Catálogo de libros: Medicina complementaria

1437 Catálogo de libros: Medicina complementaria

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  • Humming with Elephants
    Sabine Wilms
    This book is a guide on how to fulfill our most basic human role of harmonizing Heaven and Earth from the perspective of classical Chinese medicine, offering a radically different way of looking at, being in, and interacting with the world from the perspective of ancient Chinese medicine, philosophy, and cosmology. Dr. Wilms combines her elegant literal translations with a wide...

    83,48 €

  • Vitamin Weed
    Michele N. Ross
    A groundbreaking plan to prevent and reverse endocannabinoid deficiency that changes the way we use medical marijuana. Cannabis isn’t just for sick people. You have an endocannabinoid system and it’s running on empty. Just like a vitamin D deficiency can be restored by taking vitamin D pills, an endocannabinoid deficiency can be treated by using cannabis, CBD, or other terpenes...

    17,90 €

    DAN LI MANYUAN WANG LAN Y ZHIQIANG HU / Wenhu Zhang / Yiran Shao / Junxian Yu
    Tu Youyou's Journey in the Search for Artemisinin is an autobiographical science book chronicling in detail the great experiences of Tu Youyou from her childhood to winning the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.As Tu Youyou is the first female scientist from China to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, this win created a sudden wave of interest in medicine, r...

    47,23 €

  • Acupuncture and Infrared Imaging
    Shui Yin Lo
    The Chinese acupuncturists use needles to treat at least one hundred fifty kind diseases with successes for thousands of years on more than one billion people with remarkable success.But it has not been accepted by the main stream Western medicine, and taught in main stream medical school. Probably it is due to two factors: theoretically it has not been explained by modern scie...

    42,92 €

  • Ayurveda Cooking for Beginners
    Laura Plumb
    Bring balance to your body with nourishing Ayurvedic cooking for beginnersThe ancient science of Ayurveda is a powerful system of holistic wellness, and its philosophy of balance is more relevant than ever today since stress is a common cause of disease. This Ayurvedic cookbook is your introduction to practicing the restorative principles of Ayurveda in your own kitchen. It’s p...

    23,96 €

  • Chinese Medicine Liberation- Inner Documennts
    Yaron Seidman DAOM
    Join us for a detailed exploration of Chinese medicine’s transformation during the 20th century in China.Using original materials – letters, articles, books, announcements and official documents – with commentary from the book’s principal author to guide the reader, together we can explore how political and practical pressures influenced Chinese medicine education and clinical ...

    87,02 €

  • Ayurveda Beginner’s Guide
    Susan Weis-Bohlen
    'Susan’s approach to Ayurveda is simplicity itself. In Ayurveda Beginners Guide she has described the complex network of Ayurvedic information in a very practical, straightforward way so that every person can understand the healing modality of Ayurveda.'-Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, Ayurvedic Physician Founder of the Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico, advisor for the National Ayurv...

    23,26 €

  • Secrets of Healer - Magic of Reflexology
    Constance Santego / Dr. Constance Santego
    Discover the fascinating world of reflexology, an alternative medicine practice that goes beyond mere relaxation and pain relief. In 'Secrets of a Healer - The Magic of Reflexology,' you’ll explore the hidden wonders of this ancient healing art and learn why it is considered a powerful assessment tool.Reflexology has been known to alleviate a wide range of medical conditions, i...

    16,72 €

  • An Integral Foundation for Addiction Treatment
    Guy du Plessis
    Currently there is such a cornucopia of conflicting theories in the field of addiction studies that it has become exceedingly difficult for treatment providers, therapists, and policymakers to integrate this vast field of knowledge into effective treatment. Many countries are on the brink of medical and economic crisis from struggling with the excessive burden of addiction trea...

    37,19 €

  • Toxic Home/Conscious Home
    Rob Brown
    In Toxic Home/Conscious Home, Rob Brown, MD examines the health dangers lurking in the modern home and offers simple, straightforward solutions as to what you can do about them. This book will help you understand how you interact with your environment physically, chemically, energetically and electrically. He answers questions such as:  How can you uncover urgent and insidiou...

