdes Miguel Monjane
    Cette recherche vise à analyser le potentiel de la connexion entre la modélisation mathématique et le constructivisme et sa contribution en tant que méthodologie dans les pratiques pédagogiques en classe dans le processus d’enseignement et d’apprentissage dans l’enseignement secondaire général (1er cycle) à l’école secondaire de Matola. Cette étude est née de la prise de consci...

    55,04 €

  • Conformal Maps and Geometry
    Dmitry Beliaev
    Geometric function theory is one of the most interesting parts of complex analysis, an area that has become increasingly relevant as a key feature in the theory of Schramm-Loewner evolution.Though Riemann mapping theorem is frequently explored, there are few texts that discuss general theory of univalent maps, conformal invariants, and Loewner evolution. This textbook provides ...

    70,24 €

  • Problems and Solutions in Mathematical Olympiad
    YI-YANG SHE ZUN SHAN / Zun Shan / Yi-Yang Sh
    The series is edited by the head coaches of China’s IMO National Team. Each volume, catering to different grades, is contributed by the senior coaches of the IMO National Team. The Chinese edition has won the award of Top 50 Most Influential Educational Brands in China.The series is created in line with the mathematics cognition and intellectual development levels of the studen...

    117,47 €

  • Demografia Estatística Dos Eventos Vitais
    Neir Antunes Paes
    Devido à ausência de literatura demográfica atualizada em português e voltada para a academia, este livro é dirigido aos estudantes de graduação das áreas afins e introduz ao estudo da demografia e da epidemiologia envolvendo os eventos vitais. Mesmo para aqueles com um conhecimento mais avançado em demografia, encontrarão motivação em alguns dos tópicos tratados neste livro.O ...

    30,09 €

  • Mathématiques et philosophie
    Mina Kumari
    'Mathématiques et philosophie : Exploring the Deep Connections' plonge dans les domaines inextricablement liés de la pensée abstraite, en retraçant l’évolution historique des concepts clés des mathématiques et de la philosophie. Des civilisations anciennes aux frontières modernes, ce livre met en lumière des idées profondes sur la réalité, la beauté et la compréhension humaine....

    61,63 €

  • Matematica della musica
    Mina Kumari
    Matematica della musica: armonia, ritmo e melodia in numeri' è un’avvincente esplorazione dell’intricata relazione tra matematica e musica. Dalla fisica del suono alla geometria del ritmo e al calcolo della melodia, il libro approfondisce i principi matematici che sono alla base dell’arte e della scienza della musica. Attraverso prospettive interdisciplinari, evidenzia il ruolo...

    61,63 €

  • Matemática da Música
    Mina Kumari
    Mathematics of Music: Harmony, Rhythm, and Melody in Numbers' é uma exploração cativante da intrincada relação entre a matemática e a música. Desde a física do som até à geometria do ritmo e ao cálculo da melodia, o livro aprofunda os princípios matemáticos que estão na base da arte e da ciência da música. Através de perspectivas interdisciplinares, destaca o papel da matemátic...

    61,63 €