Catálogo de libros: Matemáticas

9539 Catálogo de libros: Matemáticas

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  • Ciphers and Shields
    Mina Kumari
    'Ciphers and Shields: A Voyage into Cryptography and Information Security' provides a comprehensive exploration of cryptography’s evolution, principles, and applications in safeguarding digital communications and data. From ancient ciphers to quantum-resistant cryptography, the book covers foundational concepts, modern techniques, and emerging trends, highlighting the critical ...

    60,20 €

  • Математическое моделирование задач теории фильтрации нелинейных флюидов
    Ш. Каюмов
    Монография посвящена изучению новых одномерных, двумерных, трехмерных математических моделей задач теории фильтрации вязкопластических флюидов, при различных законах движения: задачи движения флюидов подчиняющихся обычному закону Дарси, а так же обобщённому закону Дарси. Рассмотрены модели, соответствующие полигональному закону, кусочно-линейному закону, закону с начальным град...

    109,79 €

  • Démission du discours mathématique des enseignants à l’école
    Jorge Antonio Astudillo Ugalde
    Le problème de la recherche est de montrer comment la géométrie 3D, en particulier le calcul du volume, a été négligée et transformée en un calcul arithmétique ou algébrique profond et décontextualisé. Plus précisément, les notions les plus intuitives du concept, telles que les représentations 3D, la forme, la taille et la perspective, ne sont pas connues, et l’évolution de ce ...

    85,84 €

  • Dimissioni del discorso matematico scolastico degli insegnanti
    Jorge Antonio Astudillo Ugalde
    Il problema della ricerca è mostrare come la geometria 3D, in particolare il calcolo del volume, sia stata trascurata e trasformata in un profondo calcolo aritmetico o algebrico decontestualizzato. In particolare, non si conoscono le nozioni più intuitive del concetto, come le rappresentazioni 3D, la forma, la dimensione e la prospettiva, e non si considera l’evoluzione di ques...

    85,78 €

  • Resignation von Lehrern im schulmathematischen Diskurs
    Jorge Antonio Astudillo Ugalde
    Das Problem der Forschung besteht darin, zu zeigen, wie die 3D-Geometrie, insbesondere die Berechnung des Volumens, übersehen und in eine tiefgründige arithmetische oder algebraische Berechnung umgewandelt wurde, die aus dem Kontext gerissen ist. Insbesondere sind die intuitivsten Begriffe des Konzepts, wie 3D-Darstellungen, Form, Größe und Perspektive, nicht bekannt, und die E...

    85,84 €

  • A ressignificação do discurso matemático escolar dos professores
    Jorge Antonio Astudillo Ugalde
    O problema da investigação é mostrar como a geometria 3D, em particular o cálculo do volume, foi negligenciada e transformada num cálculo aritmético ou algébrico profundo e descontextualizado. Concretamente, as noções mais intuitivas do conceito, como as representações tridimensionais, a forma, o tamanho e a perspetiva, não são conhecidas e a evolução deste tema ao longo da his...

    85,78 €

  • Отставка школьного математического дискурса учителей
    Хо Астудильо Угальде
    Задача исследования - показать, как 3D-геометрия, в частности вычисление объема, была упущена из виду и превращена в глубокое арифметическое или алгебраическое вычисление, лишенное контекста. В частности, не известны наиболее интуитивные понятия этой концепции, такие как 3D-представления, форма, размер и перспектива, и не рассматривается эволюция этой темы на протяжении истории...

    85,81 €

  • Lineare Algebra für die Lehrtätigkeit
    Marco Antonio González Morales
    Das Hauptziel dieses Materials ist es, eine freundliche und verdauliche Erzählung für all jene Kollegen bereitzustellen, die in die wunderbare und bereichernde Lehrtätigkeit einsteigen, indem sie Themen im Zusammenhang mit der Linearen Algebra für den Bereich der Ingenieurwissenschaften unterrichten, und auch den Studenten zu helfen, die Themen, Konzepte und Methoden der Linear...

