Catálogo de libros: Matemáticas y ciencia

46145 Catálogo de libros: Matemáticas y ciencia

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  • Science and Society in Restoration England
    Michael Hunter

    58,05 €

  • The Principles of Chemical Equilibrium
    Denbigh K. G. / Denbigh KG. / K. G. Denbigh / Kenneth G. Denbigh / Kenneth GDenbigh / KGDenbigh

    129,49 €

  • The Chemical Formulary, Volume 23
    There is hardly a technical library in the world in which the volumes of the Chemical Formulary (Volumes 1-34) do not occupy a prominent place. Chemists both experienced and beginner, continually refer to them. It does not duplicate any of the formulas included in previous volumes, but lists a wide array of modern and salable products from all branches of the chemical industrie...

    121,47 €

  • Races
    Carleton Stevens Coon / Joseph Benjamin Birdsell / Stanley M. Garn / Stanley MGarn

    69,88 €

  • Polymer Surfaces
    B. W. Cherry / BWCherry

    53,44 €

  • Contemporary Animal Learning Theory
    Anthony Dickinson

    45,99 €

  • Motivated Mathematics
    A. Evyatar / AEvyatar / P. Rosenbloom / PRosenbloom

    46,78 €

  • From Natural History to the History of Nature
    This scholarly and conscientious book makes an important . . . contribution to the study and interpretation of Buffon, and so, too, to the Enlightenment generally. What Lyon and Sloan have done is present English texts under four headings, so that we have successively: a selection from Buffon’s writings prior to the first (1749) volumes of his Histoire naturelle; pieces from th...

    179,49 €

  • From Natural History to the History of Nature
    This scholarly and conscientious book makes an important . . . contribution to the study and interpretation of Buffon, and so, too, to the Enlightenment generally. What Lyon and Sloan have done is present English texts under four headings, so that we have successively: a selection from Buffon’s writings prior to the first (1749) volumes of his Histoire naturelle; pieces from th...

    56,73 €

  • Notes in Banach Spaces
    These lectures in functional analysis cover several aspects of Banach spaces, a conceptualization of complete normed linear spaces developed by Stefan Banach in 1932, and include a number of topics which had never before been treated in expository form. They were presented as a part of the University of Texas Mathematics Department Seminars in Analysis series in 1977-1979. ...

    77,03 €

  • Teaching and Learning about Science and Society
    J. M. Ziman / JMZiman / John M. Ziman / John MZiman / John Ziman

    156,53 €

  • The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe
    P J E Peebles / P. J. E. Peebles / Phillip James Edwin Peebles / PJEPeebles
    From the Nobel Prize-winning physicistOpinions on the large-scale structure of the early universe range widely from primeval chaos to a well-ordered mass distribution. P. J. E. Peebles argues that the evolution proceeded from a nearly uniform initial state to a progressively more irregular and clumpy universe. The discussion centers on the largest known structures, the clusters...

    136,52 €

  • Recursion Theory, Its Generalisations and Applications

    99,53 €

  • Coastal Lagoons
    R. S. K. Barnes / RSKBarnes

    49,96 €

  • The Hammett Equation
    C. D. Johnson / CDJohnson / Eric Ed Johnson / Eric Ed. Johnson / Eric EdJohnson

    110,96 €

  • The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann
    Herman H. Goldstine / Herman HGoldstine
    In 1942, Lt. Herman H. Goldstine, a former mathematics professor, was stationed at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania. It was there that he assisted in the creation of the ENIAC, the first electronic digital computer. The ENIAC was operational in 1945, but plans for a new computer were already underway. The principal source of ideas for...

    110,46 €

  • Reproduction in Mammals

    58,29 €

  • Mathematics, Science and Epistemology
    Imre Lakatos

    39,40 €

  • The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes
    Imre Lakatos

    39,55 €

  • Reproduction in Mammals

    175,00 €

  • A Guidebook to Biochemistry
    Michael Yudkin / Robin Offord

    76,39 €

  • The Solid-Liquid Interface
    D. P. Woodruff / David Phillip Woodruff / DPWoodruff

    63,20 €

  • Atomic Structure
    E. U. Condon / Edward Uhler Condon / EUCondon / Halis Odabasi

    103,79 €

  • A Theory of Universals
    D. M. Armstrong / David Malet Armstrong / DMArmstrong

    36,11 €

  • Nominalism and Realism
    D. M. Armstrong / DMArmstrong

    30,10 €

  • General Relativity; an Einstein Centenary Survey Part 2

    96,43 €

  • A Short History of Biology
    Jay Luvaas

    95,74 €

  • Sunlight to Electricity
    Joseph A. Merrigan / Joseph AMerrigan

    29,19 €

  • Richard Brauer
    Richard Brauer

    76,64 €

  • Affine Sets and Affine Groups
    D. G. Northcott / DGNorthcott

    33,25 €