Catálogo de libros: Medicina complementaria

1437 Catálogo de libros: Medicina complementaria

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  • Licensed to Kill
    Barbara Every
    Barb Every - Wife, Mother, Grand Mother and Great Grand Mother - with all these years and a host of experiences in observing and helping with all sorts of ailments and finding the old remedies of my mother and grand mother often times worked better than the drugs promoted by traditional doctors that only learn prescriptions and surgery in 8 years of Med. School. I started buyin...

    17,39 €

  • Raising the Dead and Returning Life
    Lorraine Wilcox
    Raising the Dead and Returning Life: Emergency Medicine of the Qīng Dynasty is essentially a first aid manual based on the practices of the common people of Southern China during the mid-nineteenth century. This book discusses first aid for cases that seem hopeless, such as hangings, drowning, poisoning, freezing, lightning strikes and so forth. Besides this, it includes treatm...

    51,25 €


    102,24 €

  • Hypnosis Complications
    Frank JMachovec
    Hypnosis use and abuse, by a licensed psychologist and expert in hypnosis for 30 years, with examples and recommendations to reduce risk. ...

    20,11 €

  • Dr. A. T. Still Founder of Osteopathy
    M. A. Lane / MALane
    This antiquarian volume contains M. A. Lane’s 1918 biography of the founder of osteopathy, Dr. A.T. Still. This detailed and uniquely insightful biography contains an unparalleled amount of information about its subject, and is highly recommended for those with an interest in osteopathy and its development. The chapters of this book include: “T. Still as a Medical Thinker”, “Me...

    33,66 €

  • The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy
    Andrew Taylor Still
    This antiquarian volume contains Andrew Taylor Still’s 1902 treatise, 'The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy'. Within this text, Still explores the principles that differentiate osteopathy from allopathy - and explains how to treat a variety of ailments and diseases. This detailed and accessible book written by the father of osteopathy himself is highly recomme...

    47,13 €

  • Walking with Jesus in Healthcare
    MD Amaryllis Sanchez Wohlever
    They asked each other, 'Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?'Luke 24:32A simple prayer with a patient transformed this doctor’s experience of caring for the sick. What had been good doctor-patient encounters turned into eaningful human interactions where hurts are shared and comfort made real. Aware of Jesus’...

    18,45 €

  • The CAM Coach
    Mark Shields / Simon Martin
    The CAM coach brings together the writing partnership of Mark Shields and Simon Martin. Mark is a Nationally renowned NLP coach and Trainer and Simon a veteran natural health journalist and editor of CAM, the monthly magazine for practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine. Between them they have come up with a host of proven secrets, strategies and evidenced techn...

    44,13 €

  • Medicine in the Qur’an and Sunnah. An Intellectual Reappraisal of the Legacy and Future of Islamic Medicine and its Represent
    Umar Faruk Adamu
    It is the aim of this book while clarifying doubts and misconceptions, to provide a thorough reappraisal of the intellectual and rich cultural heritage of Islam with regards to the principles and practice of medicine and its representation to the world in the language of today. In nine chapters a range of topics are discussed including: The Promotion of Medical Education and He...

    67,14 €

  • Physicians of Myddfai
    Terry Breverton
    About the BookThis is the first new and unexpurgated translation of Meddygon Myddfai, The Physicians of Myddfai, for over 150 years. The original mediaeval manuscripts are unique, being written in Middle Welsh, whereas across England and the rest of Europe, Latin was the universal language for documents. Nicholas Culpeper’s famous 17th century medical handbooks are at least fiv...

    18,63 €

  • Restoration of Matter of Human Being by Concentrating on Number Sequence
    Grigori Grabovoi
    All the methods of restoration of human matter with the help of concentration on number sequences given in this book can be used with preventive and sanitary purposes, for rejuvenation, and in case of necessity, to restore the matter, regardless of the initial data, on the basis of which the matter is restored. When using the described methods in paragraphs 1-9 in the introduct...