    10,59 €

  • 50 Holistic Treatments for Kids 5 and Under
    Pamela Middleton / Pamela Middleton MD
    Parents of young children are frequently faced with situations where their child is sick, but traditional medicine seems unable to help. Childhood maladies such as colic, earache, and sudden fevers can be hard on parents who just want their children to get better but have no idea how to help. Fortunately, a solution is at hand. In 50 Holistic Treatments for Kids 5 and Under, Dr...

    24,20 €

  • Color War
    Harvey Rachlin / Steven M. Rachlin / Steven MRachlin
    The compelling story of a Parsee Indian who fought the medical establishment over his Spectro-Chrome Therapy science. A must read for anyone interested in health or a natural cure for diseaseIn 1920 a Parsee Indian named Dinshah P. Ghadiali introduced to the world a new healing science that he spent decades meticulously researching. It was based on color therapy, and hundreds o...

    21,78 €

  • Aromaterapia
    Pierrick Le Louarn
    La aromaterapia ofrece otra manera de prevenir las enfermedades sacando partido de las diferentes esencias vegetales. Actualmente despierta un interés más que notable; sin embargo, no se trata de una disciplina nueva, ya que los egipcios extraían los aceites de ciertas plantas con finalidades curativas algunos siglos antes de nuestra era. Con la aromaterpia redescubrirá los sec...

    10,35 €

  • Las medicinas naturales de la abuela
    Diana Calcagno
    A lo largo de sus páginas podrá conocer las 55 plantas más eficaces y más fáciles de obtener: el ajo, la albahaca, la manzanilla, la zanahoria, la achicoria, la cebolla, el limón, la menta, la nuez, el tomillo, la valeriana, etc. También se presta especial atención a la miel y al resto de productos de la colmena: el polen, el propóleo, la jalea real, etc. Se describen y se dan ...

    23,66 €

  • Essential Oils Made Easy
    Beverly Zeimet
    A complete reference book on over 80 essential oils. Packed with over 250 ailments that show the essential oils to achieve the best results when blended to match the intention of what you are wanting to attain.  You will learn The Art of Smelling and The Art of Blending to receive the full benefits available with the use and application of essential oils for physical, mental, e...

    16,95 €

  • Facial Gua Sha
    Clive Witham
    Facial Gua sha is a simple and effective anti-aging beauty technique from the Far-East aimed at enhancing the look and feel of your face totally naturally. It involves light scraping techniques on your skin to help enhance and rejuvenate your face and help to combat and prevent wrinkles, eye bags, crow’s feet, facial lines and other signs of aging.Clive Witham, author of 'G...

    15,61 €

  • Marijuana Medicinale
    Aaron Hammond
    Un’introduzione comprensiva sulla marijuana medicinale, le sue applicazioni e i suoi benefici sulla salute Un numero crescente di pazienti sono ormai in cura con cannabis medicinale e la marijuana sta lentamente diventando un accettato medicinale erboristico nella cultura occidentale. Con il crescente aumento di coloro che la utilizzano sia per scopi medici che per scopi ricre...

    10,34 €

  • Agenda numerológica 2018
    Beatriz Briceño
    El objetivo de esta propuesta es incorporar en el mercado una herramienta fácil de usar, práctica y efectiva que apoye al lector en su organización y planificación anual personal, encontrando en sus páginas el significado de la energía disponible en cada mes del año y en cada día de la semana, lo cual le va a permitir fluir con una información que le podrá apoyar en su cotidian...

    17,63 €

  • 49 Headache and Migraine Juicing Solutions
    Joe Correa
    49 Headache and Migraine Juicing Solutions: Stop Migraines and Headaches in a Matter of Days without Pills or Medical TreatmentsBy Joe Correa CSN Headaches are a common problem people experience all the time during their life. Usually, they appear and disappear spontaneously not causing any serious problems or damage. In these cases, headaches are related to stress, problems wi...

    20,76 €

  • 91 Meal and Juice Recipes to Control Your Hunger after Having Quit Smoking
    Joe Correa
    91 Meal and Juice Recipes to Control Your Hunger after Having Quit Smoking: Smart and Filling Foods That Will Compliment a Healthy DietBy Joe Correa CSNAn important issue related to this problem is a myth we've often heard: ''If I quit smoking, I will probably start gaining weight! The problem is that all smokers are used to having something in their hands and mouth...

