Catálogo de libros: Medicina complementaria

1434 Catálogo de libros: Medicina complementaria

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  • Las hierbas medicinales de mayor eficacia
    Bernardo Ticli
    Cómo curarse sin medicamentos, utilizando sólo recetas de gran eficacia basadas en diversas plantas y hierbas diferentes para cada problemaCurar el cansancio, la acidez de estómago, el acné, la ansiedad, la artrosis, la bronquitis, la hipertensión, el exceso de peso, el colesterol, los cólicos, los dolores de todo tipo y muchos otros problemasTodas las plantas útiles, desde el ...

    22,83 €

  • Alternative Medizin im Licht der Sunna und des Heiligen Korans
    Walaa Fikry
    Die traditionelle Medizin hat eine große Wirkung bei der Heilung verschiedener Krankheiten. Wo die Welt seit der Antike auf die Verwendung von krautigen Pflanzen zur Behandlung zurückgegriffen hat, weil sie sich durch ihren Überfluss, ihre Billigkeit und ihre geringen Nebenwirkungen im Vergleich zu chemischen Verbindungen auszeichnet.Und die jüngste wissenschaftliche Forschung ...

    38,24 €

  • La medicina alternativa a la luz de la Sunnah y el Sagrado Corán
    Walaa Fikry
    La medicina tradicional tiene un gran efecto en la curación de varias enfermedades. Donde el mundo ha recurrido, desde tiempos antiguos, al uso de plantas herbáceas en el tratamiento, porque se caracteriza por su abundancia, baratura y pocos efectos secundarios en comparación con los compuestos químicos.Y recientes investigaciones científicas han demostrado, a partir de los mil...

    38,18 €

  • La médecine alternative à la lumière de la Sunna et du Saint Coran
    Walaa Fikry
    La médecine traditionnelle a un effet majeur dans la guérison de diverses maladies. Où le monde a eu recours, depuis l’Antiquité, à l’utilisation de plantes herbacées dans le traitement, car elle se caractérise par son abondance, son bon marché et ses faibles effets secondaires par rapport aux composés chimiques.Et des recherches scientifiques récentes ont prouvé les miracles q...

    38,18 €

  • Medicina alternativa alla luce della Sunnah e del Sacro Corano
    Walaa Fikry
    La medicina tradizionale ha un effetto importante nella cura di varie malattie. Dove il mondo ha fatto ricorso, fin dall’antichità, all’uso di piante erbacee nella cura, perché si caratterizza per la sua abbondanza, l’economicità e i pochi effetti collaterali rispetto ai composti chimici.E recenti ricerche scientifiche hanno dimostrato dai miracoli che il Sacro Corano ha portat...

    38,12 €

  • Alternatieve geneeskunde
    Walaa Fikry
    De traditionele geneeskunde heeft een groot effect op de genezing van verschillende ziekten. Waar de wereld sinds de oudheid zijn toevlucht heeft genomen tot het gebruik van kruidachtige planten in de behandeling, omdat het wordt gekenmerkt door zijn overvloed, goedkoopheid, en weinig bijwerkingen in vergelijking met chemische verbindingen.En recent wetenschappelijk onderzoek h...

    38,18 €

  • Medycyna alternatywna w świetle Słońca i Świętego Koranu
    Walaa Fikry
    Tradycyjna medycyna ma duży wpływ na leczenie różnych chorób. Gdzie świat uciekał się, od czasów starożytnych, do korzystania z roślin zielnych w leczeniu, ponieważ charakteryzuje się obfitością, taniość i niewiele skutków ubocznych w porównaniu do związków chemicznych.A ostatnie badania naukowe dowiodły z cudów, które przyniósł Święty Koran. Święty Koran dał jasno do zrozumien...

    38,18 €

  • A medicina alternativa à luz do Sunnah e do Alcorão Sagrado
    Walaa Fikry
    A medicina tradicional tem um grande efeito na cura de várias doenças. Onde o mundo tem recorrido, desde os tempos antigos, ao uso de plantas herbáceas no tratamento, porque se caracteriza pela sua abundância, barateza e poucos efeitos secundários em comparação com os compostos químicos.E pesquisas científicas recentes provaram a partir dos milagres que o Sagrado Alcorão trouxe...

