Catálogo de libros: Veterinaria

1733 Catálogo de libros: Veterinaria

  • Taenia solium Cysticercosis in Swine in Kathmandu Valley,Nepal
    Anita Ale
    Taenia solium cysticercosis is one of the major zoonotic diseases in Nepal.A cross sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Taenia spp.cysticercosis in swine.A total of 297 serum samples of pigs from three districts of the Kathmandu Valley namely Kathmandu,Lalitpur and Bhaktapur were examined for the presence of T.solium cysticercosis.Thus obtained serum sam...

    74,82 €

  • Salmonella in food items and personnel in Addis Ababa supermarkets
    Endrias Gebremedhin
    This book contains information about cross-sectional study on Salmonella from food items and personnel from Addis Ababa supermarkets. Supermarket food items that included chicken carcass, minced beef, mutton, pork, cottage cheese, fish and ice cream as well as stool samples from personnel working around these foods were analyzed for Salmonella. Serotyping, phage typing and anti...

    92,15 €

  • Pathological Effects of lead intoxication in Japanese Quails
    Muhammad Shahzad / Sajid Umar Khan / Wajid Umar Khan
    Lead (Pb) is an environmental pollutant,especially due to its anthropogenic activity.The present study aimed to investigate some of the toxic effects of lead exposure in quails and its amelioration through vitamin E supplementation. A total number of 420, day old chicks of Japanese quail were assigned seven dietary treatments.. Control group received only basal diet without any...

    76,07 €

  • Evaluation of Quality of Frozen Semen of Cattle
    Bikash Malla
    In Nepal, the demand for the milk and milk products is increasing. So, to meet this demand, there is increasing demand of high yielding breeds of dairy cattle. This demand was fulfilled to some extent by the introduction of Artificial Insemination (AI). Although, AI has been increasingly practiced in Nepal, the success rate of conception is generally below 50%. Though there mi...

    75,87 €

  • Epidemiology of enteric and blood protozoa of Pakistan
    Tauseef-ur- Rehman
    Livestock plays an important role in the economy of Pakistan. Livestock sector contributed approximately 51.8 percent of the agriculture value added and 11.3 percent to national GDP during 2008-09. Animal diseases continue to constrain livestock productivity, agricultural development, human well-being and poverty alleviation in many regions of the developing world. Veterinary p...

    76,65 €

  • Helminths and Antihelminthic Resistance of Small Ruminants in Ethiopia
    Ahmed Yasine Ebrahim
    Helminths infection of animals causes significant loss in live stock production and productivity. Chemical and non chemical methods are commonly used to control helminths of which chemotherapy by anthelmintics is the most widely used. How ever anthelmintic use is constrained by wide spread development of anthelmintic resistance. In this paper attempts were made to indicate cont...

    74,63 €

  • Cell Proliferative Markers in Canine Tumours
    Manjunatha Reddy G.B.
    The Cancer is a life threatening ailment and has a reputation of being a silent killer. Neoplasms gained much importance in pet animals owing to the love and increased awareness among the people towards animal sufferings and pain. The diagnosis and management of neoplasms is one of the major challenges before veterinarians. The present manuscript describes the histopathological...

    76,13 €

  • An Introduction to Animal Behaviour
    Aubrey Manning / Marian Stamp Dawkins

    101,43 €

  • Epigenetic Programming of Stress Response in Avian Model
    Abdoreza Soleimani Farjam
    Epigenetic adaptation has been defined as a lifelong adaptation that occurs during prenatal or early postnatal ontogeny, takes place within critical developmental phases that affect gene expression. The molecular basis of epigenetics is complex. It involves modifications of the activation of certain genes, but not the basic structure of DNA. Additionally, the chromatin proteins...

    92,24 €

  • Gastro-intestinal Helminth Parasites in Dogs of Kathmandu Valley
    Nabaraj Shrestha
    This is a work of B.V. Sc & A. H. which encompass the gastro-intestinal helminth parasites of dogs. It gives brief note on morphology, epidemiology, clinical signs and symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment. This dissertation comprises the parasites of dogs that are evident in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal with the clear images of eggs of parasites. Besides, it contains me...