    61,44 €

  • Algèbre linéaire pour l’activité d’enseignement
    Marco Antonio González Morales
    L’objectif principal de ce matériel est d’avoir un récit convivial et digeste pour tous les collègues qui débutent dans la merveilleuse et enrichissante carrière d’enseignant, en enseignant des sujets liés à l’algèbre linéaire pour le domaine de l’ingénierie, et aussi d’aider les étudiants à comprendre les sujets, les concepts et les méthodes de l’algèbre linéaire d’une manière...

    61,44 €

  • Algebra lineare per l’attività didattica
    Marco Antonio González Morales
    L’obiettivo principale di questo materiale è quello di avere una narrazione amichevole e digeribile per tutti quei colleghi che si avviano alla meravigliosa e arricchente carriera di insegnante, insegnando materie relative all’Algebra Lineare per l’area dell’ingegneria, e anche per aiutare gli studenti a comprendere gli argomenti, i concetti e i metodi dell’algebra lineare in m...

    61,44 €

  • Линейная алгебра для преподавательской деятельности
    Мар Гонсалес Моралес
    Основная цель этого материала - дать дружелюбное и доступное изложение для всех тех коллег, которые начинают свой путь в замечательной и обогащающей карьере преподавателя, преподавая предметы, связанные с линейной алгеброй для области инженерии, а также помочь студентам понять предметы, концепции и методы линейной алгебры более дружелюбно, на языке, менее насыщенном техническим...

    61,44 €

  • Linear Algebra for the Teaching Activity
    Marco Antonio González Morales
    The main objective of this material is to have a friendly and digestible narrative for all those colleagues who begin in the wonderful and enriching teaching career, teaching topics related to Linear Algebra for the area of engineering and that likewise serves the student to understand in a more friendly way in a less dense language in technical terms, the topics, concepts and ...

    61,44 €

  • Álgebra Linear para a Atividade Docente
    Marco Antonio González Morales
    O principal objetivo deste material é ter uma narrativa amigável e digerível para todos os colegas que se estão a iniciar na maravilhosa e enriquecedora carreira docente, lecionando disciplinas relacionadas com a Álgebra Linear para a área da engenharia, e também ajudar os alunos a compreender os temas, conceitos e métodos da álgebra linear de uma forma mais amigável numa lingu...

    61,44 €

    Our physical world is embedded in a geometric environment. Plane geometry has many amazing wonders beyond those that are briefly touched on in school curriculums. The triangle, one of the basic instruments in geometry, has a plethora of unexpected curiosities. Geometric Gems presents one of the largest collections of triangle curiosities currently available, which the authors d...

    117,33 €

    Our physical world is embedded in a geometric environment. Plane geometry has many amazing wonders beyond those that are briefly touched on in school curriculums. The triangle, one of the basic instruments in geometry, has a plethora of unexpected curiosities. Geometric Gems presents one of the largest collections of triangle curiosities currently available, which the authors d...

    57,20 €

  • Tips on how to succeed in Mathematics
    Augustus Wali
    This book is presented in an easy, simple and understandable manner. The flow of information is arranged in a systematic and logical way with some stories and wise quotes appearing to back up the information.The book contains mathematics study strategies which can be applied effectively by students at all levels in order to succeed in mathematics. It makes suggestions on how to...

    57,56 €

  • Discrete-Valued Time Series
    Christian H. Weiss
    The analysis and modeling of time series has been an active research area for more than 100 years, with the main focus on time series having a continuous range consisting of real numbers or real vectors. It took until the 1980s for the first papers on discrete-valued time series to appear. In the 2000s, a rapid increase in research activity was noted, but only in the last few y...

    79,44 €

  • Évaluation formative pour l’apprentissage des mathématiques
    Bibek Dahal
    Ce livre aide les chercheurs, les enseignants et les étudiants à comprendre l’importance de l’évaluation formative en classe de mathématiques. Le chercheur a analysé de manière critique l’état actuel de l’utilisation de l’évaluation formative en classe de mathématiques. Cette recherche représente l’utilisation de différentes formes d’évaluation formative et de stratégies de ret...