    38,18 €

  • Альтернативная медицина в свете Сунны и Священного Корана
    Walaa Fikry
    Традиционная медицина имеет большой эффект в лечении различных заболеваний. Там, где мир с древних времен прибегает к использованию травянистых растений в лечении, потому что она характеризуется обилием, дешевизной и малым количеством побочных эффектов по сравнению с химическими соединениями.И последние научные исследования доказали чудеса, которые принес Священный Коран. Свяще...

    38,18 €

    Brian H May / BRIAN H MAY & YIHONG LIU / Yihong Liu
    This seventeenth volume of the Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine series aims to provide a multi-faceted 'whole evidence' analysis of the management of Colorectal Cancer in integrative Chinese medicine.Beginning with overviews of how colorectal cancer is conceptualised and managed in both conventional medicine and contemporary Chinese medicine, the authors then provide de...

    73,15 €

  • Organ Orgasms
    Robert Ian Rollwagen
    Conscious blood flow (CBF) is about enhancing our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing through the pleasurable and mindful exercising of your body’s internal arteries and organs. This is brought about by becoming attuned to your natural abilities to just 'be' and by learning to sense your interior body, and then being able to consciously direct and control the flow of your...

    105,07 €

  • Organ Orgasms
    Robert Ian Rollwagen
    Conscious blood flow (CBF) is about enhancing our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing through the pleasurable and mindful exercising of your body’s internal arteries and organs. This is brought about by becoming attuned to your natural abilities to just 'be' and by learning to sense your interior body, and then being able to consciously direct and control the flow of your...

    97,04 €

  • Osteoarthritis i zarządzanie przez Ayurvedę
    Bishnu Prasad Sarma
    Choroba zwyrodnieniowa stawów (osteoarthritis - OA) lub choroba zwyrodnieniowa stawów, jest konsekwencją niewydolności chrząstki stawowej wywołanej wieloczynnikową etiologią. Dotyczy ona głównie późnego wieku średniego i osób starszych. Choroba zwyrodnieniowa stawów jest obecnie jedną z wiodących chorób przewlekłych na świecie. Jest ona uznanym problemem zdrowotnym powodującym ...

    94,79 €

  • Innerlijke beelden in zelfhelende processen
    Gabriele Pröll
    In dit boek worden innerlijke beelden in het zelfgenezingsproces van vrouwen ter discussie gesteld. Dit zijn vrouwen met onderbuikklachten die gebruik hebben gemaakt van een zelfgenezend consult via de Wildwuchs® methode. Deze methode maakt het mogelijk om zeer persoonlijke zelfhulpstappen te ontwikkelen met behulp van innerlijke beelden. Het theoretische deel van het werk omva...

    117,55 €

  • The Burned-Out Healer
    Jacquie Balogh
    This book addresses the burnout many energy workers, spiritual healers, and health care professionals experience—and provides the roadmap for healers to help themselves and become congruent with healing others.Balogh provides guidance and encouragement while showing healers the way out from under “energy vampires” toward spiritual and physical harmony. This book also offers val...

    12,63 €

  • Osteoartritis en het is Beheer door Ayurveda
    Bishnu Prasad Sarma
    Osteoartritis (OA) of degeneratieve gewrichtsziekte, resultaten als gevolg van gewrichtskraakbeenfalen geïnduceerd door multifactoriële etiologie. Het treft vooral de late middelbare leeftijd en de ouderen. Momenteel is artrose een van de belangrijkste chronische ziekten ter wereld. Het is een erkend gezondheidsprobleem dat een hoge mate van immobiliteit en invaliditeit veroorz...

    96,08 €

  • Stephen Brooks and the Art of Compassionate Ericksonian Hypnotherapy
    Jos van Boxtel
    'Wow, if it’s possible to condense the evolution of psychotherapy over this century and Milton H. Erickson’s legacy with clarity, simplicity and compassion, Stephen Brooks and The Art of Compassionate Ericksonian Hypnotherapy surely sets the highest standard.' Dr Ernest Rossi - author with Milton H. Erickson of the Collected Papers of Milton H. Erickson.In Stephen Brooks and th...

    24,50 €

  • Ethiopian Herbal Drugs for Hepatic Disorders
    Abrham Belachew
    More than 7200 species of plants, 12-19% of they are endemic, are reported in Ethiopia. Nearly 80% of its people used such plants for various health ailments, including hepatic disorders. Hence, this review examined the use patterns of traditional medicinal plants utilized for hepatic disorders in Ethiopia for further studies. Ethnobotanical and related studies were reviewed us...