    76,13 €

  • Mange Infestation in Canines of Kathmandu Valley
    Yugal Raj Bindari
    This book provides the description of prevailing mange infestation and their treatment regimen in canines of Kathmandu valley, Nepal. Besides, it comprises the circumstantial description of etiology, pathogenesis, clinical findings, diagnosis and treatment of mange affecting dogs. Furthermore, this book contains conclusions and suggestions which will help the canine practitione...

    76,00 €

  • Blood Parasites
    Suyog Subedi / Tara Nath Gaire
    Investigation on the prevalence of blood-parasites in the hyperthermic pet dogs of Kathmandu Valley was carried out from September 2009 to December 2009. A total of 50 blood samples were collected from different clinics and hospitals of Kathmandu Valley and tested for blood parasites. The RBC, WBC, PCV, Hb, DLC of each sample were also assessed and analyzed. Data was analyzed t...

    76,19 €

  • Bovine Tuberculosis In DOTS Implemented Area of Nepal
    Suyog Subedi / Tara Nath Gaire
    Mycobacterium bovis is significant Zoonoses that can spread through aerosols and by ingestion of raw milk. Research was conducted to find out the cases of bovine tuberculosis in 50 animals reared by 25 tuberculosis (TB) infected persons that are getting the Directly Observation Treatment for Shorts coarse (DOTS) at Kavre District of Nepal. The intradermal cervical tuberculin...

    75,33 €

  • Rektal- und Oberflächentemperatur von C57Bl/6-Mäusen
    Yvonne Kosanke
    Eine perioperative Hypothermie durch anästhetikabedingte Inhibition der Thermoregulation oder unzureichende Wärmezufuhr kann für Mäuse gefährliche Folgen haben und intra- sowie postoperativ zu tödlichen Komplikationen führen. Gerade im Bereich der Forschung ist die Maus ein sehr häufig eingesetztes Versuchtier. Um Verluste sowie Leid der Tiere zu vermeiden, ist es Forschern ein...

    100,14 €

  • Molecular Characterization of Brucella Mellitensis omp31 Gene
    Habtamu Tassew / Kuldeep Damma / Rajesh Rathore
    This Book describes the studies of field isolated Brucella melitensis, B.abortus in comparison with reference and vaccine strains. General bacteriological and serological examinations were used to isolate the organism from small ruminants (B. melitensis) and bovine species (B. abortus). omp31,omp2a and IS711 genes have been used as a target gene for PCR amplification to identif...

    92,24 €

  • Equine Trypanosomosis in hilly regions of North India
    Randhir Singh / S.K. Gupta / S.KGupta / S.R. Upadhyay / S.RUpadhyay
    Trypanosomosis is one of the most prevalent haemoprotozoan disease of livestock widely distributed in tropical and subtropical countries including India during and immediately after rainy season, but it is also prevalent year around depending on agro-climatic conditions and immune status of animals. This text book describes the sero-prevalence, clinical findings, hematobiochem...

    76,64 €

  • Cryopreservation of buffalo semen for enhancing fertility
    Adesh Kumar / Atul Kumar Verma / P. Perumal / PPerumal
    Buffalo ((Bubalus bubalis)is the most common milch animal reared after cattle in the world Buffalo has unique ability to utilize coarse feed straw and crop residue and convert them into protein and fat rich lean meat. Today, in buffalo rearing countries, buffalo is recognizing as farmers milk machine. The reproductive performance of buffalo bulls is not good as compared to the ...

    76,67 €

  • Mineral status of crossbred cattle during pregnancy & early lactation
    Philomina P.T. / Ramnath V. / Shibu. K. Jacob / ShibuKJacob
    The text gives a concise account of the assessment of mineral status of crossbred cattle in Kerala, India.The parameters estimated comprise of serum profile of certain macro and microelements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc and haematological parameters like red blood cells count, haemoglobin content, volume of packed red cells and ...

    74,69 €

  • Pestivirus en pequeños rumiantes de Chile
    Isabel Aguirre G. / Jorge Luis Beamín G. / María Orfelia Celedón Venegas
    El virus diarrea viral bovina (VDVB) es un pestivirus que afecta a animales pertenecientes al orden Artiodactyla, produciendo grandes pérdidas económicas en el ganado. En Chile, el ganado que habita la zona central y sur del país está infectado. En el extremo norte del país, se ubica el altiplano,lugar donde se encuentra, en su ambiente natural, sobre el 80% de los camélidos su...