    30,71 €

  • Creating a Miracle Child with Yoga
    Veena SGandhi MDFacog
    Exposed to yoga from early childhood, Veena S. Gandhi, M.D has been conducting yoga classes and organizing seminars on yoga and its philosophy for over two decades. A board-certified OB/GYN, Dr. Gandhi has over 40 years of experience in working with pregnant women and in delivering babies. Her knowledge of yoga and medical training from the Eastern and Western hemispheres gives...

    47,29 €

  • Creating a Miracle Child with Yoga
    Veena SGandhi MDFacog
    Exposed to yoga from early childhood, Veena S. Gandhi, M.D has been conducting yoga classes and organizing seminars on yoga and its philosophy for over two decades. A board-certified OB/GYN, Dr. Gandhi has over 40 years of experience in working with pregnant women and in delivering babies. Her knowledge of yoga and medical training from the Eastern and Western hemispheres gives...

    44,03 €

  • Relationshifting
    DrAngela Longo
    Our lives are supposed to be resplendent, radiant, and glorious. Instead, what most of us experience is a life filled with struggle, conflict, and illness. Relationshifting creates a bridge to a new life based upon Dr. Angela Longo’s more than forty years of clinical experience. Dr. Longo offers an overview of the 'eight bottom lines,' which she defines as the eight major ways ...

    41,82 €

  • Relationshifting
    DrAngela Longo
    Our lives are supposed to be resplendent, radiant, and glorious. Instead, what most of us experience is a life filled with struggle, conflict, and illness. Relationshifting creates a bridge to a new life based upon Dr. Angela Longo’s more than forty years of clinical experience. Dr. Longo offers an overview of the 'eight bottom lines,' which she defines as the eight major ways ...

    30,75 €

  • The Secret Medicines of Your Kitchen
    Ellen Evert Hopman
    Your kitchen is a place of ancient secrets and hidden treasures.The herbs, spices, and other foods that you have in your cupboards contain magical healing properties and can be used for basic first aid, or to promote wellbeing.In this practical guide, herbalist, Ellen Evert Hopman, takes you on a profound journey through the secret healing qualities of everyday foods. From appl...

    22,01 €

  • The Beginner’s Guide to Lyme Disease
    Nicola McFadzean Nd
    CNN has reported that the number of Lyme disease cases in the United States has doubled since 1991. Caused by spiral-shaped bacteria known as Borrelia burgdorferi, Lyme disease is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected tick. The disease is also typically accompanied by many related problems, including co-infections by other kinds of microorganisms, hormonal dysfunctio...

    32,10 €

  • Master Gardener’s Medical Cannabis Secrets
    Bodhi Moon
    The first of its kind. This is not a Beginners grow manual! It is designed for the master gardener who wants to refine his techniques and constantly improve. Learn to grow Nor-Cal style and become your own expert. Relevant to both Indoor and Outdoor gardens, and all Medical growers, this book will take you to the next level! You will learn; HOW TO GROW AN OUTDOOR 5 POUND MINIMU...

    52,08 €

  • Master Gardener’s Medical Cannabis Secrets
    Bodhi Moon
    The first of its kind. This is not a Beginners grow manual! It is designed for the master gardener who wants to refine his techniques and constantly improve. Learn to grow Nor-Cal style and become your own expert. Relevant to both Indoor and Outdoor gardens, and all Medical growers, this book will take you to the next level! You will learn; HOW TO GROW AN OUTDOOR 5 POUND MINIMU...

    44,00 €

  • Lyme Disease in Australia
    Nicola McFadzean Nd
    Does Lyme disease really exist in Australia? Could this possibly be the missing link in thousands who are suffering with debilitating chronic health problems, where no other cause can be found? Are Australian doctors unaware of recent studies that show that Lyme disease does in fact exist in Australia, and that their sickest patients may have this disease? These are the questio...