    20,51 €

  • 99 Headache and Migraine Juice and Meal Recipe Solutions
    Joe Correa
    99 Headache and Migraine Juice and Meal Recipe Solutions: Reduce Pain Fast and PermanentlyBy Joe Correa CSN I have learned that every individual has his or her own triggers that cause headaches. Some people have bad reactions to certain dairy products, eggs, meat, chocolate, etc., without them being aware that these foods can increase the amount of headaches they will have. How...

    20,45 €

  • 55 Juice Recipes to Control Your Eating After You Quit Smoking
    Joe Correa
    55 Juice Recipes to Control Your Eating After You Quit Smoking: Get through the Tough Times Using Natural SolutionsBy Joe Correa CSN It's no secret that smoking is one of the leading causes of death in the world. This habit has some devastating effects on the entire body, your immune system, respiratory tract, and even your cardiovascular system. Not to mention the effects ...

    20,73 €

  • The Vegan Cannabis Cookbook
    Aaron Hammond / Eva Hammond
    Prepare Delicious Marijuana-Infused Vegan Recipes And Edibles!Learn how to get the most out of cannabis in your kitchen with respect for life & other creatures. Do you love your taste buds as much as getting high and do you want to consume a healthy, plant-based diet? With cannabis cooking for vegans, you’ll get the absolute best of what you can find in greens; no animal produ...

    10,17 €

  • Clarity
    Christine Judd
    Whether you’re a yoga teacher, healer, massage therapist or other holistic therapist struggling to make a living doing what you love. This book is for you. A step by step guide of how to build a holistic business you love.  This book will teach you how to build a solid foundation for your business and how to market yourself without feeling like a car sales man. There’s no overn...

    11,12 €

  • The 7 Systems Plan
    Pat Luse
    What if you could lose weight, heal chronic illness, and reverse aging for good?Thanks to the 7 Systems Plan, you can!Most diets have one major flaw. They focus on restricting calories without addressing the cause of your weight and health problems: a malfunction in one or more of your body’s 7 Systems. These diets give disappointing results that are often short-lived, leaving ...

    20,43 €

  • The 7 Systems Plan
    Pat Luse
    What if you could lose weight, heal chronic illness, and reverse aging for good?Thanks to the 7 Systems Plan, you can!Most diets have one major flaw. They focus on restricting calories without addressing the cause of your weight and health problems: a malfunction in one or more of your body’s 7 Systems. These diets give disappointing results that are often short-lived, leaving ...

    14,39 €

  • Splashes of a Brush
    Laurie Konyalian
    Splashes of a brush is a collection of original poems and paintings, created to warm your heart and stir your soul.  Each poem, prayer and song is an invitation to meditate on Scripture and encounter Jesus Christ in a deeper way.Filled with colourful paintings, this unique devotional will draw your heart into focused conversation with and abandoned worship of the One who create...

    14,24 €

  • Decode Your Pain
    Dr. Kevin Gyurina
    Has pain taken over your life?Whether it’s new, chronic or recurring, physical, mental or emotional pain can stop you in your tracks. The good news is, there is a reason for your pain. Life is trying to tell you something. You just need to get the message.This ground-breaking book is for you if: No matter what you try, your pain always comes back You just can’t find any answers...

    14,94 €

  • The Tao of Chakras
    Daisy S. Zachariah MD
    Our broken system has led to unnecessary stress and suffering. Life is to be lived with joy and integrity! Each of the seven chakras expands on a different facet of living. Follow along with a stimulating perspective on healthy and mindful living. Through medical relevance and the use of neurobiology, you will understand how the body and mind work. With this newfound understand...

    20,85 €

  • El elixir masculino en la mujer nueva
    Marta Sarasuati
    Tú sabes que el Amor es más un aquí y ahora real, sin promesas ni expectativas, que un para siempre a ciegas.Es muy frecuente que si como mujer no encuentras a un hombre con el que compartir tu vida, te sientas perdida y vulnerable ante el sistema. Sin embargo, tú sabes el enorme potencial que albergas para salir adelante por ti misma, sin necesidad de hacer las cosas como se s...

    18,00 €