    79,28 €

  • Valutazione formativa per l’apprendimento della matematica
    Bibek Dahal
    Questo libro aiuta ricercatori, insegnanti e studenti a comprendere l’importanza della valutazione formativa in classe. Il ricercatore ha analizzato criticamente lo stato attuale dell’uso della valutazione formativa in classe. Questa ricerca rappresenta l’uso di diverse forme di valutazione formativa e di strategie di feedback nell’apprendimento della matematica nelle scuole pu...

    79,31 €

  • Formative Bewertung für den Mathematikunterricht
    Bibek Dahal
    Dieses Buch hilft Forschern, Lehrern und Schülern, die Bedeutung der formativen Beurteilung im Mathematikunterricht zu verstehen. Der Forscher analysierte kritisch den aktuellen Stand des Einsatzes von formativen Beurteilungen im Mathematikunterricht. Diese Studie stellt den Einsatz verschiedener Formen der formativen Beurteilung und Feedbackstrategien im Mathematikunterricht a...

    79,28 €

  • Avaliação formativa para a aprendizagem da matemática
    Bibek Dahal
    Este livro ajuda investigadores, professores e estudantes a compreender a importância da avaliação formativa na aula de matemática. O investigador analisou criticamente a situação atual da utilização da avaliação formativa na aula de matemática. Esta investigação representa a utilização de diferentes formas de avaliação formativa e de estratégias de feedback na aprendizagem da ...

    79,28 €

  • Формативное оценивание для обучения математике
    Бибек Дахал
    Эта книга поможет исследователям, учителям и студентам понять важность формативного оценивания на уроках математики. Исследователь критически проанализировал текущий статус использования формативного оценивания в классе математики. Данное исследование представляет использование различных форм формативного оценивания и стратегий обратной связи при обучении математике в государст...

    79,27 €

    The purpose of this book is to provide a concise introduction to the mathematical theory of music, opening each chapter to the most recent research. Despite the complexity of some sections, the book can be read by a large audience. Many examples illustrate the concepts introduced. The book is divided into 9 chapters.In the first chapter, we tackle the question of the classifica...

    117,85 €

    Differential Geometry is one of the major branches of current Mathematics, and it is an unavoidable language in modern Physics. The main characters in Differential Geometry are smooth manifolds: a class of geometric objects that locally behave like the standard Euclidean space.The book provides a first introduction to smooth manifolds, aimed at undergraduate students in Mathema...

    120,21 €

    Complex Analytic Geometry is a subject that could be termed, in short, as the study of the sets of common zeros of complex analytic functions. It has a long history and is closely related to many other fields of Mathematics and Sciences, where numerous applications have been found, including a recent one in the Sato hyperfunction theory.This book is concerned with, among others...

    239,28 €

  • La Resolución de Problemas como Herramienta para Facilitar el Transito Numérico-Variacional
    Lenin Alfonso Montes Cabarcas
    Los docentes de matemáticas de las diferentes instituciones educativas tenemos un gran reto, ya que, diariamente encontramos estudiantes con deficiencias en las bases como: las tablas de multiplicar, las leyes de los signos y en especial en la transición de la aritmética al álgebra, es por ello, que a través, de este libro, queremos brindarte estrategias cimentadas en la resol...

    62,21 €

  • Mastering Data Science and Big Data Analytics
    Maxine Chen
    Embark on a transformative journey into the realm of data science and big data analytics with ’Mastering Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Strategies and Tools for Effective Analysis.’ This comprehensive guide unveils essential techniques, strategies, and tools necessary to navigate the vast landscape of big data with confidence and proficiency.From foundational concepts to ...

    16,20 €

  • Montessori Math Counting Book
    Linda M McIntyre
    This Montessori math counting book is for children aged 4 to 8 and aligns with the Montessori philosophy and principles of hands-on, concrete learning experiences. ...

    10,31 €

  • Volatility Estimation
    Mario Dell’Era
    These notes have been written with the precisely purpose of summarizing the more often encountered and implemented volatility estimation techniques, to describe the realized volatility surface and its term structure, for example in developing Option Pricing libraries. The common and accepted assumptions behind the random fashion, that each quoted and traded asset follows, th...

    57,45 €

  • Introduction to Malliavin Calculus
    David Nualart / Eulalia Nualart

    141,38 €