    46,16 €

  • Psychological Cold War
    Ian Dunbar

    16,11 €

  • Your Secret BodyMind Toolkit
    Leah Boyd-Barrett
    Each of us possesses our own SECRET BODYMIND TOOLKIT: it is contained within the natural, accessible wisdom of our own BodyMind, and holds all the 'tools' we could ever need to restore and maintain optimal health. The art and science of Frequency-Testing (an expanded form of kinesiology muscle-testing) offers the ultimate 'tool' for healers and practitioners, either on its own...

    43,23 €

  • Beyond Lyme Disease
    Connie Strasheim
    Connie Strasheim, author of the internationally best-selling 'Insights Into Lyme Disease Treatment,' is back with the market's most cutting-edge new Lyme disease book! Chronic Lyme disease is a quagmire even for the most brilliant of minds. Sometimes, even the best holistic treatment protocols, and the most competent Lyme-literate doctors fail to heal people from this devastat...

    29,79 €

  • Work With Your Doctor To Diagnose and Cure 27 Ailments With Natural and Safe Methods
    Michael D Farley / Ty M Bollinger
    This easy-to-read natural treatment guide could save your life. According to best-selling author Patrick Quillin, 'From documenting the humble origins of the American Medical Association, to documenting the clear advantages in the risk to benefit to cost ratio of natural medicine; these authors have assembled a bullet-proof case in favor of using a new form of medicine to make ...

    39,63 €

  • Wosstanowlenie materii cheloweka chislowimi konzentraziami
    Grigori Grabovoi
    'The Restoration of the Matter of Human Being with the Help of Numerical Concentrations'. (RUSSIAN Edition) Introduction To restore the matter of human being with the numerical concentrations the following methods can be used: 1.To read the number series corresponding to matter being restored, written after the name of matter. 2.To pronounce mentally the numbers of the series c...

    30,71 €

  • El libro de las piedras que curan
    Dr. Wighard Strehlow / DrWighard Strehlow
    Después de más de ocho siglos por fin podemos disfrutar de la sabiduría de Santa Hildegarda de BinguenHace 850 años la medicina vivió un momento totalmente revolucionario, y de una manera totalmente innovadora por una persona con una formación muy básica. Santa Hildegarda, desde luego, fue una mujer totalmente entregada al estudio de muchas dolencias del cuerpo humano en un mom...

    20,00 €

  • Core Health
    Ed Carlson / Livia Kohn
    CORE HEALTH easily and enjoyably reconnects us to our energy system’s pure core of health. Based on an energy-focused worldview, Core Health is congruent with ancient Chinese Cosmology, modern Quantum Physics, and all energy modalities. This process clears away clouds of confusion to expand our pure energy into all aspects of life to live forever joyfully, lovingly, and in opti...

    47,65 €

  • Master Your Storms, Master Your Life
    Teri B. Racey PA MA
    Are you experiencing a challenge related to a health, personal, professional, or relationship issue? In Master Your Storms, Master Your Life, author Teri B. Racey helps you understand and deal with the challenge calmly and effectively through mindful journaling. Racey discusses how mindfulness is a discipline that can assist you in becoming more aware of your current ways of in...

    24,52 €

  • Be What You Want to Be
    Darlene Nelson / Sam Meranto
    Sam’s sessions used at Yale Hospital in Connecticut and Tuscon Medical Center.You can stay young by how you think and what you eat. You can add over 20 years to your life by finding out Sam’s secrets!,/p>Stop Alcohol and DrugsStop Severe DepressionStop Bulimia or Anorexia!Control Blood PressureStop Acid RefluxLose Weight foreverImprove SexStop Severe Pain35 Years of Documented ...

    15,27 €

  • Be What You Want to Be
    Darlene Nelson / Sam Meranto
    Sam’s sessions used at Yale Hospital in Connecticut and Tuscon Medical Center.You can stay young by how you think and what you eat. You can add over 20 years to your life by finding out Sam’s secrets!,/p>Stop Alcohol and DrugsStop Severe DepressionStop Bulimia or Anorexia!Control Blood PressureStop Acid RefluxLose Weight foreverImprove SexStop Severe Pain35 Years of Documented ...

    26,14 €