    40,98 €

  • Cría de vaquillas de reemplazo en sistemas de leche en pequeña escala
    Anastacio García Martínez / Benito Albarrán P.
    La lechería en pequeña escala, predomina en la zona central de México. Se caracteriza por pequeñas unidades que fluctúan entre tres y treinta vacas, mano de obra familiar, aprovechamiento eficientemente de pajas de avena y trigo, rastrojo de maíz, sorgo, pastos y praderas nativas, construcciones rústicas, la leche producida se vende a intermediarios, queseros locales o directam...

    55,80 €

  • Control biológico de nematodos parásitos mediante hongos nematófagos
    Carlos Saumell / Luis Fusé / María Federica Sagüés
    El control biológico es la utilización de seres vivos antagonistas naturales de organismos perjudiciales. Entre los enemigos naturales de las larvas de nematodos gastrointestinales, se encuentra el hongo Duddingtonia flagrans. Este hongo logra reducir el número de larvas de nematodos en materia fecal y sus esporas de resistencia (clamidosporas)(CL) consiguen atravesar el tracto...

    55,75 €

  • Societies of Wolves and Free-ranging Dogs
    Stephen Spotte

    49,82 €

  • Societies of Wolves and Free-ranging Dogs
    Stephen Spotte

    155,46 €

  • Library & Information
    U. S. & Jange Suresh Jadhav / US& Jange Suresh Jadhav
    Vision of a digitized world, every library has rich stores of primary, secondary and tertiary sources of information including Internet resources, online databases, manuscripts, photographs and sound recordings. New technologies are also changing the services that libraries provide like virtual reference, user instruction, document delivery, consortia e-resources, self-checkin/...

    89,40 €

  • Whompastoodles & Stilt Legged Water Birds
    Shawna Bais Rn DVM
    Are you wondering what a Whompastoodle or a Stilt Legged Water Bird could be? Whompastoodles & Stilt Legged Water Birds is a heartwarming and funny collection of stories from a country veterinarian featuring a snake with pneumonia, a dog hit by a train, and a puppy that swallowed a hair comb, plus you will learn the mystery of the Whompastoodles and Stilt Legged Water Birds. Y...

    12,20 €

  • Save Them All
    Allan B. Fredrickson
    Allan Fredrickson grew up in Southwestern Manitoba, Canada and attended the college of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota. Upon graduation he accepted an associate position in a mixed animal, full service veterinary hospital in Mount Vernon, Washington. He has four grown children and lives with his wife Barbara in Mount Vernon. When Dr. Friedson approached the h...

    14,94 €

  • And While You’re Here
    Andrew Edney
    This work covers his early life as an evacuee during World War II, to National Service in the RAF, student days, work in general practice and beyond. There are many dramatic, amusing and revealing episodes in his life which are coveredThe books title will resonate with all who do visits, be it a house call or a task on a farm. A classic `while you’re here` episode is describe...

    17,97 €

  • Vogelgrippe. Was u.a. Horst Seehofer dazu sagt
    Michael Hochstein
    Wie wurde und wird das Thema 'Vogelgrippe' in der deutschen Politik diskutiert? Der vorliegende Quellenband enthält die Protokolle der im Deutschen Bundestag zur Thematik gehaltenen ungekürzten Reden ab 2003 (15. Legislaturperiode). Diese parteiübergreifende Dokumentation ermöglicht dem Leser einen direkten Blick auf die parlamentarische Debatte zum Thema 'Vogelgrippe' und die ...

    55,74 €

  • Handbook of Veterinary Obstetrics & Infertility in Farm Animals
    Umesh Kumbhar
    This Handbook Has Been Written With View To Assist The Veterinarians, Students And Animal Health Professionals In Diagnosis, Treatment And Preventions Of Veterinary Obstetrics And Infertility In Farm Animals. The Section First Contains Practical Approch Towords Various Obstetrical Conditions Encountered By Veterinarians While Workining In Animals Health Industries Along With So...

    76,32 €

  • Tales of an African Vet
    Roy Aronson
    The heart-wrenching and adventure-filled stories of a South African wild animal vet and his colleagues When do you watch a wild animal suffer and let nature take its course, and when do you intervene? In his more than twenty-five years as an African vet, Dr. Roy Aronson has seen and done some remarkable things. He has tracked lions and cheetahs, anesthetized rhinoceroses and ki...

    12,69 €