    80,59 €

  • What happens to human bodies during sexual response?
    Kartheek Balapala
    The sexual response cycle is sequence of physical and emotional changes that occur as a person becomes sexually aroused and participates in sexually stimulating activities, including intercourse and masturbation. By knowing how your body responds during each phase of the cycle can maximize your relationship and help you pinpoint the cause of any sexual problems.The sexual respo...

    79,31 €

  • Use of Complementary and Alternative Medical Methods in Turkey
    Ebru Yalçın
    This book examines the background of the growing interest of users and practitioners in complementary and alternative medicine. The aim is not to answer the question of how many people use which method and to what extent, but to reveal the reasons and behavioral patterns behind this trend. The book includes a wide range of personal experiences and views of individuals and healt...

    89,65 €

  • Hypnosis
    Michael Robbins Blair
    In this introduction I’ll say this : I’ve seen a lot of repeating patterns happening in the world of influence and persuasion. People who are more influential and persuasive seem to acquire greater material riches in life.I used to think that some people simply possessed qualities and attributes which made them this way. In other words, some people were destined for success whi...

    16,02 €

  • Hypnosis
    John Elman
    This is 'cutting edge' material! It is absolutely essential for the sincere student and practicing professional as well.If you want to persuade someone, change their mind, make them do something, and so on, you might want to start with chapter one of this book and keep reading until you are finished. I’ve done my best to simplify each of these lessons. I had hoped to write this...

    16,00 €

  • Hypnosis
    Roy H. Erickson
    This book encompasses hypnosis, psychoanalysis, dream interpretation, word association, regression and interview analysis techniques that are years ahead of any other type of therapy ever created.Ever wonder why some people are smart and others not? The perception of intelligence is what truly matters sometimes. Some people will benefit from the impression they make on others, ...

    15,95 €

  • Hypnosis
    Karen Newton
    It is a 'one of a kind' book that has never been available before. It involves working with more than twenty thousand subjects over a forty year period and gives actual case histories involving the techniques that are taught within.Scientific, controlled clinical studies have shown that hypnosis can have a significant, reliable impact on pain, both acute and chronic. Hypnosis h...

    15,96 €

  • Hypnosis
    Steven Wiseman
    In this fantastic resource, you will learn conversational hypnosis and particularly hypnotic language patterns in just one hour.The best part about this hypnotic memorization process is that it is not boring, but in fact fun. A game you might say. It is a game. All you must do is read this book, learn the rules to the game, and you’re just as genius as the next person claiming ...

    15,98 €

  • Hypnosis
    Richard Brown
    Writing hypnotically is the missing ingredient in most people’s writing, I would argue. To exemplify this point think of the worst book you’ve ever read and contrast that to the best book you’ve ever read. What was the primary difference? I’ll tell you. One affected you and left an indelible mark on your psyche, the other was remembered only because it was so horrible and for n...

    15,92 €

  • Hypnosis
    David Rossi
    Includes different types of inductions to suit your personality. Stop bad habits and negative routines from running your life once and for all. Find out why willpower is so weak for all of us. Learn how to communicate with your subconscious and bring about the changes you need to feel great again.Understand the difference between hypnosis and self hypnosis.Learn how to prepare ...

    15,93 €

  • Hypnosis
    William Robertson
    Hypnosis is a simple thing. There is a whole industry trying to camouflage that fact, because... Hypnosis is a simple thing. As Tad James once said, our brain is designed to learn FAST, and if a learning process involves any kind of suffering, it means we do something wrong.You’ll be able to:--Memorize sale presentations, plus rebuttals to objections.--Foreign languages in days...

    15,92 €

  • Culpeper’s Complete Herbal
    Nicholas Culpeper
    “… Truly my own body being sickly, brought me easily into a capacity, to know that health was the greatest of all earthly blessings, and truly he was never sick that doth not believe it.” —Nicholas Culpeper, Epistle to the Reader (1653) Culpeper’s Complete Herbal was originally published in 1652 as The English Physitian, and in 1653 under its more well-known title. It is a prac...

    40,00 €

  • Auriculomedicina renovada y simplificada (Segunda edición)
    André Lentz / Mauricio Vargas
    Auriculomedicina renovada y simplificadaUn libro que ilumina auriculomedicina bajo un nuevo día y la simplifica para hacerla accesible a la mayoría.Un método de examen completo y coherente.Una ayuda a la prescripción del remedio homeopático que no depende más de la subjetividad del paciente.En cualquier caso, tenemos aquí un manual concentrado, exitoso, muy operativo y pragmá...

    46,32 €